All Galaxies > Triangulum > Triangulum 32

60 minute ticks
Duration 3 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 552
Players 36 / 60
Open Spots 24 / 60 Join
Start Date Saturday, August 6, 2022
2 years ago
End Date Monday, August 29, 2022
2 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 324
Planet Count 1620

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 12x3
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 1
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 3
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 0
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #11028: Natural disaster [9,71] 6,652,808 206 1,748,160
2 #11039: This my Town [27,32] 5,291,303 400 3,084,249
3 #11034: The Deathly Hallows [25,51] 2,565,378 249 1,794,770
4 #11038: Better Off Alone [44,49] 2,400,471 102 858,920
5 #11029: Army of Snails [47,30] 2,210,340 129 1,011,949
6 #11033: Empire not found [68,7] 1,889,538 197 1,683,832
7 #11031: Phantom Zone [47,71] 1,244,212 72 649,160
8 #11037: Crow and the Inactives [8,10] 1,174,763 78 672,827
9 #11036: 39 Won By Farming [67,28] 726,775 55 444,660
10 #11032: Get some agents maybe? [67,49] 337,186 72 496,239
11 #11035: The Little Yellow Bus [27,8] 282,580 23 206,520
12 #11030: Balancing the Galaxy [7,31] 81,170 13 167,620
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #11039: This my Town [27,32] 400 5,291,303 3,084,249
2 #11034: The Deathly Hallows [25,51] 249 2,565,378 1,794,770
3 #11028: Natural disaster [9,71] 206 6,652,808 1,748,160
4 #11033: Empire not found [68,7] 197 1,889,538 1,683,832
5 #11029: Army of Snails [47,30] 129 2,210,340 1,011,949
6 #11038: Better Off Alone [44,49] 102 2,400,471 858,920
7 #11037: Crow and the Inactives [8,10] 78 1,174,763 672,827
8 #11031: Phantom Zone [47,71] 72 1,244,212 649,160
9 #11032: Get some agents maybe? [67,49] 72 337,186 496,239
10 #11036: 39 Won By Farming [67,28] 55 726,775 444,660
11 #11035: The Little Yellow Bus [27,8] 23 282,580 206,520
12 #11030: Balancing the Galaxy [7,31] 13 81,170 167,620
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #11039: This my Town [27,32] 3,084,249 5,291,303 400
2 #11034: The Deathly Hallows [25,51] 1,794,770 2,565,378 249
3 #11028: Natural disaster [9,71] 1,748,160 6,652,808 206
4 #11033: Empire not found [68,7] 1,683,832 1,889,538 197
5 #11029: Army of Snails [47,30] 1,011,949 2,210,340 129
6 #11038: Better Off Alone [44,49] 858,920 2,400,471 102
7 #11037: Crow and the Inactives [8,10] 672,827 1,174,763 78
8 #11031: Phantom Zone [47,71] 649,160 1,244,212 72
9 #11032: Get some agents maybe? [67,49] 496,239 337,186 72
10 #11036: 39 Won By Farming [67,28] 444,660 726,775 55
11 #11035: The Little Yellow Bus [27,8] 206,520 282,580 23
12 #11030: Balancing the Galaxy [7,31] 167,620 81,170 13
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Hurricane Saffir Simpson Cat 5 5,086,015 74 620,840
2 Flipmode FarmFresh 1,761,397 180 1,564,560
3 TheCloak MAGIC MONEY V2.0 1,572,668 193 1,302,170
4 BigBadBarry Camaar 1,479,271 150 956,131
5 FuriousWolves Camaar 1,479,013 40 319,608
6 AliceDeejay deezums 1,467,325 52 422,320
7 Karma Nerd 1,366,033 53 341,749
8 Blaster Camaar 1,173,526 77 663,339
9 Fireman_ax Revalons 992,004 81 717,320
10 Mithril Specialists 933,146 50 436,600
11 Niganati Camaar 901,643 12 100,840
12 Snail Partaxian 638,452 59 529,040
13 Earthquake Partaxian 633,668 43 354,120
14 empire_259eb Partaxian 618,557 38 330,880
15 Sjakekdjd Camaar 571,622 30 243,950
16 Eruption Camaar 561,795 48 404,800
17 TheWand Quantam 503,478 46 398,240
18 TheStone Camaar 438,319 9 84,360
19 Fireman_bx Partaxian 395,761 59 486,840
20 Tsunami shanemacgowan 371,330 41 368,400
