Duration | 3 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 552 |
Players | 36 / 60 |
Open Spots | 24 / 60 Join |
Start Date | Saturday, August 6, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
End Date | Monday, August 29, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
Size | 80x80 |
System Count | 324 |
Planet Count | 1620 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | 80 |
Starting Family Distribution | 12x3 |
Max Defense Stations | 3 |
Market | 1 |
Family Aid | 1 |
Anonymous Play | 1 |
Unofficial Alliances | 0 |
Offensive Actions Delay | 3 |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | 0 |
Science Funding Delay | 0 |
Starting Resources Multiplier | 100 |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #11028: Natural disaster [9,71] | 6,652,808 | 206 | 1,748,160 |
2 | #11039: This my Town [27,32] | 5,291,303 | 400 | 3,084,249 |
3 | #11034: The Deathly Hallows [25,51] | 2,565,378 | 249 | 1,794,770 |
4 | #11038: Better Off Alone [44,49] | 2,400,471 | 102 | 858,920 |
5 | #11029: Army of Snails [47,30] | 2,210,340 | 129 | 1,011,949 |
6 | #11033: Empire not found [68,7] | 1,889,538 | 197 | 1,683,832 |
7 | #11031: Phantom Zone [47,71] | 1,244,212 | 72 | 649,160 |
8 | #11037: Crow and the Inactives [8,10] | 1,174,763 | 78 | 672,827 |
9 | #11036: 39 Won By Farming [67,28] | 726,775 | 55 | 444,660 |
10 | #11032: Get some agents maybe? [67,49] | 337,186 | 72 | 496,239 |
11 | #11035: The Little Yellow Bus [27,8] | 282,580 | 23 | 206,520 |
12 | #11030: Balancing the Galaxy [7,31] | 81,170 | 13 | 167,620 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #11039: This my Town [27,32] | 400 | 5,291,303 | 3,084,249 |
2 | #11034: The Deathly Hallows [25,51] | 249 | 2,565,378 | 1,794,770 |
3 | #11028: Natural disaster [9,71] | 206 | 6,652,808 | 1,748,160 |
4 | #11033: Empire not found [68,7] | 197 | 1,889,538 | 1,683,832 |
5 | #11029: Army of Snails [47,30] | 129 | 2,210,340 | 1,011,949 |
6 | #11038: Better Off Alone [44,49] | 102 | 2,400,471 | 858,920 |
7 | #11037: Crow and the Inactives [8,10] | 78 | 1,174,763 | 672,827 |
8 | #11031: Phantom Zone [47,71] | 72 | 1,244,212 | 649,160 |
9 | #11032: Get some agents maybe? [67,49] | 72 | 337,186 | 496,239 |
10 | #11036: 39 Won By Farming [67,28] | 55 | 726,775 | 444,660 |
11 | #11035: The Little Yellow Bus [27,8] | 23 | 282,580 | 206,520 |
12 | #11030: Balancing the Galaxy [7,31] | 13 | 81,170 | 167,620 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #11039: This my Town [27,32] | 3,084,249 | 5,291,303 | 400 |
2 | #11034: The Deathly Hallows [25,51] | 1,794,770 | 2,565,378 | 249 |
3 | #11028: Natural disaster [9,71] | 1,748,160 | 6,652,808 | 206 |
4 | #11033: Empire not found [68,7] | 1,683,832 | 1,889,538 | 197 |
5 | #11029: Army of Snails [47,30] | 1,011,949 | 2,210,340 | 129 |
6 | #11038: Better Off Alone [44,49] | 858,920 | 2,400,471 | 102 |
7 | #11037: Crow and the Inactives [8,10] | 672,827 | 1,174,763 | 78 |
8 | #11031: Phantom Zone [47,71] | 649,160 | 1,244,212 | 72 |
9 | #11032: Get some agents maybe? [67,49] | 496,239 | 337,186 | 72 |
