Duration | 6 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 1010 |
Players | 34 / 50 |
Open Spots | 16 / 50 Join |
Start Date | Tuesday, August 8, 2017 |
7 years ago | |
End Date | Tuesday, September 19, 2017 |
7 years ago | |
Size | 160x160 |
System Count | 258 |
Planet Count | 4117 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #4353: [93,10] | 19,483,298 | 319 | 2,902,467 |
2 | #4349: Scorpions [99,127] | 13,713,383 | 260 | 2,452,394 |
3 | #4318: [94,85] | 11,255,766 | 159 | 63,804,351 |
4 | #4357: [121,74] | 10,887,497 | 397 | 3,347,148 |
5 | #4316: ~Life is Simple~ [57,126] | 9,959,670 | 393 | 3,456,425 |
6 | #4311: OTH [91,152] | 7,135,337 | 295 | 2,775,550 |
7 | #4334: [51,108] | 6,487,315 | 216 | 35,766,386 |
8 | #4314: Hulk [147,17] | 4,351,341 | 136 | 4,238,546 |
9 | #4312: Creamy Way or the Highway [68,115] | 4,306,941 | 201 | 24,120,357 |
10 | #4359: Hollywood Undead [126,1] | 3,553,164 | 161 | 12,555,240 |
11 | #4332: Spunky [18,97] | 3,366,863 | 141 | 1,195,059 |
12 | #4321: [76,6] | 3,127,704 | 81 | 43,127,580 |
13 | #4329: [29,82] | 2,938,744 | 148 | 1,253,175 |
14 | #4327: Hammertime [136,92] | 2,888,153 | 130 | 11,908,160 |
15 | #4342: (4341) [12,144] | 2,314,575 | 99 | 873,440 |
16 | #4326: [29,28] | 2,292,643 | 175 | 27,519,196 |
17 | #4347: ~Life is Complicated~ [66,34] | 2,050,680 | 151 | 1,948,980 |
18 | #4358: Priceless [26,112] | 1,912,953 | 80 | 725,200 |
19 | #4355: Venom [53,141] | 1,701,956 | 49 | 437,360 |
20 | #4313: [51,44] | 1,453,793 | 114 | 6,147,120 |
21 | #4352: Nightwalkers [62,61] | 1,369,308 | 121 | 1,075,920 |
22 | #4350: [14,127] | 869,690 | 41 | 1,456,618 |
23 | #4340: [144,39] | 540,619 | 43 | 382,000 |
24 | #4348: [9,85] | 395,587 | 47 | 420,400 |
25 | #4323: Just Me We\'ll See How It Goes [121,140] | 386,535 | 52 | 307,738 |
26 | #4345: Fire and Ice [118,97] | 275,146 | 26 | 777,578 |
27 | #4335: imasnake [127,37] | 204,052 | 54 | 490,800 |
28 | #4356: Tatery tots! [79,129] | 12,858 | 6 | 51,560 |
29 | #4317: [35,6] | 7,036 | 1 | 10,000 |
30 | #4322: [101,112] | 2,226 | 1 | 10,000 |
31 | #4344: [77,72] | 1,677 | 1 | 13,250 |
32 | #4346: [67,93] | 1,256 | 1 | 10,000 |
33 | #4328: [157,118] | 1,256 | 1 | 10,000 |
34 | #4354: [92,48] | 1,256 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #4357: [121,74] | 397 | 10,887,497 | 3,347,148 |
2 | #4316: ~Life is Simple~ [57,126] | 393 | 9,959,670 | 3,456,425 |
3 | #4353: [93,10] | 319 | 19,483,298 | 2,902,467 |
4 | #4311: OTH [91,152] | 295 | 7,135,337 | 2,775,550 |
5 | #4349: Scorpions [99,127] | 260 | 13,713,383 | 2,452,394 |
6 | #4334: [51,108] | 216 | 6,487,315 | 35,766,386 |
7 | #4312: Creamy Way or the Highway [68,115] | 201 | 4,306,941 | 24,120,357 |
8 | #4326: [29,28] | 175 | 2,292,643 | 27,519,196 |
9 | #4359: Hollywood Undead [126,1] | 161 | 3,553,164 | 12,555,240 |
10 | #4318: [94,85] | 159 | 11,255,766 | 63,804,351 |
11 | #4347: ~Life is Complicated~ [66,34] | 151 | 2,050,680 | 1,948,980 |
12 | #4329: [29,82] | 148 | 2,938,744 | 1,253,175 |
13 | #4332: Spunky [18,97] | 141 | 3,366,863 | 1,195,059 |
14 | #4314: Hulk [147,17] | 136 | 4,351,341 | 4,238,546 |
15 | #4327: Hammertime [136,92] | 130 | 2,888,153 | 11,908,160 |
16 | #4352: Nightwalkers [62,61] | 121 | 1,369,308 | 1,075,920 |
17 | #4313: [51,44] | 114 | 1,453,793 | 6,147,120 |
18 | #4342: (4341) [12,144] | 99 | 2,314,575 | 873,440 |
19 | #4321: [76,6] | 81 | 3,127,704 | 43,127,580 |
20 | #4358: Priceless [26,112] | 80 | 1,912,953 | 725,200 |
21 | #4335: imasnake [127,37] | 54 | 204,052 | 490,800 |
22 | #4323: Just Me We\'ll See How It Goes [121,140] | 52 | 386,535 | 307,738 |
23 | #4355: Venom [53,141] | 49 | 1,701,956 | 437,360 |
24 | #4348: [9,85] | 47 | 395,587 | 420,400 |
25 | #4340: [144,39] | 43 | 540,619 | 382,000 |
26 | #4350: [14,127] | 41 | 869,690 | 1,456,618 |
27 | #4345: Fire and Ice [118,97] | 26 | 275,146 | 777,578 |
28 | #4356: Tatery tots! [79,129] | 6 | 12,858 | 51,560 |
29 | #4317: [35,6] | 1 | 7,036 | 10,000 |
30 | #4322: [101,112] | 1 | 2,226 | 10,000 |
31 | #4344: [77,72] | 1 | 1,677 | 13,250 |
32 | #4354: [92,48] | 1 | 1,256 | 10,000 |
33 | #4346: [67,93] | 1 | 1,256 | 10,000 |
34 | #4328: [157,118] | 1 | 1,256 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #4318: [94,85] | 63,804,351 | 11,255,766 | 159 |
2 | #4321: [76,6] | 43,127,580 | 3,127,704 | 81 |
3 | #4334: [51,108] | 35,766,386 | 6,487,315 | 216 |
4 | #4326: [29,28] | 27,519,196 | 2,292,643 | 175 |
5 | #4312: Creamy Way or the Highway [68,115] | 24,120,357 | 4,306,941 | 201 |
6 | #4359: Hollywood Undead [126,1] | 12,555,240 | 3,553,164 | 161 |
7 | #4327: Hammertime [136,92] | 11,908,160 | 2,888,153 | 130 |
8 | #4313: [51,44] | 6,147,120 | 1,453,793 | 114 |
9 | #4314: Hulk [147,17] | 4,238,546 | 4,351,341 | 136 |
10 | #4316: ~Life is Simple~ [57,126] | 3,456,425 | 9,959,670 | 393 |
11 | #4357: [121,74] | 3,347,148 | 10,887,497 | 397 |
12 | #4353: [93,10] | 2,902,467 | 19,483,298 | 319 |
13 | #4311: OTH [91,152] | 2,775,550 | 7,135,337 | 295 |
14 | #4349: Scorpions [99,127] | 2,452,394 | 13,713,383 | 260 |
15 | #4347: ~Life is Complicated~ [66,34] | 1,948,980 | 2,050,680 | 151 |
16 | #4350: [14,127] | 1,456,618 | 869,690 | 41 |
17 | #4329: [29,82] | 1,253,175 | 2,938,744 | 148 |
18 | #4332: Spunky [18,97] | 1,195,059 | 3,366,863 | 141 |
19 | #4352: Nightwalkers [62,61] | 1,075,920 | 1,369,308 | 121 |
20 | #4342: (4341) [12,144] | 873,440 | 2,314,575 | 99 |
21 | #4345: Fire and Ice [118,97] | 777,578 | 275,146 | 26 |
22 | #4358: Priceless [26,112] | 725,200 | 1,912,953 | 80 |
23 | #4335: imasnake [127,37] | 490,800 | 204,052 | 54 |
24 | #4355: Venom [53,141] | 437,360 | 1,701,956 | 49 |
25 | #4348: [9,85] | 420,400 | 395,587 | 47 |
26 | #4340: [144,39] | 382,000 | 540,619 | 43 |
27 | #4323: Just Me We\'ll See How It Goes [121,140] | 307,738 | 386,535 | 52 |
28 | #4356: Tatery tots! [79,129] | 51,560 | 12,858 | 6 |
29 | #4344: [77,72] | 13,250 | 1,677 | 1 |
30 | #4317: [35,6] | 10,000 | 7,036 | 1 |
31 | #4322: [101,112] | 10,000 | 2,226 | 1 |
32 | #4346: [67,93] | 10,000 | 1,256 | 1 |
33 | #4354: [92,48] | 10,000 | 1,256 | 1 |
34 | #4328: [157,118] | 10,000 | 1,256 | 1 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | flipmode | Quantam | 19,483,298 | 319 | 2,902,467 |
2 | Drogon | Quantam | 13,713,383 | 260 | 2,452,394 |
3 | Unborn | Quantam | 11,255,766 | 159 | 63,804,351 |
4 | iFM | Quantam | 10,887,497 | 397 | 3,347,148 |
5 | Ooshkenoph | Wardancers | 9,959,670 | 393 | 3,456,425 |
6 | Low | rovvy | 7,135,337 | 295 | 2,775,550 |
7 | Montana | Quantam | 6,487,315 | 216 | 35,766,386 |
8 | Booze | Partaxian | 4,351,341 | 136 | 4,238,546 |
9 | Creamy Filling | Quantam | 4,306,941 | 201 | 24,120,357 |
10 | HU | Partaxian | 3,553,164 | 161 | 12,555,240 |
11 | Cumsville | y | 3,366,863 | 141 | 1,195,059 |
12 | rock | ownooooooooo | 3,127,704 | 81 | 43,127,580 |
13 | Valhalla | Wardancers | 2,938,744 | 148 | 1,253,175 |
14 | Life | Quantam | 2,888,153 | 130 | 11,908,160 |
15 | HangryAF | Partaxian | 2,314,575 | 99 | 873,440 |
16 | Shinobi | DaiKatana | 2,292,643 | 175 | 27,519,196 |
17 | Shmuc | Wardancers | 2,050,680 | 151 | 1,948,980 |
18 | Rhinestone | Sparkles | 1,912,953 | 80 | 725,200 |
19 | Venom | Partaxian | 1,701,956 | 49 | 437,360 |
20 | stormwold | xandrians | 1,453,793 | 114 | 6,147,120 |
21 | Vampyrs | Wardancers | 1,369,308 | 121 | 1,075,920 |
22 | Nastaze | Quantam | 869,690 | 41 | 1,456,618 |
23 | TheSpruceMoose | Literally nothing | 540,619 | 43 | 382,000 |
24 | Supreme | Quantam | 395,587 | 47 | 420,400 |
25 | UndedBizarroSkratch | Wardancers | 386,535 | 52 | 307,738 |
26 | AngelofDarknessZZz | Quantam | 275,146 | 26 | 777,578 |
27 | StLouis | Quantam | 204,052 | 54 | 490,800 |
28 | Alegre | Wardancers | 12,858 | 6 | 51,560 |
29 | Zzzz | Wardancers | 7,036 | 1 | 10,000 |
30 | Blink | Open24hrs | 2,226 | 1 | 10,000 |
31 | JuiceBox | Wardancers | 1,677 | 1 | 13,250 |
32 | picckleas | Revalons | 1,256 | 1 | 10,000 |
33 | Mar5 | Partaxian | 1,256 | 1 | 10,000 |
34 | Foohon Pie | Partaxian | 1,256 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | iFM | Quantam | 397 | 10,887,497 | 3,347,148 |
2 | Ooshkenoph | Wardancers | 393 | 9,959,670 | 3,456,425 |
3 | flipmode | Quantam | 319 | 19,483,298 | 2,902,467 |
4 | Low | rovvy | 295 | 7,135,337 | 2,775,550 |
5 | Drogon | Quantam | 260 | 13,713,383 | 2,452,394 |
6 | Montana | Quantam | 216 | 6,487,315 | 35,766,386 |
7 | Creamy Filling | Quantam | 201 | 4,306,941 | 24,120,357 |
8 | Shinobi | DaiKatana | 175 | 2,292,643 | 27,519,196 |
9 | HU | Partaxian | 161 | 3,553,164 | 12,555,240 |
10 | Unborn | Quantam | 159 | 11,255,766 | 63,804,351 |
11 | Shmuc | Wardancers | 151 | 2,050,680 | 1,948,980 |
12 | Valhalla | Wardancers | 148 | 2,938,744 | 1,253,175 |
13 | Cumsville | y | 141 | 3,366,863 | 1,195,059 |
14 | Booze | Partaxian | 136 | 4,351,341 | 4,238,546 |
15 | Life | Quantam | 130 | 2,888,153 | 11,908,160 |
16 | Vampyrs | Wardancers | 121 | 1,369,308 | 1,075,920 |
17 | stormwold | xandrians | 114 | 1,453,793 | 6,147,120 |
18 | HangryAF | Partaxian | 99 | 2,314,575 | 873,440 |
19 | rock | ownooooooooo | 81 | 3,127,704 | 43,127,580 |
20 | Rhinestone | Sparkles | 80 | 1,912,953 | 725,200 |
21 | StLouis | Quantam | 54 | 204,052 | 490,800 |
22 | UndedBizarroSkratch | Wardancers | 52 | 386,535 | 307,738 |
23 | Venom | Partaxian | 49 | 1,701,956 | 437,360 |
24 | Supreme | Quantam | 47 | 395,587 | 420,400 |
25 | TheSpruceMoose | Literally nothing | 43 | 540,619 | 382,000 |
26 | Nastaze | Quantam | 41 | 869,690 | 1,456,618 |
27 | AngelofDarknessZZz | Quantam | 26 | 275,146 | 777,578 |
28 | Alegre | Wardancers | 6 | 12,858 | 51,560 |
29 | Zzzz | Wardancers | 1 | 7,036 | 10,000 |
30 | Blink | Open24hrs | 1 | 2,226 | 10,000 |
31 | JuiceBox | Wardancers | 1 | 1,677 | 13,250 |
32 | picckleas | Revalons | 1 | 1,256 | 10,000 |
33 | Mar5 | Partaxian | 1 | 1,256 | 10,000 |
34 | Foohon Pie | Partaxian | 1 | 1,256 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Unborn | Quantam | 63,804,351 | 11,255,766 | 159 |
2 | rock | ownooooooooo | 43,127,580 | 3,127,704 | 81 |
3 | Montana | Quantam | 35,766,386 | 6,487,315 | 216 |
4 | Shinobi | DaiKatana | 27,519,196 | 2,292,643 | 175 |
5 | Creamy Filling | Quantam | 24,120,357 | 4,306,941 | 201 |
6 | HU | Partaxian | 12,555,240 | 3,553,164 | 161 |
7 | Life | Quantam | 11,908,160 | 2,888,153 | 130 |
8 | stormwold | xandrians | 6,147,120 | 1,453,793 | 114 |
9 | Booze | Partaxian | 4,238,546 | 4,351,341 | 136 |
10 | Ooshkenoph | Wardancers | 3,456,425 | 9,959,670 | 393 |
11 | iFM | Quantam | 3,347,148 | 10,887,497 | 397 |
12 | flipmode | Quantam | 2,902,467 | 19,483,298 | 319 |
13 | Low | rovvy | 2,775,550 | 7,135,337 | 295 |
14 | Drogon | Quantam | 2,452,394 | 13,713,383 | 260 |
15 | Shmuc | Wardancers | 1,948,980 | 2,050,680 | 151 |
16 | Nastaze | Quantam | 1,456,618 | 869,690 | 41 |
17 | Valhalla | Wardancers | 1,253,175 | 2,938,744 | 148 |
18 | Cumsville | y | 1,195,059 | 3,366,863 | 141 |
19 | Vampyrs | Wardancers | 1,075,920 | 1,369,308 | 121 |
20 | HangryAF | Partaxian | 873,440 | 2,314,575 | 99 |
21 | AngelofDarknessZZz | Quantam | 777,578 | 275,146 | 26 |
22 | Rhinestone | Sparkles | 725,200 | 1,912,953 | 80 |
23 | StLouis | Quantam | 490,800 | 204,052 | 54 |
24 | Venom | Partaxian | 437,360 | 1,701,956 | 49 |
25 | Supreme | Quantam | 420,400 | 395,587 | 47 |
26 | TheSpruceMoose | Literally nothing | 382,000 | 540,619 | 43 |
27 | UndedBizarroSkratch | Wardancers | 307,738 | 386,535 | 52 |
28 | Alegre | Wardancers | 51,560 | 12,858 | 6 |
29 | JuiceBox | Wardancers | 13,250 | 1,677 | 1 |
30 | Zzzz | Wardancers | 10,000 | 7,036 | 1 |
31 | Blink | Open24hrs | 10,000 | 2,226 | 1 |
32 | picckleas | Revalons | 10,000 | 1,256 | 1 |
33 | Mar5 | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,256 | 1 |
34 | Foohon Pie | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,256 | 1 |