All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 42

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 673
Players 29 / 100
Open Spots 71 / 100 Join
Start Date Tuesday, September 29, 2020
4 years ago
End Date Tuesday, October 27, 2020
4 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 490
Planet Count 1470

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #7437: :FacePalm: [14,23] 3,499,980 127 1,136,160
2 #7379: Friendship Always Wins [39,92] 2,455,957 138 1,230,806
3 #7353: Aeonflux Redemption [78,13] 2,022,339 203 1,740,871
4 #7371: Flintstone [85,98] 1,843,429 132 5,635,971
5 #7370: SWAGGA PLANEZWALKER [42,15] 1,397,234 73 2,502,360
6 #7427: The 4th Coming [27,27] 1,295,831 128 2,029,426
7 #7415: Moments Forever Faded [66,65] 851,393 112 936,200
8 #7397: Persona Non Grata [63,56] 784,388 33 278,000
9 #7373: RAs World [89,54] 782,029 82 730,560
10 #7399: Slacker [84,44] 536,659 35 305,280
11 #7369: No ragerts [43,50] 496,111 19 1,383,450
12 #7377: The king is here [99,26] 495,436 68 602,040
13 #7360: Smoothest of the smooth [98,41] 437,414 34 288,320
14 #7447: Engineers Unleashed [65,6] 434,571 49 406,839
15 #7391: [71,50] 372,493 19 187,200
16 #7396: D.I.C.K [9,38] 344,290 10 7,779,326
17 #7431: [17,40] 293,516 23 1,386,880
18 #7359: Dune [56,88] 246,081 13 126,520
19 #7395: [53,76] 221,647 24 199,360
20 #7405: [97,59] 88,359 38 319,720
21 #7385: [36,32] 61,928 13 764,150
22 #7363: Thunder from down under [26,84] 26,498 10 346,786
23 #7365: [ANZAC] The Foolish Menace [53,65] 18,029 10 85,240
24 #7357: [99,87] 11,042 1 10,800
25 #7361: [21,33] 5,410 1 10,000
26 #7374: [11,50] 2,329 1 10,000
27 #7364: [4,65] 2,250 1 10,000
28 #7383: [84,34] 1,250 1 10,000
29 #7409: [93,19] 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #7353: Aeonflux Redemption [78,13] 203 2,022,339 1,740,871
2 #7379: Friendship Always Wins [39,92] 138 2,455,957 1,230,806
3 #7371: Flintstone [85,98] 132 1,843,429 5,635,971
4 #7427: The 4th Coming [27,27] 128 1,295,831 2,029,426
5 #7437: :FacePalm: [14,23] 127 3,499,980 1,136,160
6 #7415: Moments Forever Faded [66,65] 112 851,393 936,200
7 #7373: RAs World [89,54] 82 782,029 730,560
8 #7370: SWAGGA PLANEZWALKER [42,15] 73 1,397,234 2,502,360
9 #7377: The king is here [99,26] 68 495,436 602,040
10 #7447: Engineers Unleashed [65,6] 49 434,571 406,839
11 #7405: [97,59] 38 88,359 319,720
12 #7399: Slacker [84,44] 35 536,659 305,280
13 #7360: Smoothest of the smooth [98,41] 34 437,414 288,320
14 #7397: Persona Non Grata [63,56] 33 784,388 278,000
15 #7395: [53,76] 24 221,647 199,360
16 #7431: [17,40] 23 293,516 1,386,880
17 #7369: No ragerts [43,50] 19 496,111 1,383,450
18 #7391: [71,50] 19 372,493 187,200
19 #7359: Dune [56,88] 13 246,081 126,520
20 #7385: [36,32] 13 61,928 764,150
21 #7396: D.I.C.K [9,38] 10 344,290 7,779,326
22 #7363: Thunder from down under [26,84] 10 26,498 346,786
23 #7365: [ANZAC] The Foolish Menace [53,65] 10 18,029 85,240
24 #7357: [99,87] 1 11,042 10,800
25 #7361: [21,33] 1 5,410 10,000
26 #7374: [11,50] 1 2,329 10,000
27 #7364: [4,65] 1 2,250 10,000
28 #7409: [93,19] 1 1,250 10,000
29 #7383: [84,34] 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #7396: D.I.C.K [9,38] 7,779,326 344,290 10
2 #7371: Flintstone [85,98] 5,635,971 1,843,429 132
3 #7370: SWAGGA PLANEZWALKER [42,15] 2,502,360 1,397,234 73
4 #7427: The 4th Coming [27,27] 2,029,426 1,295,831 128
5 #7353: Aeonflux Redemption [78,13] 1,740,871 2,022,339 203
6 #7431: [17,40] 1,386,880 293,516 23
7 #7369: No ragerts [43,50] 1,383,450 496,111 19
8 #7379: Friendship Always Wins [39,92] 1,230,806 2,455,957 138
9 #7437: :FacePalm: [14,23] 1,136,160 3,499,980 127
10 #7415: Moments Forever Faded [66,65] 936,200 851,393 112
11 #7385: [36,32] 764,150 61,928 13
12 #7373: RAs World [89,54] 730,560 782,029 82
13 #7377: The king is here [99,26] 602,040 495,436 68
14 #7447: Engineers Unleashed [65,6] 406,839 434,571 49
15 #7363: Thunder from down under [26,84] 346,786 26,498 10
16 #7405: [97,59] 319,720 88,359 38
17 #7399: Slacker [84,44] 305,280 536,659 35
18 #7360: Smoothest of the smooth [98,41] 288,320 437,414 34
19 #7397: Persona Non Grata [63,56] 278,000 784,388 33
