All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 44

60 minute ticks
Duration 6 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 1054
Players 76 / 100
Open Spots 24 / 100 Join
Start Date Saturday, September 17, 2022
2 years ago
End Date Monday, October 31, 2022
2 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 326
Planet Count 1630

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 100x1
Max Defense Stations 1
Market 0
Family Aid 0
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 1
Offensive Actions Delay 0
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 0
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #11049: Still the one - flipmode [31,33] 6,048,818 232 1,950,735
2 #11105: ..... [1,21] 5,369,926 197 1,711,815
3 #11096: Sunshine Emporium [60,67] 5,339,519 82 717,440
4 #11106: CheekyMonkeys [62,28] 4,740,230 62 559,080
5 #11099: (((@))) [23,59] 3,264,613 44 435,896
6 #11074: Waaaaaaaaagh [20,46] 2,454,375 55 463,036
7 #11072: Leave me alone -Soul [67,72] 2,351,100 43 368,560
8 #11130: I R Friendly [8,58] 2,119,813 58 527,560
9 #11133: TARGA [70,64] 1,991,525 75 656,892
10 #11048: Man Of Steel [75,3] 1,831,044 55 477,760
11 #11116: Cheesecake [43,60] 1,113,385 27 215,560
12 #11141: [55,28] 886,026 48 405,213
13 #11139: The Godfather [78,79] 575,037 37 329,200
14 #11052: Mun [16,57] 399,997 18 154,182
15 #11127: Rulers [26,29] 346,955 29 364,680
16 #11046: Donginus [75,43] 315,145 34 309,800
17 #11090: Smash You Int Ear Ole [54,5] 304,646 42 358,880
18 #11117: Get poo [79,29] 243,340 21 145,910
19 #11134: [15,28] 210,227 11 94,899
20 #11066: O.o [26,66] 191,922 13 114,480
21 #11113: [30,12] 75,378 10 78,480
22 #11065: [6,10] 48,389 5 270,860
23 #11068: [62,58] 42,110 5 87,713
24 #11047: [35,76] 40,114 10 79,040
25 #11145: Murdock I\'m Coming To Get You [25,9] 39,251 15 150,280
26 #11057: [41,16] 37,161 8 72,400
27 #11076: Garnanarrnarr [72,53] 32,907 8 63,200
28 #11050: Zandar [49,53] 30,541 5 428,590
29 #11059: Battlestar Galactica [72,22] 21,012 6 51,960
30 #11136: [52,73] 19,990 13 115,920
31 #11064: [56,42] 15,194 5 148,412
32 #11089: [28,41] 14,231 5 38,518
33 #11061: The VioD [62,9] 13,077 5 75,405
34 #11140: [ANZAC] Rise of the Fool [77,52] 11,530 2 15,480
35 #11069: [49,65] 9,015 3 47,505
36 #11086: [26,75] 4,010 1 10,000
37 #11053: [8,23] 3,989 1 10,000
38 #11062: [45,33] 2,509 1 10,000
39 #11091: [16,16] 1,596 1 10,000
40 #11077: [14,34] 1,350 1 10,000
41 #11060: [14,74] 1,250 1 10,000
42 #11138: [28,55] 1,250 1 10,000
43 #11114: [64,21] 1,250 1 10,000
44 #11144: [19,62] 1,250 1 10,000
45 #11142: [60,18] 1,250 1 10,000
46 #11058: [33,49] 1,250 1 10,000
47 #11124: [40,48] 1,250 1 10,000
48 #11125: [26,48] 1,250 1 10,000
49 #11051: [57,23] 1,250 1 10,000
50 #11056: Hidden [20,8] 1,250 1 10,000
51 #11131: [37,32] 1,250 1 10,000
52 #11101: [69,79] 1,250 1 10,000
53 #11055: [75,63] 1,250 1 10,000
54 #11054: [56,76] 1,250 1 10,000
55 #11135: [3,16] 1,250 1 10,000
56 #11085: [64,48] 1,250 1 10,000
57 #11070: [67,33] 1,250 1 10,000
58 #11073: [2,52] 1,250 1 10,000
59 #11075: [36,61] 1,250 1 10,000
60 #11078: [36,7] 1,250 1 10,000
61 #11079: [46,76] 1,250 1 10,000
62 #11080: [2,35] 1,250 1 10,000
63 #11081: [45,7] 1,250 1 10,000
64 #11082: [48,23] 1,250 1 10,000
65 #11083: [39,42] 1,250 1 10,000
66 #11084: [10,64] 1,250 1 10,000
67 #11110: [21,80] 1,250 1 10,000
68 #11087: [73,12] 1,250 1 10,000
69 #11088: [35,26] 1,250 1 10,000
70 #11067: [25,20] 1,250 1 10,000
71 #11095: [53,34] 1,250 1 10,000
72 #11097: [41,54] 1,250 1 10,000
73 #11063: [9,43] 1,250 1 10,000
74 #11071: [2,72] 1,250 1 10,000