10 | #11036: 39 Won By Farming [67,28] | 444,660 | 726,775 | 55 |
11 | #11035: The Little Yellow Bus [27,8] | 206,520 | 282,580 | 23 |
12 | #11030: Balancing the Galaxy [7,31] | 167,620 | 81,170 | 13 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Hurricane | Saffir Simpson Cat 5 | 5,086,015 | 74 | 620,840 |
2 | Flipmode | FarmFresh | 1,761,397 | 180 | 1,564,560 |
3 | TheCloak | MAGIC MONEY V2.0 | 1,572,668 | 193 | 1,302,170 |
4 | BigBadBarry | Camaar | 1,479,271 | 150 | 956,131 |
5 | FuriousWolves | Camaar | 1,479,013 | 40 | 319,608 |
6 | AliceDeejay | deezums | 1,467,325 | 52 | 422,320 |
7 | Karma | Nerd | 1,366,033 | 53 | 341,749 |
8 | Blaster | Camaar | 1,173,526 | 77 | 663,339 |
9 | Fireman_ax | Revalons | 992,004 | 81 | 717,320 |
10 | Mithril | Specialists | 933,146 | 50 | 436,600 |
11 | Niganati | Camaar | 901,643 | 12 | 100,840 |
12 | Snail | Partaxian | 638,452 | 59 | 529,040 |
13 | Earthquake | Partaxian | 633,668 | 43 | 354,120 |
14 | empire_259eb | Partaxian | 618,557 | 38 | 330,880 |
15 | Sjakekdjd | Camaar | 571,622 | 30 | 243,950 |
16 | Eruption | Camaar | 561,795 | 48 | 404,800 |
17 | TheWand | Quantam | 503,478 | 46 | 398,240 |
18 | TheStone | Camaar | 438,319 | 9 | 84,360 |
19 | Fireman_bx | Partaxian | 395,761 | 59 | 486,840 |
20 | Tsunami | shanemacgowan | 371,330 | 41 | 368,400 |
21 | Fireman_Xa | Bendemongolon | 298,397 | 38 | 329,285 |
22 | Inactive | Quantam | 267,742 | 10 | 93,800 |
23 | Tranquil | Nay Camaar | 241,674 | 38 | 352,720 |
24 | Bingo | Camaar | 205,855 | 17 | 141,160 |
25 | Fireman_m00000d | Camaar | 203,376 | 19 | 150,387 |
26 | Stoner | Destroy units 4 | 187,101 | 43 | 253,679 |
27 | Deira | Revalons | 127,647 | 28 | 232,560 |
28 | empire_a | PennyWorth | 108,218 | 17 | 113,780 |
29 | empire_33029 | marron | 100,895 | 22 | 195,600 |
30 | Death | Quantam | 50,913 | 1 | 10,000 |
31 | Konoha | Partaxian | 46,990 | 9 | 93,280 |
32 | Outoforder | Wardancers | 28,578 | 3 | 31,840 |
33 | WhenThingsGoWrong | Quantam | 22,438 | 1 | 10,000 |
34 | Gilius | Revalons | 14,838 | 13 | 112,720 |
35 | Cannabis | Partaxian | 5,602 | 1 | 42,500 |
36 | Bermuks | Revalons | 1,237 | 1 | 9,488 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | TheCloak | MAGIC MONEY V2.0 | 193 | 1,572,668 | 1,302,170 |
2 | Flipmode | FarmFresh | 180 | 1,761,397 | 1,564,560 |
3 | BigBadBarry | Camaar | 150 | 1,479,271 | 956,131 |
4 | Fireman_ax | Revalons | 81 | 992,004 | 717,320 |
5 | Blaster | Camaar | 77 | 1,173,526 | 663,339 |
6 | Hurricane | Saffir Simpson Cat 5 | 74 | 5,086,015 | 620,840 |
7 | Snail | Partaxian | 59 | 638,452 | 529,040 |
8 | Fireman_bx | Partaxian | 59 | 395,761 | 486,840 |
9 | Karma | Nerd | 53 | 1,366,033 | 341,749 |
10 | AliceDeejay | deezums | 52 | 1,467,325 | 422,320 |
11 | Mithril | Specialists | 50 | 933,146 | 436,600 |
12 | Eruption | Camaar | 48 | 561,795 | 404,800 |
13 | TheWand | Quantam | 46 | 503,478 | 398,240 |
14 | Earthquake | Partaxian | 43 | 633,668 | 354,120 |
15 | Stoner | Destroy units 4 | 43 | 187,101 | 253,679 |
