All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 29

60 minute ticks
Duration 6 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 1010
Players 34 / 50
Open Spots 16 / 50 Join
Start Date Tuesday, August 8, 2017
7 years ago
End Date Tuesday, September 19, 2017
7 years ago
Size 160x160
System Count 258
Planet Count 4117

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #4353: [93,10] 19,483,298 319 2,902,467
2 #4349: Scorpions [99,127] 13,713,383 260 2,452,394
3 #4318: [94,85] 11,255,766 159 63,804,351
4 #4357: [121,74] 10,887,497 397 3,347,148
5 #4316: ~Life is Simple~ [57,126] 9,959,670 393 3,456,425
6 #4311: OTH [91,152] 7,135,337 295 2,775,550
7 #4334: [51,108] 6,487,315 216 35,766,386
8 #4314: Hulk [147,17] 4,351,341 136 4,238,546
9 #4312: Creamy Way or the Highway [68,115] 4,306,941 201 24,120,357
10 #4359: Hollywood Undead [126,1] 3,553,164 161 12,555,240
11 #4332: Spunky [18,97] 3,366,863 141 1,195,059
12 #4321: [76,6] 3,127,704 81 43,127,580
13 #4329: [29,82] 2,938,744 148 1,253,175
14 #4327: Hammertime [136,92] 2,888,153 130 11,908,160
15 #4342: (4341) [12,144] 2,314,575 99 873,440
16 #4326: [29,28] 2,292,643 175 27,519,196
17 #4347: ~Life is Complicated~ [66,34] 2,050,680 151 1,948,980
18 #4358: Priceless [26,112] 1,912,953 80 725,200
19 #4355: Venom [53,141] 1,701,956 49 437,360
20 #4313: [51,44] 1,453,793 114 6,147,120
21 #4352: Nightwalkers [62,61] 1,369,308 121 1,075,920
22 #4350: [14,127] 869,690 41 1,456,618
23 #4340: [144,39] 540,619 43 382,000
24 #4348: [9,85] 395,587 47 420,400
25 #4323: Just Me We\'ll See How It Goes [121,140] 386,535 52 307,738
26 #4345: Fire and Ice [118,97] 275,146 26 777,578
27 #4335: imasnake [127,37] 204,052 54 490,800
28 #4356: Tatery tots! [79,129] 12,858 6 51,560
29 #4317: [35,6] 7,036 1 10,000
30 #4322: [101,112] 2,226 1 10,000
31 #4344: [77,72] 1,677 1 13,250
32 #4346: [67,93] 1,256 1 10,000
33 #4328: [157,118] 1,256 1 10,000
34 #4354: [92,48] 1,256 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #4357: [121,74] 397 10,887,497 3,347,148
2 #4316: ~Life is Simple~ [57,126] 393 9,959,670 3,456,425
3 #4353: [93,10] 319 19,483,298 2,902,467
4 #4311: OTH [91,152] 295 7,135,337 2,775,550
5 #4349: Scorpions [99,127] 260 13,713,383 2,452,394
6 #4334: [51,108] 216 6,487,315 35,766,386
7 #4312: Creamy Way or the Highway [68,115] 201 4,306,941 24,120,357
8 #4326: [29,28] 175 2,292,643 27,519,196
9 #4359: Hollywood Undead [126,1] 161 3,553,164 12,555,240
10 #4318: [94,85] 159 11,255,766 63,804,351
11 #4347: ~Life is Complicated~ [66,34] 151 2,050,680 1,948,980
12 #4329: [29,82] 148 2,938,744 1,253,175
13 #4332: Spunky [18,97] 141 3,366,863 1,195,059
14 #4314: Hulk [147,17] 136 4,351,341 4,238,546
15 #4327: Hammertime [136,92] 130 2,888,153 11,908,160
16 #4352: Nightwalkers [62,61] 121 1,369,308 1,075,920
17 #4313: [51,44] 114 1,453,793 6,147,120
18 #4342: (4341) [12,144] 99 2,314,575 873,440
19 #4321: [76,6] 81 3,127,704 43,127,580
20 #4358: Priceless [26,112] 80 1,912,953 725,200
21 #4335: imasnake [127,37] 54 204,052 490,800
22 #4323: Just Me We\'ll See How It Goes [121,140] 52 386,535 307,738
23 #4355: Venom [53,141] 49 1,701,956 437,360
24 #4348: [9,85] 47 395,587 420,400
25 #4340: [144,39] 43 540,619 382,000