75 #11108: [2,59] 1,250 1 10,000
76 #11109: [41,67] 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #11049: Still the one - flipmode [31,33] 232 6,048,818 1,950,735
2 #11105: ..... [1,21] 197 5,369,926 1,711,815
3 #11096: Sunshine Emporium [60,67] 82 5,339,519 717,440
4 #11133: TARGA [70,64] 75 1,991,525 656,892
5 #11106: CheekyMonkeys [62,28] 62 4,740,230 559,080
6 #11130: I R Friendly [8,58] 58 2,119,813 527,560
7 #11074: Waaaaaaaaagh [20,46] 55 2,454,375 463,036
8 #11048: Man Of Steel [75,3] 55 1,831,044 477,760
9 #11141: [55,28] 48 886,026 405,213
10 #11099: (((@))) [23,59] 44 3,264,613 435,896
11 #11072: Leave me alone -Soul [67,72] 43 2,351,100 368,560
12 #11090: Smash You Int Ear Ole [54,5] 42 304,646 358,880
13 #11139: The Godfather [78,79] 37 575,037 329,200
14 #11046: Donginus [75,43] 34 315,145 309,800
15 #11127: Rulers [26,29] 29 346,955 364,680
16 #11116: Cheesecake [43,60] 27 1,113,385 215,560
17 #11117: Get poo [79,29] 21 243,340 145,910
18 #11052: Mun [16,57] 18 399,997 154,182
19 #11145: Murdock I\'m Coming To Get You [25,9] 15 39,251 150,280
20 #11066: O.o [26,66] 13 191,922 114,480
21 #11136: [52,73] 13 19,990 115,920
22 #11134: [15,28] 11 210,227 94,899
23 #11113: [30,12] 10 75,378 78,480
24 #11047: [35,76] 10 40,114 79,040
25 #11057: [41,16] 8 37,161 72,400
26 #11076: Garnanarrnarr [72,53] 8 32,907 63,200
27 #11059: Battlestar Galactica [72,22] 6 21,012 51,960
28 #11065: [6,10] 5 48,389 270,860
29 #11068: [62,58] 5 42,110 87,713
30 #11050: Zandar [49,53] 5 30,541 428,590
31 #11064: [56,42] 5 15,194 148,412
32 #11089: [28,41] 5 14,231 38,518
33 #11061: The VioD [62,9] 5 13,077 75,405
34 #11069: [49,65] 3 9,015 47,505
35 #11140: [ANZAC] Rise of the Fool [77,52] 2 11,530 15,480
36 #11086: [26,75] 1 4,010 10,000
37 #11053: [8,23] 1 3,989 10,000
38 #11062: [45,33] 1 2,509 10,000
39 #11091: [16,16] 1 1,596 10,000
40 #11077: [14,34] 1 1,350 10,000
41 #11101: [69,79] 1 1,250 10,000
42 #11114: [64,21] 1 1,250 10,000
43 #11060: [14,74] 1 1,250 10,000
44 #11144: [19,62] 1 1,250 10,000
45 #11124: [40,48] 1 1,250 10,000
46 #11142: [60,18] 1 1,250 10,000
47 #11125: [26,48] 1 1,250 10,000
48 #11058: [33,49] 1 1,250 10,000
49 #11051: [57,23] 1 1,250 10,000
50 #11131: [37,32] 1 1,250 10,000
51 #11056: Hidden [20,8] 1 1,250 10,000
52 #11055: [75,63] 1 1,250 10,000
53 #11135: [3,16] 1 1,250 10,000
54 #11054: [56,76] 1 1,250 10,000
55 #11138: [28,55] 1 1,250 10,000
56 #11085: [64,48] 1 1,250 10,000
57 #11071: [2,72] 1 1,250 10,000
58 #11073: [2,52] 1 1,250 10,000
59 #11075: [36,61] 1 1,250 10,000
60 #11078: [36,7] 1 1,250 10,000
61 #11079: [46,76] 1 1,250 10,000
62 #11080: [2,35] 1 1,250 10,000
63 #11081: [45,7] 1 1,250 10,000
64 #11082: [48,23] 1 1,250 10,000
65 #11083: [39,42] 1 1,250 10,000
66 #11084: [10,64] 1 1,250 10,000
67 #11110: [21,80] 1 1,250 10,000
68 #11087: [73,12] 1 1,250 10,000
69 #11088: [35,26] 1 1,250 10,000
70 #11067: [25,20] 1 1,250 10,000
71 #11095: [53,34] 1 1,250 10,000
72 #11097: [41,54] 1 1,250 10,000
73 #11070: [67,33] 1 1,250 10,000
74 #11063: [9,43] 1 1,250 10,000
75 #11108: [2,59] 1 1,250 10,000
76 #11109: [41,67] 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #11049: Still the one - flipmode [31,33] 1,950,735 6,048,818 232
2 #11105: ..... [1,21] 1,711,815 5,369,926 197
3 #11096: Sunshine Emporium [60,67] 717,440 5,339,519 82
4 #11133: TARGA [70,64] 656,892 1,991,525 75
5 #11106: CheekyMonkeys [62,28] 559,080 4,740,230 62
6 #11130: I R Friendly [8,58] 527,560 2,119,813 58
7 #11048: Man Of Steel [75,3] 477,760 1,831,044 55
8 #11074: Waaaaaaaaagh [20,46] 463,036 2,454,375 55
