All Galaxies > Manthano > Manthano

60 minute ticks
Manthano Map


Manthano is a peaceful galaxy that focuses on economic growth and self-actualization. It is a training galaxy recommended for new players, and aggression is forbidden. The top 20 empires are routinely removed to make room for the next generation.

Join Topics
Duration 22 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 3834
Players 12 / 100
Open Spots 88 / 100 Join
Start Date Tuesday, January 23, 2018
7 years ago
End Date Monday, July 2, 2018
6 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 494
Planet Count 3957

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #5214: hmmm [13,19] 722,517 75 644,540
2 #5224: Apocalypse [57,63] 533,374 85 773,883
3 #5240: [65,4] 455,287 87 927,471
4 #5260: The Empire [35,74] 244,323 74 646,632
5 #5211: [42,94] 124,232 25 210,528
6 #5226: Last of Days [72,82] 45,787 30 250,152
7 #5251: [18,88] 10,384 9 73,387
8 #5276: Dimp [86,4] 3,875 1 75,000
9 #5253: Pipi Langstrumpf [65,57] 2,453 1 16,830
10 #5281: Viatoribus [48,66] 2,344 1 10,500
11 #5202: testing testing [6,4] 1,250 1 10,000
12 #5287: [98,8] 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #5240: [65,4] 87 455,287 927,471
2 #5224: Apocalypse [57,63] 85 533,374 773,883
3 #5214: hmmm [13,19] 75 722,517 644,540
4 #5260: The Empire [35,74] 74 244,323 646,632
5 #5226: Last of Days [72,82] 30 45,787 250,152
6 #5211: [42,94] 25 124,232 210,528
7 #5251: [18,88] 9 10,384 73,387
8 #5276: Dimp [86,4] 1 3,875 75,000
9 #5253: Pipi Langstrumpf [65,57] 1 2,453 16,830
10 #5281: Viatoribus [48,66] 1 2,344 10,500
11 #5202: testing testing [6,4] 1 1,250 10,000
12 #5287: [98,8] 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #5240: [65,4] 927,471 455,287 87
2 #5224: Apocalypse [57,63] 773,883 533,374 85
3 #5260: The Empire [35,74] 646,632 244,323 74
4 #5214: hmmm [13,19] 644,540 722,517 75
5 #5226: Last of Days [72,82] 250,152 45,787 30
6 #5211: [42,94] 210,528 124,232 25
7 #5276: Dimp [86,4] 75,000 3,875 1
8 #5251: [18,88] 73,387 10,384 9
9 #5253: Pipi Langstrumpf [65,57] 16,830 2,453 1
10 #5281: Viatoribus [48,66] 10,500 2,344 1
11 #5202: testing testing [6,4] 10,000 1,250 1
12 #5287: [98,8] 10,000 1,250 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Easyway Wardancers 722,517 75 644,540
2 Brutality Poppekes 533,374 85 773,883
3 NewItaly Revalons 455,287 87 927,471
4 Prominent01 Partaxian 244,323 74 646,632
5 Ominix Refugees Greeners 124,232 25 210,528
6 HouseOfBerto Quantam 45,787 30 250,152
7 SCORPION Revalons 10,384 9 73,387
8 Sumerian Revalons 3,875 1 75,000
9 Sylamore Partaxian 2,453 1 16,830
10 SweetScientists Quantam 2,344 1 10,500
11 Foohon Pie Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
12 DsArmada Wardancers 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 NewItaly Revalons 87 455,287 927,471
2 Brutality Poppekes 85 533,374 773,883
3 Easyway Wardancers 75 722,517 644,540
4 Prominent01 Partaxian 74 244,323 646,632
5 HouseOfBerto Quantam 30 45,787 250,152
6 Ominix Refugees Greeners 25 124,232 210,528
7 SCORPION Revalons 9 10,384 73,387
8 Sumerian Revalons 1 3,875 75,000
9 Sylamore Partaxian 1 2,453 16,830
10 SweetScientists Quantam 1 2,344 10,500
11 Foohon Pie Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
12 DsArmada Wardancers 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 NewItaly Revalons 927,471 455,287 87
2 Brutality Poppekes 773,883 533,374 85
3 Prominent01 Partaxian 646,632 244,323 74
4 Easyway Wardancers 644,540 722,517 75
5 HouseOfBerto Quantam 250,152 45,787 30
6 Ominix Refugees Greeners 210,528 124,232 25
7 Sumerian Revalons 75,000 3,875 1
8 SCORPION Revalons 73,387 10,384 9
9 Sylamore Partaxian 16,830 2,453 1
10 SweetScientists Quantam 10,500 2,344 1
11 Foohon Pie Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1
12 DsArmada Wardancers 10,000 1,250 1