Duration | 4 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 669 |
Players | 17 / 30 |
Open Spots | 13 / 30 Join |
Start Date | Tuesday, November 20, 2018 |
6 years ago | |
End Date | Tuesday, December 18, 2018 |
6 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 493 |
Planet Count | 5437 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #6317: Stand and Fight [79,66] | 5,843,325 | 1,651 | 11,695,426 |
2 | #6315: Out of Exile [56,42] | 1,892,178 | 216 | 1,316,807 |
3 | #6306: Imperial Dorks [2,74] | 624,141 | 158 | 5,419,180 |
4 | #6312: Souls Haunting You [28,51] | 477,840 | 48 | 435,760 |
5 | #6311: R. I. P [84,43] | 466,968 | 111 | 291,311 |
6 | #6309: [56,67] | 119,372 | 46 | 402,200 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #6317: Stand and Fight [79,66] | 1,651 | 5,843,325 | 11,695,426 |
2 | #6315: Out of Exile [56,42] | 216 | 1,892,178 | 1,316,807 |
3 | #6306: Imperial Dorks [2,74] | 158 | 624,141 | 5,419,180 |
4 | #6311: R. I. P [84,43] | 111 | 466,968 | 291,311 |
5 | #6312: Souls Haunting You [28,51] | 48 | 477,840 | 435,760 |
6 | #6309: [56,67] | 46 | 119,372 | 402,200 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #6317: Stand and Fight [79,66] | 11,695,426 | 5,843,325 | 1,651 |
2 | #6306: Imperial Dorks [2,74] | 5,419,180 | 624,141 | 158 |
3 | #6315: Out of Exile [56,42] | 1,316,807 | 1,892,178 | 216 |
4 | #6312: Souls Haunting You [28,51] | 435,760 | 477,840 | 48 |
5 | #6309: [56,67] | 402,200 | 119,372 | 46 |
6 | #6311: R. I. P [84,43] | 291,311 | 466,968 | 111 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Alexander The Great | Camaar | 3,106,942 | 892 | 5,423,688 |
2 | Flamma | Revalons | 2,054,569 | 548 | 4,718,231 |
3 | Audio Slave | Partaxian | 1,246,863 | 108 | 400,727 |
4 | stormwold | dfx | 645,315 | 108 | 916,080 |
5 | Special_Soul | Camaar | 477,840 | 48 | 435,760 |
6 | Ragnar_Lodbrok | Camaar | 372,952 | 124 | 789,507 |
7 | Bonecrushers | Partaxian | 340,871 | 73 | 141,951 |
8 | Gilgamesh | ProxyNubs | 308,862 | 87 | 764,000 |
9 | Anglesmith | Quantam | 267,282 | 29 | 2,849,850 |
10 | PlanetsOfCancer | Quantam | 141,419 | 30 | 1,996,299 |
11 | Equalizer | Partaxian | 129,010 | 27 | 230,240 |
12 | Greenthea | Wardancers | 88,480 | 37 | 139,360 |
13 | buu | Partaxian | 86,430 | 72 | 342,791 |
14 | S | Camaar | 52,650 | 10 | 90,400 |
15 | O | EvenBigger | 44,045 | 25 | 213,920 |
16 | DarkHorse | Partaxian | 37,617 | 1 | 10,000 |
17 | D | Partaxian | 22,677 | 11 | 97,880 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Alexander The Great | Camaar | 892 | 3,106,942 | 5,423,688 |
2 | Flamma | Revalons | 548 | 2,054,569 | 4,718,231 |
3 | Ragnar_Lodbrok | Camaar | 124 | 372,952 | 789,507 |
4 | Audio Slave | Partaxian | 108 | 1,246,863 | 400,727 |
5 | stormwold | dfx | 108 | 645,315 | 916,080 |
6 | Gilgamesh | ProxyNubs | 87 | 308,862 | 764,000 |
7 | Bonecrushers | Partaxian | 73 | 340,871 | 141,951 |
8 | buu | Partaxian | 72 | 86,430 | 342,791 |
9 | Special_Soul | Camaar | 48 | 477,840 | 435,760 |
10 | Greenthea | Wardancers | 37 | 88,480 | 139,360 |
11 | PlanetsOfCancer | Quantam | 30 | 141,419 | 1,996,299 |
12 | Anglesmith | Quantam | 29 | 267,282 | 2,849,850 |
13 | Equalizer | Partaxian | 27 | 129,010 | 230,240 |
14 | O | EvenBigger | 25 | 44,045 | 213,920 |
15 | D | Partaxian | 11 | 22,677 | 97,880 |
16 | S | Camaar | 10 | 52,650 | 90,400 |
17 | DarkHorse | Partaxian | 1 | 37,617 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Alexander The Great | Camaar | 5,423,688 | 3,106,942 | 892 |
2 | Flamma | Revalons | 4,718,231 | 2,054,569 | 548 |
3 | Anglesmith | Quantam | 2,849,850 | 267,282 | 29 |
4 | PlanetsOfCancer | Quantam | 1,996,299 | 141,419 | 30 |
5 | stormwold | dfx | 916,080 | 645,315 | 108 |
6 | Ragnar_Lodbrok | Camaar | 789,507 | 372,952 | 124 |
7 | Gilgamesh | ProxyNubs | 764,000 | 308,862 | 87 |
8 | Special_Soul | Camaar | 435,760 | 477,840 | 48 |
9 | Audio Slave | Partaxian | 400,727 | 1,246,863 | 108 |
10 | buu | Partaxian | 342,791 | 86,430 | 72 |
11 | Equalizer | Partaxian | 230,240 | 129,010 | 27 |
12 | O | EvenBigger | 213,920 | 44,045 | 25 |
13 | Bonecrushers | Partaxian | 141,951 | 340,871 | 73 |
14 | Greenthea | Wardancers | 139,360 | 88,480 | 37 |
15 | D | Partaxian | 97,880 | 22,677 | 11 |
16 | S | Camaar | 90,400 | 52,650 | 10 |
17 | DarkHorse | Partaxian | 10,000 | 37,617 | 1 |