Duration | 4 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 673 |
Players | 18 / 18 |
Open Spots | 0 / 18 Join |
Start Date | Thursday, December 1, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
End Date | Thursday, December 29, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
Size | 80x80 |
System Count | 330 |
Planet Count | 1650 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | 80 |
Starting Family Distribution | 9x2 |
Max Defense Stations | 3 |
Market | 1 |
Family Aid | 1 |
Anonymous Play | 1 |
Unofficial Alliances | 0 |
Offensive Actions Delay | 0 |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | 0 |
Science Funding Delay | 0 |
Starting Resources Multiplier | 100 |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #11261: Europe\'s finest [2,12] | 8,025,058 | 320 | 2,796,112 |
2 | #11263: NeXXXt Generation [44,11] | 7,958,289 | 408 | 3,348,910 |
3 | #11264: Beavis And Butthead Do IC [49,54] | 7,905,580 | 220 | 8,246,860 |
4 | #11258: Virtual reality [63,33] | 6,316,203 | 226 | 64,328,976 |
5 | #11265: x@xSkulls & Bonesx@x [23,9] | 4,001,758 | 185 | 1,648,680 |
6 | #11260: Next Generation [65,72] | 1,980,916 | 161 | 1,092,559 |
7 | #11262: Darn and Dusted [3,52] | 867,153 | 87 | 635,380 |
8 | #11257: 2 Peas 2 Pods [27,69] | 232,736 | 37 | 325,160 |
9 | #11259: Ying & Yang [24,29] | 24,504 | 5 | 45,960 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #11263: NeXXXt Generation [44,11] | 408 | 7,958,289 | 3,348,910 |
2 | #11261: Europe\'s finest [2,12] | 320 | 8,025,058 | 2,796,112 |
3 | #11258: Virtual reality [63,33] | 226 | 6,316,203 | 64,328,976 |
4 | #11264: Beavis And Butthead Do IC [49,54] | 220 | 7,905,580 | 8,246,860 |
5 | #11265: x@xSkulls & Bonesx@x [23,9] | 185 | 4,001,758 | 1,648,680 |
6 | #11260: Next Generation [65,72] | 161 | 1,980,916 | 1,092,559 |
7 | #11262: Darn and Dusted [3,52] | 87 | 867,153 | 635,380 |
8 | #11257: 2 Peas 2 Pods [27,69] | 37 | 232,736 | 325,160 |
9 | #11259: Ying & Yang [24,29] | 5 | 24,504 | 45,960 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #11258: Virtual reality [63,33] | 64,328,976 | 6,316,203 | 226 |
2 | #11264: Beavis And Butthead Do IC [49,54] | 8,246,860 | 7,905,580 | 220 |
3 | #11263: NeXXXt Generation [44,11] | 3,348,910 | 7,958,289 | 408 |
4 | #11261: Europe\'s finest [2,12] | 2,796,112 | 8,025,058 | 320 |
5 | #11265: x@xSkulls & Bonesx@x [23,9] | 1,648,680 | 4,001,758 | 185 |
6 | #11260: Next Generation [65,72] | 1,092,559 | 1,980,916 | 161 |
7 | #11262: Darn and Dusted [3,52] | 635,380 | 867,153 | 87 |
8 | #11257: 2 Peas 2 Pods [27,69] | 325,160 | 232,736 | 37 |
9 | #11259: Ying & Yang [24,29] | 45,960 | 24,504 | 5 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Butthead | Tpformybunghole | 6,365,557 | 69 | 603,400 |
2 | Germany | Reinheitsgebot | 4,718,617 | 144 | 1,239,317 |
