All Galaxies > Triangulum > Triangulum 36

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 673
Players 18 / 18
Open Spots 0 / 18 Join
Start Date Thursday, December 1, 2022
2 years ago
End Date Thursday, December 29, 2022
2 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 330
Planet Count 1650

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 9x2
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 1
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 0
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 0
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #11261: Europe\'s finest [2,12] 8,025,058 320 2,796,112
2 #11263: NeXXXt Generation [44,11] 7,958,289 408 3,348,910
3 #11264: Beavis And Butthead Do IC [49,54] 7,905,580 220 8,246,860
4 #11258: Virtual reality [63,33] 6,316,203 226 64,328,976
5 #11265: x@xSkulls & Bonesx@x [23,9] 4,001,758 185 1,648,680
6 #11260: Next Generation [65,72] 1,980,916 161 1,092,559
7 #11262: Darn and Dusted [3,52] 867,153 87 635,380
8 #11257: 2 Peas 2 Pods [27,69] 232,736 37 325,160
9 #11259: Ying & Yang [24,29] 24,504 5 45,960
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #11263: NeXXXt Generation [44,11] 408 7,958,289 3,348,910
2 #11261: Europe\'s finest [2,12] 320 8,025,058 2,796,112
3 #11258: Virtual reality [63,33] 226 6,316,203 64,328,976
4 #11264: Beavis And Butthead Do IC [49,54] 220 7,905,580 8,246,860
5 #11265: x@xSkulls & Bonesx@x [23,9] 185 4,001,758 1,648,680
6 #11260: Next Generation [65,72] 161 1,980,916 1,092,559
7 #11262: Darn and Dusted [3,52] 87 867,153 635,380
8 #11257: 2 Peas 2 Pods [27,69] 37 232,736 325,160
9 #11259: Ying & Yang [24,29] 5 24,504 45,960
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #11258: Virtual reality [63,33] 64,328,976 6,316,203 226
2 #11264: Beavis And Butthead Do IC [49,54] 8,246,860 7,905,580 220
3 #11263: NeXXXt Generation [44,11] 3,348,910 7,958,289 408
4 #11261: Europe\'s finest [2,12] 2,796,112 8,025,058 320
5 #11265: x@xSkulls & Bonesx@x [23,9] 1,648,680 4,001,758 185
6 #11260: Next Generation [65,72] 1,092,559 1,980,916 161
7 #11262: Darn and Dusted [3,52] 635,380 867,153 87
8 #11257: 2 Peas 2 Pods [27,69] 325,160 232,736 37
9 #11259: Ying & Yang [24,29] 45,960 24,504 5
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Butthead Tpformybunghole 6,365,557 69 603,400
2 Germany Reinheitsgebot 4,718,617 144 1,239,317
3 GxReincarnated GxPlus 4,376,541 181 1,395,116
4 GxBot Partaxian 3,581,748 227 1,953,794
5 Reality Partaxian 3,535,393 145 63,638,421
6 Belgium Partaxian 3,306,441 176 1,556,795
7 Playboy D3MONx@x 2,949,080 74 663,600
8 Virtual Virtual 2,780,810 81 690,555
9 Beavis Bungholio 1,540,023 151 7,643,460
10 GxUnborn Camaar 1,063,217 98 515,459
11 empire_772e5 Huckleberry 1,052,678 111 985,080
12 GxReborn GxTriBanker 917,699 63 577,100
13 Diddily Passion 728,405 53 335,500
14 Pod1 Quantam 231,126 36 315,160
15 DOO BankTarget 138,748 34 299,880
16 one Partaxian 16,620 4 35,960
17 Redeemer Partaxian 7,884 1 10,000
18 Kingland Revalons 1,610 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 GxBot Partaxian 227 3,581,748 1,953,794
2 GxReincarnated GxPlus 181 4,376,541 1,395,116
3 Belgium Partaxian 176 3,306,441 1,556,795
4 Beavis Bungholio 151 1,540,023 7,643,460
5 Reality Partaxian 145 3,535,393 63,638,421
6 Germany Reinheitsgebot 144 4,718,617 1,239,317
7 empire_772e5 Huckleberry 111 1,052,678 985,080
8 GxUnborn Camaar 98 1,063,217 515,459
9 Virtual Virtual 81 2,780,810 690,555
10 Playboy D3MONx@x 74 2,949,080 663,600
11 Butthead Tpformybunghole 69 6,365,557 603,400
12 GxReborn GxTriBanker 63 917,699 577,100
13 Diddily Passion 53 728,405 335,500
14 Pod1 Quantam 36 231,126 315,160
15 DOO BankTarget 34 138,748 299,880
16 one Partaxian 4 16,620 35,960
17 Redeemer Partaxian 1 7,884 10,000
18 Kingland Revalons 1 1,610 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Reality Partaxian 63,638,421 3,535,393 145
2 Beavis Bungholio 7,643,460 1,540,023 151
3 GxBot Partaxian 1,953,794 3,581,748 227
4 Belgium Partaxian 1,556,795 3,306,441 176
5 GxReincarnated GxPlus 1,395,116 4,376,541 181
6 Germany Reinheitsgebot 1,239,317 4,718,617 144
7 empire_772e5 Huckleberry 985,080 1,052,678 111
8 Virtual Virtual 690,555 2,780,810 81
9 Playboy D3MONx@x 663,600 2,949,080 74
10 Butthead Tpformybunghole 603,400 6,365,557 69
11 GxReborn GxTriBanker 577,100 917,699 63
12 GxUnborn Camaar 515,459 1,063,217 98
13 Diddily Passion 335,500 728,405 53
14 Pod1 Quantam 315,160 231,126 36
15 DOO BankTarget 299,880 138,748 34
16 one Partaxian 35,960 16,620 4
17 Redeemer Partaxian 10,000 7,884 1
18 Kingland Revalons 10,000 1,610 1