All Galaxies > Royal > Royal

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 669
Players 17 / 30
Open Spots 13 / 30 Join
Start Date Tuesday, November 20, 2018
6 years ago
End Date Tuesday, December 18, 2018
6 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 493
Planet Count 5437

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #6317: Stand and Fight [79,66] 5,843,325 1,651 11,695,426
2 #6315: Out of Exile [56,42] 1,892,178 216 1,316,807
3 #6306: Imperial Dorks [2,74] 624,141 158 5,419,180
4 #6312: Souls Haunting You [28,51] 477,840 48 435,760
5 #6311: R. I. P [84,43] 466,968 111 291,311
6 #6309: [56,67] 119,372 46 402,200
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #6317: Stand and Fight [79,66] 1,651 5,843,325 11,695,426
2 #6315: Out of Exile [56,42] 216 1,892,178 1,316,807
3 #6306: Imperial Dorks [2,74] 158 624,141 5,419,180
4 #6311: R. I. P [84,43] 111 466,968 291,311
5 #6312: Souls Haunting You [28,51] 48 477,840 435,760
6 #6309: [56,67] 46 119,372 402,200
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #6317: Stand and Fight [79,66] 11,695,426 5,843,325 1,651
2 #6306: Imperial Dorks [2,74] 5,419,180 624,141 158
3 #6315: Out of Exile [56,42] 1,316,807 1,892,178 216
4 #6312: Souls Haunting You [28,51] 435,760 477,840 48
5 #6309: [56,67] 402,200 119,372 46
6 #6311: R. I. P [84,43] 291,311 466,968 111
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Alexander The Great Camaar 3,106,942 892 5,423,688
2 Flamma Revalons 2,054,569 548 4,718,231
3 Audio Slave Partaxian 1,246,863 108 400,727
4 stormwold dfx 645,315 108 916,080
5 Special_Soul Camaar 477,840 48 435,760
6 Ragnar_Lodbrok Camaar 372,952 124 789,507
7 Bonecrushers Partaxian 340,871 73 141,951
8 Gilgamesh ProxyNubs 308,862 87 764,000
9 Anglesmith Quantam 267,282 29 2,849,850
10 PlanetsOfCancer Quantam 141,419 30 1,996,299
11 Equalizer Partaxian 129,010 27 230,240
12 Greenthea Wardancers 88,480 37 139,360
13 buu Partaxian 86,430 72 342,791
14 S Camaar 52,650 10 90,400
15 O EvenBigger 44,045 25 213,920
16 DarkHorse Partaxian 37,617 1 10,000
17 D Partaxian 22,677 11 97,880
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Alexander The Great Camaar 892 3,106,942 5,423,688
2 Flamma Revalons 548 2,054,569 4,718,231
3 Ragnar_Lodbrok Camaar 124 372,952 789,507
4 Audio Slave Partaxian 108 1,246,863 400,727
5 stormwold dfx 108 645,315 916,080
6 Gilgamesh ProxyNubs 87 308,862 764,000
7 Bonecrushers Partaxian 73 340,871 141,951
8 buu Partaxian 72 86,430 342,791
9 Special_Soul Camaar 48 477,840 435,760
10 Greenthea Wardancers 37 88,480 139,360
11 PlanetsOfCancer Quantam 30 141,419 1,996,299
12 Anglesmith Quantam 29 267,282 2,849,850
13 Equalizer Partaxian 27 129,010 230,240
14 O EvenBigger 25 44,045 213,920
15 D Partaxian 11 22,677 97,880
16 S Camaar 10 52,650 90,400
17 DarkHorse Partaxian 1 37,617 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Alexander The Great Camaar 5,423,688 3,106,942 892
2 Flamma Revalons 4,718,231 2,054,569 548
3 Anglesmith Quantam 2,849,850 267,282 29
4 PlanetsOfCancer Quantam 1,996,299 141,419 30
5 stormwold dfx 916,080 645,315 108
6 Ragnar_Lodbrok Camaar 789,507 372,952 124
7 Gilgamesh ProxyNubs 764,000 308,862 87
8 Special_Soul Camaar 435,760 477,840 48
9 Audio Slave Partaxian 400,727 1,246,863 108
10 buu Partaxian 342,791 86,430 72
11 Equalizer Partaxian 230,240 129,010 27
12 O EvenBigger 213,920 44,045 25
13 Bonecrushers Partaxian 141,951 340,871 73
14 Greenthea Wardancers 139,360 88,480 37
15 D Partaxian 97,880 22,677 11
16 S Camaar 90,400 52,650 10
17 DarkHorse Partaxian 10,000 37,617 1