20 #7395: [53,76] 199,360 221,647 24
21 #7391: [71,50] 187,200 372,493 19
22 #7359: Dune [56,88] 126,520 246,081 13
23 #7365: [ANZAC] The Foolish Menace [53,65] 85,240 18,029 10
24 #7357: [99,87] 10,800 11,042 1
25 #7361: [21,33] 10,000 5,410 1
26 #7374: [11,50] 10,000 2,329 1
27 #7364: [4,65] 10,000 2,250 1
28 #7383: [84,34] 10,000 1,250 1
29 #7409: [93,19] 10,000 1,250 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Galacta Quantam 3,499,980 127 1,136,160
2 SecretGenious Wardancers 2,455,957 138 1,230,806
3 Joe Camaar 2,022,339 203 1,740,871
4 Bambam Partaxian 1,843,429 132 5,635,971
5 PL4N3ZW4LK3R Quantam 1,397,234 73 2,502,360
6 Lich Wardancers 1,295,831 128 2,029,426
7 Larenuf FFAFInteressant 851,393 112 936,200
8 PersonaNonGrata Partaxian 784,388 33 278,000
9 TheDr Wardancers 782,029 82 730,560
10 Kratom Camaar 536,659 35 305,280
11 Anglesmith Partaxian 496,111 19 1,383,450
12 ROK Eh, What's up Doc? 495,436 68 602,040
13 Smooth Quantam 437,414 34 288,320
14 Turbo Wardancers 434,571 49 406,839
15 Geenius Quantam 372,493 19 187,200
16 Drackonians DraconianInfCorpsKy 344,290 10 7,779,326
17 entrophia dfx 293,516 23 1,386,880
18 Wastelands das dunkle Schwarz 246,081 13 126,520
19 Farmer Wardancers 221,647 24 199,360
20 Tokaasi Salmonsnakes 88,359 38 319,720
21 Judea Yahudi 61,928 13 764,150
22 GalacticCity Quantam 26,498 10 346,786
23 Foolikan_Skywalker Quantam 18,029 10 85,240
24 Hyate Labia 11,042 1 10,800
25 mtndew Revalons 5,410 1 10,000
26 Manos The Ancient ones 2,329 1 10,000
27 O Partaxian 2,250 1 10,000
28 Bar Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
29 tt Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Joe Camaar 203 2,022,339 1,740,871
2 SecretGenious Wardancers 138 2,455,957 1,230,806
3 Bambam Partaxian 132 1,843,429 5,635,971
4 Lich Wardancers 128 1,295,831 2,029,426
5 Galacta Quantam 127 3,499,980 1,136,160
6 Larenuf FFAFInteressant 112 851,393 936,200
7 TheDr Wardancers 82 782,029 730,560
8 PL4N3ZW4LK3R Quantam 73 1,397,234 2,502,360
9 ROK Eh, What's up Doc? 68 495,436 602,040
10 Turbo Wardancers 49 434,571 406,839
11 Tokaasi Salmonsnakes 38 88,359 319,720
12 Kratom Camaar 35 536,659 305,280
13 Smooth Quantam 34 437,414 288,320
14 PersonaNonGrata Partaxian 33 784,388 278,000
15 Farmer Wardancers 24 221,647 199,360
16 entrophia dfx 23 293,516 1,386,880
17 Anglesmith Partaxian 19 496,111 1,383,450
18 Geenius Quantam 19 372,493 187,200
19 Wastelands das dunkle Schwarz 13 246,081 126,520
20 Judea Yahudi 13 61,928 764,150
21 Drackonians DraconianInfCorpsKy 10 344,290 7,779,326
22 GalacticCity Quantam 10 26,498 346,786
23 Foolikan_Skywalker Quantam 10 18,029 85,240
24 Hyate Labia 1 11,042 10,800
25 mtndew Revalons 1 5,410 10,000
26 Manos The Ancient ones 1 2,329 10,000
27 O Partaxian 1 2,250 10,000
28 Bar Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
29 tt Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Drackonians DraconianInfCorpsKy 7,779,326 344,290 10
2 Bambam Partaxian 5,635,971 1,843,429 132
3 PL4N3ZW4LK3R Quantam 2,502,360 1,397,234 73
4 Lich Wardancers 2,029,426 1,295,831 128
5 Joe Camaar 1,740,871 2,022,339 203
6 entrophia dfx 1,386,880 293,516 23
7 Anglesmith Partaxian 1,383,450 496,111 19
8 SecretGenious Wardancers 1,230,806 2,455,957 138
9 Galacta Quantam 1,136,160 3,499,980 127
10 Larenuf FFAFInteressant 936,200 851,393 112
11 Judea Yahudi 764,150 61,928 13
12 TheDr Wardancers 730,560 782,029 82
13 ROK Eh, What's up Doc? 602,040 495,436 68
14 Turbo Wardancers 406,839 434,571 49
15 GalacticCity Quantam 346,786 26,498 10
16 Tokaasi Salmonsnakes 319,720 88,359 38
17 Kratom Camaar 305,280 536,659 35
18 Smooth Quantam 288,320 437,414 34
19 PersonaNonGrata Partaxian 278,000 784,388 33
20 Farmer Wardancers 199,360 221,647 24
21 Geenius Quantam 187,200 372,493 19
22 Wastelands das dunkle Schwarz 126,520 246,081 13
23 Foolikan_Skywalker Quantam 85,240 18,029 10
24 Hyate Labia 10,800 11,042 1
25 mtndew Revalons 10,000 5,410 1
26 Manos The Ancient ones 10,000 2,329 1
27 O Partaxian 10,000 2,250 1
28 Bar Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
29 tt Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1