No official families make this more of a solo experience. Unofficial Alliances however, are allowed.
Join TopicsDuration | 6 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 1008 |
Players | 36 / 100 |
Open Spots | 64 / 100 Join |
Start Date | Wednesday, March 21, 2018 |
6 years ago | |
End Date | Wednesday, May 2, 2018 |
6 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 470 |
Planet Count | 5171 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #5612: SCORPION,Hellz,Hydro,Whiteshad [72,74] | 8,376,078 | 459 | 3,333,783 |
2 | #5611: Mexicans will pay the wall! [98,37] | 6,481,964 | 305 | 2,688,560 |
3 | #5600: Only took 8 of you to break Ce [30,99] | 4,930,498 | 245 | 7,041,452 |
4 | #5643: Tempel - gg everyone [40,56] | 4,656,897 | 419 | 3,257,183 |
5 | #5605: Goddess of Death [64,94] | 4,341,481 | 360 | 2,882,321 |
6 | #5602: Cells got beat by a banker lol [99,16] | 3,589,865 | 306 | 2,711,428 |
7 | #5642: Which Banker beat cells?? xD [74,47] | 2,968,398 | 219 | 1,882,982 |
8 | #5663: Ronan The Accuser [64,12] | 2,910,938 | 294 | 2,099,755 |
9 | #5584: List [72,9] | 2,850,522 | 182 | 1,595,720 |
10 | #5644: Dancing On Graves [79,68] | 2,626,330 | 130 | 48,343,526 |
11 | #5653: [64,70] | 2,581,995 | 143 | 1,227,640 |
12 | #5577: \"NIGANATI DE PREDAT0R!\" [44,21] | 2,445,531 | 146 | 1,326,040 |
13 | #5616: [50,32] | 2,102,109 | 103 | 27,929,730 |
14 | #5580: Make StormyDaniels Great Again [55,73] | 2,066,980 | 139 | 1,190,280 |
15 | #5631: [30,88] | 1,775,997 | 106 | 19,502,977 |
16 | #5583: Her Name is Lola... [65,36] | 1,763,919 | 199 | 1,320,807 |
17 | #5608: YouGuysShouldHaveKilledMe [90,81] | 1,239,039 | 114 | 841,938 |
18 | #5638: Stars bring guns [97,72] | 1,198,217 | 218 | 1,673,699 |
19 | #5609: [45,7] | 876,869 | 16 | 3,494,090 |
20 | #5603: [51,58] | 702,527 | 99 | 839,200 |
21 | #5639: [11,51] | 674,208 | 84 | 693,208 |
22 | #5674: [89,53] | 652,877 | 66 | 631,420 |
23 | #5634: [90,93] | 624,042 | 142 | 1,388,947 |
24 | #5646: [7,35] | 315,260 | 45 | 1,474,680 |
25 | #5641: [62,27] | 294,806 | 30 | 282,840 |
26 | #5673: Growing Stronger [71,93] | 267,808 | 40 | 376,680 |
27 | #5637: [83,43] | 252,978 | 27 | 3,105,250 |
28 | #5620: Legolas- never at peace [39,88] | 187,776 | 14 | 185,529 |
29 | #5593: PAYTIMeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... [97,53] | 92,132 | 36 | 123,873 |
30 | #5623: TDC [63,4] | 69,485 | 36 | 319,880 |
31 | #5659: [4,55] | 47,172 | 31 | 312,190 |
32 | #5647: [57,40] | 42,002 | 11 | 100,040 |
33 | #5664: [23,1] | 38,409 | 17 | 149,760 |
34 | #5668: [15,34] | 1,254 | 1 | 10,000 |
35 | #5633: [39,100] | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
