All Galaxies > Triangulum > Triangulum 31

60 minute ticks
Duration 0 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 70
Players 36 / 36
Open Spots 0 / 36 Join
Start Date Monday, August 1, 2022
2 years ago
End Date Thursday, August 4, 2022
2 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 307
Planet Count 1556

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 12x3
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 1
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 0
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 1
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #11027: Yikes???? [17,69] 338,752 157 567,321
2 #11026: The Colours [16,30] 307,410 170 488,018
3 #11025: POWERNOOBS [55,78] 278,311 136 576,318
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #11026: The Colours [16,30] 170 307,410 488,018
2 #11027: Yikes???? [17,69] 157 338,752 567,321
3 #11025: POWERNOOBS [55,78] 136 278,311 576,318
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #11025: POWERNOOBS [55,78] 576,318 278,311 136
2 #11027: Yikes???? [17,69] 567,321 338,752 157
3 #11026: The Colours [16,30] 488,018 307,410 170
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Blue Partaxian 82,070 34 60,033
2 Who_is_this Where AM | 64,498 28 38,488
3 Snail Quantam 54,514 14 87,608
4 Homelander Revalons 53,227 22 96,663
5 empire Revalons 48,685 26 138,745
6 Ruler Quantam 45,263 9 84,349
7 TheSeven Chandrian 43,051 25 104,865
8 Gold Quantam 42,121 27 95,752
9 NubElite Camaar 41,926 20 55,934
10 Thinking Revalons 41,238 20 53,645
11 Grey Tea 38,085 30 44,239
12 Amalgam Whispered 33,164 18 34,108
13 TAKRAF Schaufelradbagger 29,975 19 32,377
14 BenDover Quantam 29,066 14 59,415
15 FunnyColors Quantam 28,645 11 86,680
16 Yellow Fireball 26,430 11 30,786
17 NoobMan Wardancers 24,132 14 75,520
18 RookieNoob Revalons 23,962 13 44,103
19 Purple Tryme 22,439 11 26,392
20 Silver Camaar 18,895 9 52,981
21 Green Groentje 18,174 11 28,209
22 Black Camaar 18,031 11 39,222
23 Bronze Reindeer Food 2 16,249 9 30,228
24 WaC rerstakerkf 14,264 8 25,365
25 Red Quantam 12,799 7 44,255
26 empire_34pr9l Camaar 12,448 9 14,514
27 Brown marron 10,867 9 25,921
28 yourefave Quantam 9,124 9 30,602
29 Nub Quantam 9,102 8 25,658
30 NorActive Qk 3,395 1 10,000
31 FunkyNoobs Partaxian 2,509 1 10,000
32 Bottle Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
33 empire_b5de1 Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
34 empire_f702e Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
35 empire_a454d Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
36 rtrt Wardancers 1,125 1 5,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Blue Partaxian 34 82,070 60,033
2 Grey Tea 30 38,085 44,239
3 Who_is_this Where AM | 28 64,498 38,488
4 Gold Quantam 27 42,121 95,752
5 empire Revalons 26 48,685 138,745
6 TheSeven Chandrian 25 43,051 104,865
7 Homelander Revalons 22 53,227 96,663
8 NubElite Camaar 20 41,926 55,934
9 Thinking Revalons 20 41,238 53,645
10 TAKRAF Schaufelradbagger 19 29,975 32,377
11 Amalgam Whispered 18 33,164 34,108
12 Snail Quantam 14 54,514 87,608
13 BenDover Quantam 14 29,066 59,415
14 NoobMan Wardancers 14 24,132 75,520
15 RookieNoob Revalons 13 23,962 44,103
16 FunnyColors Quantam 11 28,645 86,680
17 Yellow Fireball 11 26,430 30,786
18 Purple Tryme 11 22,439 26,392
19 Green Groentje 11 18,174 28,209
20 Black Camaar 11 18,031 39,222
21 Ruler Quantam 9 45,263 84,349
22 Silver Camaar 9 18,895 52,981
23 Bronze Reindeer Food 2 9 16,249 30,228
24 empire_34pr9l Camaar 9 12,448 14,514
25 Brown marron 9 10,867 25,921
26 yourefave Quantam 9 9,124 30,602
27 WaC rerstakerkf 8 14,264 25,365
28 Nub Quantam 8 9,102 25,658
29 Red Quantam 7 12,799 44,255
30 NorActive Qk 1 3,395 10,000
31 FunkyNoobs Partaxian 1 2,509 10,000
32 Bottle Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
33 empire_b5de1 Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
34 empire_f702e Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
35 empire_a454d Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
36 rtrt Wardancers 1 1,125 5,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 empire Revalons 138,745 48,685 26
2 TheSeven Chandrian 104,865 43,051 25
3 Homelander Revalons 96,663 53,227 22
4 Gold Quantam 95,752 42,121 27
5 Snail Quantam 87,608 54,514 14
6 FunnyColors Quantam 86,680 28,645 11
7 Ruler Quantam 84,349 45,263 9
8 NoobMan Wardancers 75,520 24,132 14
9 Blue Partaxian 60,033 82,070 34
10 BenDover Quantam 59,415 29,066 14
11 NubElite Camaar 55,934 41,926 20
12 Thinking Revalons 53,645 41,238 20
13 Silver Camaar 52,981 18,895 9
14 Red Quantam 44,255 12,799 7
15 Grey Tea 44,239 38,085 30
16 RookieNoob Revalons 44,103 23,962 13
17 Black Camaar 39,222 18,031 11
18 Who_is_this Where AM | 38,488 64,498 28
19 Amalgam Whispered 34,108 33,164 18
20 TAKRAF Schaufelradbagger 32,377 29,975 19
21 Yellow Fireball 30,786 26,430 11
22 yourefave Quantam 30,602 9,124 9
23 Bronze Reindeer Food 2 30,228 16,249 9
24 Green Groentje 28,209 18,174 11
25 Purple Tryme 26,392 22,439 11
26 Brown marron 25,921 10,867 9
27 Nub Quantam 25,658 9,102 8
28 WaC rerstakerkf 25,365 14,264 8
29 empire_34pr9l Camaar 14,514 12,448 9
30 NorActive Qk 10,000 3,395 1
31 FunkyNoobs Partaxian 10,000 2,509 1
32 Bottle Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
33 empire_b5de1 Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
34 empire_f702e Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
35 empire_a454d Quantam 10,000 1,250 1
36 rtrt Wardancers 5,000 1,125 1