50 teams of 1 slowly consume each other, ending with a massive 25 v 25 end of round brawl.
Join TopicsDuration | 6 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 1009 |
Players | 17 / 439 |
Open Spots | 422 / 439 Join |
Start Date | Thursday, October 4, 2018 |
6 years ago | |
End Date | Thursday, November 15, 2018 |
6 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 481 |
Planet Count | 2805 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #6274: Nightwish Paytime Catch A.DEf [25,72] | 23,066,143 | 1,553 | 38,080,892 |
2 | #6272: I left my other leg in my pant [94,97] | 15,527,844 | 821 | 32,991,999 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #6274: Nightwish Paytime Catch A.DEf [25,72] | 1,553 | 23,066,143 | 38,080,892 |
2 | #6272: I left my other leg in my pant [94,97] | 821 | 15,527,844 | 32,991,999 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #6274: Nightwish Paytime Catch A.DEf [25,72] | 38,080,892 | 23,066,143 | 1,553 |
2 | #6272: I left my other leg in my pant [94,97] | 32,991,999 | 15,527,844 | 821 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | rizzy | Revalons | 9,261,590 | 346 | 2,572,975 |
2 | Blueberry | Partaxian | 5,926,950 | 250 | 2,215,160 |
3 | Th3 Hord3 | Wardancers | 3,065,568 | 229 | 11,637,706 |
4 | Catch | Wardancers | 2,968,773 | 216 | 1,638,145 |
5 | paytimer | Quantam | 2,853,376 | 451 | 5,035,313 |
6 | Big Bad Smurf | Partaxian | 2,774,802 | 150 | 19,844,440 |
7 | Yarta | Yartt | 2,737,698 | 131 | 3,974,393 |
8 | Gainpot | Partaxian | 1,783,218 | 109 | 9,260,492 |
9 | Kamikaze | RAV3N Z | 1,463,683 | 130 | 2,008,040 |
10 | Pong | Wardancers | 1,027,494 | 30 | 145,948 |
11 | Sloth | up in the trees | 956,355 | 103 | 567,090 |
12 | Fearless drones | Quantam | 915,991 | 25 | 242,440 |
13 | Hells Fallen One | Wardancers | 755,854 | 55 | 438,999 |
14 | POC POC | Wardancers | 753,944 | 47 | 5,685,781 |
15 | MenisfromVenisdom | Quantam | 731,420 | 51 | 5,532,117 |
16 | Snoggits | Wardancers | 434,857 | 20 | 183,400 |
17 | Mindshare | Trainers | 182,414 | 31 | 90,452 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | paytimer | Quantam | 451 | 2,853,376 | 5,035,313 |
2 | rizzy | Revalons | 346 | 9,261,590 | 2,572,975 |
3 | Blueberry | Partaxian | 250 | 5,926,950 | 2,215,160 |
4 | Th3 Hord3 | Wardancers | 229 | 3,065,568 | 11,637,706 |
5 | Catch | Wardancers | 216 | 2,968,773 | 1,638,145 |
6 | Big Bad Smurf | Partaxian | 150 | 2,774,802 | 19,844,440 |
7 | Yarta | Yartt | 131 | 2,737,698 | 3,974,393 |
8 | Kamikaze | RAV3N Z | 130 | 1,463,683 | 2,008,040 |
9 | Gainpot | Partaxian | 109 | 1,783,218 | 9,260,492 |
10 | Sloth | up in the trees | 103 | 956,355 | 567,090 |
11 | Hells Fallen One | Wardancers | 55 | 755,854 | 438,999 |
12 | MenisfromVenisdom | Quantam | 51 | 731,420 | 5,532,117 |
13 | POC POC | Wardancers | 47 | 753,944 | 5,685,781 |
14 | Mindshare | Trainers | 31 | 182,414 | 90,452 |
15 | Pong | Wardancers | 30 | 1,027,494 | 145,948 |
16 | Fearless drones | Quantam | 25 | 915,991 | 242,440 |
17 | Snoggits | Wardancers | 20 | 434,857 | 183,400 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Big Bad Smurf | Partaxian | 19,844,440 | 2,774,802 | 150 |
2 | Th3 Hord3 | Wardancers | 11,637,706 | 3,065,568 | 229 |
3 | Gainpot | Partaxian | 9,260,492 | 1,783,218 | 109 |
4 | POC POC | Wardancers | 5,685,781 | 753,944 | 47 |
5 | MenisfromVenisdom | Quantam | 5,532,117 | 731,420 | 51 |
6 | paytimer | Quantam | 5,035,313 | 2,853,376 | 451 |
7 | Yarta | Yartt | 3,974,393 | 2,737,698 | 131 |
8 | rizzy | Revalons | 2,572,975 | 9,261,590 | 346 |
9 | Blueberry | Partaxian | 2,215,160 | 5,926,950 | 250 |
10 | Kamikaze | RAV3N Z | 2,008,040 | 1,463,683 | 130 |
11 | Catch | Wardancers | 1,638,145 | 2,968,773 | 216 |
12 | Sloth | up in the trees | 567,090 | 956,355 | 103 |
13 | Hells Fallen One | Wardancers | 438,999 | 755,854 | 55 |
14 | Fearless drones | Quantam | 242,440 | 915,991 | 25 |
15 | Snoggits | Wardancers | 183,400 | 434,857 | 20 |
16 | Pong | Wardancers | 145,948 | 1,027,494 | 30 |
17 | Mindshare | Trainers | 90,452 | 182,414 | 31 |