36 | #5598: [25,20] | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #5612: SCORPION,Hellz,Hydro,Whiteshad [72,74] | 459 | 8,376,078 | 3,333,783 |
2 | #5643: Tempel - gg everyone [40,56] | 419 | 4,656,897 | 3,257,183 |
3 | #5605: Goddess of Death [64,94] | 360 | 4,341,481 | 2,882,321 |
4 | #5602: Cells got beat by a banker lol [99,16] | 306 | 3,589,865 | 2,711,428 |
5 | #5611: Mexicans will pay the wall! [98,37] | 305 | 6,481,964 | 2,688,560 |
6 | #5663: Ronan The Accuser [64,12] | 294 | 2,910,938 | 2,099,755 |
7 | #5600: Only took 8 of you to break Ce [30,99] | 245 | 4,930,498 | 7,041,452 |
8 | #5642: Which Banker beat cells?? xD [74,47] | 219 | 2,968,398 | 1,882,982 |
9 | #5638: Stars bring guns [97,72] | 218 | 1,198,217 | 1,673,699 |
10 | #5583: Her Name is Lola... [65,36] | 199 | 1,763,919 | 1,320,807 |
11 | #5584: List [72,9] | 182 | 2,850,522 | 1,595,720 |
12 | #5577: \"NIGANATI DE PREDAT0R!\" [44,21] | 146 | 2,445,531 | 1,326,040 |
13 | #5653: [64,70] | 143 | 2,581,995 | 1,227,640 |
14 | #5634: [90,93] | 142 | 624,042 | 1,388,947 |
15 | #5580: Make StormyDaniels Great Again [55,73] | 139 | 2,066,980 | 1,190,280 |
16 | #5644: Dancing On Graves [79,68] | 130 | 2,626,330 | 48,343,526 |
17 | #5608: YouGuysShouldHaveKilledMe [90,81] | 114 | 1,239,039 | 841,938 |
18 | #5631: [30,88] | 106 | 1,775,997 | 19,502,977 |
19 | #5616: [50,32] | 103 | 2,102,109 | 27,929,730 |
20 | #5603: [51,58] | 99 | 702,527 | 839,200 |
21 | #5639: [11,51] | 84 | 674,208 | 693,208 |
22 | #5674: [89,53] | 66 | 652,877 | 631,420 |
23 | #5646: [7,35] | 45 | 315,260 | 1,474,680 |
24 | #5673: Growing Stronger [71,93] | 40 | 267,808 | 376,680 |
25 | #5593: PAYTIMeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... [97,53] | 36 | 92,132 | 123,873 |
26 | #5623: TDC [63,4] | 36 | 69,485 | 319,880 |
27 | #5659: [4,55] | 31 | 47,172 | 312,190 |
28 | #5641: [62,27] | 30 | 294,806 | 282,840 |
29 | #5637: [83,43] | 27 | 252,978 | 3,105,250 |
30 | #5664: [23,1] | 17 | 38,409 | 149,760 |
31 | #5609: [45,7] | 16 | 876,869 | 3,494,090 |
32 | #5620: Legolas- never at peace [39,88] | 14 | 187,776 | 185,529 |
33 | #5647: [57,40] | 11 | 42,002 | 100,040 |
34 | #5668: [15,34] | 1 | 1,254 | 10,000 |
35 | #5633: [39,100] | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
36 | #5598: [25,20] | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #5644: Dancing On Graves [79,68] | 48,343,526 | 2,626,330 | 130 |
2 | #5616: [50,32] | 27,929,730 | 2,102,109 | 103 |
3 | #5631: [30,88] | 19,502,977 | 1,775,997 | 106 |
4 | #5600: Only took 8 of you to break Ce [30,99] | 7,041,452 | 4,930,498 | 245 |
5 | #5609: [45,7] | 3,494,090 | 876,869 | 16 |
6 | #5612: SCORPION,Hellz,Hydro,Whiteshad [72,74] | 3,333,783 | 8,376,078 | 459 |
7 | #5643: Tempel - gg everyone [40,56] | 3,257,183 | 4,656,897 | 419 |
8 | #5637: [83,43] | 3,105,250 | 252,978 | 27 |
9 | #5605: Goddess of Death [64,94] | 2,882,321 | 4,341,481 | 360 |
10 | #5602: Cells got beat by a banker lol [99,16] | 2,711,428 | 3,589,865 | 306 |
11 | #5611: Mexicans will pay the wall! [98,37] | 2,688,560 | 6,481,964 | 305 |
12 | #5663: Ronan The Accuser [64,12] | 2,099,755 | 2,910,938 | 294 |
13 | #5642: Which Banker beat cells?? xD [74,47] | 1,882,982 | 2,968,398 | 219 |
14 | #5638: Stars bring guns [97,72] | 1,673,699 | 1,198,217 | 218 |
15 | #5584: List [72,9] | 1,595,720 | 2,850,522 | 182 |
16 | #5646: [7,35] | 1,474,680 | 315,260 | 45 |
17 | #5634: [90,93] | 1,388,947 | 624,042 | 142 |
18 | #5577: \"NIGANATI DE PREDAT0R!\" [44,21] | 1,326,040 | 2,445,531 | 146 |
19 | #5583: Her Name is Lola... [65,36] | 1,320,807 | 1,763,919 | 199 |
20 | #5653: [64,70] | 1,227,640 | 2,581,995 | 143 |
21 | #5580: Make StormyDaniels Great Again [55,73] | 1,190,280 | 2,066,980 | 139 |
22 | #5608: YouGuysShouldHaveKilledMe [90,81] | 841,938 | 1,239,039 | 114 |
23 | #5603: [51,58] | 839,200 | 702,527 | 99 |
24 | #5639: [11,51] | 693,208 | 674,208 | 84 |
25 | #5674: [89,53] | 631,420 | 652,877 | 66 |
26 | #5673: Growing Stronger [71,93] | 376,680 | 267,808 | 40 |
27 | #5623: TDC [63,4] | 319,880 | 69,485 | 36 |
28 | #5659: [4,55] | 312,190 | 47,172 | 31 |
29 | #5641: [62,27] | 282,840 | 294,806 | 30 |
30 | #5620: Legolas- never at peace [39,88] | 185,529 | 187,776 | 14 |
31 | #5664: [23,1] | 149,760 | 38,409 | 17 |
32 | #5593: PAYTIMeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... [97,53] | 123,873 | 92,132 | 36 |
33 | #5647: [57,40] | 100,040 | 42,002 | 11 |
34 | #5668: [15,34] | 10,000 | 1,254 | 1 |
35 | #5633: [39,100] | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |
36 | #5598: [25,20] | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Galactus | Wardancers | 8,376,078 | 459 | 3,333,783 |
2 | Lies | Quantam | 6,481,964 | 305 | 2,688,560 |
3 | KimJong | Quantam | 4,930,498 | 245 | 7,041,452 |
4 | Tempel | SN-V1 | 4,656,897 | 419 | 3,257,183 |
5 | Hela | Wardancers | 4,341,481 | 360 | 2,882,321 |
6 | Thanos | Quantam | 3,589,865 | 306 | 2,711,428 |
7 | DonaldTrump | Wardancers | 2,968,398 | 219 | 1,882,982 |
8 | The Accuser | Wardancers | 2,910,938 | 294 | 2,099,755 |
9 | NoiR | Quantam | 2,850,522 | 182 | 1,595,720 |
10 | TinyDancer | Partaxian | 2,626,330 | 130 | 48,343,526 |
11 | JeffBezos | Wardancers | 2,581,995 | 143 | 1,227,640 |
12 | Illmatic | Poltergeist XXX | 2,445,531 | 146 | 1,326,040 |
13 | AnyWhere | Partaxian | 2,102,109 | 103 | 27,929,730 |