9 #11099: (((@))) [23,59] 435,896 3,264,613 44
10 #11050: Zandar [49,53] 428,590 30,541 5
11 #11141: [55,28] 405,213 886,026 48
12 #11072: Leave me alone -Soul [67,72] 368,560 2,351,100 43
13 #11127: Rulers [26,29] 364,680 346,955 29
14 #11090: Smash You Int Ear Ole [54,5] 358,880 304,646 42
15 #11139: The Godfather [78,79] 329,200 575,037 37
16 #11046: Donginus [75,43] 309,800 315,145 34
17 #11065: [6,10] 270,860 48,389 5
18 #11116: Cheesecake [43,60] 215,560 1,113,385 27
19 #11052: Mun [16,57] 154,182 399,997 18
20 #11145: Murdock I\'m Coming To Get You [25,9] 150,280 39,251 15
21 #11064: [56,42] 148,412 15,194 5
22 #11117: Get poo [79,29] 145,910 243,340 21
23 #11136: [52,73] 115,920 19,990 13
24 #11066: O.o [26,66] 114,480 191,922 13
25 #11134: [15,28] 94,899 210,227 11
26 #11068: [62,58] 87,713 42,110 5
27 #11047: [35,76] 79,040 40,114 10
28 #11113: [30,12] 78,480 75,378 10
29 #11061: The VioD [62,9] 75,405 13,077 5
30 #11057: [41,16] 72,400 37,161 8
31 #11076: Garnanarrnarr [72,53] 63,200 32,907 8
32 #11059: Battlestar Galactica [72,22] 51,960 21,012 6
33 #11069: [49,65] 47,505 9,015 3
34 #11089: [28,41] 38,518 14,231 5
35 #11140: [ANZAC] Rise of the Fool [77,52] 15,480 11,530 2
36 #11086: [26,75] 10,000 4,010 1
37 #11053: [8,23] 10,000 3,989 1
38 #11062: [45,33] 10,000 2,509 1
39 #11091: [16,16] 10,000 1,596 1
40 #11077: [14,34] 10,000 1,350 1
41 #11051: [57,23] 10,000 1,250 1
42 #11114: [64,21] 10,000 1,250 1
43 #11144: [19,62] 10,000 1,250 1
44 #11060: [14,74] 10,000 1,250 1
45 #11124: [40,48] 10,000 1,250 1
46 #11125: [26,48] 10,000 1,250 1
47 #11058: [33,49] 10,000 1,250 1
48 #11131: [37,32] 10,000 1,250 1
49 #11063: [9,43] 10,000 1,250 1
50 #11056: Hidden [20,8] 10,000 1,250 1
51 #11135: [3,16] 10,000 1,250 1
52 #11055: [75,63] 10,000 1,250 1
53 #11138: [28,55] 10,000 1,250 1
54 #11054: [56,76] 10,000 1,250 1
55 #11142: [60,18] 10,000 1,250 1
56 #11087: [73,12] 10,000 1,250 1
57 #11071: [2,72] 10,000 1,250 1
58 #11075: [36,61] 10,000 1,250 1
59 #11078: [36,7] 10,000 1,250 1
60 #11079: [46,76] 10,000 1,250 1
61 #11080: [2,35] 10,000 1,250 1
62 #11081: [45,7] 10,000 1,250 1
63 #11082: [48,23] 10,000 1,250 1
64 #11083: [39,42] 10,000 1,250 1
65 #11084: [10,64] 10,000 1,250 1
66 #11085: [64,48] 10,000 1,250 1
67 #11110: [21,80] 10,000 1,250 1
68 #11088: [35,26] 10,000 1,250 1
69 #11070: [67,33] 10,000 1,250 1
70 #11095: [53,34] 10,000 1,250 1
71 #11097: [41,54] 10,000 1,250 1
72 #11067: [25,20] 10,000 1,250 1
73 #11101: [69,79] 10,000 1,250 1
74 #11073: [2,52] 10,000 1,250 1
75 #11108: [2,59] 10,000 1,250 1
76 #11109: [41,67] 10,000 1,250 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Dudes SSRN 6,048,818 232 1,950,735
2 Johnson Bubbles68 5,369,926 197 1,711,815
3 Darrk Darrklings v48.9E 5,339,519 82 717,440
4 YoMama ThingsandStuff 4,740,230 62 559,080
5 Predators Quantam 3,264,613 44 435,896
6 GhazghkullThraka Gubbinzz 2,454,375 55 463,036
7 soul Wardancers 2,351,100 43 368,560
8 Alone_At_Last Wardancers 2,119,813 58 527,560
9 TargaResources Wardancers 1,991,525 75 656,892
10 WankyShitDemon God Save The Keg 1,831,044 55 477,760
11 Cheesecake Partaxian 1,113,385 27 215,560
12 Firey WarCrimes 886,026 48 405,213
13 Don_Vito Horses Head 575,037 37 329,200
14 Queen Quantam 399,997 18 154,182
15 ruler Nightlight 346,955 29 364,680
16 Dongus Partaxian 315,145 34 309,800
17 Sykes ItsShaRkS 304,646 42 358,880
18 Nope Partaxian 243,340 21 145,910
19 empire_a0a1e Quantam 210,227 11 94,899
20 empire_e7c32 ElDuckos 191,922 13 114,480
21 empire_7b1a4 Camaar 75,378 10 78,480
22 OfTrades Watermelons 48,389 5 270,860