21 Fireman_Xa Bendemongolon 298,397 38 329,285
22 Inactive Quantam 267,742 10 93,800
23 Tranquil Nay Camaar 241,674 38 352,720
24 Bingo Camaar 205,855 17 141,160
25 Fireman_m00000d Camaar 203,376 19 150,387
26 Stoner Destroy units 4 187,101 43 253,679
27 Deira Revalons 127,647 28 232,560
28 empire_a PennyWorth 108,218 17 113,780
29 empire_33029 marron 100,895 22 195,600
30 Death Quantam 50,913 1 10,000
31 Konoha Partaxian 46,990 9 93,280
32 Outoforder Wardancers 28,578 3 31,840
33 WhenThingsGoWrong Quantam 22,438 1 10,000
34 Gilius Revalons 14,838 13 112,720
35 Cannabis Partaxian 5,602 1 42,500
36 Bermuks Revalons 1,237 1 9,488
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 TheCloak MAGIC MONEY V2.0 193 1,572,668 1,302,170
2 Flipmode FarmFresh 180 1,761,397 1,564,560
3 BigBadBarry Camaar 150 1,479,271 956,131
4 Fireman_ax Revalons 81 992,004 717,320
5 Blaster Camaar 77 1,173,526 663,339
6 Hurricane Saffir Simpson Cat 5 74 5,086,015 620,840
7 Snail Partaxian 59 638,452 529,040
8 Fireman_bx Partaxian 59 395,761 486,840
9 Karma Nerd 53 1,366,033 341,749
10 AliceDeejay deezums 52 1,467,325 422,320
11 Mithril Specialists 50 933,146 436,600
12 Eruption Camaar 48 561,795 404,800
13 TheWand Quantam 46 503,478 398,240
14 Earthquake Partaxian 43 633,668 354,120
15 Stoner Destroy units 4 43 187,101 253,679
16 Tsunami shanemacgowan 41 371,330 368,400
17 FuriousWolves Camaar 40 1,479,013 319,608
18 empire_259eb Partaxian 38 618,557 330,880
19 Fireman_Xa Bendemongolon 38 298,397 329,285
20 Tranquil Nay Camaar 38 241,674 352,720
21 Sjakekdjd Camaar 30 571,622 243,950
22 Deira Revalons 28 127,647 232,560
23 empire_33029 marron 22 100,895 195,600
24 Fireman_m00000d Camaar 19 203,376 150,387
25 Bingo Camaar 17 205,855 141,160
26 empire_a PennyWorth 17 108,218 113,780
27 Gilius Revalons 13 14,838 112,720
28 Niganati Camaar 12 901,643 100,840
29 Inactive Quantam 10 267,742 93,800
30 TheStone Camaar 9 438,319 84,360
31 Konoha Partaxian 9 46,990 93,280
32 Outoforder Wardancers 3 28,578 31,840
33 Death Quantam 1 50,913 10,000
34 WhenThingsGoWrong Quantam 1 22,438 10,000
35 Cannabis Partaxian 1 5,602 42,500
36 Bermuks Revalons 1 1,237 9,488
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Flipmode FarmFresh 1,564,560 1,761,397 180
2 TheCloak MAGIC MONEY V2.0 1,302,170 1,572,668 193
3 BigBadBarry Camaar 956,131 1,479,271 150
4 Fireman_ax Revalons 717,320 992,004 81
5 Blaster Camaar 663,339 1,173,526 77
6 Hurricane Saffir Simpson Cat 5 620,840 5,086,015 74
7 Snail Partaxian 529,040 638,452 59
8 Fireman_bx Partaxian 486,840 395,761 59
9 Mithril Specialists 436,600 933,146 50
10 AliceDeejay deezums 422,320 1,467,325 52
11 Eruption Camaar 404,800 561,795 48
12 TheWand Quantam 398,240 503,478 46
13 Tsunami shanemacgowan 368,400 371,330 41
14 Earthquake Partaxian 354,120 633,668 43
15 Tranquil Nay Camaar 352,720 241,674 38
16 Karma Nerd 341,749 1,366,033 53
17 empire_259eb Partaxian 330,880 618,557 38
18 Fireman_Xa Bendemongolon 329,285 298,397 38
19 FuriousWolves Camaar 319,608 1,479,013 40
20 Stoner Destroy units 4 253,679 187,101 43
21 Sjakekdjd Camaar 243,950 571,622 30
22 Deira Revalons 232,560 127,647 28
23 empire_33029 marron 195,600 100,895 22
24 Fireman_m00000d Camaar 150,387 203,376 19
25 Bingo Camaar 141,160 205,855 17
26 empire_a PennyWorth 113,780 108,218 17
27 Gilius Revalons 112,720 14,838 13
28 Niganati Camaar 100,840 901,643 12
29 Inactive Quantam 93,800 267,742 10
30 Konoha Partaxian 93,280 46,990 9
31 TheStone Camaar 84,360 438,319 9
32 Cannabis Partaxian 42,500 5,602 1
33 Outoforder Wardancers 31,840 28,578 3
34 Death Quantam 10,000 50,913 1
35 WhenThingsGoWrong Quantam 10,000 22,438 1
36 Bermuks Revalons 9,488 1,237 1