All Galaxies > Triangulum > Triangulum 34

60 minute ticks
Duration 3 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 649
Players 27 / 28
Open Spots 1 / 28 Join
Start Date Sunday, October 2, 2022
2 years ago
End Date Saturday, October 29, 2022
2 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 353
Planet Count 1765

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 7x4
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 0
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 3
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 0
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #11150: Punch-Out!! [56,12] 11,945,385 303 2,136,991
2 #11146: Cereal Killers [39,33] 11,532,025 485 4,003,989
3 #11151: Does he look like a bitch? [58,51] 8,995,439 207 6,567,806
4 #11152: Starbucks [21,49] 4,527,840 297 22,617,102
5 #11147: Magic The Gathering [78,65] 3,113,587 194 1,664,325
6 #11148: Orbots [80,25] 2,607,490 213 3,152,336
7 #11149: Family Name Goes Here. [35,71] 383,755 65 588,200
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #11146: Cereal Killers [39,33] 485 11,532,025 4,003,989
2 #11150: Punch-Out!! [56,12] 303 11,945,385 2,136,991
3 #11152: Starbucks [21,49] 297 4,527,840 22,617,102
4 #11148: Orbots [80,25] 213 2,607,490 3,152,336
5 #11151: Does he look like a bitch? [58,51] 207 8,995,439 6,567,806
6 #11147: Magic The Gathering [78,65] 194 3,113,587 1,664,325
7 #11149: Family Name Goes Here. [35,71] 65 383,755 588,200
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #11152: Starbucks [21,49] 22,617,102 4,527,840 297
2 #11151: Does he look like a bitch? [58,51] 6,567,806 8,995,439 207
3 #11146: Cereal Killers [39,33] 4,003,989 11,532,025 485
4 #11148: Orbots [80,25] 3,152,336 2,607,490 213
5 #11150: Punch-Out!! [56,12] 2,136,991 11,945,385 303
6 #11147: Magic The Gathering [78,65] 1,664,325 3,113,587 194
7 #11149: Family Name Goes Here. [35,71] 588,200 383,755 65
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Little_Mac Upperrcuts v.49.9Doc 9,191,435 1 10,000
2 Them Cornwood 4,437,638 80 5,414,486
3 FrostedFlakes Camaar 4,008,012 94 605,846
4 SnoopLoopz Partaxian 3,901,409 203 1,759,263
5 empire_77e64 Quantam 3,425,609 79 724,000
6 CocoPops Revalons 2,111,391 75 640,520
7 PumpkinSpice Wardancers 1,910,995 172 783,672
8 Gxreborn1 Partaxian 1,640,921 44 21,104,150
9 Mike_Tyson Partaxian 1,639,116 214 1,376,431
10 Crazy_Cow Quantam 1,511,213 113 998,360
11 Crunch Nerd 1,371,270 64 255,237
12 Chishiro Camaar 1,241,076 20 162,393
13 Bort Partaxian 1,139,899 138 1,035,281
14 empire_1fb21 Quantam 1,130,942 47 419,320
15 Von_Kaiser Quantam 1,072,568 87 740,560
16 Omnath Zendikar rising 721,874 69 583,412
17 Land Partaxian 673,477 54 455,920
18 Caramel_Latte Caramel Sauce 599,029 49 437,640
19 Kenrith Wardancers 477,160 51 462,600
20 empire_a17b0 Partaxian 376,895 32 291,640
21 Peanut_Butter Partaxian 144,184 11 96,320
22 empire_5f0d8 Terwerlver 135,140 26 238,760
23 Herodus Qk 99,961 27 243,120
24 JackDuVal Revalons 96,321 11 1,861,818
25 Bear_Hugger Quantam 42,266 1 10,000
26 HomelessMidgets Revalons 4,470 1 10,000
27 MADAGASCAR Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Mike_Tyson Partaxian 214 1,639,116 1,376,431
2 SnoopLoopz Partaxian 203 3,901,409 1,759,263
3 PumpkinSpice Wardancers 172 1,910,995 783,672
4 Bort Partaxian 138 1,139,899 1,035,281
5 Crazy_Cow Quantam 113 1,511,213 998,360
6 FrostedFlakes Camaar 94 4,008,012 605,846
7 Von_Kaiser Quantam 87 1,072,568 740,560
8 Them Cornwood 80 4,437,638 5,414,486
9 empire_77e64 Quantam 79 3,425,609 724,000
10 CocoPops Revalons 75 2,111,391 640,520
11 Omnath Zendikar rising 69 721,874 583,412
12 Crunch Nerd 64 1,371,270 255,237
13 Land Partaxian 54 673,477 455,920
14 Kenrith Wardancers 51 477,160 462,600
15 Caramel_Latte Caramel Sauce 49 599,029 437,640
16 empire_1fb21 Quantam 47 1,130,942 419,320
17 Gxreborn1 Partaxian 44 1,640,921 21,104,150
18 empire_a17b0 Partaxian 32 376,895 291,640
19 Herodus Qk 27 99,961 243,120
20 empire_5f0d8 Terwerlver 26 135,140 238,760
21 Chishiro Camaar 20 1,241,076 162,393
22 Peanut_Butter Partaxian 11 144,184 96,320
23 JackDuVal Revalons 11 96,321 1,861,818
24 Little_Mac Upperrcuts v.49.9Doc 1 9,191,435 10,000
25 Bear_Hugger Quantam 1 42,266 10,000
26 HomelessMidgets Revalons 1 4,470 10,000
27 MADAGASCAR Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Gxreborn1 Partaxian 21,104,150 1,640,921 44
2 Them Cornwood 5,414,486 4,437,638 80
3 JackDuVal Revalons 1,861,818 96,321 11
4 SnoopLoopz Partaxian 1,759,263 3,901,409 203
5 Mike_Tyson Partaxian 1,376,431 1,639,116 214
6 Bort Partaxian 1,035,281 1,139,899 138
7 Crazy_Cow Quantam 998,360 1,511,213 113
8 PumpkinSpice Wardancers 783,672 1,910,995 172
9 Von_Kaiser Quantam 740,560 1,072,568 87
10 empire_77e64 Quantam 724,000 3,425,609 79
11 CocoPops Revalons 640,520 2,111,391 75
12 FrostedFlakes Camaar 605,846 4,008,012 94
13 Omnath Zendikar rising 583,412 721,874 69
14 Kenrith Wardancers 462,600 477,160 51
15 Land Partaxian 455,920 673,477 54
16 Caramel_Latte Caramel Sauce 437,640 599,029 49
17 empire_1fb21 Quantam 419,320 1,130,942 47
18 empire_a17b0 Partaxian 291,640 376,895 32
19 Crunch Nerd 255,237 1,371,270 64
20 Herodus Qk 243,120 99,961 27
21 empire_5f0d8 Terwerlver 238,760 135,140 26
22 Chishiro Camaar 162,393 1,241,076 20
23 Peanut_Butter Partaxian 96,320 144,184 11
24 Little_Mac Upperrcuts v.49.9Doc 10,000 9,191,435 1
25 Bear_Hugger Quantam 10,000 42,266 1
26 HomelessMidgets Revalons 10,000 4,470 1
27 MADAGASCAR Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1