23 its Quantam 42,110 5 87,713
24 Peakyblinders Camaar 40,114 10 79,040
25 First_Blood Camaar 39,251 15 150,280
26 empire_5c013 Camaar 37,161 8 72,400
27 Teeteeootootooplop Framericaerale 32,907 8 63,200
28 Nidavellir Revalons 30,541 5 428,590
29 Starbuck Partaxian 21,012 6 51,960
30 FoohonPie Revalons 19,990 13 115,920
31 queenbee Revalons 15,194 5 148,412
32 Hellodon Wardancers 14,231 5 38,518
33 Skaville Wardancers 13,077 5 75,405
34 FOOLISHEMPIRE Wardancers 11,530 2 15,480
35 Hugduristan Quantam 9,015 3 47,505
36 Hell Last time 4,010 1 10,000
37 Arjeanville Pluviophile 3,989 1 10,000
38 empire_04252 Partaxian 2,509 1 10,000
39 GxReborn2 SNGx 1,596 1 10,000
40 Blackhole123 Wardancers 1,350 1 10,000
41 Blimp Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
42 DeathWatch Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
43 Wind Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
44 zooti Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
45 Lexapro Camaar 1,250 1 10,000
46 GamingTown Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
47 EmpireoftheFrog Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
48 AminAk Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
49 MADAGASCAR Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
50 TwinSuns Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
51 EvilCorp Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
52 empire_acb2c Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
53 empire_50e41 Camaar 1,250 1 10,000
54 empire_f1730 Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
55 empire_bc9c3 Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
56 empire_a6e97 Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
57 empire_fa5f4 Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
58 empire_02ae6 Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
59 empire_d1d75 Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
60 Sumeria Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
61 empire_97d84 Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
62 empire_db328 Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
63 empire_a54fe Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
64 empire_c2710 Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
65 empire_a0b10 Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
66 empire_840a6 Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
67 empire_9c0cb Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
68 empire_4c07e Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
69 empire_5a72b Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
70 empire_76199 Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
71 empire_3d9d6 Camaar 1,250 1 10,000
72 empire_c6832 Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
73 empire_451c7 Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
74 empire_1fbd5 Camaar 1,250 1 10,000
75 empire_1730d Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
76 empire_94f07 Revalons 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Dudes SSRN 232 6,048,818 1,950,735
2 Johnson Bubbles68 197 5,369,926 1,711,815
3 Darrk Darrklings v48.9E 82 5,339,519 717,440
4 TargaResources Wardancers 75 1,991,525 656,892
5 YoMama ThingsandStuff 62 4,740,230 559,080
6 Alone_At_Last Wardancers 58 2,119,813 527,560
7 GhazghkullThraka Gubbinzz 55 2,454,375 463,036
8 WankyShitDemon God Save The Keg 55 1,831,044 477,760
9 Firey WarCrimes 48 886,026 405,213
10 Predators Quantam 44 3,264,613 435,896
11 soul Wardancers 43 2,351,100 368,560
12 Sykes ItsShaRkS 42 304,646 358,880
