All Galaxies > Manthano > Manthano 2

60 minute ticks
Manthano 2 Map

Manthano 2

Manthano is a peaceful galaxy that focuses on economic growth and self-actualization. It is a training galaxy recommended for new players, and aggression is forbidden. Empires are limited in their size to ensure growth opportunities for newer players.

Join Topics
Duration 38 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 6525
Players 16 / 100
Open Spots 84 / 100 Join
Start Date Wednesday, July 4, 2018
6 years ago
End Date Tuesday, April 2, 2019
5 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 486
Planet Count 1556

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #6113: Hoity Toity Pudding & Pie [88,30] 187,246,418 662 769,783,053
2 #6112: The Master of Helping Spirits [35,74] 113,207,628 810 203,767,766
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #6112: The Master of Helping Spirits [35,74] 810 113,207,628 203,767,766
2 #6113: Hoity Toity Pudding & Pie [88,30] 662 187,246,418 769,783,053
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #6113: Hoity Toity Pudding & Pie [88,30] 769,783,053 187,246,418 662
2 #6112: The Master of Helping Spirits [35,74] 203,767,766 113,207,628 810
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Beagle Revalons 112,014,970 135 267,186,589
2 Smush Quantam 32,671,926 40 530,151
3 SEXTANS Revalons 30,638,350 89 173,195,361
4 raider Camaar 30,261,273 415 3,694,640
5 The Floaters Anybody's Ghost 23,486,514 40 53,015,246
6 the lost tomatoos Quantam 17,281,878 40 125,440,187
7 BlackDucks Quantam 15,913,842 223 192,182,650
8 iquest Entrepreneur 15,444,766 164 144,372,219
9 GullyGod Revalons 10,856,777 153 5,396,646
10 Luker89 y 9,325,339 87 747,960
11 Cold Front Beer Pong 1,814,849 40 1,185,590
12 TheViking Quantam 537,904 20 6,360,520
13 akask Quantam 201,696 23 211,960
14 TheRedDragon Quantam 1,447 1 11,100
15 bar Partaxian 1,265 1 10,000
16 Dutchimperials Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 raider Camaar 415 30,261,273 3,694,640
2 BlackDucks Quantam 223 15,913,842 192,182,650
3 iquest Entrepreneur 164 15,444,766 144,372,219
4 GullyGod Revalons 153 10,856,777 5,396,646
5 Beagle Revalons 135 112,014,970 267,186,589
6 SEXTANS Revalons 89 30,638,350 173,195,361
7 Luker89 y 87 9,325,339 747,960
8 Smush Quantam 40 32,671,926 530,151
9 The Floaters Anybody's Ghost 40 23,486,514 53,015,246
10 the lost tomatoos Quantam 40 17,281,878 125,440,187
11 Cold Front Beer Pong 40 1,814,849 1,185,590
12 akask Quantam 23 201,696 211,960
13 TheViking Quantam 20 537,904 6,360,520
14 TheRedDragon Quantam 1 1,447 11,100
15 bar Partaxian 1 1,265 10,000
16 Dutchimperials Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Beagle Revalons 267,186,589 112,014,970 135
2 BlackDucks Quantam 192,182,650 15,913,842 223
3 SEXTANS Revalons 173,195,361 30,638,350 89
4 iquest Entrepreneur 144,372,219 15,444,766 164
5 the lost tomatoos Quantam 125,440,187 17,281,878 40
6 The Floaters Anybody's Ghost 53,015,246 23,486,514 40
7 TheViking Quantam 6,360,520 537,904 20
8 GullyGod Revalons 5,396,646 10,856,777 153
9 raider Camaar 3,694,640 30,261,273 415
10 Cold Front Beer Pong 1,185,590 1,814,849 40
11 Luker89 y 747,960 9,325,339 87
12 Smush Quantam 530,151 32,671,926 40
13 akask Quantam 211,960 201,696 23
14 TheRedDragon Quantam 11,100 1,447 1
15 bar Partaxian 10,000 1,265 1
16 Dutchimperials Quantam 10,000 1,250 1