Duration | 22 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 3834 |
Players | 12 / 100 |
Open Spots | 88 / 100 Join |
Start Date | Tuesday, January 23, 2018 |
7 years ago | |
End Date | Monday, July 2, 2018 |
6 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 494 |
Planet Count | 3957 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #5214: hmmm [13,19] | 722,517 | 75 | 644,540 |
2 | #5224: Apocalypse [57,63] | 533,374 | 85 | 773,883 |
3 | #5240: [65,4] | 455,287 | 87 | 927,471 |
4 | #5260: The Empire [35,74] | 244,323 | 74 | 646,632 |
5 | #5211: [42,94] | 124,232 | 25 | 210,528 |
6 | #5226: Last of Days [72,82] | 45,787 | 30 | 250,152 |
7 | #5251: [18,88] | 10,384 | 9 | 73,387 |
8 | #5276: Dimp [86,4] | 3,875 | 1 | 75,000 |
9 | #5253: Pipi Langstrumpf [65,57] | 2,453 | 1 | 16,830 |
10 | #5281: Viatoribus [48,66] | 2,344 | 1 | 10,500 |
11 | #5202: testing testing [6,4] | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
12 | #5287: [98,8] | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #5240: [65,4] | 87 | 455,287 | 927,471 |
2 | #5224: Apocalypse [57,63] | 85 | 533,374 | 773,883 |
3 | #5214: hmmm [13,19] | 75 | 722,517 | 644,540 |
4 | #5260: The Empire [35,74] | 74 | 244,323 | 646,632 |
5 | #5226: Last of Days [72,82] | 30 | 45,787 | 250,152 |
6 | #5211: [42,94] | 25 | 124,232 | 210,528 |
7 | #5251: [18,88] | 9 | 10,384 | 73,387 |
8 | #5276: Dimp [86,4] | 1 | 3,875 | 75,000 |
9 | #5253: Pipi Langstrumpf [65,57] | 1 | 2,453 | 16,830 |
10 | #5281: Viatoribus [48,66] | 1 | 2,344 | 10,500 |
11 | #5202: testing testing [6,4] | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
12 | #5287: [98,8] | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #5240: [65,4] | 927,471 | 455,287 | 87 |
2 | #5224: Apocalypse [57,63] | 773,883 | 533,374 | 85 |
3 | #5260: The Empire [35,74] | 646,632 | 244,323 | 74 |
4 | #5214: hmmm [13,19] | 644,540 | 722,517 | 75 |
5 | #5226: Last of Days [72,82] | 250,152 | 45,787 | 30 |
6 | #5211: [42,94] | 210,528 | 124,232 | 25 |
7 | #5276: Dimp [86,4] | 75,000 | 3,875 | 1 |
8 | #5251: [18,88] | 73,387 | 10,384 | 9 |
9 | #5253: Pipi Langstrumpf [65,57] | 16,830 | 2,453 | 1 |
10 | #5281: Viatoribus [48,66] | 10,500 | 2,344 | 1 |
11 | #5202: testing testing [6,4] | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |
12 | #5287: [98,8] | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Easyway | Wardancers | 722,517 | 75 | 644,540 |
2 | Brutality | Poppekes | 533,374 | 85 | 773,883 |
3 | NewItaly | Revalons | 455,287 | 87 | 927,471 |
4 | Prominent01 | Partaxian | 244,323 | 74 | 646,632 |
5 | Ominix Refugees | Greeners | 124,232 | 25 | 210,528 |
6 | HouseOfBerto | Quantam | 45,787 | 30 | 250,152 |
7 | SCORPION | Revalons | 10,384 | 9 | 73,387 |
8 | Sumerian | Revalons | 3,875 | 1 | 75,000 |
9 | Sylamore | Partaxian | 2,453 | 1 | 16,830 |
10 | SweetScientists | Quantam | 2,344 | 1 | 10,500 |
11 | Foohon Pie | Partaxian | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
12 | DsArmada | Wardancers | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | NewItaly | Revalons | 87 | 455,287 | 927,471 |
2 | Brutality | Poppekes | 85 | 533,374 | 773,883 |
3 | Easyway | Wardancers | 75 | 722,517 | 644,540 |
4 | Prominent01 | Partaxian | 74 | 244,323 | 646,632 |
5 | HouseOfBerto | Quantam | 30 | 45,787 | 250,152 |
6 | Ominix Refugees | Greeners | 25 | 124,232 | 210,528 |
7 | SCORPION | Revalons | 9 | 10,384 | 73,387 |
8 | Sumerian | Revalons | 1 | 3,875 | 75,000 |
9 | Sylamore | Partaxian | 1 | 2,453 | 16,830 |
10 | SweetScientists | Quantam | 1 | 2,344 | 10,500 |
11 | Foohon Pie | Partaxian | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
12 | DsArmada | Wardancers | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | NewItaly | Revalons | 927,471 | 455,287 | 87 |
2 | Brutality | Poppekes | 773,883 | 533,374 | 85 |
3 | Prominent01 | Partaxian | 646,632 | 244,323 | 74 |
4 | Easyway | Wardancers | 644,540 | 722,517 | 75 |
5 | HouseOfBerto | Quantam | 250,152 | 45,787 | 30 |
6 | Ominix Refugees | Greeners | 210,528 | 124,232 | 25 |
7 | Sumerian | Revalons | 75,000 | 3,875 | 1 |
8 | SCORPION | Revalons | 73,387 | 10,384 | 9 |
9 | Sylamore | Partaxian | 16,830 | 2,453 | 1 |
10 | SweetScientists | Quantam | 10,500 | 2,344 | 1 |
11 | Foohon Pie | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |
12 | DsArmada | Wardancers | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |