All Galaxies > Supernova > Supernova 28

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 675
Players 44 / 50
Open Spots 6 / 50 Join
Start Date Friday, July 7, 2017
7 years ago
End Date Friday, August 4, 2017
7 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 260
Planet Count 4138

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #4284: [17,71] 7,475,411 233 1,972,320
2 #4262: Cocks! [69,66] 4,023,151 211 19,760,483
3 #4258: High [52,44] 3,272,143 106 6,661,010
4 #4285: DANGER STAY BACK! [42,88] 3,172,063 338 6,056,128
5 #4263: Peaceful Feminine Penises [92,32] 2,853,907 146 7,060,712
6 #4274: Special Sauce [31,82] 2,838,126 153 1,343,520
7 #4289: Bugging [62,54] 2,380,450 252 2,208,012
8 #4269: Th3 R3al MvP [81,65] 2,311,003 89 793,480
9 #4281: LiGhTgUnS - Exit infra [11,93] 2,275,476 457 2,177,319
10 #4256: megabung [86,18] 2,243,310 138 1,543,082
11 #4265: We come in peace [13,58] 1,756,823 166 1,363,538
12 #4267: Killin [86,90] 1,629,868 46 11,644,524
13 #4283: Family name [57,89] 1,590,413 92 4,180,799
14 #4271: Int HipHop AllStar Rap Concert [74,20] 1,514,523 209 1,833,980
15 #4276: NovaPrime [28,50] 1,479,044 145 1,276,760
16 #4241: The Walking Dead [62,27] 1,459,981 111 947,022
17 #4264: no one insults turtles [1,84] 1,304,552 135 3,056,870
18 #4249: Criminal: Revenge of the N00bs [75,2] 1,064,611 64 9,088,126
19 #4243: Black Hole TheBigOne [81,77] 1,039,654 47 4,726,860
20 #4242: Wont You Be My Neighbor [12,22] 897,596 113 974,120
21 #4272: Zerg Supreme! [23,10] 864,114 128 1,002,984
22 #4240: Casual Conversations [27,71] 834,696 56 494,040
23 #4287: Unicron has no allegiance [96,75] 717,088 74 662,280
24 #4278: cya [92,63] 477,268 36 11,485,289
25 #4270: [ANZAC] Foolish Bots Unite! [73,90] 471,598 61 578,142
26 #4260: [38,56] 407,931 45 399,880
27 #4277: bubblebee [10,10] 324,315 18 152,298
28 #4251: A Mr F Production [3,67] 271,652 92 723,346
29 #4254: EVIL [11,43] 253,967 74 368,918
30 #4247: want to tern her to a bizarro! [99,98] 221,081 60 213,080
31 #4244: Outlander [48,97] 201,748 24 356,430
32 #4266: The new family [26,27] 197,841 27 2,601,793
33 #4280: ...Taking Over... [43,34] 142,616 24 270,152
34 #4288: ############################## [22,37] 141,522 21 190,640
35 #4255: [61,79] 125,743 31 300,600
36 #4250: Its cold out here [24,98] 92,891 28 253,940
37 #4286: [37,9] 91,800 16 386,247
38 #4248: Canadian bacon [33,40] 72,322 29 266,880
39 #4257: [44,77] 66,359 11 285,570
40 #4246: [53,60] 63,515 21 200,508
41 #4245: [91,47] 2,023 1 14,700
42 #4279: [81,52] 1,256 1 10,000
43 #4282: [53,33] 1,256 1 10,000
44 #4259: Blazed [15,82] 1,256 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #4281: LiGhTgUnS - Exit infra [11,93] 457 2,275,476 2,177,319
2 #4285: DANGER STAY BACK! [42,88] 338 3,172,063 6,056,128
3 #4289: Bugging [62,54] 252 2,380,450 2,208,012
4 #4284: [17,71] 233 7,475,411 1,972,320
5 #4262: Cocks! [69,66] 211 4,023,151 19,760,483
6 #4271: Int HipHop AllStar Rap Concert [74,20] 209 1,514,523 1,833,980
7 #4265: We come in peace [13,58] 166 1,756,823 1,363,538
8 #4274: Special Sauce [31,82] 153 2,838,126 1,343,520
9 #4263: Peaceful Feminine Penises [92,32] 146 2,853,907 7,060,712
10 #4276: NovaPrime [28,50] 145 1,479,044 1,276,760
