Duration | 4 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 673 |
Players | 31 / 50 |
Open Spots | 19 / 50 Join |
Start Date | Saturday, July 18, 2020 |
4 years ago | |
End Date | Saturday, August 15, 2020 |
4 years ago | |
Size | 70x70 |
System Count | 500 |
Planet Count | 3000 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #7271: Of Monsters And Men [42,30] | 5,025,287 | 302 | 28,644,882 |
2 | #7281: [10,42] | 3,507,553 | 161 | 31,541,729 |
3 | #7293: Aperture [67,63] | 2,881,015 | 98 | 839,280 |
4 | #7265: The Dark Clouds [5,22] | 2,534,198 | 156 | 1,107,410 |
5 | #7277: flipmode [62,35] | 2,312,064 | 330 | 2,415,447 |
6 | #7297: Cinemax [13,68] | 2,167,094 | 101 | 903,600 |
7 | #7268: UnderDog [22,26] | 1,715,056 | 103 | 939,108 |
8 | #7255: Pondlife V2 [24,12] | 1,318,148 | 108 | 8,800,500 |
9 | #7253: #MountainDew [19,7] | 1,284,781 | 137 | 1,194,520 |
10 | #7260: Cucumbers [36,16] | 1,203,663 | 110 | 1,770,470 |
11 | #7280: [64,41] | 1,192,979 | 116 | 1,043,960 |
12 | #7269: Not the one your looking for. [62,26] | 1,100,627 | 100 | 874,040 |
13 | #7267: Our Last Chance To Dance [37,24] | 887,003 | 72 | 610,853 |
14 | #7259: D4DA APOC4LYPSE P1MP [7,14] | 885,656 | 89 | 778,000 |
15 | #7270: Time Eaten [49,28] | 804,973 | 278 | 1,933,408 |
16 | #7292: Movie Channel [6,63] | 693,393 | 79 | 675,600 |
17 | #7272: [64,30] | 566,602 | 82 | 712,971 |
18 | #7291: Mandaloria [19,59] | 421,619 | 78 | 704,360 |
19 | #7261: Just passing through [43,16] | 356,080 | 69 | 582,018 |
20 | #7294: [27,64] | 270,156 | 64 | 542,640 |
21 | #7249: plorea [6,4] | 254,609 | 42 | 358,720 |
22 | #7279: Legion [21,41] | 226,796 | 68 | 566,768 |
23 | #7289: [32,56] | 210,287 | 29 | 231,991 |
24 | #7250: Last Baricade! [38,6] | 129,720 | 87 | 802,840 |
25 | #7252: [64,6] | 41,747 | 14 | 114,160 |
26 | #7282: Elephants [39,45] | 20,059 | 9 | 81,760 |
27 | #7258: [65,13] | 14,676 | 6 | 59,520 |
28 | #7285: [63,50] | 9,735 | 5 | 102,131 |
29 | #7273: [16,32] | 2,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
30 | #7264: [51,21] | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
31 | #7262: [25,19] | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #7277: flipmode [62,35] | 330 | 2,312,064 | 2,415,447 |
2 | #7271: Of Monsters And Men [42,30] | 302 | 5,025,287 | 28,644,882 |
3 | #7270: Time Eaten [49,28] | 278 | 804,973 | 1,933,408 |
4 | #7281: [10,42] | 161 | 3,507,553 | 31,541,729 |
5 | #7265: The Dark Clouds [5,22] | 156 | 2,534,198 | 1,107,410 |
6 | #7253: #MountainDew [19,7] | 137 | 1,284,781 | 1,194,520 |
7 | #7280: [64,41] | 116 | 1,192,979 | 1,043,960 |
8 | #7260: Cucumbers [36,16] | 110 | 1,203,663 | 1,770,470 |
9 | #7255: Pondlife V2 [24,12] | 108 | 1,318,148 | 8,800,500 |
