Duration | 3 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 648 |
Players | 21 / 42 |
Open Spots | 21 / 42 Join |
Start Date | Thursday, September 1, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
End Date | Wednesday, September 28, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
Size | 80x80 |
System Count | 316 |
Planet Count | 1592 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | 80 |
Starting Family Distribution | 6x6 |
Max Defense Stations | 3 |
Market | 1 |
Family Aid | 1 |
Anonymous Play | 1 |
Unofficial Alliances | 0 |
Offensive Actions Delay | 3 |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | 0 |
Science Funding Delay | 0 |
Starting Resources Multiplier | 100 |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #11042: Looney Tunes [47,46] | 23,456,577 | 1,024 | 8,270,920 |
2 | #11044: Mind the War Path [70,30] | 10,892,766 | 331 | 2,949,640 |
3 | #11041: Chill and Netflix [45,6] | 1,248,122 | 61 | 587,854 |
4 | #11043: All the Dice [5,9] | 451,201 | 84 | 700,920 |
5 | #11045: Netflix and Chill [69,69] | 359,338 | 60 | 542,000 |
6 | #11040: Lord Of The Delete [7,50] | 118,781 | 11 | 95,000 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #11042: Looney Tunes [47,46] | 1,024 | 23,456,577 | 8,270,920 |
2 | #11044: Mind the War Path [70,30] | 331 | 10,892,766 | 2,949,640 |
3 | #11043: All the Dice [5,9] | 84 | 451,201 | 700,920 |
4 | #11041: Chill and Netflix [45,6] | 61 | 1,248,122 | 587,854 |
5 | #11045: Netflix and Chill [69,69] | 60 | 359,338 | 542,000 |
6 | #11040: Lord Of The Delete [7,50] | 11 | 118,781 | 95,000 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #11042: Looney Tunes [47,46] | 8,270,920 | 23,456,577 | 1,024 |
2 | #11044: Mind the War Path [70,30] | 2,949,640 | 10,892,766 | 331 |
3 | #11043: All the Dice [5,9] | 700,920 | 451,201 | 84 |
4 | #11041: Chill and Netflix [45,6] | 587,854 | 1,248,122 | 61 |
5 | #11045: Netflix and Chill [69,69] | 542,000 | 359,338 | 60 |
6 | #11040: Lord Of The Delete [7,50] | 95,000 | 118,781 | 11 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Taz | Camaar | 12,110,947 | 59 | 443,029 |
2 | Playboy | Camaar | 7,932,534 | 55 | 486,480 |
3 | Sylvester | Revalons | 3,711,170 | 420 | 3,421,390 |
4 | Daffy | Revalons | 3,540,865 | 169 | 1,443,070 |
5 | Pepe_Le_Pew | Your Lover | 2,058,654 | 122 | 860,752 |
6 | Jester | Revalons | 1,743,663 | 146 | 1,316,880 |
7 | P | SN-V4 | 906,575 | 22 | 193,600 |
8 | Elmer_Fudd | Wesouwces | 866,749 | 123 | 1,035,720 |
9 | Foghorn | Legh0rn | 784,695 | 98 | 792,075 |
10 | Almoner | Partaxian | 493,311 | 54 | 469,600 |
11 | Queen | queendom | 454,243 | 48 | 433,320 |
12 | Wile_E_Coyote | Partaxian | 383,497 | 33 | 274,884 |
13 | Orbit | Quantam | 358,040 | 59 | 532,000 |
14 | Herodus | Wardancers | 341,547 | 39 | 394,254 |
15 | Poopsmith | Camaar | 269,015 | 28 | 243,360 |
16 | D9 | Camaar | 205,699 | 22 | 183,680 |
17 | D8 | Revalons | 127,870 | 18 | 153,000 |
18 | DildoughSwaggins | Boomsway | 118,781 | 11 | 95,000 |
19 | D20 | Passion | 79,507 | 26 | 219,360 |
20 | D100 | BelgianKingdom | 38,125 | 18 | 144,880 |
21 | MartyB | Wardancers | 1,298 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Sylvester | Revalons | 420 | 3,711,170 | 3,421,390 |
2 | Daffy | Revalons | 169 | 3,540,865 | 1,443,070 |
3 | Jester | Revalons | 146 | 1,743,663 | 1,316,880 |
4 | Elmer_Fudd | Wesouwces | 123 | 866,749 | 1,035,720 |
5 | Pepe_Le_Pew | Your Lover | 122 | 2,058,654 | 860,752 |
6 | Foghorn | Legh0rn | 98 | 784,695 | 792,075 |
7 | Taz | Camaar | 59 | 12,110,947 | 443,029 |
8 | Orbit | Quantam | 59 | 358,040 | 532,000 |
9 | Playboy | Camaar | 55 | 7,932,534 | 486,480 |
10 | Almoner | Partaxian | 54 | 493,311 | 469,600 |
11 | Queen | queendom | 48 | 454,243 | 433,320 |
12 | Herodus | Wardancers | 39 | 341,547 | 394,254 |
13 | Wile_E_Coyote | Partaxian | 33 | 383,497 | 274,884 |
14 | Poopsmith | Camaar | 28 | 269,015 | 243,360 |
15 | D20 | Passion | 26 | 79,507 | 219,360 |
16 | P | SN-V4 | 22 | 906,575 | 193,600 |
17 | D9 | Camaar | 22 | 205,699 | 183,680 |
18 | D8 | Revalons | 18 | 127,870 | 153,000 |
19 | D100 | BelgianKingdom | 18 | 38,125 | 144,880 |
20 | DildoughSwaggins | Boomsway | 11 | 118,781 | 95,000 |
21 | MartyB | Wardancers | 1 | 1,298 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Sylvester | Revalons | 3,421,390 | 3,711,170 | 420 |
2 | Daffy | Revalons | 1,443,070 | 3,540,865 | 169 |
3 | Jester | Revalons | 1,316,880 | 1,743,663 | 146 |
4 | Elmer_Fudd | Wesouwces | 1,035,720 | 866,749 | 123 |
5 | Pepe_Le_Pew | Your Lover | 860,752 | 2,058,654 | 122 |
6 | Foghorn | Legh0rn | 792,075 | 784,695 | 98 |
7 | Orbit | Quantam | 532,000 | 358,040 | 59 |
8 | Playboy | Camaar | 486,480 | 7,932,534 | 55 |
9 | Almoner | Partaxian | 469,600 | 493,311 | 54 |
10 | Taz | Camaar | 443,029 | 12,110,947 | 59 |
11 | Queen | queendom | 433,320 | 454,243 | 48 |
12 | Herodus | Wardancers | 394,254 | 341,547 | 39 |
13 | Wile_E_Coyote | Partaxian | 274,884 | 383,497 | 33 |
14 | Poopsmith | Camaar | 243,360 | 269,015 | 28 |
15 | D20 | Passion | 219,360 | 79,507 | 26 |
16 | P | SN-V4 | 193,600 | 906,575 | 22 |
17 | D9 | Camaar | 183,680 | 205,699 | 22 |
18 | D8 | Revalons | 153,000 | 127,870 | 18 |
19 | D100 | BelgianKingdom | 144,880 | 38,125 | 18 |
20 | DildoughSwaggins | Boomsway | 95,000 | 118,781 | 11 |
21 | MartyB | Wardancers | 10,000 | 1,298 | 1 |