All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 40

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 673
Players 31 / 50
Open Spots 19 / 50 Join
Start Date Saturday, July 18, 2020
4 years ago
End Date Saturday, August 15, 2020
4 years ago
Size 70x70
System Count 500
Planet Count 3000

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #7271: Of Monsters And Men [42,30] 5,025,287 302 28,644,882
2 #7281: [10,42] 3,507,553 161 31,541,729
3 #7293: Aperture [67,63] 2,881,015 98 839,280
4 #7265: The Dark Clouds [5,22] 2,534,198 156 1,107,410
5 #7277: flipmode [62,35] 2,312,064 330 2,415,447
6 #7297: Cinemax [13,68] 2,167,094 101 903,600
7 #7268: UnderDog [22,26] 1,715,056 103 939,108
8 #7255: Pondlife V2 [24,12] 1,318,148 108 8,800,500
9 #7253: #MountainDew [19,7] 1,284,781 137 1,194,520
10 #7260: Cucumbers [36,16] 1,203,663 110 1,770,470
11 #7280: [64,41] 1,192,979 116 1,043,960
12 #7269: Not the one your looking for. [62,26] 1,100,627 100 874,040
13 #7267: Our Last Chance To Dance [37,24] 887,003 72 610,853
14 #7259: D4DA APOC4LYPSE P1MP [7,14] 885,656 89 778,000
15 #7270: Time Eaten [49,28] 804,973 278 1,933,408
16 #7292: Movie Channel [6,63] 693,393 79 675,600
17 #7272: [64,30] 566,602 82 712,971
18 #7291: Mandaloria [19,59] 421,619 78 704,360
19 #7261: Just passing through [43,16] 356,080 69 582,018
20 #7294: [27,64] 270,156 64 542,640
21 #7249: plorea [6,4] 254,609 42 358,720
22 #7279: Legion [21,41] 226,796 68 566,768
23 #7289: [32,56] 210,287 29 231,991
24 #7250: Last Baricade! [38,6] 129,720 87 802,840
25 #7252: [64,6] 41,747 14 114,160
26 #7282: Elephants [39,45] 20,059 9 81,760
27 #7258: [65,13] 14,676 6 59,520
28 #7285: [63,50] 9,735 5 102,131
29 #7273: [16,32] 2,250 1 10,000
30 #7264: [51,21] 1,250 1 10,000
31 #7262: [25,19] 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #7277: flipmode [62,35] 330 2,312,064 2,415,447
2 #7271: Of Monsters And Men [42,30] 302 5,025,287 28,644,882
3 #7270: Time Eaten [49,28] 278 804,973 1,933,408
4 #7281: [10,42] 161 3,507,553 31,541,729
5 #7265: The Dark Clouds [5,22] 156 2,534,198 1,107,410
6 #7253: #MountainDew [19,7] 137 1,284,781 1,194,520
7 #7280: [64,41] 116 1,192,979 1,043,960
8 #7260: Cucumbers [36,16] 110 1,203,663 1,770,470
9 #7255: Pondlife V2 [24,12] 108 1,318,148 8,800,500
10 #7268: UnderDog [22,26] 103 1,715,056 939,108
11 #7297: Cinemax [13,68] 101 2,167,094 903,600
12 #7269: Not the one your looking for. [62,26] 100 1,100,627 874,040
13 #7293: Aperture [67,63] 98 2,881,015 839,280
14 #7259: D4DA APOC4LYPSE P1MP [7,14] 89 885,656 778,000
15 #7250: Last Baricade! [38,6] 87 129,720 802,840
16 #7272: [64,30] 82 566,602 712,971
17 #7292: Movie Channel [6,63] 79 693,393 675,600
18 #7291: Mandaloria [19,59] 78 421,619 704,360
19 #7267: Our Last Chance To Dance [37,24] 72 887,003 610,853
20 #7261: Just passing through [43,16] 69 356,080 582,018