10 | #7268: UnderDog [22,26] | 103 | 1,715,056 | 939,108 |
11 | #7297: Cinemax [13,68] | 101 | 2,167,094 | 903,600 |
12 | #7269: Not the one your looking for. [62,26] | 100 | 1,100,627 | 874,040 |
13 | #7293: Aperture [67,63] | 98 | 2,881,015 | 839,280 |
14 | #7259: D4DA APOC4LYPSE P1MP [7,14] | 89 | 885,656 | 778,000 |
15 | #7250: Last Baricade! [38,6] | 87 | 129,720 | 802,840 |
16 | #7272: [64,30] | 82 | 566,602 | 712,971 |
17 | #7292: Movie Channel [6,63] | 79 | 693,393 | 675,600 |
18 | #7291: Mandaloria [19,59] | 78 | 421,619 | 704,360 |
19 | #7267: Our Last Chance To Dance [37,24] | 72 | 887,003 | 610,853 |
20 | #7261: Just passing through [43,16] | 69 | 356,080 | 582,018 |
21 | #7279: Legion [21,41] | 68 | 226,796 | 566,768 |
22 | #7294: [27,64] | 64 | 270,156 | 542,640 |
23 | #7249: plorea [6,4] | 42 | 254,609 | 358,720 |
24 | #7289: [32,56] | 29 | 210,287 | 231,991 |
25 | #7252: [64,6] | 14 | 41,747 | 114,160 |
26 | #7282: Elephants [39,45] | 9 | 20,059 | 81,760 |
27 | #7258: [65,13] | 6 | 14,676 | 59,520 |
28 | #7285: [63,50] | 5 | 9,735 | 102,131 |
29 | #7273: [16,32] | 1 | 2,250 | 10,000 |
30 | #7262: [25,19] | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
31 | #7264: [51,21] | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #7281: [10,42] | 31,541,729 | 3,507,553 | 161 |
2 | #7271: Of Monsters And Men [42,30] | 28,644,882 | 5,025,287 | 302 |
3 | #7255: Pondlife V2 [24,12] | 8,800,500 | 1,318,148 | 108 |
4 | #7277: flipmode [62,35] | 2,415,447 | 2,312,064 | 330 |
5 | #7270: Time Eaten [49,28] | 1,933,408 | 804,973 | 278 |
6 | #7260: Cucumbers [36,16] | 1,770,470 | 1,203,663 | 110 |
7 | #7253: #MountainDew [19,7] | 1,194,520 | 1,284,781 | 137 |
8 | #7265: The Dark Clouds [5,22] | 1,107,410 | 2,534,198 | 156 |
9 | #7280: [64,41] | 1,043,960 | 1,192,979 | 116 |
10 | #7268: UnderDog [22,26] | 939,108 | 1,715,056 | 103 |
11 | #7297: Cinemax [13,68] | 903,600 | 2,167,094 | 101 |
12 | #7269: Not the one your looking for. [62,26] | 874,040 | 1,100,627 | 100 |
13 | #7293: Aperture [67,63] | 839,280 | 2,881,015 | 98 |
14 | #7250: Last Baricade! [38,6] | 802,840 | 129,720 | 87 |
15 | #7259: D4DA APOC4LYPSE P1MP [7,14] | 778,000 | 885,656 | 89 |
16 | #7272: [64,30] | 712,971 | 566,602 | 82 |
17 | #7291: Mandaloria [19,59] | 704,360 | 421,619 | 78 |
18 | #7292: Movie Channel [6,63] | 675,600 | 693,393 | 79 |
19 | #7267: Our Last Chance To Dance [37,24] | 610,853 | 887,003 | 72 |
20 | #7261: Just passing through [43,16] | 582,018 | 356,080 | 69 |
21 | #7279: Legion [21,41] | 566,768 | 226,796 | 68 |
22 | #7294: [27,64] | 542,640 | 270,156 | 64 |
23 | #7249: plorea [6,4] | 358,720 | 254,609 | 42 |
24 | #7289: [32,56] | 231,991 | 210,287 | 29 |
