All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 43

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 673
Players 32 / 100
Open Spots 68 / 100 Join
Start Date Sunday, November 1, 2020
4 years ago
End Date Sunday, November 29, 2020
4 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 516
Planet Count 3096

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Family Count and Size
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #7483: Err [7,28] 6,075,392 299 2,356,844
2 #7503: Your lucky number [23,95] 3,304,047 254 2,040,544
3 #7469: {((*))} SWAGGA SUNMOON {((*))} [57,28] 3,020,558 228 2,080,223
4 #7557: New baby yoda show timeeee [96,56] 2,793,008 195 2,157,213
5 #7525: Mechanical [5,38] 2,555,459 214 1,782,753
6 #7489: update planets set owner=galac [82,76] 2,535,669 182 1,582,906
7 #7472: Hógvær [47,74] 2,140,355 202 1,610,399
8 #7473: Hours [27,6] 2,089,857 178 1,540,240
9 #7459: Blindfury [47,1] 2,009,793 131 12,514,809
10 #7513: Late to the party [90,84] 1,162,088 95 620,374
11 #7547: [32,84] 1,129,937 104 7,643,400
12 #7493: Spells for planets and protect [58,9] 837,431 213 1,298,663
13 #7484: [31,62] 531,839 92 1,931,328
14 #7467: Happy Holidays [71,48] 339,900 86 705,368
15 #7491: Guy Fawkes [21,72] 119,071 39 350,920
16 #7529: House Attreides [5,3] 118,927 23 197,360
17 #7461: [100,86] 52,586 14 227,914
18 #7506: BlackStar [58,78] 44,408 23 200,440
19 #7471: Rusty [89,63] 27,506 17 141,360
20 #7516: im noob [32,96] 25,840 12 107,480
21 #7536: [67,11] 22,095 8 166,692
22 #7548: [38,78] 15,913 8 78,320
23 #7531: [16,23] 5,452 1 31,860
24 #7497: [14,86] 3,229 1 32,025
25 #7504: [82,41] 2,780 1 10,000
26 #7481: [75,32] 2,266 1 10,000
27 #7545: [89,70] 2,250 1 10,000
28 #7515: [52,20] 1,250 1 10,000
29 #7521: [68,61] 1,250 1 10,000
30 #7485: [56,44] 1,250 1 10,000
31 #7465: [77,11] 1,250 1 10,000
32 #7535: [52,51] 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #7483: Err [7,28] 299 6,075,392 2,356,844
2 #7503: Your lucky number [23,95] 254 3,304,047 2,040,544
3 #7469: {((*))} SWAGGA SUNMOON {((*))} [57,28] 228 3,020,558 2,080,223
4 #7525: Mechanical [5,38] 214 2,555,459 1,782,753
5 #7493: Spells for planets and protect [58,9] 213 837,431 1,298,663
6 #7472: Hógvær [47,74] 202 2,140,355 1,610,399
7 #7557: New baby yoda show timeeee [96,56] 195 2,793,008 2,157,213
8 #7489: update planets set owner=galac [82,76] 182 2,535,669 1,582,906
9 #7473: Hours [27,6] 178 2,089,857 1,540,240
10 #7459: Blindfury [47,1] 131 2,009,793 12,514,809
11 #7547: [32,84] 104 1,129,937 7,643,400
12 #7513: Late to the party [90,84] 95 1,162,088 620,374
13 #7484: [31,62] 92 531,839 1,931,328
14 #7467: Happy Holidays [71,48] 86 339,900 705,368
15 #7491: Guy Fawkes [21,72] 39 119,071 350,920
16 #7529: House Attreides [5,3] 23 118,927 197,360
17 #7506: BlackStar [58,78] 23 44,408 200,440
18 #7471: Rusty [89,63] 17 27,506 141,360
19 #7461: [100,86] 14 52,586 227,914