21 #7279: Legion [21,41] 68 226,796 566,768
22 #7294: [27,64] 64 270,156 542,640
23 #7249: plorea [6,4] 42 254,609 358,720
24 #7289: [32,56] 29 210,287 231,991
25 #7252: [64,6] 14 41,747 114,160
26 #7282: Elephants [39,45] 9 20,059 81,760
27 #7258: [65,13] 6 14,676 59,520
28 #7285: [63,50] 5 9,735 102,131
29 #7273: [16,32] 1 2,250 10,000
30 #7262: [25,19] 1 1,250 10,000
31 #7264: [51,21] 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #7281: [10,42] 31,541,729 3,507,553 161
2 #7271: Of Monsters And Men [42,30] 28,644,882 5,025,287 302
3 #7255: Pondlife V2 [24,12] 8,800,500 1,318,148 108
4 #7277: flipmode [62,35] 2,415,447 2,312,064 330
5 #7270: Time Eaten [49,28] 1,933,408 804,973 278
6 #7260: Cucumbers [36,16] 1,770,470 1,203,663 110
7 #7253: #MountainDew [19,7] 1,194,520 1,284,781 137
8 #7265: The Dark Clouds [5,22] 1,107,410 2,534,198 156
9 #7280: [64,41] 1,043,960 1,192,979 116
10 #7268: UnderDog [22,26] 939,108 1,715,056 103
11 #7297: Cinemax [13,68] 903,600 2,167,094 101
12 #7269: Not the one your looking for. [62,26] 874,040 1,100,627 100
13 #7293: Aperture [67,63] 839,280 2,881,015 98
14 #7250: Last Baricade! [38,6] 802,840 129,720 87
15 #7259: D4DA APOC4LYPSE P1MP [7,14] 778,000 885,656 89
16 #7272: [64,30] 712,971 566,602 82
17 #7291: Mandaloria [19,59] 704,360 421,619 78
18 #7292: Movie Channel [6,63] 675,600 693,393 79
19 #7267: Our Last Chance To Dance [37,24] 610,853 887,003 72
20 #7261: Just passing through [43,16] 582,018 356,080 69
21 #7279: Legion [21,41] 566,768 226,796 68
22 #7294: [27,64] 542,640 270,156 64
23 #7249: plorea [6,4] 358,720 254,609 42
24 #7289: [32,56] 231,991 210,287 29
25 #7252: [64,6] 114,160 41,747 14
26 #7285: [63,50] 102,131 9,735 5
27 #7282: Elephants [39,45] 81,760 20,059 9
28 #7258: [65,13] 59,520 14,676 6
29 #7273: [16,32] 10,000 2,250 1
30 #7262: [25,19] 10,000 1,250 1
31 #7264: [51,21] 10,000 1,250 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 OMAM Quantam 5,025,287 302 28,644,882
2 Demise Partaxian 3,507,553 161 31,541,729
3 Gremlinz Partaxian 2,881,015 98 839,280
4 Manos SONAM 2,534,198 156 1,107,410
5 flipmode Camaar 2,312,064 330 2,415,447
6 Skinflick Weird round 2,167,094 101 903,600
7 OverCat Kibbels&Bits 1,715,056 103 939,108
8 Curiosity Quantam 1,318,148 108 8,800,500
9 Mtndew NotTheActualSS 1,284,781 137 1,194,520
10 Cucumber Wardancers 1,203,663 110 1,770,470
11 exceed Quantam 1,192,979 116 1,043,960
12 Soul Wardancers 1,100,627 100 874,040
13 Funeral NewSS 887,003 72 610,853
14 Apocalypse D3MON XXX 885,656 89 778,000
15 ZanharimSS Creeping Death 804,973 278 1,933,408
16 Spaceballs Quantam 693,393 79 675,600
17 TryingToGetHisNut Final Contdown 566,602 82 712,971
18 Mandalore Partaxian 421,619 78 704,360
19 Who Wardancers 356,080 69 582,018
20 Zulo Revalons 270,156 64 542,640
21 plorox dfx 254,609 42 358,720
22 Stealth Wardancers 226,796 68 566,768