14 | m3g4nj4m3s | Wardancers | 2,066,980 | 139 | 1,190,280 |
15 | Melmak | Partaxian | 1,775,997 | 106 | 19,502,977 |
16 | Skratch | Wardancers | 1,763,919 | 199 | 1,320,807 |
17 | WhiteShadow | IC-Legend | 1,239,039 | 114 | 841,938 |
18 | Stars | Deadly fleet | 1,198,217 | 218 | 1,673,699 |
19 | Shmuc | Quantam | 876,869 | 16 | 3,494,090 |
20 | Team2 | Camaar | 702,527 | 99 | 839,200 |
21 | Salamander | Quantam | 674,208 | 84 | 693,208 |
22 | justdoit222 | Wardancers | 652,877 | 66 | 631,420 |
23 | DtrainRamblers | Quantam | 624,042 | 142 | 1,388,947 |
24 | Bristol | Partaxian | 315,260 | 45 | 1,474,680 |
25 | IOIIOOI | Partaxian | 294,806 | 30 | 282,840 |
26 | Barefootbrazil | Quantam | 267,808 | 40 | 376,680 |
27 | HighSpirits | Partaxian | 252,978 | 27 | 3,105,250 |
28 | Legolas | Quantam | 187,776 | 14 | 185,529 |
29 | paytimer | Quantam | 92,132 | 36 | 123,873 |
30 | Gandhi | Partaxian | 69,485 | 36 | 319,880 |
31 | Cuchullain | Revalons | 47,172 | 31 | 312,190 |
32 | Partaxxian | Partaxian | 42,002 | 11 | 100,040 |
33 | Bellz | Partaxian | 38,409 | 17 | 149,760 |
34 | DarkBlackEmpire | Camaar | 1,254 | 1 | 10,000 |
35 | breast fuck | Partaxian | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
36 | Fishempire | Partaxian | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Galactus | Wardancers | 459 | 8,376,078 | 3,333,783 |
2 | Tempel | SN-V1 | 419 | 4,656,897 | 3,257,183 |
3 | Hela | Wardancers | 360 | 4,341,481 | 2,882,321 |
4 | Thanos | Quantam | 306 | 3,589,865 | 2,711,428 |
5 | Lies | Quantam | 305 | 6,481,964 | 2,688,560 |
6 | The Accuser | Wardancers | 294 | 2,910,938 | 2,099,755 |
7 | KimJong | Quantam | 245 | 4,930,498 | 7,041,452 |
8 | DonaldTrump | Wardancers | 219 | 2,968,398 | 1,882,982 |
9 | Stars | Deadly fleet | 218 | 1,198,217 | 1,673,699 |
10 | Skratch | Wardancers | 199 | 1,763,919 | 1,320,807 |
11 | NoiR | Quantam | 182 | 2,850,522 | 1,595,720 |
12 | Illmatic | Poltergeist XXX | 146 | 2,445,531 | 1,326,040 |
13 | JeffBezos | Wardancers | 143 | 2,581,995 | 1,227,640 |
14 | DtrainRamblers | Quantam | 142 | 624,042 | 1,388,947 |
15 | m3g4nj4m3s | Wardancers | 139 | 2,066,980 | 1,190,280 |
16 | TinyDancer | Partaxian | 130 | 2,626,330 | 48,343,526 |
17 | WhiteShadow | IC-Legend | 114 | 1,239,039 | 841,938 |
18 | Melmak | Partaxian | 106 | 1,775,997 | 19,502,977 |
19 | AnyWhere | Partaxian | 103 | 2,102,109 | 27,929,730 |
20 | Team2 | Camaar | 99 | 702,527 | 839,200 |
21 | Salamander | Quantam | 84 | 674,208 | 693,208 |
22 | justdoit222 | Wardancers | 66 | 652,877 | 631,420 |
23 | Bristol | Partaxian | 45 | 315,260 | 1,474,680 |
24 | Barefootbrazil | Quantam | 40 | 267,808 | 376,680 |
25 | paytimer | Quantam | 36 | 92,132 | 123,873 |
