All Galaxies > Terra > Terra 5

60 minute ticks
Duration 6 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 1009
Players 15 / 18
Open Spots 3 / 18 Join
Start Date Monday, January 7, 2019
6 years ago
End Date Monday, February 18, 2019
6 years ago
Size 53x53
System Count 538
Planet Count 4306

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Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #6375: Commanders in Chief [8,21] 33,226,047 1,112 116,072,905
2 #6374: Dysfunctional: RUSSIA RELOADED [42,18] 699,939 116 1,081,902
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #6375: Commanders in Chief [8,21] 1,112 33,226,047 116,072,905
2 #6374: Dysfunctional: RUSSIA RELOADED [42,18] 116 699,939 1,081,902
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #6375: Commanders in Chief [8,21] 116,072,905 33,226,047 1,112
2 #6374: Dysfunctional: RUSSIA RELOADED [42,18] 1,081,902 699,939 116
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 SCORPION Quantam 22,400,015 277 2,493,120
2 Abraham_Lincoln Revalons 6,617,983 565 111,211,147
3 Kri6ix Wardancers 2,179,863 81 690,141
4 Hakunamatata Revalons 1,141,411 64 558,200
5 Theodore_Roosevelt Wardancers 526,925 112 988,937
6 Martin_Van_Buren to much. 328,435 1 10,000
7 Scoutman Quantam 265,928 18 169,520
8 P Partaxian 165,122 16 102,630
9 Partaxia Partaxian 88,852 36 371,792
10 Rotterdam Quantam 75,213 17 155,360
11 SWAGGA Camaar 49,111 8 80,800
12 Eisenhower Wardancers 30,165 11 111,360
13 Antwerp Revalons 28,965 11 115,160
14 VLAD White Caucasian 26,748 10 86,640
15 RoyalNavy Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Abraham_Lincoln Revalons 565 6,617,983 111,211,147
2 SCORPION Quantam 277 22,400,015 2,493,120
3 Theodore_Roosevelt Wardancers 112 526,925 988,937
4 Kri6ix Wardancers 81 2,179,863 690,141
5 Hakunamatata Revalons 64 1,141,411 558,200
6 Partaxia Partaxian 36 88,852 371,792
7 Scoutman Quantam 18 265,928 169,520
8 Rotterdam Quantam 17 75,213 155,360
9 P Partaxian 16 165,122 102,630
10 Eisenhower Wardancers 11 30,165 111,360
11 Antwerp Revalons 11 28,965 115,160
12 VLAD White Caucasian 10 26,748 86,640
13 SWAGGA Camaar 8 49,111 80,800
14 Martin_Van_Buren to much. 1 328,435 10,000
15 RoyalNavy Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Abraham_Lincoln Revalons 111,211,147 6,617,983 565
2 SCORPION Quantam 2,493,120 22,400,015 277
3 Theodore_Roosevelt Wardancers 988,937 526,925 112
4 Kri6ix Wardancers 690,141 2,179,863 81
5 Hakunamatata Revalons 558,200 1,141,411 64
6 Partaxia Partaxian 371,792 88,852 36
7 Scoutman Quantam 169,520 265,928 18
8 Rotterdam Quantam 155,360 75,213 17
9 Antwerp Revalons 115,160 28,965 11
10 Eisenhower Wardancers 111,360 30,165 11
11 P Partaxian 102,630 165,122 16
12 VLAD White Caucasian 86,640 26,748 10
13 SWAGGA Camaar 80,800 49,111 8
14 Martin_Van_Buren to much. 10,000 328,435 1
15 RoyalNavy Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1