26 #4350: [14,127] 41 869,690 1,456,618
27 #4345: Fire and Ice [118,97] 26 275,146 777,578
28 #4356: Tatery tots! [79,129] 6 12,858 51,560
29 #4317: [35,6] 1 7,036 10,000
30 #4322: [101,112] 1 2,226 10,000
31 #4344: [77,72] 1 1,677 13,250
32 #4354: [92,48] 1 1,256 10,000
33 #4346: [67,93] 1 1,256 10,000
34 #4328: [157,118] 1 1,256 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #4318: [94,85] 63,804,351 11,255,766 159
2 #4321: [76,6] 43,127,580 3,127,704 81
3 #4334: [51,108] 35,766,386 6,487,315 216
4 #4326: [29,28] 27,519,196 2,292,643 175
5 #4312: Creamy Way or the Highway [68,115] 24,120,357 4,306,941 201
6 #4359: Hollywood Undead [126,1] 12,555,240 3,553,164 161
7 #4327: Hammertime [136,92] 11,908,160 2,888,153 130
8 #4313: [51,44] 6,147,120 1,453,793 114
9 #4314: Hulk [147,17] 4,238,546 4,351,341 136
10 #4316: ~Life is Simple~ [57,126] 3,456,425 9,959,670 393
11 #4357: [121,74] 3,347,148 10,887,497 397
12 #4353: [93,10] 2,902,467 19,483,298 319
13 #4311: OTH [91,152] 2,775,550 7,135,337 295
14 #4349: Scorpions [99,127] 2,452,394 13,713,383 260
15 #4347: ~Life is Complicated~ [66,34] 1,948,980 2,050,680 151
16 #4350: [14,127] 1,456,618 869,690 41
17 #4329: [29,82] 1,253,175 2,938,744 148
18 #4332: Spunky [18,97] 1,195,059 3,366,863 141
19 #4352: Nightwalkers [62,61] 1,075,920 1,369,308 121
20 #4342: (4341) [12,144] 873,440 2,314,575 99
21 #4345: Fire and Ice [118,97] 777,578 275,146 26
22 #4358: Priceless [26,112] 725,200 1,912,953 80
23 #4335: imasnake [127,37] 490,800 204,052 54
24 #4355: Venom [53,141] 437,360 1,701,956 49
25 #4348: [9,85] 420,400 395,587 47
26 #4340: [144,39] 382,000 540,619 43
27 #4323: Just Me We\'ll See How It Goes [121,140] 307,738 386,535 52
28 #4356: Tatery tots! [79,129] 51,560 12,858 6
29 #4344: [77,72] 13,250 1,677 1
30 #4317: [35,6] 10,000 7,036 1
31 #4322: [101,112] 10,000 2,226 1
32 #4346: [67,93] 10,000 1,256 1
33 #4354: [92,48] 10,000 1,256 1
34 #4328: [157,118] 10,000 1,256 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 flipmode Quantam 19,483,298 319 2,902,467
2 Drogon Quantam 13,713,383 260 2,452,394
3 Unborn Quantam 11,255,766 159 63,804,351
4 iFM Quantam 10,887,497 397 3,347,148
5 Ooshkenoph Wardancers 9,959,670 393 3,456,425
6 Low rovvy 7,135,337 295 2,775,550
7 Montana Quantam 6,487,315 216 35,766,386
8 Booze Partaxian 4,351,341 136 4,238,546
9 Creamy Filling Quantam 4,306,941 201 24,120,357
10 HU Partaxian 3,553,164 161 12,555,240
11 Cumsville y 3,366,863 141 1,195,059
12 rock ownooooooooo 3,127,704 81 43,127,580
13 Valhalla Wardancers 2,938,744 148 1,253,175
14 Life Quantam 2,888,153 130 11,908,160
15 HangryAF Partaxian 2,314,575 99 873,440
16 Shinobi DaiKatana 2,292,643 175 27,519,196
17 Shmuc Wardancers 2,050,680 151 1,948,980
18 Rhinestone Sparkles 1,912,953 80 725,200
19 Venom Partaxian 1,701,956 49 437,360
20 stormwold xandrians 1,453,793 114 6,147,120
21 Vampyrs Wardancers 1,369,308 121 1,075,920
22 Nastaze Quantam 869,690 41 1,456,618
23 TheSpruceMoose Literally nothing 540,619 43 382,000
24 Supreme Quantam 395,587 47 420,400
25 UndedBizarroSkratch Wardancers 386,535 52 307,738
26 AngelofDarknessZZz Quantam 275,146 26 777,578
27 StLouis Quantam 204,052 54 490,800
28 Alegre Wardancers 12,858 6 51,560
29 Zzzz Wardancers 7,036 1 10,000
30 Blink Open24hrs 2,226 1 10,000
31 JuiceBox Wardancers 1,677 1 13,250
32 picckleas Revalons 1,256 1 10,000
33 Mar5 Partaxian 1,256 1 10,000
34 Foohon Pie Partaxian 1,256 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 iFM Quantam 397 10,887,497 3,347,148
2 Ooshkenoph Wardancers 393 9,959,670 3,456,425
3 flipmode Quantam 319 19,483,298 2,902,467
4 Low rovvy 295 7,135,337 2,775,550
5 Drogon Quantam 260 13,713,383 2,452,394
6 Montana Quantam 216 6,487,315 35,766,386
7 Creamy Filling Quantam 201 4,306,941 24,120,357
8 Shinobi DaiKatana 175 2,292,643 27,519,196
9 HU Partaxian 161 3,553,164 12,555,240
10 Unborn Quantam 159 11,255,766 63,804,351
11 Shmuc Wardancers 151 2,050,680 1,948,980
12 Valhalla Wardancers 148 2,938,744 1,253,175
13 Cumsville y 141 3,366,863 1,195,059
14 Booze Partaxian 136 4,351,341 4,238,546
15 Life Quantam 130 2,888,153 11,908,160
16 Vampyrs Wardancers 121 1,369,308 1,075,920
17 stormwold xandrians 114 1,453,793 6,147,120
18 HangryAF Partaxian 99 2,314,575 873,440
19 rock ownooooooooo 81 3,127,704 43,127,580
20 Rhinestone Sparkles 80 1,912,953 725,200
21 StLouis Quantam 54 204,052 490,800
22 UndedBizarroSkratch Wardancers 52 386,535 307,738
23 Venom Partaxian 49 1,701,956 437,360
24 Supreme Quantam 47 395,587 420,400
25 TheSpruceMoose Literally nothing 43 540,619 382,000
26 Nastaze Quantam 41 869,690 1,456,618
27 AngelofDarknessZZz Quantam 26 275,146 777,578
28 Alegre Wardancers 6 12,858 51,560
29 Zzzz Wardancers 1 7,036 10,000
30 Blink Open24hrs 1 2,226 10,000
31 JuiceBox Wardancers 1 1,677 13,250
32 picckleas Revalons 1 1,256 10,000
33 Mar5 Partaxian 1 1,256 10,000
34 Foohon Pie Partaxian 1 1,256 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Unborn Quantam 63,804,351 11,255,766 159
2 rock ownooooooooo 43,127,580 3,127,704 81
3 Montana Quantam 35,766,386 6,487,315 216
4 Shinobi DaiKatana 27,519,196 2,292,643 175
5 Creamy Filling Quantam 24,120,357 4,306,941 201
6 HU Partaxian 12,555,240 3,553,164 161
7 Life Quantam 11,908,160 2,888,153 130
8 stormwold xandrians 6,147,120 1,453,793 114
9 Booze Partaxian 4,238,546 4,351,341 136
10 Ooshkenoph Wardancers 3,456,425 9,959,670 393
11 iFM Quantam 3,347,148 10,887,497 397
12 flipmode Quantam 2,902,467 19,483,298 319
13 Low rovvy 2,775,550 7,135,337 295
14 Drogon Quantam 2,452,394 13,713,383 260
15 Shmuc Wardancers 1,948,980 2,050,680 151
16 Nastaze Quantam 1,456,618 869,690 41
17 Valhalla Wardancers 1,253,175 2,938,744 148
18 Cumsville y 1,195,059 3,366,863 141
19 Vampyrs Wardancers 1,075,920 1,369,308 121
20 HangryAF Partaxian 873,440 2,314,575 99
21 AngelofDarknessZZz Quantam 777,578 275,146 26
22 Rhinestone Sparkles 725,200 1,912,953 80
23 StLouis Quantam 490,800 204,052 54
24 Venom Partaxian 437,360 1,701,956 49
25 Supreme Quantam 420,400 395,587 47
26 TheSpruceMoose Literally nothing 382,000 540,619 43
27 UndedBizarroSkratch Wardancers 307,738 386,535 52
28 Alegre Wardancers 51,560 12,858 6
29 JuiceBox Wardancers 13,250 1,677 1
30 Zzzz Wardancers 10,000 7,036 1
31 Blink Open24hrs 10,000 2,226 1
32 picckleas Revalons 10,000 1,256 1
33 Mar5 Partaxian 10,000 1,256 1
34 Foohon Pie Partaxian 10,000 1,256 1