Duration | 4 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 671 |
Players | 31 / 35 |
Open Spots | 4 / 35 Join |
Start Date | Friday, July 1, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
End Date | Friday, July 29, 2022 |
2 years ago | |
Size | 80x80 |
System Count | 331 |
Planet Count | 1665 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | 80 |
Starting Family Distribution | 6x5 |
Max Defense Stations | 3 |
Market | 1 |
Family Aid | 1 |
Anonymous Play | 1 |
Unofficial Alliances | 0 |
Offensive Actions Delay | 3 |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | 2 |
Science Funding Delay | 3 |
Starting Resources Multiplier | 100 |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #11020: TBOTosssCrivSoulFlipScorpHellz [17,63] | 13,577,458 | 770 | 7,720,173 |
2 | #11021: Swagless [63,20] | 5,055,476 | 221 | 1,845,269 |
3 | #11024: Stick the landing [1,42] | 4,860,078 | 237 | 3,503,290 |
4 | #11023: Destiny awaits [21,20] | 3,337,269 | 228 | 2,170,976 |
5 | #11022: Thunderbirds are gone... [56,60] | 1,355,241 | 205 | 1,809,480 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #11020: TBOTosssCrivSoulFlipScorpHellz [17,63] | 770 | 13,577,458 | 7,720,173 |
2 | #11024: Stick the landing [1,42] | 237 | 4,860,078 | 3,503,290 |
3 | #11023: Destiny awaits [21,20] | 228 | 3,337,269 | 2,170,976 |
4 | #11021: Swagless [63,20] | 221 | 5,055,476 | 1,845,269 |
5 | #11022: Thunderbirds are gone... [56,60] | 205 | 1,355,241 | 1,809,480 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #11020: TBOTosssCrivSoulFlipScorpHellz [17,63] | 7,720,173 | 13,577,458 | 770 |
2 | #11024: Stick the landing [1,42] | 3,503,290 | 4,860,078 | 237 |
3 | #11023: Destiny awaits [21,20] | 2,170,976 | 3,337,269 | 228 |
4 | #11021: Swagless [63,20] | 1,845,269 | 5,055,476 | 221 |
5 | #11022: Thunderbirds are gone... [56,60] | 1,809,480 | 1,355,241 | 205 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Tomato | Revalons | 5,814,969 | 319 | 4,591,323 |
2 | Garrix | MagicalMuppets | 2,542,316 | 109 | 845,749 |
3 | A380 | Revalons | 2,166,081 | 50 | 1,833,370 |
4 | Corn | Camaar | 2,043,918 | 115 | 905,920 |
5 | Potato | Camaar | 1,903,057 | 71 | 496,068 |
6 | B747 | Cleared to Land | 1,880,898 | 96 | 890,800 |
7 | Carrot | Partaxian | 1,270,666 | 82 | 700,531 |
8 | Beet | Camaar | 1,153,917 | 123 | 566,261 |
9 | Cucumber | Camaar | 1,054,362 | 42 | 294,870 |
10 | KleZ | DataMine | 940,036 | 12 | 99,920 |
11 | CryptoLocker | Baron | 909,291 | 56 | 501,440 |
12 | Oryx | Revalons | 845,069 | 49 | 323,442 |
13 | Boxfan | Airflow | 757,425 | 50 | 651,450 |
14 | Polder | Partaxian | 617,721 | 34 | 312,760 |
15 | Brains | Quantam | 534,026 | 42 | 379,600 |
16 | B757 | Boeing | 525,818 | 75 | 646,680 |
17 | AlanTracy | Partaxian | 429,825 | 35 | 297,480 |
18 | Rona | Quantam | 374,428 | 31 | 273,800 |
19 | Montana | Revalons | 353,521 | 25 | 232,880 |
20 | Kale | Partaxian | 336,569 | 18 | 165,200 |
21 | Cervarla | rerstakerkf | 302,733 | 23 | 207,280 |
22 | HepC | Twisted-Tbow | 289,405 | 13 | 124,360 |
23 | F35 | Camaar | 286,031 | 15 | 122,440 |
24 | Placid | Nerd | 269,789 | 33 | 308,040 |
25 | Inactive | Partaxian | 191,011 | 14 | 135,124 |
26 | GordonTracy | SeotatoPdehsam | 143,060 | 32 | 286,920 |
27 | LadyPenelope | Camaar | 78,886 | 10 | 79,440 |
28 | AloysiusParker | CucumberJeSuis | 66,427 | 18 | 150,160 |
29 | VirgilTracy | Brains suggestion | 63,362 | 56 | 508,880 |
30 | John_Tracy | Reindeer Food 2 | 39,655 | 12 | 107,000 |
31 | Logelsons | Partaxian | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Tomato | Revalons | 319 | 5,814,969 | 4,591,323 |
2 | Beet | Camaar | 123 | 1,153,917 | 566,261 |
3 | Corn | Camaar | 115 | 2,043,918 | 905,920 |
4 | Garrix | MagicalMuppets | 109 | 2,542,316 | 845,749 |
5 | B747 | Cleared to Land | 96 | 1,880,898 | 890,800 |
6 | Carrot | Partaxian | 82 | 1,270,666 | 700,531 |
7 | B757 | Boeing | 75 | 525,818 | 646,680 |
8 | Potato | Camaar | 71 | 1,903,057 | 496,068 |
9 | CryptoLocker | Baron | 56 | 909,291 | 501,440 |
10 | VirgilTracy | Brains suggestion | 56 | 63,362 | 508,880 |
11 | A380 | Revalons | 50 | 2,166,081 | 1,833,370 |
12 | Boxfan | Airflow | 50 | 757,425 | 651,450 |
13 | Oryx | Revalons | 49 | 845,069 | 323,442 |
14 | Cucumber | Camaar | 42 | 1,054,362 | 294,870 |
15 | Brains | Quantam | 42 | 534,026 | 379,600 |
16 | AlanTracy | Partaxian | 35 | 429,825 | 297,480 |
17 | Polder | Partaxian | 34 | 617,721 | 312,760 |
18 | Placid | Nerd | 33 | 269,789 | 308,040 |
19 | GordonTracy | SeotatoPdehsam | 32 | 143,060 | 286,920 |
20 | Rona | Quantam | 31 | 374,428 | 273,800 |
21 | Montana | Revalons | 25 | 353,521 | 232,880 |
22 | Cervarla | rerstakerkf | 23 | 302,733 | 207,280 |
23 | Kale | Partaxian | 18 | 336,569 | 165,200 |
24 | AloysiusParker | CucumberJeSuis | 18 | 66,427 | 150,160 |
25 | F35 | Camaar | 15 | 286,031 | 122,440 |
26 | Inactive | Partaxian | 14 | 191,011 | 135,124 |
27 | HepC | Twisted-Tbow | 13 | 289,405 | 124,360 |
28 | KleZ | DataMine | 12 | 940,036 | 99,920 |
29 | John_Tracy | Reindeer Food 2 | 12 | 39,655 | 107,000 |
30 | LadyPenelope | Camaar | 10 | 78,886 | 79,440 |
31 | Logelsons | Partaxian | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Tomato | Revalons | 4,591,323 | 5,814,969 | 319 |
2 | A380 | Revalons | 1,833,370 | 2,166,081 | 50 |
3 | Corn | Camaar | 905,920 | 2,043,918 | 115 |
4 | B747 | Cleared to Land | 890,800 | 1,880,898 | 96 |
5 | Garrix | MagicalMuppets | 845,749 | 2,542,316 | 109 |
6 | Carrot | Partaxian | 700,531 | 1,270,666 | 82 |
7 | Boxfan | Airflow | 651,450 | 757,425 | 50 |
8 | B757 | Boeing | 646,680 | 525,818 | 75 |
9 | Beet | Camaar | 566,261 | 1,153,917 | 123 |
10 | VirgilTracy | Brains suggestion | 508,880 | 63,362 | 56 |
11 | CryptoLocker | Baron | 501,440 | 909,291 | 56 |
12 | Potato | Camaar | 496,068 | 1,903,057 | 71 |
13 | Brains | Quantam | 379,600 | 534,026 | 42 |
14 | Oryx | Revalons | 323,442 | 845,069 | 49 |
15 | Polder | Partaxian | 312,760 | 617,721 | 34 |
16 | Placid | Nerd | 308,040 | 269,789 | 33 |
17 | AlanTracy | Partaxian | 297,480 | 429,825 | 35 |
18 | Cucumber | Camaar | 294,870 | 1,054,362 | 42 |
19 | GordonTracy | SeotatoPdehsam | 286,920 | 143,060 | 32 |
20 | Rona | Quantam | 273,800 | 374,428 | 31 |
21 | Montana | Revalons | 232,880 | 353,521 | 25 |
22 | Cervarla | rerstakerkf | 207,280 | 302,733 | 23 |
23 | Kale | Partaxian | 165,200 | 336,569 | 18 |
24 | AloysiusParker | CucumberJeSuis | 150,160 | 66,427 | 18 |
25 | Inactive | Partaxian | 135,124 | 191,011 | 14 |
26 | HepC | Twisted-Tbow | 124,360 | 289,405 | 13 |
27 | F35 | Camaar | 122,440 | 286,031 | 15 |
28 | John_Tracy | Reindeer Food 2 | 107,000 | 39,655 | 12 |
29 | KleZ | DataMine | 99,920 | 940,036 | 12 |
30 | LadyPenelope | Camaar | 79,440 | 78,886 | 10 |
31 | Logelsons | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |