All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 37

60 minute ticks
Supernova 37 Map

Supernova 37

50 teams of 1 slowly consume each other, ending with a massive 25 v 25 end of round brawl.

Join Topics
Duration 6 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 1009
Players 17 / 439
Open Spots 422 / 439 Join
Start Date Thursday, October 4, 2018
6 years ago
End Date Thursday, November 15, 2018
6 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 481
Planet Count 2805

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #6274: Nightwish Paytime Catch A.DEf [25,72] 23,066,143 1,553 38,080,892
2 #6272: I left my other leg in my pant [94,97] 15,527,844 821 32,991,999
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #6274: Nightwish Paytime Catch A.DEf [25,72] 1,553 23,066,143 38,080,892
2 #6272: I left my other leg in my pant [94,97] 821 15,527,844 32,991,999
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #6274: Nightwish Paytime Catch A.DEf [25,72] 38,080,892 23,066,143 1,553
2 #6272: I left my other leg in my pant [94,97] 32,991,999 15,527,844 821
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 rizzy Revalons 9,261,590 346 2,572,975
2 Blueberry Partaxian 5,926,950 250 2,215,160
3 Th3 Hord3 Wardancers 3,065,568 229 11,637,706
4 Catch Wardancers 2,968,773 216 1,638,145
5 paytimer Quantam 2,853,376 451 5,035,313
6 Big Bad Smurf Partaxian 2,774,802 150 19,844,440
7 Yarta Yartt 2,737,698 131 3,974,393
8 Gainpot Partaxian 1,783,218 109 9,260,492
9 Kamikaze RAV3N Z 1,463,683 130 2,008,040
10 Pong Wardancers 1,027,494 30 145,948
11 Sloth up in the trees 956,355 103 567,090
12 Fearless drones Quantam 915,991 25 242,440
13 Hells Fallen One Wardancers 755,854 55 438,999
14 POC POC Wardancers 753,944 47 5,685,781
15 MenisfromVenisdom Quantam 731,420 51 5,532,117
16 Snoggits Wardancers 434,857 20 183,400
17 Mindshare Trainers 182,414 31 90,452
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 paytimer Quantam 451 2,853,376 5,035,313
2 rizzy Revalons 346 9,261,590 2,572,975
3 Blueberry Partaxian 250 5,926,950 2,215,160
4 Th3 Hord3 Wardancers 229 3,065,568 11,637,706
5 Catch Wardancers 216 2,968,773 1,638,145
6 Big Bad Smurf Partaxian 150 2,774,802 19,844,440
7 Yarta Yartt 131 2,737,698 3,974,393
8 Kamikaze RAV3N Z 130 1,463,683 2,008,040
9 Gainpot Partaxian 109 1,783,218 9,260,492
10 Sloth up in the trees 103 956,355 567,090
11 Hells Fallen One Wardancers 55 755,854 438,999
12 MenisfromVenisdom Quantam 51 731,420 5,532,117
13 POC POC Wardancers 47 753,944 5,685,781
14 Mindshare Trainers 31 182,414 90,452
15 Pong Wardancers 30 1,027,494 145,948
16 Fearless drones Quantam 25 915,991 242,440
17 Snoggits Wardancers 20 434,857 183,400
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Big Bad Smurf Partaxian 19,844,440 2,774,802 150
2 Th3 Hord3 Wardancers 11,637,706 3,065,568 229
3 Gainpot Partaxian 9,260,492 1,783,218 109
4 POC POC Wardancers 5,685,781 753,944 47
5 MenisfromVenisdom Quantam 5,532,117 731,420 51
6 paytimer Quantam 5,035,313 2,853,376 451
7 Yarta Yartt 3,974,393 2,737,698 131
8 rizzy Revalons 2,572,975 9,261,590 346
9 Blueberry Partaxian 2,215,160 5,926,950 250
10 Kamikaze RAV3N Z 2,008,040 1,463,683 130
11 Catch Wardancers 1,638,145 2,968,773 216
12 Sloth up in the trees 567,090 956,355 103
13 Hells Fallen One Wardancers 438,999 755,854 55
14 Fearless drones Quantam 242,440 915,991 25
15 Snoggits Wardancers 183,400 434,857 20
16 Pong Wardancers 145,948 1,027,494 30
17 Mindshare Trainers 90,452 182,414 31