25 | #7252: [64,6] | 114,160 | 41,747 | 14 |
26 | #7285: [63,50] | 102,131 | 9,735 | 5 |
27 | #7282: Elephants [39,45] | 81,760 | 20,059 | 9 |
28 | #7258: [65,13] | 59,520 | 14,676 | 6 |
29 | #7273: [16,32] | 10,000 | 2,250 | 1 |
30 | #7262: [25,19] | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |
31 | #7264: [51,21] | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | OMAM | Quantam | 5,025,287 | 302 | 28,644,882 |
2 | Demise | Partaxian | 3,507,553 | 161 | 31,541,729 |
3 | Gremlinz | Partaxian | 2,881,015 | 98 | 839,280 |
4 | Manos | SONAM | 2,534,198 | 156 | 1,107,410 |
5 | flipmode | Camaar | 2,312,064 | 330 | 2,415,447 |
6 | Skinflick | Weird round | 2,167,094 | 101 | 903,600 |
7 | OverCat | Kibbels&Bits | 1,715,056 | 103 | 939,108 |
8 | Curiosity | Quantam | 1,318,148 | 108 | 8,800,500 |
9 | Mtndew | NotTheActualSS | 1,284,781 | 137 | 1,194,520 |
10 | Cucumber | Wardancers | 1,203,663 | 110 | 1,770,470 |
11 | exceed | Quantam | 1,192,979 | 116 | 1,043,960 |
12 | Soul | Wardancers | 1,100,627 | 100 | 874,040 |
13 | Funeral | NewSS | 887,003 | 72 | 610,853 |
14 | Apocalypse | D3MON XXX | 885,656 | 89 | 778,000 |
15 | ZanharimSS | Creeping Death | 804,973 | 278 | 1,933,408 |
16 | Spaceballs | Quantam | 693,393 | 79 | 675,600 |
17 | TryingToGetHisNut | Final Contdown | 566,602 | 82 | 712,971 |
18 | Mandalore | Partaxian | 421,619 | 78 | 704,360 |
19 | Who | Wardancers | 356,080 | 69 | 582,018 |
20 | Zulo | Revalons | 270,156 | 64 | 542,640 |
21 | plorox | dfx | 254,609 | 42 | 358,720 |
22 | Stealth | Wardancers | 226,796 | 68 | 566,768 |
23 | Runkies | Partaxian | 210,287 | 29 | 231,991 |
24 | MadPeppa | Camaar | 129,720 | 87 | 802,840 |
25 | floW | Partaxian | 41,747 | 14 | 114,160 |
26 | Elephant | Quantam | 20,059 | 9 | 81,760 |
27 | OIOIOI | Revalons | 14,676 | 6 | 59,520 |
28 | SonsOfLight | Quantam | 9,735 | 5 | 102,131 |
29 | Loser | y | 2,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
30 | Experion | Experion | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
31 | Amok | fatblobs | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | flipmode | Camaar | 330 | 2,312,064 | 2,415,447 |
2 | OMAM | Quantam | 302 | 5,025,287 | 28,644,882 |
3 | ZanharimSS | Creeping Death | 278 | 804,973 | 1,933,408 |
4 | Demise | Partaxian | 161 | 3,507,553 | 31,541,729 |
5 | Manos | SONAM | 156 | 2,534,198 | 1,107,410 |
6 | Mtndew | NotTheActualSS | 137 | 1,284,781 | 1,194,520 |
7 | exceed | Quantam | 116 | 1,192,979 | 1,043,960 |
8 | Cucumber | Wardancers | 110 | 1,203,663 | 1,770,470 |
9 | Curiosity | Quantam | 108 | 1,318,148 | 8,800,500 |
10 | OverCat | Kibbels&Bits | 103 | 1,715,056 | 939,108 |
11 | Skinflick | Weird round | 101 | 2,167,094 | 903,600 |
12 | Soul | Wardancers | 100 | 1,100,627 | 874,040 |
13 | Gremlinz | Partaxian | 98 | 2,881,015 | 839,280 |
14 | Apocalypse | D3MON XXX | 89 | 885,656 | 778,000 |
15 | MadPeppa | Camaar | 87 | 129,720 | 802,840 |
16 | TryingToGetHisNut | Final Contdown | 82 | 566,602 | 712,971 |
17 | Spaceballs | Quantam | 79 | 693,393 | 675,600 |
18 | Mandalore | Partaxian | 78 | 421,619 | 704,360 |
19 | Funeral | NewSS | 72 | 887,003 | 610,853 |
20 | Who | Wardancers | 69 | 356,080 | 582,018 |
21 | Stealth | Wardancers | 68 | 226,796 | 566,768 |
22 | Zulo | Revalons | 64 | 270,156 | 542,640 |
23 | plorox | dfx | 42 | 254,609 | 358,720 |
24 | Runkies | Partaxian | 29 | 210,287 | 231,991 |
25 | floW | Partaxian | 14 | 41,747 | 114,160 |
26 | Elephant | Quantam | 9 | 20,059 | 81,760 |
27 | OIOIOI | Revalons | 6 | 14,676 | 59,520 |
28 | SonsOfLight | Quantam | 5 | 9,735 | 102,131 |
29 | Loser | y | 1 | 2,250 | 10,000 |
30 | Experion | Experion | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
31 | Amok | fatblobs | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Demise | Partaxian | 31,541,729 | 3,507,553 | 161 |
2 | OMAM | Quantam | 28,644,882 | 5,025,287 | 302 |
3 | Curiosity | Quantam | 8,800,500 | 1,318,148 | 108 |
4 | flipmode | Camaar | 2,415,447 | 2,312,064 | 330 |
5 | ZanharimSS | Creeping Death | 1,933,408 | 804,973 | 278 |
6 | Cucumber | Wardancers | 1,770,470 | 1,203,663 | 110 |
7 | Mtndew | NotTheActualSS | 1,194,520 | 1,284,781 | 137 |
8 | Manos | SONAM | 1,107,410 | 2,534,198 | 156 |
9 | exceed | Quantam | 1,043,960 | 1,192,979 | 116 |
10 | OverCat | Kibbels&Bits | 939,108 | 1,715,056 | 103 |
11 | Skinflick | Weird round | 903,600 | 2,167,094 | 101 |
12 | Soul | Wardancers | 874,040 | 1,100,627 | 100 |
13 | Gremlinz | Partaxian | 839,280 | 2,881,015 | 98 |
14 | MadPeppa | Camaar | 802,840 | 129,720 | 87 |
15 | Apocalypse | D3MON XXX | 778,000 | 885,656 | 89 |
16 | TryingToGetHisNut | Final Contdown | 712,971 | 566,602 | 82 |
17 | Mandalore | Partaxian | 704,360 | 421,619 | 78 |
18 | Spaceballs | Quantam | 675,600 | 693,393 | 79 |
19 | Funeral | NewSS | 610,853 | 887,003 | 72 |
20 | Who | Wardancers | 582,018 | 356,080 | 69 |
21 | Stealth | Wardancers | 566,768 | 226,796 | 68 |
22 | Zulo | Revalons | 542,640 | 270,156 | 64 |
23 | plorox | dfx | 358,720 | 254,609 | 42 |
24 | Runkies | Partaxian | 231,991 | 210,287 | 29 |
25 | floW | Partaxian | 114,160 | 41,747 | 14 |
26 | SonsOfLight | Quantam | 102,131 | 9,735 | 5 |
27 | Elephant | Quantam | 81,760 | 20,059 | 9 |
28 | OIOIOI | Revalons | 59,520 | 14,676 | 6 |
29 | Loser | y | 10,000 | 2,250 | 1 |
30 | Experion | Experion | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |
31 | Amok | fatblobs | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |