All Galaxies > Triangulum > Triangulum 30

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 671
Players 31 / 35
Open Spots 4 / 35 Join
Start Date Friday, July 1, 2022
2 years ago
End Date Friday, July 29, 2022
2 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 331
Planet Count 1665

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 6x5
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 1
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 3
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 2
Science Funding Delay 3
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #11020: TBOTosssCrivSoulFlipScorpHellz [17,63] 13,577,458 770 7,720,173
2 #11021: Swagless [63,20] 5,055,476 221 1,845,269
3 #11024: Stick the landing [1,42] 4,860,078 237 3,503,290
4 #11023: Destiny awaits [21,20] 3,337,269 228 2,170,976
5 #11022: Thunderbirds are gone... [56,60] 1,355,241 205 1,809,480
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #11020: TBOTosssCrivSoulFlipScorpHellz [17,63] 770 13,577,458 7,720,173
2 #11024: Stick the landing [1,42] 237 4,860,078 3,503,290
3 #11023: Destiny awaits [21,20] 228 3,337,269 2,170,976
4 #11021: Swagless [63,20] 221 5,055,476 1,845,269
5 #11022: Thunderbirds are gone... [56,60] 205 1,355,241 1,809,480
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #11020: TBOTosssCrivSoulFlipScorpHellz [17,63] 7,720,173 13,577,458 770
2 #11024: Stick the landing [1,42] 3,503,290 4,860,078 237
3 #11023: Destiny awaits [21,20] 2,170,976 3,337,269 228
4 #11021: Swagless [63,20] 1,845,269 5,055,476 221
5 #11022: Thunderbirds are gone... [56,60] 1,809,480 1,355,241 205
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Tomato Revalons 5,814,969 319 4,591,323
2 Garrix MagicalMuppets 2,542,316 109 845,749
3 A380 Revalons 2,166,081 50 1,833,370
4 Corn Camaar 2,043,918 115 905,920
5 Potato Camaar 1,903,057 71 496,068
6 B747 Cleared to Land 1,880,898 96 890,800
7 Carrot Partaxian 1,270,666 82 700,531
8 Beet Camaar 1,153,917 123 566,261
9 Cucumber Camaar 1,054,362 42 294,870
10 KleZ DataMine 940,036 12 99,920
11 CryptoLocker Baron 909,291 56 501,440
12 Oryx Revalons 845,069 49 323,442
13 Boxfan Airflow 757,425 50 651,450
14 Polder Partaxian 617,721 34 312,760
15 Brains Quantam 534,026 42 379,600
16 B757 Boeing 525,818 75 646,680
17 AlanTracy Partaxian 429,825 35 297,480
18 Rona Quantam 374,428 31 273,800
19 Montana Revalons 353,521 25 232,880
20 Kale Partaxian 336,569 18 165,200
21 Cervarla rerstakerkf 302,733 23 207,280
22 HepC Twisted-Tbow 289,405 13 124,360
23 F35 Camaar 286,031 15 122,440
24 Placid Nerd 269,789 33 308,040
25 Inactive Partaxian 191,011 14 135,124
26 GordonTracy SeotatoPdehsam 143,060 32 286,920
27 LadyPenelope Camaar 78,886 10 79,440
28 AloysiusParker CucumberJeSuis 66,427 18 150,160
29 VirgilTracy Brains suggestion 63,362 56 508,880
30 John_Tracy Reindeer Food 2 39,655 12 107,000
31 Logelsons Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Tomato Revalons 319 5,814,969 4,591,323
2 Beet Camaar 123 1,153,917 566,261
3 Corn Camaar 115 2,043,918 905,920
4 Garrix MagicalMuppets 109 2,542,316 845,749
5 B747 Cleared to Land 96 1,880,898 890,800
6 Carrot Partaxian 82 1,270,666 700,531
7 B757 Boeing 75 525,818 646,680
8 Potato Camaar 71 1,903,057 496,068
9 CryptoLocker Baron 56 909,291 501,440
10 VirgilTracy Brains suggestion 56 63,362 508,880
11 A380 Revalons 50 2,166,081 1,833,370
12 Boxfan Airflow 50 757,425 651,450
13 Oryx Revalons 49 845,069 323,442
14 Cucumber Camaar 42 1,054,362 294,870
15 Brains Quantam 42 534,026 379,600
16 AlanTracy Partaxian 35 429,825 297,480
17 Polder Partaxian 34 617,721 312,760
18 Placid Nerd 33 269,789 308,040
19 GordonTracy SeotatoPdehsam 32 143,060 286,920
20 Rona Quantam 31 374,428 273,800
21 Montana Revalons 25 353,521 232,880
22 Cervarla rerstakerkf 23 302,733 207,280
23 Kale Partaxian 18 336,569 165,200
24 AloysiusParker CucumberJeSuis 18 66,427 150,160
25 F35 Camaar 15 286,031 122,440
26 Inactive Partaxian 14 191,011 135,124
27 HepC Twisted-Tbow 13 289,405 124,360
28 KleZ DataMine 12 940,036 99,920
29 John_Tracy Reindeer Food 2 12 39,655 107,000
30 LadyPenelope Camaar 10 78,886 79,440
31 Logelsons Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Tomato Revalons 4,591,323 5,814,969 319
2 A380 Revalons 1,833,370 2,166,081 50
3 Corn Camaar 905,920 2,043,918 115
4 B747 Cleared to Land 890,800 1,880,898 96
5 Garrix MagicalMuppets 845,749 2,542,316 109
6 Carrot Partaxian 700,531 1,270,666 82
7 Boxfan Airflow 651,450 757,425 50
8 B757 Boeing 646,680 525,818 75
9 Beet Camaar 566,261 1,153,917 123
10 VirgilTracy Brains suggestion 508,880 63,362 56
11 CryptoLocker Baron 501,440 909,291 56
12 Potato Camaar 496,068 1,903,057 71
13 Brains Quantam 379,600 534,026 42
14 Oryx Revalons 323,442 845,069 49
15 Polder Partaxian 312,760 617,721 34
16 Placid Nerd 308,040 269,789 33
17 AlanTracy Partaxian 297,480 429,825 35
18 Cucumber Camaar 294,870 1,054,362 42
19 GordonTracy SeotatoPdehsam 286,920 143,060 32
20 Rona Quantam 273,800 374,428 31
21 Montana Revalons 232,880 353,521 25
22 Cervarla rerstakerkf 207,280 302,733 23
23 Kale Partaxian 165,200 336,569 18
24 AloysiusParker CucumberJeSuis 150,160 66,427 18
25 Inactive Partaxian 135,124 191,011 14
26 HepC Twisted-Tbow 124,360 289,405 13
27 F35 Camaar 122,440 286,031 15
28 John_Tracy Reindeer Food 2 107,000 39,655 12
29 KleZ DataMine 99,920 940,036 12
30 LadyPenelope Camaar 79,440 78,886 10
31 Logelsons Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1