All Galaxies > Triangulum > Triangulum 39

60 minute ticks
Duration 3 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 649
Players 23 / 30
Open Spots 7 / 30 Join
Start Date Saturday, April 1, 2023
1 year ago
End Date Friday, April 28, 2023
1 year ago
Size 80x80
System Count 319
Planet Count 1601

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 6x4
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 1
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 0
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 0
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #11481: Scorp,Cells,Jets,Retorica,Wfd [77,14] 13,340,932 838 31,308,424
2 #11482: TBO ALEX DL SOUL KIZS [31,44] 11,877,762 253 2,218,920
3 #11484: [21,67] 7,885,354 208 1,858,640
4 #11480: MK&Crow overtakin wrecked fams [76,55] 2,027,017 194 1,436,364
5 #11479: Delusions of grandeur [36,8] 1,564,477 73 872,567
6 #11483: Lalalalalala [57,34] 371,135 26 239,680
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #11481: Scorp,Cells,Jets,Retorica,Wfd [77,14] 838 13,340,932 31,308,424
2 #11482: TBO ALEX DL SOUL KIZS [31,44] 253 11,877,762 2,218,920
3 #11484: [21,67] 208 7,885,354 1,858,640
4 #11480: MK&Crow overtakin wrecked fams [76,55] 194 2,027,017 1,436,364
5 #11479: Delusions of grandeur [36,8] 73 1,564,477 872,567
6 #11483: Lalalalalala [57,34] 26 371,135 239,680
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #11481: Scorp,Cells,Jets,Retorica,Wfd [77,14] 31,308,424 13,340,932 838
2 #11482: TBO ALEX DL SOUL KIZS [31,44] 2,218,920 11,877,762 253
3 #11484: [21,67] 1,858,640 7,885,354 208
4 #11480: MK&Crow overtakin wrecked fams [76,55] 1,436,364 2,027,017 194
5 #11479: Delusions of grandeur [36,8] 872,567 1,564,477 73
6 #11483: Lalalalalala [57,34] 239,680 371,135 26
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Orbit Partaxian 8,264,256 195 1,545,573
2 Goodbye Tridos 7,437,254 25 224,960
3 TillerMaN Partaxian 7,082,056 138 1,215,560
4 Soul Partaxian 1,657,686 52 447,120
5 Magic Revalons 1,445,264 83 734,640
6 Jets Partaxian 1,440,960 112 25,596,001
7 DoC Revalons 1,384,348 317 2,657,229
8 WFD Camaar 1,341,597 174 1,217,187
9 TURBO KNOCKOUT 1,042,655 156 1,201,309
10 Yo Camaar 976,396 37 224,855
11 HappyDad Camaar 909,771 40 292,434
12 empire651651 ||||||||||||||||||| 807,521 56 488,920
13 Yellowstone Revalons 803,298 70 643,080
14 Retake Partaxian 530,037 37 323,280
15 Boomhauer IllTellYaWatMan 430,724 11 99,040
16 Ssam Camaar 363,742 24 219,680
17 Peggy_Hill Partaxian 318,571 19 164,800
18 Hank_Hill Propane parts 303,574 5 286,665
19 Cottonhill Revalons 260,301 20 182,040
20 Bobby_Hill Camaar 251,307 18 140,022
21 fluffiebunnies Wardancers 7,966 1 10,200
22 Demissing Passion 6,143 1 10,000
23 goemb Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 DoC Revalons 317 1,384,348 2,657,229
2 Orbit Partaxian 195 8,264,256 1,545,573
3 WFD Camaar 174 1,341,597 1,217,187
4 TURBO KNOCKOUT 156 1,042,655 1,201,309
5 TillerMaN Partaxian 138 7,082,056 1,215,560
6 Jets Partaxian 112 1,440,960 25,596,001
7 Magic Revalons 83 1,445,264 734,640
8 Yellowstone Revalons 70 803,298 643,080
9 empire651651 ||||||||||||||||||| 56 807,521 488,920
10 Soul Partaxian 52 1,657,686 447,120
11 HappyDad Camaar 40 909,771 292,434
12 Yo Camaar 37 976,396 224,855
13 Retake Partaxian 37 530,037 323,280
14 Goodbye Tridos 25 7,437,254 224,960
15 Ssam Camaar 24 363,742 219,680
16 Cottonhill Revalons 20 260,301 182,040
17 Peggy_Hill Partaxian 19 318,571 164,800
18 Bobby_Hill Camaar 18 251,307 140,022
19 Boomhauer IllTellYaWatMan 11 430,724 99,040
20 Hank_Hill Propane parts 5 303,574 286,665
21 fluffiebunnies Wardancers 1 7,966 10,200
22 Demissing Passion 1 6,143 10,000
23 goemb Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Jets Partaxian 25,596,001 1,440,960 112
2 DoC Revalons 2,657,229 1,384,348 317
3 Orbit Partaxian 1,545,573 8,264,256 195
4 WFD Camaar 1,217,187 1,341,597 174
5 TillerMaN Partaxian 1,215,560 7,082,056 138
6 TURBO KNOCKOUT 1,201,309 1,042,655 156
7 Magic Revalons 734,640 1,445,264 83
8 Yellowstone Revalons 643,080 803,298 70
9 empire651651 ||||||||||||||||||| 488,920 807,521 56
10 Soul Partaxian 447,120 1,657,686 52
11 Retake Partaxian 323,280 530,037 37
12 HappyDad Camaar 292,434 909,771 40
13 Hank_Hill Propane parts 286,665 303,574 5
14 Goodbye Tridos 224,960 7,437,254 25
15 Yo Camaar 224,855 976,396 37
16 Ssam Camaar 219,680 363,742 24
17 Cottonhill Revalons 182,040 260,301 20
18 Peggy_Hill Partaxian 164,800 318,571 19
19 Bobby_Hill Camaar 140,022 251,307 18
20 Boomhauer IllTellYaWatMan 99,040 430,724 11
21 fluffiebunnies Wardancers 10,200 7,966 1
22 Demissing Passion 10,000 6,143 1
23 goemb Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1