20 #7516: im noob [32,96] 12 25,840 107,480
21 #7536: [67,11] 8 22,095 166,692
22 #7548: [38,78] 8 15,913 78,320
23 #7531: [16,23] 1 5,452 31,860
24 #7497: [14,86] 1 3,229 32,025
25 #7504: [82,41] 1 2,780 10,000
26 #7481: [75,32] 1 2,266 10,000
27 #7545: [89,70] 1 2,250 10,000
28 #7535: [52,51] 1 1,250 10,000
29 #7521: [68,61] 1 1,250 10,000
30 #7515: [52,20] 1 1,250 10,000
31 #7465: [77,11] 1 1,250 10,000
32 #7485: [56,44] 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #7459: Blindfury [47,1] 12,514,809 2,009,793 131
2 #7547: [32,84] 7,643,400 1,129,937 104
3 #7483: Err [7,28] 2,356,844 6,075,392 299
4 #7557: New baby yoda show timeeee [96,56] 2,157,213 2,793,008 195
5 #7469: {((*))} SWAGGA SUNMOON {((*))} [57,28] 2,080,223 3,020,558 228
6 #7503: Your lucky number [23,95] 2,040,544 3,304,047 254
7 #7484: [31,62] 1,931,328 531,839 92
8 #7525: Mechanical [5,38] 1,782,753 2,555,459 214
9 #7472: Hógvær [47,74] 1,610,399 2,140,355 202
10 #7489: update planets set owner=galac [82,76] 1,582,906 2,535,669 182
11 #7473: Hours [27,6] 1,540,240 2,089,857 178
12 #7493: Spells for planets and protect [58,9] 1,298,663 837,431 213
13 #7467: Happy Holidays [71,48] 705,368 339,900 86
14 #7513: Late to the party [90,84] 620,374 1,162,088 95
15 #7491: Guy Fawkes [21,72] 350,920 119,071 39
16 #7461: [100,86] 227,914 52,586 14
17 #7506: BlackStar [58,78] 200,440 44,408 23
18 #7529: House Attreides [5,3] 197,360 118,927 23
19 #7536: [67,11] 166,692 22,095 8
20 #7471: Rusty [89,63] 141,360 27,506 17
21 #7516: im noob [32,96] 107,480 25,840 12
22 #7548: [38,78] 78,320 15,913 8
23 #7497: [14,86] 32,025 3,229 1
24 #7531: [16,23] 31,860 5,452 1
25 #7504: [82,41] 10,000 2,780 1
26 #7481: [75,32] 10,000 2,266 1
27 #7545: [89,70] 10,000 2,250 1
28 #7521: [68,61] 10,000 1,250 1
29 #7535: [52,51] 10,000 1,250 1
30 #7515: [52,20] 10,000 1,250 1
31 #7465: [77,11] 10,000 1,250 1
32 #7485: [56,44] 10,000 1,250 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 OB OBTroll 6,075,392 299 2,356,844
2 III OnlyOne 3,304,047 254 2,040,544
3 ALLAH $$N1G1N471 X 3,020,558 228 2,080,223
4 n00bpenguins Quantam 2,793,008 195 2,157,213
5 Feeble Wardancers 2,555,459 214 1,782,753
6 Galacta Partaxian 2,535,669 182 1,582,906
7 J Partaxian 2,140,355 202 1,610,399
8 FuneBig AttackSS 2,089,857 178 1,540,240
9 Cells Wardancers 2,009,793 131 12,514,809
10 Drone Quantam 1,162,088 95 620,374
11 vbnjki dfx 1,129,937 104 7,643,400
12 Zanharim Partaxian 837,431 213 1,298,663
13 Seags Partaxian 531,839 92 1,931,328
14 Northpole NorthpoleElves 339,900 86 705,368
15 Kratom Shshdksba 119,071 39 350,920
16 Gurney Quantam 118,927 23 197,360
17 Ounchy Revalons 52,586 14 227,914
18 Blackstar Reknaw 44,408 23 200,440
19 FoohonPie Revalons 27,506 17 141,360
20 skynott SaMsqanch 25,840 12 107,480
21 clasti Wardancers 22,095 8 166,692
22 Cheese Wardancers 15,913 8 78,320
23 Snow Wardancers 5,452 1 31,860
24 Nukeland Partaxian 3,229 1 32,025
