All Galaxies > Triangulum > Triangulum 33

60 minute ticks
Duration 3 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 648
Players 21 / 42
Open Spots 21 / 42 Join
Start Date Thursday, September 1, 2022
2 years ago
End Date Wednesday, September 28, 2022
2 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 316
Planet Count 1592

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 6x6
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 1
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 3
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 0
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #11042: Looney Tunes [47,46] 23,456,577 1,024 8,270,920
2 #11044: Mind the War Path [70,30] 10,892,766 331 2,949,640
3 #11041: Chill and Netflix [45,6] 1,248,122 61 587,854
4 #11043: All the Dice [5,9] 451,201 84 700,920
5 #11045: Netflix and Chill [69,69] 359,338 60 542,000
6 #11040: Lord Of The Delete [7,50] 118,781 11 95,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #11042: Looney Tunes [47,46] 1,024 23,456,577 8,270,920
2 #11044: Mind the War Path [70,30] 331 10,892,766 2,949,640
3 #11043: All the Dice [5,9] 84 451,201 700,920
4 #11041: Chill and Netflix [45,6] 61 1,248,122 587,854
5 #11045: Netflix and Chill [69,69] 60 359,338 542,000
6 #11040: Lord Of The Delete [7,50] 11 118,781 95,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #11042: Looney Tunes [47,46] 8,270,920 23,456,577 1,024
2 #11044: Mind the War Path [70,30] 2,949,640 10,892,766 331
3 #11043: All the Dice [5,9] 700,920 451,201 84
4 #11041: Chill and Netflix [45,6] 587,854 1,248,122 61
5 #11045: Netflix and Chill [69,69] 542,000 359,338 60
6 #11040: Lord Of The Delete [7,50] 95,000 118,781 11
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Taz Camaar 12,110,947 59 443,029
2 Playboy Camaar 7,932,534 55 486,480
3 Sylvester Revalons 3,711,170 420 3,421,390
4 Daffy Revalons 3,540,865 169 1,443,070
5 Pepe_Le_Pew Your Lover 2,058,654 122 860,752
6 Jester Revalons 1,743,663 146 1,316,880
7 P SN-V4 906,575 22 193,600
8 Elmer_Fudd Wesouwces 866,749 123 1,035,720
9 Foghorn Legh0rn 784,695 98 792,075
10 Almoner Partaxian 493,311 54 469,600
11 Queen queendom 454,243 48 433,320
12 Wile_E_Coyote Partaxian 383,497 33 274,884
13 Orbit Quantam 358,040 59 532,000
14 Herodus Wardancers 341,547 39 394,254
15 Poopsmith Camaar 269,015 28 243,360
16 D9 Camaar 205,699 22 183,680
17 D8 Revalons 127,870 18 153,000
18 DildoughSwaggins Boomsway 118,781 11 95,000
19 D20 Passion 79,507 26 219,360
20 D100 BelgianKingdom 38,125 18 144,880
21 MartyB Wardancers 1,298 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Sylvester Revalons 420 3,711,170 3,421,390
2 Daffy Revalons 169 3,540,865 1,443,070
3 Jester Revalons 146 1,743,663 1,316,880
4 Elmer_Fudd Wesouwces 123 866,749 1,035,720
5 Pepe_Le_Pew Your Lover 122 2,058,654 860,752
6 Foghorn Legh0rn 98 784,695 792,075
7 Taz Camaar 59 12,110,947 443,029
8 Orbit Quantam 59 358,040 532,000
9 Playboy Camaar 55 7,932,534 486,480
10 Almoner Partaxian 54 493,311 469,600
11 Queen queendom 48 454,243 433,320
12 Herodus Wardancers 39 341,547 394,254
13 Wile_E_Coyote Partaxian 33 383,497 274,884
14 Poopsmith Camaar 28 269,015 243,360
15 D20 Passion 26 79,507 219,360
16 P SN-V4 22 906,575 193,600
17 D9 Camaar 22 205,699 183,680
18 D8 Revalons 18 127,870 153,000
19 D100 BelgianKingdom 18 38,125 144,880
20 DildoughSwaggins Boomsway 11 118,781 95,000
21 MartyB Wardancers 1 1,298 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Sylvester Revalons 3,421,390 3,711,170 420
2 Daffy Revalons 1,443,070 3,540,865 169
3 Jester Revalons 1,316,880 1,743,663 146
4 Elmer_Fudd Wesouwces 1,035,720 866,749 123
5 Pepe_Le_Pew Your Lover 860,752 2,058,654 122
6 Foghorn Legh0rn 792,075 784,695 98
7 Orbit Quantam 532,000 358,040 59
8 Playboy Camaar 486,480 7,932,534 55
9 Almoner Partaxian 469,600 493,311 54
10 Taz Camaar 443,029 12,110,947 59
11 Queen queendom 433,320 454,243 48
12 Herodus Wardancers 394,254 341,547 39
13 Wile_E_Coyote Partaxian 274,884 383,497 33
14 Poopsmith Camaar 243,360 269,015 28
15 D20 Passion 219,360 79,507 26
16 P SN-V4 193,600 906,575 22
17 D9 Camaar 183,680 205,699 22
18 D8 Revalons 153,000 127,870 18
19 D100 BelgianKingdom 144,880 38,125 18
20 DildoughSwaggins Boomsway 95,000 118,781 11
21 MartyB Wardancers 10,000 1,298 1