26 | Gandhi | Partaxian | 36 | 69,485 | 319,880 |
27 | Cuchullain | Revalons | 31 | 47,172 | 312,190 |
28 | IOIIOOI | Partaxian | 30 | 294,806 | 282,840 |
29 | HighSpirits | Partaxian | 27 | 252,978 | 3,105,250 |
30 | Bellz | Partaxian | 17 | 38,409 | 149,760 |
31 | Shmuc | Quantam | 16 | 876,869 | 3,494,090 |
32 | Legolas | Quantam | 14 | 187,776 | 185,529 |
33 | Partaxxian | Partaxian | 11 | 42,002 | 100,040 |
34 | DarkBlackEmpire | Camaar | 1 | 1,254 | 10,000 |
35 | breast fuck | Partaxian | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
36 | Fishempire | Partaxian | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | TinyDancer | Partaxian | 48,343,526 | 2,626,330 | 130 |
2 | AnyWhere | Partaxian | 27,929,730 | 2,102,109 | 103 |
3 | Melmak | Partaxian | 19,502,977 | 1,775,997 | 106 |
4 | KimJong | Quantam | 7,041,452 | 4,930,498 | 245 |
5 | Shmuc | Quantam | 3,494,090 | 876,869 | 16 |
6 | Galactus | Wardancers | 3,333,783 | 8,376,078 | 459 |
7 | Tempel | SN-V1 | 3,257,183 | 4,656,897 | 419 |
8 | HighSpirits | Partaxian | 3,105,250 | 252,978 | 27 |
9 | Hela | Wardancers | 2,882,321 | 4,341,481 | 360 |
10 | Thanos | Quantam | 2,711,428 | 3,589,865 | 306 |
11 | Lies | Quantam | 2,688,560 | 6,481,964 | 305 |
12 | The Accuser | Wardancers | 2,099,755 | 2,910,938 | 294 |
13 | DonaldTrump | Wardancers | 1,882,982 | 2,968,398 | 219 |
14 | Stars | Deadly fleet | 1,673,699 | 1,198,217 | 218 |
15 | NoiR | Quantam | 1,595,720 | 2,850,522 | 182 |
16 | Bristol | Partaxian | 1,474,680 | 315,260 | 45 |
17 | DtrainRamblers | Quantam | 1,388,947 | 624,042 | 142 |
18 | Illmatic | Poltergeist XXX | 1,326,040 | 2,445,531 | 146 |
19 | Skratch | Wardancers | 1,320,807 | 1,763,919 | 199 |
20 | JeffBezos | Wardancers | 1,227,640 | 2,581,995 | 143 |
21 | m3g4nj4m3s | Wardancers | 1,190,280 | 2,066,980 | 139 |
22 | WhiteShadow | IC-Legend | 841,938 | 1,239,039 | 114 |
23 | Team2 | Camaar | 839,200 | 702,527 | 99 |
24 | Salamander | Quantam | 693,208 | 674,208 | 84 |
25 | justdoit222 | Wardancers | 631,420 | 652,877 | 66 |
26 | Barefootbrazil | Quantam | 376,680 | 267,808 | 40 |
27 | Gandhi | Partaxian | 319,880 | 69,485 | 36 |
28 | Cuchullain | Revalons | 312,190 | 47,172 | 31 |
29 | IOIIOOI | Partaxian | 282,840 | 294,806 | 30 |
30 | Legolas | Quantam | 185,529 | 187,776 | 14 |
31 | Bellz | Partaxian | 149,760 | 38,409 | 17 |
32 | paytimer | Quantam | 123,873 | 92,132 | 36 |
33 | Partaxxian | Partaxian | 100,040 | 42,002 | 11 |
34 | DarkBlackEmpire | Camaar | 10,000 | 1,254 | 1 |
35 | breast fuck | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |
36 | Fishempire | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |