All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 39

60 minute ticks
Supernova 39 Map

Supernova 39

A galaxy for lone-wolf empires who eschew politics, there are no families and empires are free to play anonymously. Keep to yourself or team up with others, it's entirely up to you.

Join Topics
Duration 6 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 1009
Players 10 / 25
Open Spots 15 / 25 Join
Start Date Saturday, April 6, 2019
5 years ago
End Date Saturday, May 18, 2019
5 years ago
Size 50x50
System Count 122
Planet Count 1586

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #6845: Ok Alright [7,32] 9,100,591 368 2,965,531
2 #6830: [37,39] 3,795,150 345 2,280,963
3 #6835: Florence [45,46] 2,168,079 240 2,095,402
4 #6832: [49,27] 1,902,964 146 6,583,535
5 #6824: [50,12] 1,722,004 108 945,960
6 #6844: Pandora\'s Star [44,18] 1,577,812 65 593,800
7 #6829: $$$$UPERFLY ASSASS1N$$$$ [13,15] 1,143,432 83 1,259,464
8 #6831: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star [13,39] 1,086,413 59 459,819
9 #6838: Hell is back [6,22] 50,868 19 145,998
10 #6826: Space the final frontier [17,3] 31,958 16 90,591
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #6845: Ok Alright [7,32] 368 9,100,591 2,965,531
2 #6830: [37,39] 345 3,795,150 2,280,963
3 #6835: Florence [45,46] 240 2,168,079 2,095,402
4 #6832: [49,27] 146 1,902,964 6,583,535
5 #6824: [50,12] 108 1,722,004 945,960
6 #6829: $$$$UPERFLY ASSASS1N$$$$ [13,15] 83 1,143,432 1,259,464
7 #6844: Pandora\'s Star [44,18] 65 1,577,812 593,800
8 #6831: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star [13,39] 59 1,086,413 459,819
9 #6838: Hell is back [6,22] 19 50,868 145,998
10 #6826: Space the final frontier [17,3] 16 31,958 90,591
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #6832: [49,27] 6,583,535 1,902,964 146
2 #6845: Ok Alright [7,32] 2,965,531 9,100,591 368
3 #6830: [37,39] 2,280,963 3,795,150 345
4 #6835: Florence [45,46] 2,095,402 2,168,079 240
5 #6829: $$$$UPERFLY ASSASS1N$$$$ [13,15] 1,259,464 1,143,432 83
6 #6824: [50,12] 945,960 1,722,004 108
7 #6844: Pandora\'s Star [44,18] 593,800 1,577,812 65
8 #6831: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star [13,39] 459,819 1,086,413 59
9 #6838: Hell is back [6,22] 145,998 50,868 19
10 #6826: Space the final frontier [17,3] 90,591 31,958 16
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Hellomam SNTakedown 9,100,591 368 2,965,531
2 Proxy SN-V8 3,795,150 345 2,280,963
3 Firenze NovaTakeover 2,168,079 240 2,095,402
4 Cells CellsOG 1,902,964 146 6,583,535
5 alaska Phill_Harris 1,722,004 108 945,960
6 MorningLightMountain Partaxian 1,577,812 65 593,800
7 SH1NOB1 Camaar 1,143,432 83 1,259,464
8 StarLord Quantam 1,086,413 59 459,819
9 FairyTales Camaar 50,868 19 145,998
10 Borg Partaxian 31,958 16 90,591
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Hellomam SNTakedown 368 9,100,591 2,965,531
2 Proxy SN-V8 345 3,795,150 2,280,963
3 Firenze NovaTakeover 240 2,168,079 2,095,402
4 Cells CellsOG 146 1,902,964 6,583,535
5 alaska Phill_Harris 108 1,722,004 945,960
6 SH1NOB1 Camaar 83 1,143,432 1,259,464
7 MorningLightMountain Partaxian 65 1,577,812 593,800
8 StarLord Quantam 59 1,086,413 459,819
9 FairyTales Camaar 19 50,868 145,998
10 Borg Partaxian 16 31,958 90,591
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Cells CellsOG 6,583,535 1,902,964 146
2 Hellomam SNTakedown 2,965,531 9,100,591 368
3 Proxy SN-V8 2,280,963 3,795,150 345
4 Firenze NovaTakeover 2,095,402 2,168,079 240
5 SH1NOB1 Camaar 1,259,464 1,143,432 83
6 alaska Phill_Harris 945,960 1,722,004 108
7 MorningLightMountain Partaxian 593,800 1,577,812 65
8 StarLord Quantam 459,819 1,086,413 59
9 FairyTales Camaar 145,998 50,868 19
10 Borg Partaxian 90,591 31,958 16