Duration | 3 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 649 |
Players | 27 / 28 |
Open Spots | 1 / 28 Join |
Start Date | Sunday, October 2, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
End Date | Saturday, October 29, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
Size | 80x80 |
System Count | 353 |
Planet Count | 1765 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | 80 |
Starting Family Distribution | 7x4 |
Max Defense Stations | 3 |
Market | 0 |
Family Aid | 1 |
Anonymous Play | 1 |
Unofficial Alliances | 0 |
Offensive Actions Delay | 3 |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | 0 |
Science Funding Delay | 0 |
Starting Resources Multiplier | 100 |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #11150: Punch-Out!! [56,12] | 11,945,385 | 303 | 2,136,991 |
2 | #11146: Cereal Killers [39,33] | 11,532,025 | 485 | 4,003,989 |
3 | #11151: Does he look like a bitch? [58,51] | 8,995,439 | 207 | 6,567,806 |
4 | #11152: Starbucks [21,49] | 4,527,840 | 297 | 22,617,102 |
5 | #11147: Magic The Gathering [78,65] | 3,113,587 | 194 | 1,664,325 |
6 | #11148: Orbots [80,25] | 2,607,490 | 213 | 3,152,336 |
7 | #11149: Family Name Goes Here. [35,71] | 383,755 | 65 | 588,200 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #11146: Cereal Killers [39,33] | 485 | 11,532,025 | 4,003,989 |
2 | #11150: Punch-Out!! [56,12] | 303 | 11,945,385 | 2,136,991 |
3 | #11152: Starbucks [21,49] | 297 | 4,527,840 | 22,617,102 |
4 | #11148: Orbots [80,25] | 213 | 2,607,490 | 3,152,336 |
5 | #11151: Does he look like a bitch? [58,51] | 207 | 8,995,439 | 6,567,806 |
6 | #11147: Magic The Gathering [78,65] | 194 | 3,113,587 | 1,664,325 |
7 | #11149: Family Name Goes Here. [35,71] | 65 | 383,755 | 588,200 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #11152: Starbucks [21,49] | 22,617,102 | 4,527,840 | 297 |
2 | #11151: Does he look like a bitch? [58,51] | 6,567,806 | 8,995,439 | 207 |
3 | #11146: Cereal Killers [39,33] | 4,003,989 | 11,532,025 | 485 |
4 | #11148: Orbots [80,25] | 3,152,336 | 2,607,490 | 213 |
5 | #11150: Punch-Out!! [56,12] | 2,136,991 | 11,945,385 | 303 |
6 | #11147: Magic The Gathering [78,65] | 1,664,325 | 3,113,587 | 194 |
7 | #11149: Family Name Goes Here. [35,71] | 588,200 | 383,755 | 65 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Little_Mac | Upperrcuts v.49.9Doc | 9,191,435 | 1 | 10,000 |
2 | Them | Cornwood | 4,437,638 | 80 | 5,414,486 |
3 | FrostedFlakes | Camaar | 4,008,012 | 94 | 605,846 |
4 | SnoopLoopz | Partaxian | 3,901,409 | 203 | 1,759,263 |
5 | empire_77e64 | Quantam | 3,425,609 | 79 | 724,000 |
6 | CocoPops | Revalons | 2,111,391 | 75 | 640,520 |
7 | PumpkinSpice | Wardancers | 1,910,995 | 172 | 783,672 |
8 | Gxreborn1 | Partaxian | 1,640,921 | 44 | 21,104,150 |
9 | Mike_Tyson | Partaxian | 1,639,116 | 214 | 1,376,431 |
10 | Crazy_Cow | Quantam | 1,511,213 | 113 | 998,360 |
11 | Crunch | Nerd | 1,371,270 | 64 | 255,237 |
12 | Chishiro | Camaar | 1,241,076 | 20 | 162,393 |
13 | Bort | Partaxian | 1,139,899 | 138 | 1,035,281 |
14 | empire_1fb21 | Quantam | 1,130,942 | 47 | 419,320 |
15 | Von_Kaiser | Quantam | 1,072,568 | 87 | 740,560 |
16 | Omnath | Zendikar rising | 721,874 | 69 | 583,412 |
17 | Land | Partaxian | 673,477 | 54 | 455,920 |
18 | Caramel_Latte | Caramel Sauce | 599,029 | 49 | 437,640 |
19 | Kenrith | Wardancers | 477,160 | 51 | 462,600 |
20 | empire_a17b0 | Partaxian | 376,895 | 32 | 291,640 |
21 | Peanut_Butter | Partaxian | 144,184 | 11 | 96,320 |
22 | empire_5f0d8 | Terwerlver | 135,140 | 26 | 238,760 |
23 | Herodus | Qk | 99,961 | 27 | 243,120 |
24 | JackDuVal | Revalons | 96,321 | 11 | 1,861,818 |
25 | Bear_Hugger | Quantam | 42,266 | 1 | 10,000 |
26 | HomelessMidgets | Revalons | 4,470 | 1 | 10,000 |
27 | MADAGASCAR | Wardancers | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Mike_Tyson | Partaxian | 214 | 1,639,116 | 1,376,431 |
2 | SnoopLoopz | Partaxian | 203 | 3,901,409 | 1,759,263 |
3 | PumpkinSpice | Wardancers | 172 | 1,910,995 | 783,672 |
4 | Bort | Partaxian | 138 | 1,139,899 | 1,035,281 |
5 | Crazy_Cow | Quantam | 113 | 1,511,213 | 998,360 |
6 | FrostedFlakes | Camaar | 94 | 4,008,012 | 605,846 |
7 | Von_Kaiser | Quantam | 87 | 1,072,568 | 740,560 |
8 | Them | Cornwood | 80 | 4,437,638 | 5,414,486 |
9 | empire_77e64 | Quantam | 79 | 3,425,609 | 724,000 |
10 | CocoPops | Revalons | 75 | 2,111,391 | 640,520 |
11 | Omnath | Zendikar rising | 69 | 721,874 | 583,412 |
12 | Crunch | Nerd | 64 | 1,371,270 | 255,237 |
13 | Land | Partaxian | 54 | 673,477 | 455,920 |
14 | Kenrith | Wardancers | 51 | 477,160 | 462,600 |
15 | Caramel_Latte | Caramel Sauce | 49 | 599,029 | 437,640 |
16 | empire_1fb21 | Quantam | 47 | 1,130,942 | 419,320 |
17 | Gxreborn1 | Partaxian | 44 | 1,640,921 | 21,104,150 |
18 | empire_a17b0 | Partaxian | 32 | 376,895 | 291,640 |
19 | Herodus | Qk | 27 | 99,961 | 243,120 |
20 | empire_5f0d8 | Terwerlver | 26 | 135,140 | 238,760 |
21 | Chishiro | Camaar | 20 | 1,241,076 | 162,393 |
22 | Peanut_Butter | Partaxian | 11 | 144,184 | 96,320 |
23 | JackDuVal | Revalons | 11 | 96,321 | 1,861,818 |
24 | Little_Mac | Upperrcuts v.49.9Doc | 1 | 9,191,435 | 10,000 |
25 | Bear_Hugger | Quantam | 1 | 42,266 | 10,000 |
26 | HomelessMidgets | Revalons | 1 | 4,470 | 10,000 |
27 | MADAGASCAR | Wardancers | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Gxreborn1 | Partaxian | 21,104,150 | 1,640,921 | 44 |
2 | Them | Cornwood | 5,414,486 | 4,437,638 | 80 |
3 | JackDuVal | Revalons | 1,861,818 | 96,321 | 11 |
4 | SnoopLoopz | Partaxian | 1,759,263 | 3,901,409 | 203 |
5 | Mike_Tyson | Partaxian | 1,376,431 | 1,639,116 | 214 |
6 | Bort | Partaxian | 1,035,281 | 1,139,899 | 138 |
7 | Crazy_Cow | Quantam | 998,360 | 1,511,213 | 113 |
8 | PumpkinSpice | Wardancers | 783,672 | 1,910,995 | 172 |
9 | Von_Kaiser | Quantam | 740,560 | 1,072,568 | 87 |
10 | empire_77e64 | Quantam | 724,000 | 3,425,609 | 79 |
11 | CocoPops | Revalons | 640,520 | 2,111,391 | 75 |
12 | FrostedFlakes | Camaar | 605,846 | 4,008,012 | 94 |
13 | Omnath | Zendikar rising | 583,412 | 721,874 | 69 |
14 | Kenrith | Wardancers | 462,600 | 477,160 | 51 |
15 | Land | Partaxian | 455,920 | 673,477 | 54 |
16 | Caramel_Latte | Caramel Sauce | 437,640 | 599,029 | 49 |
17 | empire_1fb21 | Quantam | 419,320 | 1,130,942 | 47 |
18 | empire_a17b0 | Partaxian | 291,640 | 376,895 | 32 |
19 | Crunch | Nerd | 255,237 | 1,371,270 | 64 |
20 | Herodus | Qk | 243,120 | 99,961 | 27 |
21 | empire_5f0d8 | Terwerlver | 238,760 | 135,140 | 26 |
22 | Chishiro | Camaar | 162,393 | 1,241,076 | 20 |
23 | Peanut_Butter | Partaxian | 96,320 | 144,184 | 11 |
24 | Little_Mac | Upperrcuts v.49.9Doc | 10,000 | 9,191,435 | 1 |
25 | Bear_Hugger | Quantam | 10,000 | 42,266 | 1 |
26 | HomelessMidgets | Revalons | 10,000 | 4,470 | 1 |
27 | MADAGASCAR | Wardancers | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |