All Galaxies > Andromeda > Andromeda 51

60 minute ticks
Duration 3 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 649
Players 40 / 48
Open Spots 8 / 48 Join
Start Date Monday, November 1, 2021
3 years ago
End Date Sunday, November 28, 2021
3 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 329
Planet Count 1645

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay 1636034400
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #7694: Scriv dukey easyway mori [50,27] 11,186,566 334 3,133,613
2 #7692: Freedom [10,67] 9,015,268 204 1,799,418
3 #7695: Game on [56,66] 5,907,214 173 9,084,003
4 #7690: Issa movie [72,8] 4,569,137 203 1,758,351
5 #7691: Bar Code [33,50] 4,137,358 198 1,540,140
6 #7698: Got 94 Problems A Map Is 1 [34,69] 4,048,093 122 1,055,120
7 #7688: The Birds [71,47] 3,082,164 146 1,324,320
8 #7696: NIGHTMARE before Christmas [52,6] 2,098,371 106 9,117,805
9 #7697: Riding Solo [11,6] 760,327 53 552,940
10 #7693: Fam 93 [12,31] 629,180 54 489,240
11 #7699: Best of the Worst [71,26] 357,192 22 197,200
12 #7689: We Are Watching You [31,9] 141,079 22 200,280
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #7694: Scriv dukey easyway mori [50,27] 334 11,186,566 3,133,613
2 #7692: Freedom [10,67] 204 9,015,268 1,799,418
3 #7690: Issa movie [72,8] 203 4,569,137 1,758,351
4 #7691: Bar Code [33,50] 198 4,137,358 1,540,140
5 #7695: Game on [56,66] 173 5,907,214 9,084,003
6 #7688: The Birds [71,47] 146 3,082,164 1,324,320
7 #7698: Got 94 Problems A Map Is 1 [34,69] 122 4,048,093 1,055,120
8 #7696: NIGHTMARE before Christmas [52,6] 106 2,098,371 9,117,805
9 #7693: Fam 93 [12,31] 54 629,180 489,240
10 #7697: Riding Solo [11,6] 53 760,327 552,940
11 #7699: Best of the Worst [71,26] 22 357,192 197,200
12 #7689: We Are Watching You [31,9] 22 141,079 200,280
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #7696: NIGHTMARE before Christmas [52,6] 9,117,805 2,098,371 106
2 #7695: Game on [56,66] 9,084,003 5,907,214 173
3 #7694: Scriv dukey easyway mori [50,27] 3,133,613 11,186,566 334
4 #7692: Freedom [10,67] 1,799,418 9,015,268 204
5 #7690: Issa movie [72,8] 1,758,351 4,569,137 203
6 #7691: Bar Code [33,50] 1,540,140 4,137,358 198
7 #7688: The Birds [71,47] 1,324,320 3,082,164 146
8 #7698: Got 94 Problems A Map Is 1 [34,69] 1,055,120 4,048,093 122
9 #7697: Riding Solo [11,6] 552,940 760,327 53
10 #7693: Fam 93 [12,31] 489,240 629,180 54
11 #7689: We Are Watching You [31,9] 200,280 141,079 22
12 #7699: Best of the Worst [71,26] 197,200 357,192 22
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 ZooStation Animal House 2 7,547,846 81 710,738
2 Frontman Camaar 7,508,150 1 10,000
3 ScrapMap HurrDurr 3,245,850 49 434,360
4 Snakebite1 Venom Solo 2,649,519 60 526,840
5 Gideon Wardancers 2,447,949 36 327,400
6 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIll Camaar 2,128,841 52 268,900
7 Eagle Quantam 1,999,353 35 297,080
8 Ohllnam Gettingworse 1,937,157 205 1,409,443
9 Touch Camaar 1,713,206 42 354,846
10 Jumanji Jumanji 1,615,185 124 1,043,511
11 Thatguy Partaxian 1,544,489 71 8,202,317
12 Skeleton Revalons 1,458,675 121 1,071,880
13 Triangle Wardancers 1,153,454 72 618,840
14 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIII Partaxian 965,067 75 632,920
15 CrapMap Partaxian 802,243 73 620,760
16 Olympus Partaxian 724,144 52 542,940
17 Boogeyman Partaxian 657,349 47 8,594,885
18 Circle Partaxian 587,805 56 1,095,330
19 Hummingbird Partaxian 553,851 62 571,800
20 Zombie Camaar 550,032 9 81,800
21 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIIl Partaxian 544,734 51 468,720
22 Werewolf Dark Moon 527,784 29 257,960
23 Dune Partaxian 506,003 43 387,440
24 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIII Camaar 498,716 20 169,600
25 Abudami Krypto 433,093 37 341,520
26 Finkelstein Partaxian 363,206 21 183,160
27 Anon DSpecial 349,603 19 167,200
28 Hawk Wardancers 274,106 28 256,480
29 Sparrow Birbs 254,854 21 198,960
30 Takeda Revalons 126,962 17 154,560
31 Snailex Wardancers 125,919 16 137,720
32 Covid Partaxian 70,168 1 10,000
33 Special Reindeer Food 2 36,183 1 10,000
34 Anatidaephobia Quantam 11,613 3 25,720
35 AE86 Camaar 8,747 2 16,800
36 Skelter Camaar 3,688 1 10,000
37 Gnugflug Wardancers 2,651 1 10,000
38 Aeon Quantam 1,254 1 10,000
39 TBO Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
40 DOOMSVILLE Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Ohllnam Gettingworse 205 1,937,157 1,409,443
2 Jumanji Jumanji 124 1,615,185 1,043,511
3 Skeleton Revalons 121 1,458,675 1,071,880
4 ZooStation Animal House 2 81 7,547,846 710,738
5 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIII Partaxian 75 965,067 632,920
6 CrapMap Partaxian 73 802,243 620,760
7 Triangle Wardancers 72 1,153,454 618,840
8 Thatguy Partaxian 71 1,544,489 8,202,317
9 Hummingbird Partaxian 62 553,851 571,800
10 Snakebite1 Venom Solo 60 2,649,519 526,840
11 Circle Partaxian 56 587,805 1,095,330
12 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIll Camaar 52 2,128,841 268,900
13 Olympus Partaxian 52 724,144 542,940
14 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIIl Partaxian 51 544,734 468,720
15 ScrapMap HurrDurr 49 3,245,850 434,360
16 Boogeyman Partaxian 47 657,349 8,594,885
17 Dune Partaxian 43 506,003 387,440
18 Touch Camaar 42 1,713,206 354,846
19 Abudami Krypto 37 433,093 341,520
20 Gideon Wardancers 36 2,447,949 327,400
21 Eagle Quantam 35 1,999,353 297,080
22 Werewolf Dark Moon 29 527,784 257,960
23 Hawk Wardancers 28 274,106 256,480
24 Finkelstein Partaxian 21 363,206 183,160
25 Sparrow Birbs 21 254,854 198,960
26 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIII Camaar 20 498,716 169,600
27 Anon DSpecial 19 349,603 167,200
28 Takeda Revalons 17 126,962 154,560
29 Snailex Wardancers 16 125,919 137,720
30 Zombie Camaar 9 550,032 81,800
31 Anatidaephobia Quantam 3 11,613 25,720
32 AE86 Camaar 2 8,747 16,800
33 Frontman Camaar 1 7,508,150 10,000
34 Covid Partaxian 1 70,168 10,000
35 Special Reindeer Food 2 1 36,183 10,000
36 Skelter Camaar 1 3,688 10,000
37 Gnugflug Wardancers 1 2,651 10,000
38 Aeon Quantam 1 1,254 10,000
39 TBO Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
40 DOOMSVILLE Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Boogeyman Partaxian 8,594,885 657,349 47
2 Thatguy Partaxian 8,202,317 1,544,489 71
3 Ohllnam Gettingworse 1,409,443 1,937,157 205
4 Circle Partaxian 1,095,330 587,805 56
5 Skeleton Revalons 1,071,880 1,458,675 121
6 Jumanji Jumanji 1,043,511 1,615,185 124
7 ZooStation Animal House 2 710,738 7,547,846 81
8 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIII Partaxian 632,920 965,067 75
9 CrapMap Partaxian 620,760 802,243 73
10 Triangle Wardancers 618,840 1,153,454 72
11 Hummingbird Partaxian 571,800 553,851 62
12 Olympus Partaxian 542,940 724,144 52
13 Snakebite1 Venom Solo 526,840 2,649,519 60
14 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIIl Partaxian 468,720 544,734 51
15 ScrapMap HurrDurr 434,360 3,245,850 49
16 Dune Partaxian 387,440 506,003 43
17 Touch Camaar 354,846 1,713,206 42
18 Abudami Krypto 341,520 433,093 37
19 Gideon Wardancers 327,400 2,447,949 36
20 Eagle Quantam 297,080 1,999,353 35
21 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIll Camaar 268,900 2,128,841 52
22 Werewolf Dark Moon 257,960 527,784 29
23 Hawk Wardancers 256,480 274,106 28
24 Sparrow Birbs 198,960 254,854 21
25 Finkelstein Partaxian 183,160 363,206 21
26 llIllIIIlllIIllIlIII Camaar 169,600 498,716 20
27 Anon DSpecial 167,200 349,603 19
28 Takeda Revalons 154,560 126,962 17
29 Snailex Wardancers 137,720 125,919 16
30 Zombie Camaar 81,800 550,032 9
31 Anatidaephobia Quantam 25,720 11,613 3
32 AE86 Camaar 16,800 8,747 2
33 Frontman Camaar 10,000 7,508,150 1
34 Covid Partaxian 10,000 70,168 1
35 Special Reindeer Food 2 10,000 36,183 1
36 Skelter Camaar 10,000 3,688 1
37 Gnugflug Wardancers 10,000 2,651 1
38 Aeon Quantam 10,000 1,254 1
39 TBO Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
40 DOOMSVILLE Quantam 10,000 1,250 1