Duration | 3 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 649 |
Players | 23 / 30 |
Open Spots | 7 / 30 Join |
Start Date | Saturday, April 1, 2023 |
1 year ago | |
End Date | Friday, April 28, 2023 |
1 year ago | |
Size | 80x80 |
System Count | 319 |
Planet Count | 1601 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | 80 |
Starting Family Distribution | 6x4 |
Max Defense Stations | 3 |
Market | 1 |
Family Aid | 1 |
Anonymous Play | 1 |
Unofficial Alliances | 0 |
Offensive Actions Delay | 0 |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | 0 |
Science Funding Delay | 0 |
Starting Resources Multiplier | 100 |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #11481: Scorp,Cells,Jets,Retorica,Wfd [77,14] | 13,340,932 | 838 | 31,308,424 |
2 | #11482: TBO ALEX DL SOUL KIZS [31,44] | 11,877,762 | 253 | 2,218,920 |
3 | #11484: [21,67] | 7,885,354 | 208 | 1,858,640 |
4 | #11480: MK&Crow overtakin wrecked fams [76,55] | 2,027,017 | 194 | 1,436,364 |
5 | #11479: Delusions of grandeur [36,8] | 1,564,477 | 73 | 872,567 |
6 | #11483: Lalalalalala [57,34] | 371,135 | 26 | 239,680 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #11481: Scorp,Cells,Jets,Retorica,Wfd [77,14] | 838 | 13,340,932 | 31,308,424 |
2 | #11482: TBO ALEX DL SOUL KIZS [31,44] | 253 | 11,877,762 | 2,218,920 |
3 | #11484: [21,67] | 208 | 7,885,354 | 1,858,640 |
4 | #11480: MK&Crow overtakin wrecked fams [76,55] | 194 | 2,027,017 | 1,436,364 |
5 | #11479: Delusions of grandeur [36,8] | 73 | 1,564,477 | 872,567 |
6 | #11483: Lalalalalala [57,34] | 26 | 371,135 | 239,680 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #11481: Scorp,Cells,Jets,Retorica,Wfd [77,14] | 31,308,424 | 13,340,932 | 838 |
2 | #11482: TBO ALEX DL SOUL KIZS [31,44] | 2,218,920 | 11,877,762 | 253 |
3 | #11484: [21,67] | 1,858,640 | 7,885,354 | 208 |
4 | #11480: MK&Crow overtakin wrecked fams [76,55] | 1,436,364 | 2,027,017 | 194 |
5 | #11479: Delusions of grandeur [36,8] | 872,567 | 1,564,477 | 73 |
6 | #11483: Lalalalalala [57,34] | 239,680 | 371,135 | 26 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Orbit | Partaxian | 8,264,256 | 195 | 1,545,573 |
2 | Goodbye | Tridos | 7,437,254 | 25 | 224,960 |
3 | TillerMaN | Partaxian | 7,082,056 | 138 | 1,215,560 |
4 | Soul | Partaxian | 1,657,686 | 52 | 447,120 |
5 | Magic | Revalons | 1,445,264 | 83 | 734,640 |
6 | Jets | Partaxian | 1,440,960 | 112 | 25,596,001 |
7 | DoC | Revalons | 1,384,348 | 317 | 2,657,229 |
8 | WFD | Camaar | 1,341,597 | 174 | 1,217,187 |
9 | TURBO | KNOCKOUT | 1,042,655 | 156 | 1,201,309 |
10 | Yo | Camaar | 976,396 | 37 | 224,855 |
11 | HappyDad | Camaar | 909,771 | 40 | 292,434 |
12 | empire651651 | ||||||||||||||||||| | 807,521 | 56 | 488,920 |
13 | Yellowstone | Revalons | 803,298 | 70 | 643,080 |
14 | Retake | Partaxian | 530,037 | 37 | 323,280 |
15 | Boomhauer | IllTellYaWatMan | 430,724 | 11 | 99,040 |
16 | Ssam | Camaar | 363,742 | 24 | 219,680 |
17 | Peggy_Hill | Partaxian | 318,571 | 19 | 164,800 |
18 | Hank_Hill | Propane parts | 303,574 | 5 | 286,665 |
19 | Cottonhill | Revalons | 260,301 | 20 | 182,040 |
20 | Bobby_Hill | Camaar | 251,307 | 18 | 140,022 |
21 | fluffiebunnies | Wardancers | 7,966 | 1 | 10,200 |
22 | Demissing | Passion | 6,143 | 1 | 10,000 |
23 | goemb | Partaxian | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | DoC | Revalons | 317 | 1,384,348 | 2,657,229 |
2 | Orbit | Partaxian | 195 | 8,264,256 | 1,545,573 |
3 | WFD | Camaar | 174 | 1,341,597 | 1,217,187 |
4 | TURBO | KNOCKOUT | 156 | 1,042,655 | 1,201,309 |
5 | TillerMaN | Partaxian | 138 | 7,082,056 | 1,215,560 |
6 | Jets | Partaxian | 112 | 1,440,960 | 25,596,001 |
7 | Magic | Revalons | 83 | 1,445,264 | 734,640 |
8 | Yellowstone | Revalons | 70 | 803,298 | 643,080 |
9 | empire651651 | ||||||||||||||||||| | 56 | 807,521 | 488,920 |
10 | Soul | Partaxian | 52 | 1,657,686 | 447,120 |
11 | HappyDad | Camaar | 40 | 909,771 | 292,434 |
12 | Yo | Camaar | 37 | 976,396 | 224,855 |
13 | Retake | Partaxian | 37 | 530,037 | 323,280 |
14 | Goodbye | Tridos | 25 | 7,437,254 | 224,960 |
15 | Ssam | Camaar | 24 | 363,742 | 219,680 |
16 | Cottonhill | Revalons | 20 | 260,301 | 182,040 |
17 | Peggy_Hill | Partaxian | 19 | 318,571 | 164,800 |
18 | Bobby_Hill | Camaar | 18 | 251,307 | 140,022 |
19 | Boomhauer | IllTellYaWatMan | 11 | 430,724 | 99,040 |
20 | Hank_Hill | Propane parts | 5 | 303,574 | 286,665 |
21 | fluffiebunnies | Wardancers | 1 | 7,966 | 10,200 |
22 | Demissing | Passion | 1 | 6,143 | 10,000 |
23 | goemb | Partaxian | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Jets | Partaxian | 25,596,001 | 1,440,960 | 112 |
2 | DoC | Revalons | 2,657,229 | 1,384,348 | 317 |
3 | Orbit | Partaxian | 1,545,573 | 8,264,256 | 195 |
4 | WFD | Camaar | 1,217,187 | 1,341,597 | 174 |
5 | TillerMaN | Partaxian | 1,215,560 | 7,082,056 | 138 |
6 | TURBO | KNOCKOUT | 1,201,309 | 1,042,655 | 156 |
7 | Magic | Revalons | 734,640 | 1,445,264 | 83 |
8 | Yellowstone | Revalons | 643,080 | 803,298 | 70 |
9 | empire651651 | ||||||||||||||||||| | 488,920 | 807,521 | 56 |
10 | Soul | Partaxian | 447,120 | 1,657,686 | 52 |
11 | Retake | Partaxian | 323,280 | 530,037 | 37 |
12 | HappyDad | Camaar | 292,434 | 909,771 | 40 |
13 | Hank_Hill | Propane parts | 286,665 | 303,574 | 5 |
14 | Goodbye | Tridos | 224,960 | 7,437,254 | 25 |
15 | Yo | Camaar | 224,855 | 976,396 | 37 |
16 | Ssam | Camaar | 219,680 | 363,742 | 24 |
17 | Cottonhill | Revalons | 182,040 | 260,301 | 20 |
18 | Peggy_Hill | Partaxian | 164,800 | 318,571 | 19 |
19 | Bobby_Hill | Camaar | 140,022 | 251,307 | 18 |
20 | Boomhauer | IllTellYaWatMan | 99,040 | 430,724 | 11 |
21 | fluffiebunnies | Wardancers | 10,200 | 7,966 | 1 |
22 | Demissing | Passion | 10,000 | 6,143 | 1 |
23 | goemb | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |