All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 41

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 673
Players 34 / 40
Open Spots 6 / 40 Join
Start Date Wednesday, August 19, 2020
4 years ago
End Date Wednesday, September 16, 2020
4 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 500
Planet Count 2500

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #7309: Rampenstein [11,25] 8,953,679 175 60,945,390
2 #7321: [68,53] 4,146,077 272 2,132,909
3 #7299: [95,4] 3,477,516 205 41,811,970
4 #7311: Cell mia and chillin [81,26] 3,320,940 113 23,088,100
5 #7331: Good old times [GoT] [78,80] 3,161,902 208 1,796,393
6 #7306: Souls Mess [87,18] 2,699,990 72 17,688,990
7 #7333: Gotta Catch Em All [98,81] 2,279,562 130 1,109,760
8 #7325: Don’t know what I’m doing [14,66] 1,969,538 84 5,216,169
9 #7312: PL4N3ZW4LK3R [23,32] 1,962,591 134 3,473,674
10 #7308: AeOnFlUx [65,21] 1,678,483 247 101,020
11 #7301: Where am I [82,8] 1,496,485 98 873,080
12 #7338: [ANZAC] The Fool Lives! [35,96] 1,330,328 80 735,680
13 #7313: Now and later [40,37] 1,223,378 107 3,862,190
14 #7327: Spit your game, talk your shit [65,69] 1,164,588 91 7,334,437
15 #7322: The Seven [44,55] 1,160,657 112 1,003,560
16 #7332: Secret Genious [13,81] 768,142 76 2,765,260
17 #7323: [3,56] 453,465 83 568,928
18 #7318: Juice [54,45] 407,080 92 809,200
19 #7315: [64,39] 287,030 32 292,880
20 #7300: Xenon [43,8] 58,374 21 138,538
21 #7324: Red [51,65] 23,288 16 139,480
22 #7314: [88,37] 22,260 6 53,160
23 #7305: [30,14] 17,193 8 171,851
24 #7307: [37,19] 11,646 7 66,600
25 #7316: Greetings [72,43] 9,434 9 79,200
26 #7326: [89,68] 8,135 4 34,680
27 #7320: [29,53] 4,783 2 19,080
28 #7304: Late comers [72,11] 3,477 4 47,487
29 #7317: This game sucks - Inactive [7,44] 2,194 1 10,000
30 #7336: [91,93] 2,076 1 11,400
31 #7330: Ken-O-bi [33,80] 2,069 1 13,250
32 #7329: [51,77] 1,590 1 10,000
33 #7335: [67,93] 1,250 1 10,000
34 #7337: [22,95] 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #7321: [68,53] 272 4,146,077 2,132,909
2 #7308: AeOnFlUx [65,21] 247 1,678,483 101,020
3 #7331: Good old times [GoT] [78,80] 208 3,161,902 1,796,393
4 #7299: [95,4] 205 3,477,516 41,811,970
5 #7309: Rampenstein [11,25] 175 8,953,679 60,945,390
6 #7312: PL4N3ZW4LK3R [23,32] 134 1,962,591 3,473,674
7 #7333: Gotta Catch Em All [98,81] 130 2,279,562 1,109,760
8 #7311: Cell mia and chillin [81,26] 113 3,320,940 23,088,100
9 #7322: The Seven [44,55] 112 1,160,657 1,003,560
10 #7313: Now and later [40,37] 107 1,223,378 3,862,190
11 #7301: Where am I [82,8] 98 1,496,485 873,080
12 #7318: Juice [54,45] 92 407,080 809,200
13 #7327: Spit your game, talk your shit [65,69] 91 1,164,588 7,334,437
14 #7325: Don’t know what I’m doing [14,66] 84 1,969,538 5,216,169
15 #7323: [3,56] 83 453,465 568,928
16 #7338: [ANZAC] The Fool Lives! [35,96] 80 1,330,328 735,680
17 #7332: Secret Genious [13,81] 76 768,142 2,765,260
18 #7306: Souls Mess [87,18] 72 2,699,990 17,688,990
19 #7315: [64,39] 32 287,030 292,880
20 #7300: Xenon [43,8] 21 58,374 138,538
21 #7324: Red [51,65] 16 23,288 139,480
22 #7316: Greetings [72,43] 9 9,434 79,200