16 | Tsunami | shanemacgowan | 41 | 371,330 | 368,400 |
17 | FuriousWolves | Camaar | 40 | 1,479,013 | 319,608 |
18 | empire_259eb | Partaxian | 38 | 618,557 | 330,880 |
19 | Fireman_Xa | Bendemongolon | 38 | 298,397 | 329,285 |
20 | Tranquil | Nay Camaar | 38 | 241,674 | 352,720 |
21 | Sjakekdjd | Camaar | 30 | 571,622 | 243,950 |
22 | Deira | Revalons | 28 | 127,647 | 232,560 |
23 | empire_33029 | marron | 22 | 100,895 | 195,600 |
24 | Fireman_m00000d | Camaar | 19 | 203,376 | 150,387 |
25 | Bingo | Camaar | 17 | 205,855 | 141,160 |
26 | empire_a | PennyWorth | 17 | 108,218 | 113,780 |
27 | Gilius | Revalons | 13 | 14,838 | 112,720 |
28 | Niganati | Camaar | 12 | 901,643 | 100,840 |
29 | Inactive | Quantam | 10 | 267,742 | 93,800 |
30 | TheStone | Camaar | 9 | 438,319 | 84,360 |
31 | Konoha | Partaxian | 9 | 46,990 | 93,280 |
32 | Outoforder | Wardancers | 3 | 28,578 | 31,840 |
33 | Death | Quantam | 1 | 50,913 | 10,000 |
34 | WhenThingsGoWrong | Quantam | 1 | 22,438 | 10,000 |
35 | Cannabis | Partaxian | 1 | 5,602 | 42,500 |
36 | Bermuks | Revalons | 1 | 1,237 | 9,488 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Flipmode | FarmFresh | 1,564,560 | 1,761,397 | 180 |
2 | TheCloak | MAGIC MONEY V2.0 | 1,302,170 | 1,572,668 | 193 |
3 | BigBadBarry | Camaar | 956,131 | 1,479,271 | 150 |
4 | Fireman_ax | Revalons | 717,320 | 992,004 | 81 |
5 | Blaster | Camaar | 663,339 | 1,173,526 | 77 |
6 | Hurricane | Saffir Simpson Cat 5 | 620,840 | 5,086,015 | 74 |
7 | Snail | Partaxian | 529,040 | 638,452 | 59 |
8 | Fireman_bx | Partaxian | 486,840 | 395,761 | 59 |
9 | Mithril | Specialists | 436,600 | 933,146 | 50 |
10 | AliceDeejay | deezums | 422,320 | 1,467,325 | 52 |
11 | Eruption | Camaar | 404,800 | 561,795 | 48 |
12 | TheWand | Quantam | 398,240 | 503,478 | 46 |
13 | Tsunami | shanemacgowan | 368,400 | 371,330 | 41 |
14 | Earthquake | Partaxian | 354,120 | 633,668 | 43 |
15 | Tranquil | Nay Camaar | 352,720 | 241,674 | 38 |
16 | Karma | Nerd | 341,749 | 1,366,033 | 53 |
17 | empire_259eb | Partaxian | 330,880 | 618,557 | 38 |
18 | Fireman_Xa | Bendemongolon | 329,285 | 298,397 | 38 |
19 | FuriousWolves | Camaar | 319,608 | 1,479,013 | 40 |
20 | Stoner | Destroy units 4 | 253,679 | 187,101 | 43 |
21 | Sjakekdjd | Camaar | 243,950 | 571,622 | 30 |
22 | Deira | Revalons | 232,560 | 127,647 | 28 |
23 | empire_33029 | marron | 195,600 | 100,895 | 22 |
24 | Fireman_m00000d | Camaar | 150,387 | 203,376 | 19 |
25 | Bingo | Camaar | 141,160 | 205,855 | 17 |
26 | empire_a | PennyWorth | 113,780 | 108,218 | 17 |
27 | Gilius | Revalons | 112,720 | 14,838 | 13 |
28 | Niganati | Camaar | 100,840 | 901,643 | 12 |
29 | Inactive | Quantam | 93,800 | 267,742 | 10 |
30 | Konoha | Partaxian | 93,280 | 46,990 | 9 |
31 | TheStone | Camaar | 84,360 | 438,319 | 9 |
32 | Cannabis | Partaxian | 42,500 | 5,602 | 1 |
33 | Outoforder | Wardancers | 31,840 | 28,578 | 3 |
34 | Death | Quantam | 10,000 | 50,913 | 1 |
35 | WhenThingsGoWrong | Quantam | 10,000 | 22,438 | 1 |
36 | Bermuks | Revalons | 9,488 | 1,237 | 1 |