Duration | 6 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 1009 |
Players | 43 / 49 |
Open Spots | 6 / 49 Join |
Start Date | Monday, December 11, 2017 |
7 years ago | |
End Date | Monday, January 22, 2018 |
7 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 499 |
Planet Count | 5499 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #5115: Holiday Venom S6 [17,26] | 23,124,357 | 275 | 2,450,640 |
2 | #5141: Perfect~Darkness [37,97] | 18,023,121 | 630 | 5,404,382 |
3 | #5099: Titanius Anglesmith of Cornwoo [96,8] | 15,974,919 | 161 | 1,416,280 |
4 | #5117: N [59,74] | 14,163,343 | 432 | 89,030,636 |
5 | #5137: Antigua [86,52] | 11,641,098 | 372 | 79,299,102 |
6 | #5125: family of ordos [83,12] | 6,065,908 | 63 | 556,360 |
7 | #5107: Grox [S6] [13,48] | 5,781,538 | 175 | 15,355,514 |
8 | #5122: new who dis phone [61,36] | 5,361,806 | 530 | 4,188,230 |
9 | #5130: Vampire2s return [58,13] | 4,545,968 | 544 | 18,726,866 |
10 | #5096: Judgement Day is Near! [11,96] | 3,810,240 | 131 | 13,016,146 |
11 | #5121: Elephant Army [S6] [20,11] | 3,772,242 | 137 | 1,204,920 |
12 | #5128: YOUR FIRED!!! [S6] [91,40] | 2,912,139 | 210 | 3,418,835 |
13 | #5129: Coming for you[ S6 ] [71,73] | 2,715,971 | 169 | 1,461,680 |
14 | #5113: Specialty [52,58] | 2,131,231 | 99 | 884,200 |
15 | #5133: Hilee Advanzed Siviluzashun [36,7] | 1,820,740 | 187 | 1,499,806 |
16 | #5095: 4 [29,57] | 1,573,117 | 72 | 7,529,581 |
17 | #5118: [35,73] | 1,464,608 | 72 | 625,040 |
18 | #5139: [56,26] | 1,429,977 | 116 | 1,856,680 |
19 | #5126: [44,24] | 1,403,085 | 113 | 13,861,984 |
20 | #5134: [46,75] | 1,399,154 | 162 | 22,474,130 |
21 | #5102: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 BABY BABY! [87,95] | 1,358,219 | 112 | 997,760 |
22 | #5119: Dreamer [S6] [76,44] | 1,128,406 | 74 | 1,267,380 |
23 | #5140: D!ckBütt [98,65] | 1,062,675 | 97 | 3,500,284 |
24 | #5104: [89,27] | 953,155 | 116 | 1,032,600 |
25 | #5138: Ravens [41,61] | 927,106 | 44 | 2,791,590 |
26 | #5123: Ocean Dwellers [3,21] | 872,450 | 97 | 804,615 |
27 | #5106: XxX [67,21] | 824,386 | 67 | 1,883,193 |
28 | #5094: [32,19] | 618,443 | 32 | 2,491,027 |
29 | #5111: omg [48,4] | 163,864 | 61 | 2,889,286 |
30 | #5101: Solo [27,97] | 159,432 | 72 | 641,520 |
31 | #5135: Frostitute [100,96] | 107,221 | 33 | 283,760 |
32 | #5103: to busy with xmas..peace out [69,60] | 32,622 | 21 | 486,110 |
33 | #5131: Gimme Wings! [62,50] | 17,189 | 6 | 52,120 |
34 | #5136: [23,67] | 10,542 | 2 | 31,577 |
35 | #5142: [10,13] | 9,558 | 1 | 26,250 |
36 | #5097: Viking Republic [26,39] | 3,885 | 1 | 10,100 |
37 | #5116: Hatseflats [64,90] | 2,839 | 1 | 10,000 |
38 | #5112: The Black Pearl [4,81] | 2,360 | 1 | 10,000 |
39 | #5120: [4,36] | 2,220 | 1 | 10,000 |
40 | #5100: [49,88] | 1,423 | 1 | 10,756 |
41 | #5109: #AniaRom [22,81] | 1,360 | 1 | 10,000 |
42 | #5098: [71,6] | 1,360 | 1 | 10,000 |
43 | #5114: [87,66] | 1,360 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #5141: Perfect~Darkness [37,97] | 630 | 18,023,121 | 5,404,382 |
2 | #5130: Vampire2s return [58,13] | 544 | 4,545,968 | 18,726,866 |
