All Galaxies > Triangulum > Triangulum 47

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 674
Players 26 / 30
Open Spots 4 / 30 Join
Start Date Friday, December 1, 2023
1 year ago
End Date Friday, December 29, 2023
1 year ago
Size 80x80
System Count 321
Planet Count 1611

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 6x4
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 1
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 0
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 0
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 0
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #12431: TD Hoffy Drummer Ret Oghren [40,50] 21,898,681 477 99,294,143
2 #12433: NameyNames [58,68] 19,334,385 346 3,282,110
3 #12432: Bringers of the Keg [77,9] 16,715,784 185 68,829,367
4 #12434: Itchy Pickle WFD Soul [63,35] 10,680,572 302 45,086,926
5 #12430: Servants Of The Most high [36,12] 3,547,078 239 2,143,790
6 #12429: [1,53] 370,506 58 579,690
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #12431: TD Hoffy Drummer Ret Oghren [40,50] 477 21,898,681 99,294,143
2 #12433: NameyNames [58,68] 346 19,334,385 3,282,110
3 #12434: Itchy Pickle WFD Soul [63,35] 302 10,680,572 45,086,926
4 #12430: Servants Of The Most high [36,12] 239 3,547,078 2,143,790
5 #12432: Bringers of the Keg [77,9] 185 16,715,784 68,829,367
6 #12429: [1,53] 58 370,506 579,690
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #12431: TD Hoffy Drummer Ret Oghren [40,50] 99,294,143 21,898,681 477
2 #12432: Bringers of the Keg [77,9] 68,829,367 16,715,784 185
3 #12434: Itchy Pickle WFD Soul [63,35] 45,086,926 10,680,572 302
4 #12433: NameyNames [58,68] 3,282,110 19,334,385 346
5 #12430: Servants Of The Most high [36,12] 2,143,790 3,547,078 239
6 #12429: [1,53] 579,690 370,506 58
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 BillyBill Camaar 15,656,262 34 297,480
2 pewpew Zoldyck 13,886,238 252 2,784,891
3 D3MON Camaar 12,906,246 29 262,880
4 Bones Revalons 6,297,045 144 1,282,720
5 piuwpiuw Partaxian 5,281,492 110 95,475,412
6 ShaneMcgowan Partaxian 2,982,517 89 67,967,327
7 pywpyw Camaar 1,781,225 32 295,480
8 CaptainFlint Partaxian 1,605,095 87 43,164,646
9 Poopdeck Quantam 1,533,492 56 498,120
10 Elfdom Revalons 1,370,017 79 719,960
11 JohnnyJohn Viper MKII 1,255,283 101 926,360
12 PICKLEARMY Camaar 1,244,940 15 141,440
13 SammySam Deadgame110 1,167,574 96 874,600
14 LemmyLem Revalons 1,151,489 93 1,000,750
15 Aldon Partaxian 1,038,178 99 868,120
16 piewpiew Revalons 871,033 82 728,360
17 Crow Rheinmetall 820,862 66 585,160
18 Fearless_D Partaxian 688,413 47 413,250
19 SOTMH Camaar 450,470 14 142,460
20 RoyalVictorin RBH 346,692 55 467,440
21 JetsicaRabbit Camaar 103,777 22 182,920
22 Pjeewpjeew Camaar 78,693 1 10,000
23 poo Quantam 18,017 1 92,250
24 ORDOSTHECARRY Partaxian 6,159 1 14,000
25 Revenant The Reaper™ 3,547 1 10,000
26 Protoss [>"]>Pw9 2,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 pewpew Zoldyck 252 13,886,238 2,784,891
2 Bones Revalons 144 6,297,045 1,282,720
3 piuwpiuw Partaxian 110 5,281,492 95,475,412
4 JohnnyJohn Viper MKII 101 1,255,283 926,360
5 Aldon Partaxian 99 1,038,178 868,120
6 SammySam Deadgame110 96 1,167,574 874,600
7 LemmyLem Revalons 93 1,151,489 1,000,750
8 ShaneMcgowan Partaxian 89 2,982,517 67,967,327
9 CaptainFlint Partaxian 87 1,605,095 43,164,646
10 piewpiew Revalons 82 871,033 728,360
11 Elfdom Revalons 79 1,370,017 719,960
12 Crow Rheinmetall 66 820,862 585,160
13 Poopdeck Quantam 56 1,533,492 498,120
14 RoyalVictorin RBH 55 346,692 467,440
15 Fearless_D Partaxian 47 688,413 413,250
16 BillyBill Camaar 34 15,656,262 297,480
17 pywpyw Camaar 32 1,781,225 295,480
18 D3MON Camaar 29 12,906,246 262,880
19 JetsicaRabbit Camaar 22 103,777 182,920
20 PICKLEARMY Camaar 15 1,244,940 141,440
21 SOTMH Camaar 14 450,470 142,460
22 Pjeewpjeew Camaar 1 78,693 10,000
23 poo Quantam 1 18,017 92,250
24 ORDOSTHECARRY Partaxian 1 6,159 14,000
25 Revenant The Reaper™ 1 3,547 10,000
26 Protoss [>"]>Pw9 1 2,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 piuwpiuw Partaxian 95,475,412 5,281,492 110
2 ShaneMcgowan Partaxian 67,967,327 2,982,517 89
3 CaptainFlint Partaxian 43,164,646 1,605,095 87
4 pewpew Zoldyck 2,784,891 13,886,238 252
5 Bones Revalons 1,282,720 6,297,045 144
6 LemmyLem Revalons 1,000,750 1,151,489 93
7 JohnnyJohn Viper MKII 926,360 1,255,283 101
8 SammySam Deadgame110 874,600 1,167,574 96
9 Aldon Partaxian 868,120 1,038,178 99
10 piewpiew Revalons 728,360 871,033 82
11 Elfdom Revalons 719,960 1,370,017 79
12 Crow Rheinmetall 585,160 820,862 66
13 Poopdeck Quantam 498,120 1,533,492 56
14 RoyalVictorin RBH 467,440 346,692 55
15 Fearless_D Partaxian 413,250 688,413 47
16 BillyBill Camaar 297,480 15,656,262 34
17 pywpyw Camaar 295,480 1,781,225 32
18 D3MON Camaar 262,880 12,906,246 29
19 JetsicaRabbit Camaar 182,920 103,777 22
20 SOTMH Camaar 142,460 450,470 14
21 PICKLEARMY Camaar 141,440 1,244,940 15
22 poo Quantam 92,250 18,017 1
23 ORDOSTHECARRY Partaxian 14,000 6,159 1
24 Pjeewpjeew Camaar 10,000 78,693 1
25 Revenant The Reaper™ 10,000 3,547 1
26 Protoss [>"]>Pw9 10,000 2,250 1