13 Don_Vito Horses Head 37 575,037 329,200
14 Dongus Partaxian 34 315,145 309,800
15 ruler Nightlight 29 346,955 364,680
16 Cheesecake Partaxian 27 1,113,385 215,560
17 Nope Partaxian 21 243,340 145,910
18 Queen Quantam 18 399,997 154,182
19 First_Blood Camaar 15 39,251 150,280
20 empire_e7c32 ElDuckos 13 191,922 114,480
21 FoohonPie Revalons 13 19,990 115,920
22 empire_a0a1e Quantam 11 210,227 94,899
23 empire_7b1a4 Camaar 10 75,378 78,480
24 Peakyblinders Camaar 10 40,114 79,040
25 empire_5c013 Camaar 8 37,161 72,400
26 Teeteeootootooplop Framericaerale 8 32,907 63,200
27 Starbuck Partaxian 6 21,012 51,960
28 OfTrades Watermelons 5 48,389 270,860
29 its Quantam 5 42,110 87,713
30 Nidavellir Revalons 5 30,541 428,590
31 queenbee Revalons 5 15,194 148,412
32 Hellodon Wardancers 5 14,231 38,518
33 Skaville Wardancers 5 13,077 75,405
34 Hugduristan Quantam 3 9,015 47,505
35 FOOLISHEMPIRE Wardancers 2 11,530 15,480
36 Hell Last time 1 4,010 10,000
37 Arjeanville Pluviophile 1 3,989 10,000
38 empire_04252 Partaxian 1 2,509 10,000
39 GxReborn2 SNGx 1 1,596 10,000
40 Blackhole123 Wardancers 1 1,350 10,000
41 Blimp Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
42 DeathWatch Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
43 Wind Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
44 zooti Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
45 Lexapro Camaar 1 1,250 10,000
46 GamingTown Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
47 EmpireoftheFrog Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
48 AminAk Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
49 MADAGASCAR Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
50 TwinSuns Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
51 EvilCorp Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
52 empire_acb2c Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
53 empire_50e41 Camaar 1 1,250 10,000
54 empire_f1730 Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
55 empire_bc9c3 Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
56 empire_a6e97 Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
57 empire_fa5f4 Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
58 empire_02ae6 Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
59 empire_d1d75 Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
60 Sumeria Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
61 empire_97d84 Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
62 empire_db328 Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
63 empire_a54fe Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
64 empire_c2710 Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
65 empire_a0b10 Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
66 empire_840a6 Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
67 empire_9c0cb Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
68 empire_4c07e Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
69 empire_5a72b Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
70 empire_76199 Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
71 empire_3d9d6 Camaar 1 1,250 10,000
72 empire_c6832 Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
73 empire_451c7 Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
74 empire_1fbd5 Camaar 1 1,250 10,000
75 empire_1730d Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
76 empire_94f07 Revalons 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Dudes SSRN 1,950,735 6,048,818 232
2 Johnson Bubbles68 1,711,815 5,369,926 197
3 Darrk Darrklings v48.9E 717,440 5,339,519 82