11 #4256: megabung [86,18] 138 2,243,310 1,543,082
12 #4264: no one insults turtles [1,84] 135 1,304,552 3,056,870
13 #4272: Zerg Supreme! [23,10] 128 864,114 1,002,984
14 #4242: Wont You Be My Neighbor [12,22] 113 897,596 974,120
15 #4241: The Walking Dead [62,27] 111 1,459,981 947,022
16 #4258: High [52,44] 106 3,272,143 6,661,010
17 #4283: Family name [57,89] 92 1,590,413 4,180,799
18 #4251: A Mr F Production [3,67] 92 271,652 723,346
19 #4269: Th3 R3al MvP [81,65] 89 2,311,003 793,480
20 #4287: Unicron has no allegiance [96,75] 74 717,088 662,280
21 #4254: EVIL [11,43] 74 253,967 368,918
22 #4249: Criminal: Revenge of the N00bs [75,2] 64 1,064,611 9,088,126
23 #4270: [ANZAC] Foolish Bots Unite! [73,90] 61 471,598 578,142
24 #4247: want to tern her to a bizarro! [99,98] 60 221,081 213,080
25 #4240: Casual Conversations [27,71] 56 834,696 494,040
26 #4243: Black Hole TheBigOne [81,77] 47 1,039,654 4,726,860
27 #4267: Killin [86,90] 46 1,629,868 11,644,524
28 #4260: [38,56] 45 407,931 399,880
29 #4278: cya [92,63] 36 477,268 11,485,289
30 #4255: [61,79] 31 125,743 300,600
31 #4248: Canadian bacon [33,40] 29 72,322 266,880
32 #4250: Its cold out here [24,98] 28 92,891 253,940
33 #4266: The new family [26,27] 27 197,841 2,601,793
34 #4244: Outlander [48,97] 24 201,748 356,430
35 #4280: ...Taking Over... [43,34] 24 142,616 270,152
36 #4288: ############################## [22,37] 21 141,522 190,640
37 #4246: [53,60] 21 63,515 200,508
38 #4277: bubblebee [10,10] 18 324,315 152,298
39 #4286: [37,9] 16 91,800 386,247
40 #4257: [44,77] 11 66,359 285,570
41 #4245: [91,47] 1 2,023 14,700
42 #4279: [81,52] 1 1,256 10,000
43 #4282: [53,33] 1 1,256 10,000
44 #4259: Blazed [15,82] 1 1,256 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #4262: Cocks! [69,66] 19,760,483 4,023,151 211
2 #4267: Killin [86,90] 11,644,524 1,629,868 46
3 #4278: cya [92,63] 11,485,289 477,268 36
4 #4249: Criminal: Revenge of the N00bs [75,2] 9,088,126 1,064,611 64
5 #4263: Peaceful Feminine Penises [92,32] 7,060,712 2,853,907 146
6 #4258: High [52,44] 6,661,010 3,272,143 106
7 #4285: DANGER STAY BACK! [42,88] 6,056,128 3,172,063 338
8 #4243: Black Hole TheBigOne [81,77] 4,726,860 1,039,654 47
9 #4283: Family name [57,89] 4,180,799 1,590,413 92
10 #4264: no one insults turtles [1,84] 3,056,870 1,304,552 135
11 #4266: The new family [26,27] 2,601,793 197,841 27
12 #4289: Bugging [62,54] 2,208,012 2,380,450 252
13 #4281: LiGhTgUnS - Exit infra [11,93] 2,177,319 2,275,476 457
14 #4284: [17,71] 1,972,320 7,475,411 233
15 #4271: Int HipHop AllStar Rap Concert [74,20] 1,833,980 1,514,523 209
16 #4256: megabung [86,18] 1,543,082 2,243,310 138
17 #4265: We come in peace [13,58] 1,363,538 1,756,823 166
18 #4274: Special Sauce [31,82] 1,343,520 2,838,126 153
19 #4276: NovaPrime [28,50] 1,276,760 1,479,044 145
20 #4272: Zerg Supreme! [23,10] 1,002,984 864,114 128
21 #4242: Wont You Be My Neighbor [12,22] 974,120 897,596 113
22 #4241: The Walking Dead [62,27] 947,022 1,459,981 111
23 #4269: Th3 R3al MvP [81,65] 793,480 2,311,003 89
24 #4251: A Mr F Production [3,67] 723,346 271,652 92
25 #4287: Unicron has no allegiance [96,75] 662,280 717,088 74
26 #4270: [ANZAC] Foolish Bots Unite! [73,90] 578,142 471,598 61
27 #4240: Casual Conversations [27,71] 494,040 834,696 56
28 #4260: [38,56] 399,880 407,931 45
29 #4286: [37,9] 386,247 91,800 16
30 #4254: EVIL [11,43] 368,918 253,967 74
31 #4244: Outlander [48,97] 356,430 201,748 24
32 #4255: [61,79] 300,600 125,743 31
33 #4257: [44,77] 285,570 66,359 11
34 #4280: ...Taking Over... [43,34] 270,152 142,616 24
35 #4248: Canadian bacon [33,40] 266,880 72,322 29
36 #4250: Its cold out here [24,98] 253,940 92,891 28
37 #4247: want to tern her to a bizarro! [99,98] 213,080 221,081 60
38 #4246: [53,60] 200,508 63,515 21
39 #4288: ############################## [22,37] 190,640 141,522 21
40 #4277: bubblebee [10,10] 152,298 324,315 18
41 #4245: [91,47] 14,700 2,023 1
42 #4259: Blazed [15,82] 10,000 1,256 1
43 #4282: [53,33] 10,000 1,256 1
44 #4279: [81,52] 10,000 1,256 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Louis Qozian 7,475,411 233 1,972,320
2 Huge Partaxian 4,023,151 211 19,760,483
3 Bonecrusher Quantam 3,272,143 106 6,661,010
4 Porcupine Partaxian 3,172,063 338 6,056,128
5 Femininepenis Quantam 2,853,907 146 7,060,712
6 Kuiper Quantam 2,838,126 153 1,343,520
7 bug rovvy 2,380,450 252 2,208,012
8 ChaosKiller SuperKiller 2,311,003 89 793,480
9 Megatron Quantam 2,275,476 457 2,177,319
10 Megadong Quantam 2,243,310 138 1,543,082
11 Advent Wardancers 1,756,823 166 1,363,538
12 Villain Partaxian 1,629,868 46 11,644,524
13 UltraMagnus Quantam 1,590,413 92 4,180,799
14 Niganati Phantom X 1,514,523 209 1,833,980
15 Prime NovaPrime 1,479,044 145 1,276,760
16 Apoc Quantam 1,459,981 111 947,022
17 bender Partaxian 1,304,552 135 3,056,870
18 Late Bloomer Wardancers 1,064,611 64 9,088,126
19 B0necrusher Partaxian 1,039,654 47 4,726,860
20 MrRogers Wardancers 897,596 113 974,120
21 Zerg Wardancers 864,114 128 1,002,984
22 Bye ?????2f 834,696 56 494,040
23 Unicron Edward Snowden 717,088 74 662,280
24 Ubern00blets owwyeah 477,268 36 11,485,289
25 Starscream Quantam 471,598 61 578,142
26 mestis Revalons 407,931 45 399,880
27 Boombaby Quantam 324,315 18 152,298
28 Frenzy Mr F 271,652 92 723,346
29 evilnation Wardancers 253,967 74 368,918
30 Hctarks Wardancers 221,081 60 213,080
31 Greenanus Knines 201,748 24 356,430
32 The world Partaxian 197,841 27 2,601,793
33 Darknesshasrisen85 Revalons 142,616 24 270,152
34 Powerful Quantam 141,522 21 190,640
35 BIGTEXAS Wardancers 125,743 31 300,600
36 Xonicalinium Camaar 92,891 28 253,940
37 Dillydally Partaxian 91,800 16 386,247
38 Zednough Zednough 72,322 29 266,880
39 Culo Partaxian 66,359 11 285,570
40 BlueMonkey Partaxian 63,515 21 200,508
41 Alabaith Wardancers 2,023 1 14,700
42 YourMother Partaxian 1,256 1 10,000
43 William the Conquero Revalons 1,256 1 10,000
44 Life Partaxian 1,256 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Megatron Quantam 457 2,275,476 2,177,319
2 Porcupine Partaxian 338 3,172,063 6,056,128
3 bug rovvy 252 2,380,450 2,208,012
4 Louis Qozian 233 7,475,411 1,972,320
5 Huge Partaxian 211 4,023,151 19,760,483
6 Niganati Phantom X 209 1,514,523 1,833,980
7 Advent Wardancers 166 1,756,823 1,363,538
8 Kuiper Quantam 153 2,838,126 1,343,520
9 Femininepenis Quantam 146 2,853,907 7,060,712
10 Prime NovaPrime 145 1,479,044 1,276,760
11 Megadong Quantam 138 2,243,310 1,543,082
12 bender Partaxian 135 1,304,552 3,056,870
13 Zerg Wardancers 128 864,114 1,002,984
14 MrRogers Wardancers 113 897,596 974,120
15 Apoc Quantam 111 1,459,981 947,022
16 Bonecrusher Quantam 106 3,272,143 6,661,010
17 UltraMagnus Quantam 92 1,590,413 4,180,799
18 Frenzy Mr F 92 271,652 723,346
19 ChaosKiller SuperKiller 89 2,311,003 793,480
20 Unicron Edward Snowden 74 717,088 662,280
21 evilnation Wardancers 74 253,967 368,918
22 Late Bloomer Wardancers 64 1,064,611 9,088,126
23 Starscream Quantam 61 471,598 578,142
24 Hctarks Wardancers 60 221,081 213,080
25 Bye ?????2f 56 834,696 494,040
26 B0necrusher Partaxian 47 1,039,654 4,726,860
27 Villain Partaxian 46 1,629,868 11,644,524
28 mestis Revalons 45 407,931 399,880
29 Ubern00blets owwyeah 36 477,268 11,485,289
30 BIGTEXAS Wardancers 31 125,743 300,600
31 Zednough Zednough 29 72,322 266,880
32 Xonicalinium Camaar 28 92,891 253,940
33 The world Partaxian 27 197,841 2,601,793
34 Greenanus Knines 24 201,748 356,430
35 Darknesshasrisen85 Revalons 24 142,616 270,152
36 Powerful Quantam 21 141,522 190,640
37 BlueMonkey Partaxian 21 63,515 200,508
38 Boombaby Quantam 18 324,315 152,298
39 Dillydally Partaxian 16 91,800 386,247
40 Culo Partaxian 11 66,359 285,570
41 Alabaith Wardancers 1 2,023 14,700
42 YourMother Partaxian 1 1,256 10,000
43 William the Conquero Revalons 1 1,256 10,000
44 Life Partaxian 1 1,256 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Huge Partaxian 19,760,483 4,023,151 211
2 Villain Partaxian 11,644,524 1,629,868 46
3 Ubern00blets owwyeah 11,485,289 477,268 36
4 Late Bloomer Wardancers 9,088,126 1,064,611 64
5 Femininepenis Quantam 7,060,712 2,853,907 146
6 Bonecrusher Quantam 6,661,010 3,272,143 106
7 Porcupine Partaxian 6,056,128 3,172,063 338
8 B0necrusher Partaxian 4,726,860 1,039,654 47
9 UltraMagnus Quantam 4,180,799 1,590,413 92
10 bender Partaxian 3,056,870 1,304,552 135
11 The world Partaxian 2,601,793 197,841 27
12 bug rovvy 2,208,012 2,380,450 252
13 Megatron Quantam 2,177,319 2,275,476 457
14 Louis Qozian 1,972,320 7,475,411 233
15 Niganati Phantom X 1,833,980 1,514,523 209
16 Megadong Quantam 1,543,082 2,243,310 138
17 Advent Wardancers 1,363,538 1,756,823 166
18 Kuiper Quantam 1,343,520 2,838,126 153
19 Prime NovaPrime 1,276,760 1,479,044 145
20 Zerg Wardancers 1,002,984 864,114 128
21 MrRogers Wardancers 974,120 897,596 113
22 Apoc Quantam 947,022 1,459,981 111
23 ChaosKiller SuperKiller 793,480 2,311,003 89
24 Frenzy Mr F 723,346 271,652 92
25 Unicron Edward Snowden 662,280 717,088 74
26 Starscream Quantam 578,142 471,598 61
27 Bye ?????2f 494,040 834,696 56
28 mestis Revalons 399,880 407,931 45
29 Dillydally Partaxian 386,247 91,800 16
30 evilnation Wardancers 368,918 253,967 74
31 Greenanus Knines 356,430 201,748 24
32 BIGTEXAS Wardancers 300,600 125,743 31
33 Culo Partaxian 285,570 66,359 11
34 Darknesshasrisen85 Revalons 270,152 142,616 24
35 Zednough Zednough 266,880 72,322 29
36 Xonicalinium Camaar 253,940 92,891 28
37 Hctarks Wardancers 213,080 221,081 60
38 BlueMonkey Partaxian 200,508 63,515 21
39 Powerful Quantam 190,640 141,522 21
40 Boombaby Quantam 152,298 324,315 18
41 Alabaith Wardancers 14,700 2,023 1
42 YourMother Partaxian 10,000 1,256 1
43 William the Conquero Revalons 10,000 1,256 1
44 Life Partaxian 10,000 1,256 1