23 #7305: [30,14] 8 17,193 171,851
24 #7307: [37,19] 7 11,646 66,600
25 #7314: [88,37] 6 22,260 53,160
26 #7326: [89,68] 4 8,135 34,680
27 #7304: Late comers [72,11] 4 3,477 47,487
28 #7320: [29,53] 2 4,783 19,080
29 #7317: This game sucks - Inactive [7,44] 1 2,194 10,000
30 #7336: [91,93] 1 2,076 11,400
31 #7330: Ken-O-bi [33,80] 1 2,069 13,250
32 #7329: [51,77] 1 1,590 10,000
33 #7335: [67,93] 1 1,250 10,000
34 #7337: [22,95] 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #7309: Rampenstein [11,25] 60,945,390 8,953,679 175
2 #7299: [95,4] 41,811,970 3,477,516 205
3 #7311: Cell mia and chillin [81,26] 23,088,100 3,320,940 113
4 #7306: Souls Mess [87,18] 17,688,990 2,699,990 72
5 #7327: Spit your game, talk your shit [65,69] 7,334,437 1,164,588 91
6 #7325: Don’t know what I’m doing [14,66] 5,216,169 1,969,538 84
7 #7313: Now and later [40,37] 3,862,190 1,223,378 107
8 #7312: PL4N3ZW4LK3R [23,32] 3,473,674 1,962,591 134
9 #7332: Secret Genious [13,81] 2,765,260 768,142 76
10 #7321: [68,53] 2,132,909 4,146,077 272
11 #7331: Good old times [GoT] [78,80] 1,796,393 3,161,902 208
12 #7333: Gotta Catch Em All [98,81] 1,109,760 2,279,562 130
13 #7322: The Seven [44,55] 1,003,560 1,160,657 112
14 #7301: Where am I [82,8] 873,080 1,496,485 98
15 #7318: Juice [54,45] 809,200 407,080 92
16 #7338: [ANZAC] The Fool Lives! [35,96] 735,680 1,330,328 80
17 #7323: [3,56] 568,928 453,465 83
18 #7315: [64,39] 292,880 287,030 32
19 #7305: [30,14] 171,851 17,193 8
20 #7324: Red [51,65] 139,480 23,288 16
21 #7300: Xenon [43,8] 138,538 58,374 21
22 #7308: AeOnFlUx [65,21] 101,020 1,678,483 247
23 #7316: Greetings [72,43] 79,200 9,434 9
24 #7307: [37,19] 66,600 11,646 7
25 #7314: [88,37] 53,160 22,260 6
26 #7304: Late comers [72,11] 47,487 3,477 4
27 #7326: [89,68] 34,680 8,135 4
28 #7320: [29,53] 19,080 4,783 2
29 #7330: Ken-O-bi [33,80] 13,250 2,069 1
30 #7336: [91,93] 11,400 2,076 1
31 #7317: This game sucks - Inactive [7,44] 10,000 2,194 1
32 #7329: [51,77] 10,000 1,590 1
33 #7335: [67,93] 10,000 1,250 1
34 #7337: [22,95] 10,000 1,250 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 KeineLust Qezians 8,953,679 175 60,945,390
2 Qezians Qezians 4,146,077 272 2,132,909
3 WaynesWorld Qezians 3,477,516 205 41,811,970
4 Mia Qezians 3,320,940 113 23,088,100
5 Manos Qezians 3,161,902 208 1,796,393
6 Soul Qezians 2,699,990 72 17,688,990
7 Red Qezians 2,279,562 130 1,109,760
8 FFAF Qezians 1,969,538 84 5,216,169
9 PL4NEZW4LK3R Qezians 1,962,591 134 3,473,674
10 Flu Qezians 1,678,483 247 101,020
11 Who Qezians 1,496,485 98 873,080
12 The_Foolish_Clan Qezians 1,330,328 80 735,680
13 Now Qezians 1,223,378 107 3,862,190
14 OverCat Qezians 1,164,588 91 7,334,437
15 ICanDoWTFIWant Qezians 1,160,657 112 1,003,560
16 MightyHamsters Qezians 768,142 76 2,765,260
17 PeppaEmpire Qezians 453,465 83 568,928
18 Masala Qezians 407,080 92 809,200
19 Spaceballs Qezians 287,030 32 292,880
20 Xenon Qezians 58,374 21 138,538
21 TheDwarf Qezians 23,288 16 139,480
22 SuicidalSushi Qezians 22,260 6 53,160
23 SonsOfLight Qezians 17,193 8 171,851
24 inactive Qezians 11,646 7 66,600