4 TargaResources Wardancers 656,892 1,991,525 75
5 YoMama ThingsandStuff 559,080 4,740,230 62
6 Alone_At_Last Wardancers 527,560 2,119,813 58
7 WankyShitDemon God Save The Keg 477,760 1,831,044 55
8 GhazghkullThraka Gubbinzz 463,036 2,454,375 55
9 Predators Quantam 435,896 3,264,613 44
10 Nidavellir Revalons 428,590 30,541 5
11 Firey WarCrimes 405,213 886,026 48
12 soul Wardancers 368,560 2,351,100 43
13 ruler Nightlight 364,680 346,955 29
14 Sykes ItsShaRkS 358,880 304,646 42
15 Don_Vito Horses Head 329,200 575,037 37
16 Dongus Partaxian 309,800 315,145 34
17 OfTrades Watermelons 270,860 48,389 5
18 Cheesecake Partaxian 215,560 1,113,385 27
19 Queen Quantam 154,182 399,997 18
20 First_Blood Camaar 150,280 39,251 15
21 queenbee Revalons 148,412 15,194 5
22 Nope Partaxian 145,910 243,340 21
23 FoohonPie Revalons 115,920 19,990 13
24 empire_e7c32 ElDuckos 114,480 191,922 13
25 empire_a0a1e Quantam 94,899 210,227 11
26 its Quantam 87,713 42,110 5
27 Peakyblinders Camaar 79,040 40,114 10
28 empire_7b1a4 Camaar 78,480 75,378 10
29 Skaville Wardancers 75,405 13,077 5
30 empire_5c013 Camaar 72,400 37,161 8
31 Teeteeootootooplop Framericaerale 63,200 32,907 8
32 Starbuck Partaxian 51,960 21,012 6
33 Hugduristan Quantam 47,505 9,015 3
34 Hellodon Wardancers 38,518 14,231 5
35 FOOLISHEMPIRE Wardancers 15,480 11,530 2
36 Hell Last time 10,000 4,010 1
37 Arjeanville Pluviophile 10,000 3,989 1
38 empire_04252 Partaxian 10,000 2,509 1
39 GxReborn2 SNGx 10,000 1,596 1
40 Blackhole123 Wardancers 10,000 1,350 1
41 Blimp Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
42 DeathWatch Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
43 Wind Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
44 zooti Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
45 Lexapro Camaar 10,000 1,250 1
46 GamingTown Quantam 10,000 1,250 1
47 EmpireoftheFrog Quantam 10,000 1,250 1
48 AminAk Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
49 MADAGASCAR Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
50 TwinSuns Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
51 EvilCorp Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
52 empire_acb2c Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
53 empire_50e41 Camaar 10,000 1,250 1
54 empire_f1730 Quantam 10,000 1,250 1
55 empire_bc9c3 Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
56 empire_a6e97 Quantam 10,000 1,250 1
57 empire_fa5f4 Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
58 empire_02ae6 Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
59 empire_d1d75 Quantam 10,000 1,250 1
60 Sumeria Quantam 10,000 1,250 1
61 empire_97d84 Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
62 empire_db328 Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
63 empire_a54fe Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
64 empire_c2710 Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
65 empire_a0b10 Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
66 empire_840a6 Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
67 empire_9c0cb Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
68 empire_4c07e Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
69 empire_5a72b Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
70 empire_76199 Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
71 empire_3d9d6 Camaar 10,000 1,250 1
72 empire_c6832 Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
73 empire_451c7 Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1
74 empire_1fbd5 Camaar 10,000 1,250 1
75 empire_1730d Revalons 10,000 1,250 1
76 empire_94f07 Revalons 10,000 1,250 1