3 | #5122: new who dis phone [61,36] | 530 | 5,361,806 | 4,188,230 |
4 | #5117: N [59,74] | 432 | 14,163,343 | 89,030,636 |
5 | #5137: Antigua [86,52] | 372 | 11,641,098 | 79,299,102 |
6 | #5115: Holiday Venom S6 [17,26] | 275 | 23,124,357 | 2,450,640 |
7 | #5128: YOUR FIRED!!! [S6] [91,40] | 210 | 2,912,139 | 3,418,835 |
8 | #5133: Hilee Advanzed Siviluzashun [36,7] | 187 | 1,820,740 | 1,499,806 |
9 | #5107: Grox [S6] [13,48] | 175 | 5,781,538 | 15,355,514 |
10 | #5129: Coming for you[ S6 ] [71,73] | 169 | 2,715,971 | 1,461,680 |
11 | #5134: [46,75] | 162 | 1,399,154 | 22,474,130 |
12 | #5099: Titanius Anglesmith of Cornwoo [96,8] | 161 | 15,974,919 | 1,416,280 |
13 | #5121: Elephant Army [S6] [20,11] | 137 | 3,772,242 | 1,204,920 |
14 | #5096: Judgement Day is Near! [11,96] | 131 | 3,810,240 | 13,016,146 |
15 | #5139: [56,26] | 116 | 1,429,977 | 1,856,680 |
16 | #5104: [89,27] | 116 | 953,155 | 1,032,600 |
17 | #5126: [44,24] | 113 | 1,403,085 | 13,861,984 |
18 | #5102: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 BABY BABY! [87,95] | 112 | 1,358,219 | 997,760 |
19 | #5113: Specialty [52,58] | 99 | 2,131,231 | 884,200 |
20 | #5140: D!ckBütt [98,65] | 97 | 1,062,675 | 3,500,284 |
21 | #5123: Ocean Dwellers [3,21] | 97 | 872,450 | 804,615 |
22 | #5119: Dreamer [S6] [76,44] | 74 | 1,128,406 | 1,267,380 |
23 | #5095: 4 [29,57] | 72 | 1,573,117 | 7,529,581 |
24 | #5118: [35,73] | 72 | 1,464,608 | 625,040 |
25 | #5101: Solo [27,97] | 72 | 159,432 | 641,520 |
26 | #5106: XxX [67,21] | 67 | 824,386 | 1,883,193 |
27 | #5125: family of ordos [83,12] | 63 | 6,065,908 | 556,360 |
28 | #5111: omg [48,4] | 61 | 163,864 | 2,889,286 |
29 | #5138: Ravens [41,61] | 44 | 927,106 | 2,791,590 |
30 | #5135: Frostitute [100,96] | 33 | 107,221 | 283,760 |
31 | #5094: [32,19] | 32 | 618,443 | 2,491,027 |
32 | #5103: to busy with xmas..peace out [69,60] | 21 | 32,622 | 486,110 |
33 | #5131: Gimme Wings! [62,50] | 6 | 17,189 | 52,120 |
34 | #5136: [23,67] | 2 | 10,542 | 31,577 |
35 | #5142: [10,13] | 1 | 9,558 | 26,250 |
36 | #5097: Viking Republic [26,39] | 1 | 3,885 | 10,100 |
37 | #5116: Hatseflats [64,90] | 1 | 2,839 | 10,000 |
38 | #5112: The Black Pearl [4,81] | 1 | 2,360 | 10,000 |
39 | #5120: [4,36] | 1 | 2,220 | 10,000 |
40 | #5100: [49,88] | 1 | 1,423 | 10,756 |
41 | #5109: #AniaRom [22,81] | 1 | 1,360 | 10,000 |
42 | #5114: [87,66] | 1 | 1,360 | 10,000 |
43 | #5098: [71,6] | 1 | 1,360 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #5117: N [59,74] | 89,030,636 | 14,163,343 | 432 |
2 | #5137: Antigua [86,52] | 79,299,102 | 11,641,098 | 372 |
3 | #5134: [46,75] | 22,474,130 | 1,399,154 | 162 |
4 | #5130: Vampire2s return [58,13] | 18,726,866 | 4,545,968 | 544 |
5 | #5107: Grox [S6] [13,48] | 15,355,514 | 5,781,538 | 175 |
6 | #5126: [44,24] | 13,861,984 | 1,403,085 | 113 |
7 | #5096: Judgement Day is Near! [11,96] | 13,016,146 | 3,810,240 | 131 |
8 | #5095: 4 [29,57] | 7,529,581 | 1,573,117 | 72 |
9 | #5141: Perfect~Darkness [37,97] | 5,404,382 | 18,023,121 | 630 |
10 | #5122: new who dis phone [61,36] | 4,188,230 | 5,361,806 | 530 |
11 | #5140: D!ckBütt [98,65] | 3,500,284 | 1,062,675 | 97 |
12 | #5128: YOUR FIRED!!! [S6] [91,40] | 3,418,835 | 2,912,139 | 210 |
13 | #5111: omg [48,4] | 2,889,286 | 163,864 | 61 |
14 | #5138: Ravens [41,61] | 2,791,590 | 927,106 | 44 |
15 | #5094: [32,19] | 2,491,027 | 618,443 | 32 |
16 | #5115: Holiday Venom S6 [17,26] | 2,450,640 | 23,124,357 | 275 |
17 | #5106: XxX [67,21] | 1,883,193 | 824,386 | 67 |
18 | #5139: [56,26] | 1,856,680 | 1,429,977 | 116 |
19 | #5133: Hilee Advanzed Siviluzashun [36,7] | 1,499,806 | 1,820,740 | 187 |
20 | #5129: Coming for you[ S6 ] [71,73] | 1,461,680 | 2,715,971 | 169 |
21 | #5099: Titanius Anglesmith of Cornwoo [96,8] | 1,416,280 | 15,974,919 | 161 |
22 | #5119: Dreamer [S6] [76,44] | 1,267,380 | 1,128,406 | 74 |
23 | #5121: Elephant Army [S6] [20,11] | 1,204,920 | 3,772,242 | 137 |
24 | #5104: [89,27] | 1,032,600 | 953,155 | 116 |
25 | #5102: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 BABY BABY! [87,95] | 997,760 | 1,358,219 | 112 |
26 | #5113: Specialty [52,58] | 884,200 | 2,131,231 | 99 |
27 | #5123: Ocean Dwellers [3,21] | 804,615 | 872,450 | 97 |
28 | #5101: Solo [27,97] | 641,520 | 159,432 | 72 |
29 | #5118: [35,73] | 625,040 | 1,464,608 | 72 |
30 | #5125: family of ordos [83,12] | 556,360 | 6,065,908 | 63 |
31 | #5103: to busy with xmas..peace out [69,60] | 486,110 | 32,622 | 21 |
32 | #5135: Frostitute [100,96] | 283,760 | 107,221 | 33 |
33 | #5131: Gimme Wings! [62,50] | 52,120 | 17,189 | 6 |
34 | #5136: [23,67] | 31,577 | 10,542 | 2 |
35 | #5142: [10,13] | 26,250 | 9,558 | 1 |
36 | #5100: [49,88] | 10,756 | 1,423 | 1 |
37 | #5097: Viking Republic [26,39] | 10,100 | 3,885 | 1 |
38 | #5116: Hatseflats [64,90] | 10,000 | 2,839 | 1 |
39 | #5112: The Black Pearl [4,81] | 10,000 | 2,360 | 1 |
40 | #5120: [4,36] | 10,000 | 2,220 | 1 |
41 | #5114: [87,66] | 10,000 | 1,360 | 1 |
42 | #5109: #AniaRom [22,81] | 10,000 | 1,360 | 1 |
43 | #5098: [71,6] | 10,000 | 1,360 | 1 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Venom | Quantam | 23,124,357 | 275 | 2,450,640 |
2 | Alfredo | Quantam | 18,023,121 | 630 | 5,404,382 |
3 | Bender | Quantam | 15,974,919 | 161 | 1,416,280 |
4 | N | Partaxian | 14,163,343 | 432 | 89,030,636 |
5 | JinzoSect | Partaxian | 11,641,098 | 372 | 79,299,102 |
6 | Life is a bitch | Partaxian | 6,065,908 | 63 | 556,360 |
7 | Grox | Quantam | 5,781,538 | 175 | 15,355,514 |
8 | Gimmix | Wardancers | 5,361,806 | 530 | 4,188,230 |
9 | Vampire2 | Tantrum | 4,545,968 | 544 | 18,726,866 |
10 | Prince | Partaxian | 3,810,240 | 131 | 13,016,146 |
11 | Elephant | Partaxian | 3,772,242 | 137 | 1,204,920 |
12 | Sugars empire | Partaxian | 2,912,139 | 210 | 3,418,835 |
13 | justdoit | Partaxian | 2,715,971 | 169 | 1,461,680 |
14 | Special | Destroy units 4 | 2,131,231 | 99 | 884,200 |
15 | UndedBizarroSkratch | Wardancers | 1,820,740 | 187 | 1,499,806 |
16 | 4 | Partaxian | 1,573,117 | 72 | 7,529,581 |
17 | Jigsaw | Quantam | 1,464,608 | 72 | 625,040 |
18 | stormwold | xandrians | 1,429,977 | 116 | 1,856,680 |
19 | Starlite | Quantam | 1,403,085 | 113 | 13,861,984 |
20 | Mania | Partaxian | 1,399,154 | 162 | 22,474,130 |
21 | Niganati | Phantom XXX | 1,358,219 | 112 | 997,760 |
22 | SEXTANS | Wardancers | 1,128,406 | 74 | 1,267,380 |
23 | blamefulrednas | Quantam | 1,062,675 | 97 | 3,500,284 |
24 | Needless Wry | Camaar | 953,155 | 116 | 1,032,600 |
25 | Ravens | Wardancers | 927,106 | 44 | 2,791,590 |
26 | ThePacificRealm | BluefishKampfTruppen | 872,450 | 97 | 804,615 |
27 | Death xh | Quantam | 824,386 | 67 | 1,883,193 |
28 | Unknown | Quantam | 618,443 | 32 | 2,491,027 |
29 | james | allsize | 163,864 | 61 | 2,889,286 |
30 | Black Magic | Partaxian | 159,432 | 72 | 641,520 |
31 | Eryca | Quantam | 107,221 | 33 | 283,760 |
32 | FU | Revalons | 32,622 | 21 | 486,110 |
33 | RedBull | Wardancers | 17,189 | 6 | 52,120 |
34 | Ekuleria | Quantam | 10,542 | 2 | 31,577 |
35 | Palatinate | Quantam | 9,558 | 1 | 26,250 |
36 | VikingRepublic | JarlBorn | 3,885 | 1 | 10,100 |
37 | Pollux | Partaxian | 2,839 | 1 | 10,000 |
38 | CptJack | Camaar | 2,360 | 1 | 10,000 |
39 | SagittariusVII | Scrapper | 2,220 | 1 | 10,000 |
40 | Foohon Pie | Partaxian | 1,423 | 1 | 10,756 |
41 | DL | Wardancers | 1,360 | 1 | 10,000 |
42 | gigigi | Partaxian | 1,360 | 1 | 10,000 |
43 | Nusthia | Partaxian | 1,360 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Alfredo | Quantam | 630 | 18,023,121 | 5,404,382 |
2 | Vampire2 | Tantrum | 544 | 4,545,968 | 18,726,866 |
3 | Gimmix | Wardancers | 530 | 5,361,806 | 4,188,230 |
4 | N | Partaxian | 432 | 14,163,343 | 89,030,636 |
5 | JinzoSect | Partaxian | 372 | 11,641,098 | 79,299,102 |
6 | Venom | Quantam | 275 | 23,124,357 | 2,450,640 |
7 | Sugars empire | Partaxian | 210 | 2,912,139 | 3,418,835 |
8 | UndedBizarroSkratch | Wardancers | 187 | 1,820,740 | 1,499,806 |
9 | Grox | Quantam | 175 | 5,781,538 | 15,355,514 |
10 | justdoit | Partaxian | 169 | 2,715,971 | 1,461,680 |
11 | Mania | Partaxian | 162 | 1,399,154 | 22,474,130 |
12 | Bender | Quantam | 161 | 15,974,919 | 1,416,280 |
13 | Elephant | Partaxian | 137 | 3,772,242 | 1,204,920 |
14 | Prince | Partaxian | 131 | 3,810,240 | 13,016,146 |
15 | stormwold | xandrians | 116 | 1,429,977 | 1,856,680 |
16 | Needless Wry | Camaar | 116 | 953,155 | 1,032,600 |
17 | Starlite | Quantam | 113 | 1,403,085 | 13,861,984 |
18 | Niganati | Phantom XXX | 112 | 1,358,219 | 997,760 |
19 | Special | Destroy units 4 | 99 | 2,131,231 | 884,200 |
20 | blamefulrednas | Quantam | 97 | 1,062,675 | 3,500,284 |
21 | ThePacificRealm | BluefishKampfTruppen | 97 | 872,450 | 804,615 |
22 | SEXTANS | Wardancers | 74 | 1,128,406 | 1,267,380 |
23 | 4 | Partaxian | 72 | 1,573,117 | 7,529,581 |
24 | Jigsaw | Quantam | 72 | 1,464,608 | 625,040 |
25 | Black Magic | Partaxian | 72 | 159,432 | 641,520 |
26 | Death xh | Quantam | 67 | 824,386 | 1,883,193 |
27 | Life is a bitch | Partaxian | 63 | 6,065,908 | 556,360 |
28 | james | allsize | 61 | 163,864 | 2,889,286 |
29 | Ravens | Wardancers | 44 | 927,106 | 2,791,590 |
30 | Eryca | Quantam | 33 | 107,221 | 283,760 |
31 | Unknown | Quantam | 32 | 618,443 | 2,491,027 |
32 | FU | Revalons | 21 | 32,622 | 486,110 |
33 | RedBull | Wardancers | 6 | 17,189 | 52,120 |
34 | Ekuleria | Quantam | 2 | 10,542 | 31,577 |
35 | Palatinate | Quantam | 1 | 9,558 | 26,250 |
36 | VikingRepublic | JarlBorn | 1 | 3,885 | 10,100 |
37 | Pollux | Partaxian | 1 | 2,839 | 10,000 |
38 | CptJack | Camaar | 1 | 2,360 | 10,000 |
39 | SagittariusVII | Scrapper | 1 | 2,220 | 10,000 |
40 | Foohon Pie | Partaxian | 1 | 1,423 | 10,756 |
41 | DL | Wardancers | 1 | 1,360 | 10,000 |
42 | gigigi | Partaxian | 1 | 1,360 | 10,000 |
43 | Nusthia | Partaxian | 1 | 1,360 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | N | Partaxian | 89,030,636 | 14,163,343 | 432 |
2 | JinzoSect | Partaxian | 79,299,102 | 11,641,098 | 372 |
3 | Mania | Partaxian | 22,474,130 | 1,399,154 | 162 |
4 | Vampire2 | Tantrum | 18,726,866 | 4,545,968 | 544 |
5 | Grox | Quantam | 15,355,514 | 5,781,538 | 175 |
6 | Starlite | Quantam | 13,861,984 | 1,403,085 | 113 |
7 | Prince | Partaxian | 13,016,146 | 3,810,240 | 131 |
8 | 4 | Partaxian | 7,529,581 | 1,573,117 | 72 |
9 | Alfredo | Quantam | 5,404,382 | 18,023,121 | 630 |
10 | Gimmix | Wardancers | 4,188,230 | 5,361,806 | 530 |
11 | blamefulrednas | Quantam | 3,500,284 | 1,062,675 | 97 |
12 | Sugars empire | Partaxian | 3,418,835 | 2,912,139 | 210 |
13 | james | allsize | 2,889,286 | 163,864 | 61 |
14 | Ravens | Wardancers | 2,791,590 | 927,106 | 44 |
15 | Unknown | Quantam | 2,491,027 | 618,443 | 32 |
16 | Venom | Quantam | 2,450,640 | 23,124,357 | 275 |
17 | Death xh | Quantam | 1,883,193 | 824,386 | 67 |
18 | stormwold | xandrians | 1,856,680 | 1,429,977 | 116 |
19 | UndedBizarroSkratch | Wardancers | 1,499,806 | 1,820,740 | 187 |
20 | justdoit | Partaxian | 1,461,680 | 2,715,971 | 169 |
21 | Bender | Quantam | 1,416,280 | 15,974,919 | 161 |
22 | SEXTANS | Wardancers | 1,267,380 | 1,128,406 | 74 |
23 | Elephant | Partaxian | 1,204,920 | 3,772,242 | 137 |
24 | Needless Wry | Camaar | 1,032,600 | 953,155 | 116 |
25 | Niganati | Phantom XXX | 997,760 | 1,358,219 | 112 |
26 | Special | Destroy units 4 | 884,200 | 2,131,231 | 99 |
27 | ThePacificRealm | BluefishKampfTruppen | 804,615 | 872,450 | 97 |
28 | Black Magic | Partaxian | 641,520 | 159,432 | 72 |
29 | Jigsaw | Quantam | 625,040 | 1,464,608 | 72 |
30 | Life is a bitch | Partaxian | 556,360 | 6,065,908 | 63 |
31 | FU | Revalons | 486,110 | 32,622 | 21 |
32 | Eryca | Quantam | 283,760 | 107,221 | 33 |
33 | RedBull | Wardancers | 52,120 | 17,189 | 6 |
34 | Ekuleria | Quantam | 31,577 | 10,542 | 2 |
35 | Palatinate | Quantam | 26,250 | 9,558 | 1 |
36 | Foohon Pie | Partaxian | 10,756 | 1,423 | 1 |
37 | VikingRepublic | JarlBorn | 10,100 | 3,885 | 1 |
38 | Pollux | Partaxian | 10,000 | 2,839 | 1 |
39 | CptJack | Camaar | 10,000 | 2,360 | 1 |
40 | SagittariusVII | Scrapper | 10,000 | 2,220 | 1 |
41 | DL | Wardancers | 10,000 | 1,360 | 1 |
42 | gigigi | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,360 | 1 |
43 | Nusthia | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,360 | 1 |