23 Runkies Partaxian 210,287 29 231,991
24 MadPeppa Camaar 129,720 87 802,840
25 floW Partaxian 41,747 14 114,160
26 Elephant Quantam 20,059 9 81,760
27 OIOIOI Revalons 14,676 6 59,520
28 SonsOfLight Quantam 9,735 5 102,131
29 Loser y 2,250 1 10,000
30 Experion Experion 1,250 1 10,000
31 Amok fatblobs 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 flipmode Camaar 330 2,312,064 2,415,447
2 OMAM Quantam 302 5,025,287 28,644,882
3 ZanharimSS Creeping Death 278 804,973 1,933,408
4 Demise Partaxian 161 3,507,553 31,541,729
5 Manos SONAM 156 2,534,198 1,107,410
6 Mtndew NotTheActualSS 137 1,284,781 1,194,520
7 exceed Quantam 116 1,192,979 1,043,960
8 Cucumber Wardancers 110 1,203,663 1,770,470
9 Curiosity Quantam 108 1,318,148 8,800,500
10 OverCat Kibbels&Bits 103 1,715,056 939,108
11 Skinflick Weird round 101 2,167,094 903,600
12 Soul Wardancers 100 1,100,627 874,040
13 Gremlinz Partaxian 98 2,881,015 839,280
14 Apocalypse D3MON XXX 89 885,656 778,000
15 MadPeppa Camaar 87 129,720 802,840
16 TryingToGetHisNut Final Contdown 82 566,602 712,971
17 Spaceballs Quantam 79 693,393 675,600
18 Mandalore Partaxian 78 421,619 704,360
19 Funeral NewSS 72 887,003 610,853
20 Who Wardancers 69 356,080 582,018
21 Stealth Wardancers 68 226,796 566,768
22 Zulo Revalons 64 270,156 542,640
23 plorox dfx 42 254,609 358,720
24 Runkies Partaxian 29 210,287 231,991
25 floW Partaxian 14 41,747 114,160
26 Elephant Quantam 9 20,059 81,760
27 OIOIOI Revalons 6 14,676 59,520
28 SonsOfLight Quantam 5 9,735 102,131
29 Loser y 1 2,250 10,000
30 Experion Experion 1 1,250 10,000
31 Amok fatblobs 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Demise Partaxian 31,541,729 3,507,553 161
2 OMAM Quantam 28,644,882 5,025,287 302
3 Curiosity Quantam 8,800,500 1,318,148 108
4 flipmode Camaar 2,415,447 2,312,064 330
5 ZanharimSS Creeping Death 1,933,408 804,973 278
6 Cucumber Wardancers 1,770,470 1,203,663 110
7 Mtndew NotTheActualSS 1,194,520 1,284,781 137
8 Manos SONAM 1,107,410 2,534,198 156
9 exceed Quantam 1,043,960 1,192,979 116
10 OverCat Kibbels&Bits 939,108 1,715,056 103
11 Skinflick Weird round 903,600 2,167,094 101
12 Soul Wardancers 874,040 1,100,627 100
13 Gremlinz Partaxian 839,280 2,881,015 98
14 MadPeppa Camaar 802,840 129,720 87
15 Apocalypse D3MON XXX 778,000 885,656 89
16 TryingToGetHisNut Final Contdown 712,971 566,602 82
17 Mandalore Partaxian 704,360 421,619 78
18 Spaceballs Quantam 675,600 693,393 79
19 Funeral NewSS 610,853 887,003 72
20 Who Wardancers 582,018 356,080 69
21 Stealth Wardancers 566,768 226,796 68
22 Zulo Revalons 542,640 270,156 64
23 plorox dfx 358,720 254,609 42
24 Runkies Partaxian 231,991 210,287 29
25 floW Partaxian 114,160 41,747 14
26 SonsOfLight Quantam 102,131 9,735 5
27 Elephant Quantam 81,760 20,059 9
28 OIOIOI Revalons 59,520 14,676 6
29 Loser y 10,000 2,250 1
30 Experion Experion 10,000 1,250 1
31 Amok fatblobs 10,000 1,250 1