All Galaxies > Hypernova > Hypernova 10

15 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 15 minutes
Current Tick 2689
Players 16 / 100
Open Spots 84 / 100 Join
Start Date Monday, January 1, 2024
1 year ago
End Date Monday, January 29, 2024
1 year ago
Size 80x80
System Count 338
Planet Count 1690

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size 80
Starting Family Distribution 100x1
Max Defense Stations 3
Market 1
Family Aid 1
Anonymous Play 1
Unofficial Alliances 0
Offensive Actions Delay 3
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) 3
Science Funding Delay 0
Starting Resources Multiplier 100


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #12640: First Servant Of The Most High [20,33] 86,025,070 345 185,741,548
2 #12602: The POWER of the SITH [1,3] 38,182,555 219 218,512,093
3 #12545: [70,45] 19,575,839 196 101,128,416
4 #12635: [61,14] 10,368,903 141 1,557,200
5 #12557: GODSwagga The Nefarious .@. [71,27] 7,197,616 98 10,357,224
6 #12558: Always on time [14,7] 5,915,720 127 56,270,316
7 #12590: [52,17] 3,408,959 49 14,230,730
8 #12585: [12,55] 3,303,823 7 67,640
9 #12550: Started [53,25] 822,219 48 434,550
10 #12552: [57,69] 184,152 4 41,960
11 #12549: Wasteland Traders [14,67] 184,077 4 871,108
12 #12548: [74,6] 18,645 2 48,110
13 #12546: [36,3] 17,899 4 411,120
14 #12547: [30,44] 6,821 1 22,657
15 #12625: [22,3] 1,250 1 10,000
16 #12644: [33,49] 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #12640: First Servant Of The Most High [20,33] 345 86,025,070 185,741,548
2 #12602: The POWER of the SITH [1,3] 219 38,182,555 218,512,093
3 #12545: [70,45] 196 19,575,839 101,128,416
4 #12635: [61,14] 141 10,368,903 1,557,200
5 #12558: Always on time [14,7] 127 5,915,720 56,270,316
6 #12557: GODSwagga The Nefarious .@. [71,27] 98 7,197,616 10,357,224
7 #12590: [52,17] 49 3,408,959 14,230,730
8 #12550: Started [53,25] 48 822,219 434,550
9 #12585: [12,55] 7 3,303,823 67,640
10 #12552: [57,69] 4 184,152 41,960
11 #12549: Wasteland Traders [14,67] 4 184,077 871,108
12 #12546: [36,3] 4 17,899 411,120
13 #12548: [74,6] 2 18,645 48,110
14 #12547: [30,44] 1 6,821 22,657
15 #12625: [22,3] 1 1,250 10,000
16 #12644: [33,49] 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #12602: The POWER of the SITH [1,3] 218,512,093 38,182,555 219
2 #12640: First Servant Of The Most High [20,33] 185,741,548 86,025,070 345
3 #12545: [70,45] 101,128,416 19,575,839 196
4 #12558: Always on time [14,7] 56,270,316 5,915,720 127
5 #12590: [52,17] 14,230,730 3,408,959 49
6 #12557: GODSwagga The Nefarious .@. [71,27] 10,357,224 7,197,616 98
7 #12635: [61,14] 1,557,200 10,368,903 141
8 #12549: Wasteland Traders [14,67] 871,108 184,077 4
9 #12550: Started [53,25] 434,550 822,219 48
10 #12546: [36,3] 411,120 17,899 4
11 #12585: [12,55] 67,640 3,303,823 7
12 #12548: [74,6] 48,110 18,645 2
13 #12552: [57,69] 41,960 184,152 4
14 #12547: [30,44] 22,657 6,821 1
15 #12625: [22,3] 10,000 1,250 1
16 #12644: [33,49] 10,000 1,250 1
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 SOTMH Partaxian 86,025,070 345 185,741,548
2 Darkside Partaxian 38,182,555 219 218,512,093
3 Money Partaxian 19,575,839 196 101,128,416
4 Cells Quantam 10,368,903 141 1,557,200
5 empire_74a03 DR.W}{O 7,197,616 98 10,357,224
6 Curiosity Quantam 5,915,720 127 56,270,316
7 empire_79e6c Cornwood 3,408,959 49 14,230,730
8 empire_57ba9 Partaxian 3,303,823 7 67,640
9 Addition Fleeters 822,219 48 434,550
10 empire_48922 Wardancers 184,152 4 41,960
11 BarrenWastelands Wastelanders 184,077 4 871,108
12 EmpireEarth Partaxian 18,645 2 48,110
13 Able Interestingyyyyy 17,899 4 411,120
14 foiaoawefmj Wardancers 6,821 1 22,657
15 SkyFlare Quantam 1,250 1 10,000
16 Relajaos22 Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 SOTMH Partaxian 345 86,025,070 185,741,548
2 Darkside Partaxian 219 38,182,555 218,512,093
3 Money Partaxian 196 19,575,839 101,128,416
4 Cells Quantam 141 10,368,903 1,557,200
5 Curiosity Quantam 127 5,915,720 56,270,316
6 empire_74a03 DR.W}{O 98 7,197,616 10,357,224
7 empire_79e6c Cornwood 49 3,408,959 14,230,730
8 Addition Fleeters 48 822,219 434,550
9 empire_57ba9 Partaxian 7 3,303,823 67,640
10 empire_48922 Wardancers 4 184,152 41,960
11 BarrenWastelands Wastelanders 4 184,077 871,108
12 Able Interestingyyyyy 4 17,899 411,120
13 EmpireEarth Partaxian 2 18,645 48,110
14 foiaoawefmj Wardancers 1 6,821 22,657
15 SkyFlare Quantam 1 1,250 10,000
16 Relajaos22 Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Darkside Partaxian 218,512,093 38,182,555 219
2 SOTMH Partaxian 185,741,548 86,025,070 345
3 Money Partaxian 101,128,416 19,575,839 196
4 Curiosity Quantam 56,270,316 5,915,720 127
5 empire_79e6c Cornwood 14,230,730 3,408,959 49
6 empire_74a03 DR.W}{O 10,357,224 7,197,616 98
7 Cells Quantam 1,557,200 10,368,903 141
8 BarrenWastelands Wastelanders 871,108 184,077 4
9 Addition Fleeters 434,550 822,219 48
10 Able Interestingyyyyy 411,120 17,899 4
11 empire_57ba9 Partaxian 67,640 3,303,823 7
12 EmpireEarth Partaxian 48,110 18,645 2
13 empire_48922 Wardancers 41,960 184,152 4
14 foiaoawefmj Wardancers 22,657 6,821 1
15 SkyFlare Quantam 10,000 1,250 1
16 Relajaos22 Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1