25 thirdrock Qezians 9,434 9 79,200
26 shitland Qezians 8,135 4 34,680
27 Kilegenia Qezians 4,783 2 19,080
28 Shach Qezians 3,477 4 47,487
29 PickleArmy Qezians 2,194 1 10,000
30 qezaria Qezians 2,076 1 11,400
31 Exodus420 Qezians 2,069 1 13,250
32 LilLambs Qezians 1,590 1 10,000
33 notPlaying Qezians 1,250 1 10,000
34 Nukkuk Qezians 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Qezians Qezians 272 4,146,077 2,132,909
2 Flu Qezians 247 1,678,483 101,020
3 Manos Qezians 208 3,161,902 1,796,393
4 WaynesWorld Qezians 205 3,477,516 41,811,970
5 KeineLust Qezians 175 8,953,679 60,945,390
6 PL4NEZW4LK3R Qezians 134 1,962,591 3,473,674
7 Red Qezians 130 2,279,562 1,109,760
8 Mia Qezians 113 3,320,940 23,088,100
9 ICanDoWTFIWant Qezians 112 1,160,657 1,003,560
10 Now Qezians 107 1,223,378 3,862,190
11 Who Qezians 98 1,496,485 873,080
12 Masala Qezians 92 407,080 809,200
13 OverCat Qezians 91 1,164,588 7,334,437
14 FFAF Qezians 84 1,969,538 5,216,169
15 PeppaEmpire Qezians 83 453,465 568,928
16 The_Foolish_Clan Qezians 80 1,330,328 735,680
17 MightyHamsters Qezians 76 768,142 2,765,260
18 Soul Qezians 72 2,699,990 17,688,990
19 Spaceballs Qezians 32 287,030 292,880
20 Xenon Qezians 21 58,374 138,538
21 TheDwarf Qezians 16 23,288 139,480
22 thirdrock Qezians 9 9,434 79,200
23 SonsOfLight Qezians 8 17,193 171,851
24 inactive Qezians 7 11,646 66,600
25 SuicidalSushi Qezians 6 22,260 53,160
26 shitland Qezians 4 8,135 34,680
27 Shach Qezians 4 3,477 47,487
28 Kilegenia Qezians 2 4,783 19,080
29 PickleArmy Qezians 1 2,194 10,000
30 qezaria Qezians 1 2,076 11,400
31 Exodus420 Qezians 1 2,069 13,250
32 LilLambs Qezians 1 1,590 10,000
33 notPlaying Qezians 1 1,250 10,000
34 Nukkuk Qezians 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 KeineLust Qezians 60,945,390 8,953,679 175
2 WaynesWorld Qezians 41,811,970 3,477,516 205
3 Mia Qezians 23,088,100 3,320,940 113
4 Soul Qezians 17,688,990 2,699,990 72
5 OverCat Qezians 7,334,437 1,164,588 91
6 FFAF Qezians 5,216,169 1,969,538 84
7 Now Qezians 3,862,190 1,223,378 107
8 PL4NEZW4LK3R Qezians 3,473,674 1,962,591 134
9 MightyHamsters Qezians 2,765,260 768,142 76
10 Qezians Qezians 2,132,909 4,146,077 272
11 Manos Qezians 1,796,393 3,161,902 208
12 Red Qezians 1,109,760 2,279,562 130
13 ICanDoWTFIWant Qezians 1,003,560 1,160,657 112
14 Who Qezians 873,080 1,496,485 98
15 Masala Qezians 809,200 407,080 92
16 The_Foolish_Clan Qezians 735,680 1,330,328 80
17 PeppaEmpire Qezians 568,928 453,465 83
18 Spaceballs Qezians 292,880 287,030 32
19 SonsOfLight Qezians 171,851 17,193 8
20 TheDwarf Qezians 139,480 23,288 16
21 Xenon Qezians 138,538 58,374 21
22 Flu Qezians 101,020 1,678,483 247
23 thirdrock Qezians 79,200 9,434 9
24 inactive Qezians 66,600 11,646 7
25 SuicidalSushi Qezians 53,160 22,260 6
26 Shach Qezians 47,487 3,477 4
27 shitland Qezians 34,680 8,135 4
28 Kilegenia Qezians 19,080 4,783 2
29 Exodus420 Qezians 13,250 2,069 1
30 qezaria Qezians 11,400 2,076 1
31 PickleArmy Qezians 10,000 2,194 1
32 LilLambs Qezians 10,000 1,590 1
33 notPlaying Qezians 10,000 1,250 1
34 Nukkuk Qezians 10,000 1,250 1