3 | GxReincarnated | GxPlus | 4,376,541 | 181 | 1,395,116 |
4 | GxBot | Partaxian | 3,581,748 | 227 | 1,953,794 |
5 | Reality | Partaxian | 3,535,393 | 145 | 63,638,421 |
6 | Belgium | Partaxian | 3,306,441 | 176 | 1,556,795 |
7 | Playboy | D3MONx@x | 2,949,080 | 74 | 663,600 |
8 | Virtual | Virtual | 2,780,810 | 81 | 690,555 |
9 | Beavis | Bungholio | 1,540,023 | 151 | 7,643,460 |
10 | GxUnborn | Camaar | 1,063,217 | 98 | 515,459 |
11 | empire_772e5 | Huckleberry | 1,052,678 | 111 | 985,080 |
12 | GxReborn | GxTriBanker | 917,699 | 63 | 577,100 |
13 | Diddily | Passion | 728,405 | 53 | 335,500 |
14 | Pod1 | Quantam | 231,126 | 36 | 315,160 |
15 | DOO | BankTarget | 138,748 | 34 | 299,880 |
16 | one | Partaxian | 16,620 | 4 | 35,960 |
17 | Redeemer | Partaxian | 7,884 | 1 | 10,000 |
18 | Kingland | Revalons | 1,610 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | GxBot | Partaxian | 227 | 3,581,748 | 1,953,794 |
2 | GxReincarnated | GxPlus | 181 | 4,376,541 | 1,395,116 |
3 | Belgium | Partaxian | 176 | 3,306,441 | 1,556,795 |
4 | Beavis | Bungholio | 151 | 1,540,023 | 7,643,460 |
5 | Reality | Partaxian | 145 | 3,535,393 | 63,638,421 |
6 | Germany | Reinheitsgebot | 144 | 4,718,617 | 1,239,317 |
7 | empire_772e5 | Huckleberry | 111 | 1,052,678 | 985,080 |
8 | GxUnborn | Camaar | 98 | 1,063,217 | 515,459 |
9 | Virtual | Virtual | 81 | 2,780,810 | 690,555 |
10 | Playboy | D3MONx@x | 74 | 2,949,080 | 663,600 |
11 | Butthead | Tpformybunghole | 69 | 6,365,557 | 603,400 |
12 | GxReborn | GxTriBanker | 63 | 917,699 | 577,100 |
13 | Diddily | Passion | 53 | 728,405 | 335,500 |
14 | Pod1 | Quantam | 36 | 231,126 | 315,160 |
15 | DOO | BankTarget | 34 | 138,748 | 299,880 |
16 | one | Partaxian | 4 | 16,620 | 35,960 |
17 | Redeemer | Partaxian | 1 | 7,884 | 10,000 |
18 | Kingland | Revalons | 1 | 1,610 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Reality | Partaxian | 63,638,421 | 3,535,393 | 145 |
2 | Beavis | Bungholio | 7,643,460 | 1,540,023 | 151 |
3 | GxBot | Partaxian | 1,953,794 | 3,581,748 | 227 |
4 | Belgium | Partaxian | 1,556,795 | 3,306,441 | 176 |
5 | GxReincarnated | GxPlus | 1,395,116 | 4,376,541 | 181 |
6 | Germany | Reinheitsgebot | 1,239,317 | 4,718,617 | 144 |
7 | empire_772e5 | Huckleberry | 985,080 | 1,052,678 | 111 |
8 | Virtual | Virtual | 690,555 | 2,780,810 | 81 |
9 | Playboy | D3MONx@x | 663,600 | 2,949,080 | 74 |
10 | Butthead | Tpformybunghole | 603,400 | 6,365,557 | 69 |
11 | GxReborn | GxTriBanker | 577,100 | 917,699 | 63 |
12 | GxUnborn | Camaar | 515,459 | 1,063,217 | 98 |
13 | Diddily | Passion | 335,500 | 728,405 | 53 |
14 | Pod1 | Quantam | 315,160 | 231,126 | 36 |
15 | DOO | BankTarget | 299,880 | 138,748 | 34 |
16 | one | Partaxian | 35,960 | 16,620 | 4 |
17 | Redeemer | Partaxian | 10,000 | 7,884 | 1 |
18 | Kingland | Revalons | 10,000 | 1,610 | 1 |