25 tdk InK 2,780 1 10,000
26 Blue Quantam 2,266 1 10,000
27 Carrot Quantam 2,250 1 10,000
28 Rays Camaar 1,250 1 10,000
29 B9red Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
30 LivingAbortion Smashed 1,250 1 10,000
31 Selitos Collective 2 1,250 1 10,000
32 Denmark The_Magic_Dane 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 OB OBTroll 299 6,075,392 2,356,844
2 III OnlyOne 254 3,304,047 2,040,544
3 ALLAH $$N1G1N471 X 228 3,020,558 2,080,223
4 Feeble Wardancers 214 2,555,459 1,782,753
5 Zanharim Partaxian 213 837,431 1,298,663
6 J Partaxian 202 2,140,355 1,610,399
7 n00bpenguins Quantam 195 2,793,008 2,157,213
8 Galacta Partaxian 182 2,535,669 1,582,906
9 FuneBig AttackSS 178 2,089,857 1,540,240
10 Cells Wardancers 131 2,009,793 12,514,809
11 vbnjki dfx 104 1,129,937 7,643,400
12 Drone Quantam 95 1,162,088 620,374
13 Seags Partaxian 92 531,839 1,931,328
14 Northpole NorthpoleElves 86 339,900 705,368
15 Kratom Shshdksba 39 119,071 350,920
16 Gurney Quantam 23 118,927 197,360
17 Blackstar Reknaw 23 44,408 200,440
18 FoohonPie Revalons 17 27,506 141,360
19 Ounchy Revalons 14 52,586 227,914
20 skynott SaMsqanch 12 25,840 107,480
21 clasti Wardancers 8 22,095 166,692
22 Cheese Wardancers 8 15,913 78,320
23 Snow Wardancers 1 5,452 31,860
24 Nukeland Partaxian 1 3,229 32,025
25 tdk InK 1 2,780 10,000
26 Blue Quantam 1 2,266 10,000
27 Carrot Quantam 1 2,250 10,000
28 Rays Camaar 1 1,250 10,000
29 B9red Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
30 LivingAbortion Smashed 1 1,250 10,000
31 Selitos Collective 2 1 1,250 10,000
32 Denmark The_Magic_Dane 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Cells Wardancers 12,514,809 2,009,793 131
2 vbnjki dfx 7,643,400 1,129,937 104
3 OB OBTroll 2,356,844 6,075,392 299
4 n00bpenguins Quantam 2,157,213 2,793,008 195
5 ALLAH $$N1G1N471 X 2,080,223 3,020,558 228
6 III OnlyOne 2,040,544 3,304,047 254
7 Seags Partaxian 1,931,328 531,839 92
8 Feeble Wardancers 1,782,753 2,555,459 214
9 J Partaxian 1,610,399 2,140,355 202
10 Galacta Partaxian 1,582,906 2,535,669 182
11 FuneBig AttackSS 1,540,240 2,089,857 178
12 Zanharim Partaxian 1,298,663 837,431 213
13 Northpole NorthpoleElves 705,368 339,900 86
14 Drone Quantam 620,374 1,162,088 95
15 Kratom Shshdksba 350,920 119,071 39
16 Ounchy Revalons 227,914 52,586 14
17 Blackstar Reknaw 200,440 44,408 23
18 Gurney Quantam 197,360 118,927 23
19 clasti Wardancers 166,692 22,095 8
20 FoohonPie Revalons 141,360 27,506 17
21 skynott SaMsqanch 107,480 25,840 12
22 Cheese Wardancers 78,320 15,913 8
23 Nukeland Partaxian 32,025 3,229 1
24 Snow Wardancers 31,860 5,452 1
25 tdk InK 10,000 2,780 1
26 Blue Quantam 10,000 2,266 1
27 Carrot Quantam 10,000 2,250 1
28 Rays Camaar 10,000 1,250 1
29 B9red Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
30 Selitos Collective 2 10,000 1,250 1
31 LivingAbortion Smashed 10,000 1,250 1
32 Denmark The_Magic_Dane 10,000 1,250 1