All Galaxies > Triangulum > Triangulum 38

60 minute ticks
Duration 8 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 1345
Players 24 / 24
Open Spots 0 / 24 Join
Start Date Wednesday, February 1, 2023
2 years ago
End Date Wednesday, March 29, 2023
1 year ago
Size 80x80
System Count 299
Planet Count 1495

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 6x4
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 1
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 0
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 0
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #11375: Scorp,TBO,Retorica,Ordos [12,76] 108,284,822 586 444,369,238
2 #11377: flip - Jets - Crow - Thruster [75,52] 71,468,670 278 240,353,649
3 #11374: Almost over YSMF [16,35] 65,432,922 388 164,353,459
4 #11373: don\'t feel like it [52,70] 18,421,705 214 1,764,907
5 #11378: Out from the Ashes [30,57] 441,555 23 214,920
6 #11376: Got 2 planets! [56,26] 311,614 6 1,800,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #11375: Scorp,TBO,Retorica,Ordos [12,76] 586 108,284,822 444,369,238
2 #11374: Almost over YSMF [16,35] 388 65,432,922 164,353,459
3 #11377: flip - Jets - Crow - Thruster [75,52] 278 71,468,670 240,353,649
4 #11373: don\'t feel like it [52,70] 214 18,421,705 1,764,907
5 #11378: Out from the Ashes [30,57] 23 441,555 214,920
6 #11376: Got 2 planets! [56,26] 6 311,614 1,800,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #11375: Scorp,TBO,Retorica,Ordos [12,76] 444,369,238 108,284,822 586
2 #11377: flip - Jets - Crow - Thruster [75,52] 240,353,649 71,468,670 278
3 #11374: Almost over YSMF [16,35] 164,353,459 65,432,922 388
4 #11376: Got 2 planets! [56,26] 1,800,000 311,614 6
5 #11373: don\'t feel like it [52,70] 1,764,907 18,421,705 214
6 #11378: Out from the Ashes [30,57] 214,920 441,555 23
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Doc Camaar 73,403,562 72 617,960
2 Server_error_417 Camaar 52,635,839 24 194,920
3 You Andromega 52,324,401 1 10,000
4 PWNzor BelgianKingdom 16,611,663 152 1,322,400
5 Paradox DR34DZ 15,996,192 38 327,560
6 empire_da303 Dssffedd 12,544,809 79 238,881,446
7 Flame Partaxian 10,219,240 238 255,027,990
8 MacKakke Rabbidz 8,050,357 124 187,400,888
9 Server_error_503 Alt + F4 6,431,105 143 145,001,737
10 Noobit Partaxian 3,690,244 120 773,723
11 Server_error_502 error_error 3,286,410 161 1,462,080
12 Server_error_409 Partaxian 3,079,568 60 17,694,722
13 Rumours Revalons 2,909,216 78 688,480
14 Maybe Nopee 1,397,229 119 926,747
15 Sneaky XYZ1 958,958 44 388,080
16 Fanstactic Passion 411,712 19 171,960
17 empire_376bf Revalons 307,864 3 1,770,000
18 Lee Camaar 69,326 13 122,520
19 DrogoN Quantam 26,343 2 22,960
20 Ocean Revalons 2,250 1 10,000
21 WestCoastEagles Camaar 1,250 1 10,000
22 summerarea Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
23 Alethkar Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
24 Cdhijiorec Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Flame Partaxian 238 10,219,240 255,027,990
2 Server_error_502 error_error 161 3,286,410 1,462,080
3 PWNzor BelgianKingdom 152 16,611,663 1,322,400
4 Server_error_503 Alt + F4 143 6,431,105 145,001,737
5 MacKakke Rabbidz 124 8,050,357 187,400,888
6 Noobit Partaxian 120 3,690,244 773,723
7 Maybe Nopee 119 1,397,229 926,747
8 empire_da303 Dssffedd 79 12,544,809 238,881,446
9 Rumours Revalons 78 2,909,216 688,480
10 Doc Camaar 72 73,403,562 617,960
11 Server_error_409 Partaxian 60 3,079,568 17,694,722
12 Sneaky XYZ1 44 958,958 388,080
13 Paradox DR34DZ 38 15,996,192 327,560
14 Server_error_417 Camaar 24 52,635,839 194,920
15 Fanstactic Passion 19 411,712 171,960
16 Lee Camaar 13 69,326 122,520
17 empire_376bf Revalons 3 307,864 1,770,000
18 DrogoN Quantam 2 26,343 22,960
19 You Andromega 1 52,324,401 10,000
20 Ocean Revalons 1 2,250 10,000
21 WestCoastEagles Camaar 1 1,250 10,000
22 summerarea Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
23 Alethkar Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
24 Cdhijiorec Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Flame Partaxian 255,027,990 10,219,240 238
2 empire_da303 Dssffedd 238,881,446 12,544,809 79
3 MacKakke Rabbidz 187,400,888 8,050,357 124
4 Server_error_503 Alt + F4 145,001,737 6,431,105 143
5 Server_error_409 Partaxian 17,694,722 3,079,568 60
6 empire_376bf Revalons 1,770,000 307,864 3
7 Server_error_502 error_error 1,462,080 3,286,410 161
8 PWNzor BelgianKingdom 1,322,400 16,611,663 152
9 Maybe Nopee 926,747 1,397,229 119
10 Noobit Partaxian 773,723 3,690,244 120
11 Rumours Revalons 688,480 2,909,216 78
12 Doc Camaar 617,960 73,403,562 72
13 Sneaky XYZ1 388,080 958,958 44
14 Paradox DR34DZ 327,560 15,996,192 38
15 Server_error_417 Camaar 194,920 52,635,839 24
16 Fanstactic Passion 171,960 411,712 19
17 Lee Camaar 122,520 69,326 13
18 DrogoN Quantam 22,960 26,343 2
19 You Andromega 10,000 52,324,401 1
20 Ocean Revalons 10,000 2,250 1
21 WestCoastEagles Camaar 10,000 1,250 1
22 summerarea Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
23 Alethkar Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
24 Cdhijiorec Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1