All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 30

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 673
Players 40 / 40
Open Spots 0 / 40 Join
Start Date Sunday, September 24, 2017
7 years ago
End Date Sunday, October 22, 2017
7 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 336
Planet Count 3708

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #4407: The Scorpion Dread [20,67] 6,360,114 322 13,227,092
2 #4412: [33,57] 5,149,513 154 68,306,664
3 #4423: Deep Learning [20,7] 4,519,925 223 47,473,892
4 #4420: From Russia With Love [4,28] 3,763,935 117 1,037,520
5 #4411: Chump and Chumpets [18,50] 3,175,012 122 1,045,160
6 #4435: [48,18] 2,891,187 223 2,023,840
7 #4442: Stark cooperation [70,41] 2,838,852 208 3,450,835
8 #4441: Pixar [42,68] 1,542,087 182 1,537,077
9 #4438: LiGhTgUnS taking it easy [80,18] 1,527,238 337 1,044,940
10 #4424: [15,36] 1,463,942 126 1,116,440
11 #4427: M12Warthog [58,43] 1,288,285 169 1,475,779
12 #4422: Stars are out [7,75] 1,203,306 187 1,581,982
13 #4408: #Speed [44,43] 1,202,010 86 756,014
14 #4417: Aslan [20,20] 1,132,400 64 6,086,337
15 #4440: [75,32] 812,994 94 1,696,530
16 #4410: [36,76] 699,834 82 735,920
17 #4403: sword of Damocles [5,9] 554,776 66 590,720
18 #4425: [68,73] 475,080 99 859,351
19 #4416: Disney [51,72] 447,935 45 377,320
20 #4418: Bank or bust - bring it sarge [48,7] 435,229 55 4,774,090
21 #4437: [39,33] 423,725 69 568,080
22 #4433: Givin\' It Another Go [70,53] 409,884 90 809,712
23 #4404: [29,35] 400,854 84 5,371,080
24 #4429: [11,59] 327,352 48 445,600
25 #4430: [29,46] 322,018 31 303,120
26 #4413: [66,32] 294,070 36 2,720,897
27 #4406: [37,19] 243,902 164 1,446,360
28 #4431: The Force be With YOU [32,10] 202,003 65 640,693
29 #4426: BrownSugerHoneyCocoaGold99Moon [47,58] 196,595 47 675,980
30 #4421: 4438 Declared war on me :-p [61,17] 181,592 48 420,970
31 #4409: [78,62] 93,525 38 420,899
32 #4414: Helloowaaaa [1,45] 28,257 6 58,720
33 #4439: space commies [16,78] 16,939 11 102,840
34 #4415: [60,55] 11,494 4 30,200
35 #4432: Homeless [71,20] 4,629 1 16,830
36 #4428: [60,1] 2,250 1 10,000
37 #4434: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [78,80] 1,250 1 10,000
38 #4405: [70,6] 1,250 1 10,000
39 #4436: [10,20] 1,250 1 10,000
40 #4419: [49,28] 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #4438: LiGhTgUnS taking it easy [80,18] 337 1,527,238 1,044,940
2 #4407: The Scorpion Dread [20,67] 322 6,360,114 13,227,092
3 #4423: Deep Learning [20,7] 223 4,519,925 47,473,892
4 #4435: [48,18] 223 2,891,187 2,023,840
5 #4442: Stark cooperation [70,41] 208 2,838,852 3,450,835
6 #4422: Stars are out [7,75] 187 1,203,306 1,581,982
7 #4441: Pixar [42,68] 182 1,542,087 1,537,077
8 #4427: M12Warthog [58,43] 169 1,288,285 1,475,779
9 #4406: [37,19] 164 243,902 1,446,360
10 #4412: [33,57] 154 5,149,513 68,306,664
11 #4424: [15,36] 126 1,463,942 1,116,440
12 #4411: Chump and Chumpets [18,50] 122 3,175,012 1,045,160
13 #4420: From Russia With Love [4,28] 117 3,763,935 1,037,520
14 #4425: [68,73] 99 475,080 859,351
15 #4440: [75,32] 94 812,994 1,696,530
16 #4433: Givin\' It Another Go [70,53] 90 409,884 809,712
17 #4408: #Speed [44,43] 86 1,202,010 756,014
18 #4404: [29,35] 84 400,854 5,371,080
19 #4410: [36,76] 82 699,834 735,920
20 #4437: [39,33] 69 423,725 568,080
21 #4403: sword of Damocles [5,9] 66 554,776 590,720
22 #4431: The Force be With YOU [32,10] 65 202,003 640,693
23 #4417: Aslan [20,20] 64 1,132,400 6,086,337
24 #4418: Bank or bust - bring it sarge [48,7] 55 435,229 4,774,090
25 #4429: [11,59] 48 327,352 445,600
26 #4421: 4438 Declared war on me :-p [61,17] 48 181,592 420,970
27 #4426: BrownSugerHoneyCocoaGold99Moon [47,58] 47 196,595 675,980
28 #4416: Disney [51,72] 45 447,935 377,320
29 #4409: [78,62] 38 93,525 420,899
30 #4413: [66,32] 36 294,070 2,720,897
31 #4430: [29,46] 31 322,018 303,120
32 #4439: space commies [16,78] 11 16,939 102,840
33 #4414: Helloowaaaa [1,45] 6 28,257 58,720
34 #4415: [60,55] 4 11,494 30,200
35 #4432: Homeless [71,20] 1 4,629 16,830
36 #4428: [60,1] 1 2,250 10,000
37 #4434: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [78,80] 1 1,250 10,000
38 #4405: [70,6] 1 1,250 10,000
39 #4436: [10,20] 1 1,250 10,000
40 #4419: [49,28] 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #4412: [33,57] 68,306,664 5,149,513 154
2 #4423: Deep Learning [20,7] 47,473,892 4,519,925 223
3 #4407: The Scorpion Dread [20,67] 13,227,092 6,360,114 322
4 #4417: Aslan [20,20] 6,086,337 1,132,400 64
5 #4404: [29,35] 5,371,080 400,854 84
6 #4418: Bank or bust - bring it sarge [48,7] 4,774,090 435,229 55
7 #4442: Stark cooperation [70,41] 3,450,835 2,838,852 208
8 #4413: [66,32] 2,720,897 294,070 36
9 #4435: [48,18] 2,023,840 2,891,187 223
10 #4440: [75,32] 1,696,530 812,994 94
11 #4422: Stars are out [7,75] 1,581,982 1,203,306 187
12 #4441: Pixar [42,68] 1,537,077 1,542,087 182
13 #4427: M12Warthog [58,43] 1,475,779 1,288,285 169
14 #4406: [37,19] 1,446,360 243,902 164
15 #4424: [15,36] 1,116,440 1,463,942 126
16 #4411: Chump and Chumpets [18,50] 1,045,160 3,175,012 122
17 #4438: LiGhTgUnS taking it easy [80,18] 1,044,940 1,527,238 337
18 #4420: From Russia With Love [4,28] 1,037,520 3,763,935 117
19 #4425: [68,73] 859,351 475,080 99
20 #4433: Givin\' It Another Go [70,53] 809,712 409,884 90
21 #4408: #Speed [44,43] 756,014 1,202,010 86
22 #4410: [36,76] 735,920 699,834 82
23 #4426: BrownSugerHoneyCocoaGold99Moon [47,58] 675,980 196,595 47
24 #4431: The Force be With YOU [32,10] 640,693 202,003 65
25 #4403: sword of Damocles [5,9] 590,720 554,776 66
26 #4437: [39,33] 568,080 423,725 69
27 #4429: [11,59] 445,600 327,352 48
28 #4421: 4438 Declared war on me :-p [61,17] 420,970 181,592 48
29 #4409: [78,62] 420,899 93,525 38
30 #4416: Disney [51,72] 377,320 447,935 45
31 #4430: [29,46] 303,120 322,018 31
32 #4439: space commies [16,78] 102,840 16,939 11
33 #4414: Helloowaaaa [1,45] 58,720 28,257 6
34 #4415: [60,55] 30,200 11,494 4
35 #4432: Homeless [71,20] 16,830 4,629 1
36 #4428: [60,1] 10,000 2,250 1
37 #4434: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII [78,80] 10,000 1,250 1
38 #4436: [10,20] 10,000 1,250 1
39 #4405: [70,6] 10,000 1,250 1
40 #4419: [49,28] 10,000 1,250 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Balerion Quantam 6,360,114 322 13,227,092
2 Cyril Partaxian 5,149,513 154 68,306,664
3 Mathematics MaxGrowth 4,519,925 223 47,473,892
4 Russia Spetsnaz 3,763,935 117 1,037,520
5 Fearlezz Quantam 3,175,012 122 1,045,160
6 Sandstorm Olaaaa 2,891,187 223 2,023,840
7 Iron man Partaxian 2,838,852 208 3,450,835
8 Lazy Wardancers 1,542,087 182 1,537,077
9 Sarge Wardancers 1,527,238 337 1,044,940
10 Kano Bork Bork Bork 1,463,942 126 1,116,440
11 SEXTANS FMLIVE 1,288,285 169 1,475,779
12 Stars Detroy cash 2 1,203,306 187 1,581,982
13 Superspeed Quantam 1,202,010 86 756,014
14 Narnia Quantam 1,132,400 64 6,086,337
15 stormwold xandrians 812,994 94 1,696,530
16 Airwing Wardancers 699,834 82 735,920
17 Pieface Quantam 554,776 66 590,720
18 StLouis Partaxian 475,080 99 859,351
19 Goofy Wardancers 447,935 45 377,320
20 Mushroom Revalons 435,229 55 4,774,090
21 Starlite Partaxian 423,725 69 568,080
22 UndedBizarroSkratch Wardancers 409,884 90 809,712
23 Kibas Reborn Partaxian 400,854 84 5,371,080
24 Name ?????2f 327,352 48 445,600
25 SuperCoop Wardancers 322,018 31 303,120
26 Psilocine Partaxian 294,070 36 2,720,897
27 over where 243,902 164 1,446,360
28 Vader Darth Icefyre 202,003 65 640,693
29 Blade SavageNoble 196,595 47 675,980
30 Shmuc Wardancers 181,592 48 420,970
31 Ousted Everlast64 93,525 38 420,899
32 What Quantam 28,257 6 58,720
33 drakkhenz Camaar 16,939 11 102,840
34 Mapex Partaxian 11,494 4 30,200
35 Hypochondria Wardancers 4,629 1 16,830
36 Masse Mank 2,250 1 10,000
37 FlatEarth Dirturds 1,250 1 10,000
38 GxReborn Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
39 Goauld Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
40 DroidsDK The_Magic_Dane 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Sarge Wardancers 337 1,527,238 1,044,940
2 Balerion Quantam 322 6,360,114 13,227,092
3 Mathematics MaxGrowth 223 4,519,925 47,473,892
4 Sandstorm Olaaaa 223 2,891,187 2,023,840
5 Iron man Partaxian 208 2,838,852 3,450,835
6 Stars Detroy cash 2 187 1,203,306 1,581,982
7 Lazy Wardancers 182 1,542,087 1,537,077
8 SEXTANS FMLIVE 169 1,288,285 1,475,779
9 over where 164 243,902 1,446,360
10 Cyril Partaxian 154 5,149,513 68,306,664
11 Kano Bork Bork Bork 126 1,463,942 1,116,440
12 Fearlezz Quantam 122 3,175,012 1,045,160
13 Russia Spetsnaz 117 3,763,935 1,037,520
14 StLouis Partaxian 99 475,080 859,351
15 stormwold xandrians 94 812,994 1,696,530
16 UndedBizarroSkratch Wardancers 90 409,884 809,712
17 Superspeed Quantam 86 1,202,010 756,014
18 Kibas Reborn Partaxian 84 400,854 5,371,080
19 Airwing Wardancers 82 699,834 735,920
20 Starlite Partaxian 69 423,725 568,080
21 Pieface Quantam 66 554,776 590,720
22 Vader Darth Icefyre 65 202,003 640,693
23 Narnia Quantam 64 1,132,400 6,086,337
24 Mushroom Revalons 55 435,229 4,774,090
25 Name ?????2f 48 327,352 445,600
26 Shmuc Wardancers 48 181,592 420,970
27 Blade SavageNoble 47 196,595 675,980
28 Goofy Wardancers 45 447,935 377,320
29 Ousted Everlast64 38 93,525 420,899
30 Psilocine Partaxian 36 294,070 2,720,897
31 SuperCoop Wardancers 31 322,018 303,120
32 drakkhenz Camaar 11 16,939 102,840
33 What Quantam 6 28,257 58,720
34 Mapex Partaxian 4 11,494 30,200
35 Hypochondria Wardancers 1 4,629 16,830
36 Masse Mank 1 2,250 10,000
37 FlatEarth Dirturds 1 1,250 10,000
38 GxReborn Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
39 Goauld Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
40 DroidsDK The_Magic_Dane 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Cyril Partaxian 68,306,664 5,149,513 154
2 Mathematics MaxGrowth 47,473,892 4,519,925 223
3 Balerion Quantam 13,227,092 6,360,114 322
4 Narnia Quantam 6,086,337 1,132,400 64
5 Kibas Reborn Partaxian 5,371,080 400,854 84
6 Mushroom Revalons 4,774,090 435,229 55
7 Iron man Partaxian 3,450,835 2,838,852 208
8 Psilocine Partaxian 2,720,897 294,070 36
9 Sandstorm Olaaaa 2,023,840 2,891,187 223
10 stormwold xandrians 1,696,530 812,994 94
11 Stars Detroy cash 2 1,581,982 1,203,306 187
12 Lazy Wardancers 1,537,077 1,542,087 182
13 SEXTANS FMLIVE 1,475,779 1,288,285 169
14 over where 1,446,360 243,902 164
15 Kano Bork Bork Bork 1,116,440 1,463,942 126
16 Fearlezz Quantam 1,045,160 3,175,012 122
17 Sarge Wardancers 1,044,940 1,527,238 337
18 Russia Spetsnaz 1,037,520 3,763,935 117
19 StLouis Partaxian 859,351 475,080 99
20 UndedBizarroSkratch Wardancers 809,712 409,884 90
21 Superspeed Quantam 756,014 1,202,010 86
22 Airwing Wardancers 735,920 699,834 82
23 Blade SavageNoble 675,980 196,595 47
24 Vader Darth Icefyre 640,693 202,003 65
25 Pieface Quantam 590,720 554,776 66
26 Starlite Partaxian 568,080 423,725 69
27 Name ?????2f 445,600 327,352 48
28 Shmuc Wardancers 420,970 181,592 48
29 Ousted Everlast64 420,899 93,525 38
30 Goofy Wardancers 377,320 447,935 45
31 SuperCoop Wardancers 303,120 322,018 31
32 drakkhenz Camaar 102,840 16,939 11
33 What Quantam 58,720 28,257 6
34 Mapex Partaxian 30,200 11,494 4
35 Hypochondria Wardancers 16,830 4,629 1
36 Masse Mank 10,000 2,250 1
37 FlatEarth Dirturds 10,000 1,250 1
38 GxReborn Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
39 Goauld Quantam 10,000 1,250 1
40 DroidsDK The_Magic_Dane 10,000 1,250 1