All Galaxies > Clan Wars > Clan Wars 2

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 673
Players 42 / 42
Open Spots 0 / 42 Join
Start Date Sunday, October 6, 2019
4 years ago
End Date Sunday, November 3, 2019
4 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 345
Planet Count 3450

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Family Count and Size
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay 1570978800
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #7118: Hocus Pocus [43,65] 20,684,925 721 5,673,472
2 #7115: Horde [63,41] 20,442,349 611 4,372,598
3 #7113: Bringers [51,35] 20,174,811 539 4,656,020
4 #7117: Our cause is just [66,57] 13,699,208 529 4,266,787
5 #7114: Royal ARMY [39,41] 11,310,234 563 4,627,232
6 #7116: Southpole Paradise congrats kr [36,57] 7,100,924 282 2,474,960
7 #7119: To drop in Ranking [58,65] 1,253,612 193 1,682,460
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #7118: Hocus Pocus [43,65] 721 20,684,925 5,673,472
2 #7115: Horde [63,41] 611 20,442,349 4,372,598
3 #7114: Royal ARMY [39,41] 563 11,310,234 4,627,232
4 #7113: Bringers [51,35] 539 20,174,811 4,656,020
5 #7117: Our cause is just [66,57] 529 13,699,208 4,266,787
6 #7116: Southpole Paradise congrats kr [36,57] 282 7,100,924 2,474,960
7 #7119: To drop in Ranking [58,65] 193 1,253,612 1,682,460
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #7118: Hocus Pocus [43,65] 5,673,472 20,684,925 721
2 #7113: Bringers [51,35] 4,656,020 20,174,811 539
3 #7114: Royal ARMY [39,41] 4,627,232 11,310,234 563
4 #7115: Horde [63,41] 4,372,598 20,442,349 611
5 #7117: Our cause is just [66,57] 4,266,787 13,699,208 529
6 #7116: Southpole Paradise congrats kr [36,57] 2,474,960 7,100,924 282
7 #7119: To drop in Ranking [58,65] 1,682,460 1,253,612 193
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Mary Thunderhead 13,189,059 74 444,107
2 Darrk â„¢Bringers v45.8Hlz 10,945,967 211 1,786,800
3 Tolui_Khan KhanDynasty 9,352,112 99 329,119
4 Zaptoss Camaar 9,094,217 66 329,889
5 exceed Camaar 5,629,638 87 427,234
6 Vedoria The Vedorians 5,363,952 118 1,004,720
7 Jochi_Khan Camaar 3,260,352 60 222,462
8 Playboy CW_Dukey 3,075,383 63 542,160
9 Genghis_Khan CashHoppin 2,689,203 222 1,911,080
10 Failtoss Revalons 2,407,914 269 2,325,720
11 Sartaq_Khan Partaxian 2,152,715 144 1,309,640
12 Berke_Khan Wardancers 2,143,875 37 283,444
13 Titanius_anglesmith Cornwood 2,099,603 165 1,789,350
14 Binx Partaxian 2,048,050 200 1,384,997
15 BIlly Revalons 1,721,959 157 1,392,280
16 Death Wardancers 1,514,733 17 139,760
17 Maxim Centerfold Jets 1,493,211 75 620,760
18 Royal RBH 1,395,573 131 1,187,640
19 Winifred Revalons 1,389,093 181 1,536,470
20 Tishxo Tishyyy 1,332,874 105 934,960
21 Max Partaxian 1,249,007 70 625,200
22 Ringtoss R0gue Leader 1,142,006 107 896,021
23 WhoFlungDung Your Lover 1,124,239 137 1,017,351
24 Dani Camaar 1,087,757 39 290,418
25 Sunstorm Quantam 1,015,392 87 771,960
26 Cells lshy 949,701 38 150,817
27 Ogedei_Khan Partaxian 844,092 49 316,853
28 Goddess A_Gift 831,047 44 398,280
29 Emperor Great_Auk 739,058 45 405,680
30 Penguin Pet 722,945 9 79,320
31 Noobtoss Power overwhelming.. 573,534 70 583,157
32 Red_Hot_Willy_Pepper Bankautomaten 5000 458,278 67 582,320
33 Imbatoss Wardancers 445,977 15 112,440
34 Yardlong Vitamine D 362,246 73 647,480
35 YouFool [ANZAC] Lives 239,280 46 428,760
36 Carrot Wardancers 192,672 12 91,440
37 Garlic Camaar 143,637 27 240,000
38 Quackers Partaxian 111,480 5 54,840
39 Borecole Camaar 93,202 13 110,920
40 Zergtoss Partaxian 35,560 2 19,560
41 SCORPION Partaxian 3,577 1 10,300
42 dewman Partaxian 1,893 1 17,820
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Failtoss Revalons 269 2,407,914 2,325,720
2 Genghis_Khan CashHoppin 222 2,689,203 1,911,080
3 Darrk â„¢Bringers v45.8Hlz 211 10,945,967 1,786,800
4 Binx Partaxian 200 2,048,050 1,384,997
5 Winifred Revalons 181 1,389,093 1,536,470
6 Titanius_anglesmith Cornwood 165 2,099,603 1,789,350
7 BIlly Revalons 157 1,721,959 1,392,280
8 Sartaq_Khan Partaxian 144 2,152,715 1,309,640
9 WhoFlungDung Your Lover 137 1,124,239 1,017,351
10 Royal RBH 131 1,395,573 1,187,640
11 Vedoria The Vedorians 118 5,363,952 1,004,720
12 Ringtoss R0gue Leader 107 1,142,006 896,021
13 Tishxo Tishyyy 105 1,332,874 934,960
14 Tolui_Khan KhanDynasty 99 9,352,112 329,119
15 exceed Camaar 87 5,629,638 427,234
16 Sunstorm Quantam 87 1,015,392 771,960
17 Maxim Centerfold Jets 75 1,493,211 620,760
18 Mary Thunderhead 74 13,189,059 444,107
19 Yardlong Vitamine D 73 362,246 647,480
20 Max Partaxian 70 1,249,007 625,200
21 Noobtoss Power overwhelming.. 70 573,534 583,157
22 Red_Hot_Willy_Pepper Bankautomaten 5000 67 458,278 582,320
23 Zaptoss Camaar 66 9,094,217 329,889
24 Playboy CW_Dukey 63 3,075,383 542,160
25 Jochi_Khan Camaar 60 3,260,352 222,462
26 Ogedei_Khan Partaxian 49 844,092 316,853
27 YouFool [ANZAC] Lives 46 239,280 428,760
28 Emperor Great_Auk 45 739,058 405,680
29 Goddess A_Gift 44 831,047 398,280
30 Dani Camaar 39 1,087,757 290,418
31 Cells lshy 38 949,701 150,817
32 Berke_Khan Wardancers 37 2,143,875 283,444
33 Garlic Camaar 27 143,637 240,000
34 Death Wardancers 17 1,514,733 139,760
35 Imbatoss Wardancers 15 445,977 112,440
36 Borecole Camaar 13 93,202 110,920
37 Carrot Wardancers 12 192,672 91,440
38 Penguin Pet 9 722,945 79,320
39 Quackers Partaxian 5 111,480 54,840
40 Zergtoss Partaxian 2 35,560 19,560
41 SCORPION Partaxian 1 3,577 10,300
42 dewman Partaxian 1 1,893 17,820
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Failtoss Revalons 2,325,720 2,407,914 269
2 Genghis_Khan CashHoppin 1,911,080 2,689,203 222
3 Titanius_anglesmith Cornwood 1,789,350 2,099,603 165
4 Darrk â„¢Bringers v45.8Hlz 1,786,800 10,945,967 211
5 Winifred Revalons 1,536,470 1,389,093 181
6 BIlly Revalons 1,392,280 1,721,959 157
7 Binx Partaxian 1,384,997 2,048,050 200
8 Sartaq_Khan Partaxian 1,309,640 2,152,715 144
9 Royal RBH 1,187,640 1,395,573 131
10 WhoFlungDung Your Lover 1,017,351 1,124,239 137
11 Vedoria The Vedorians 1,004,720 5,363,952 118
12 Tishxo Tishyyy 934,960 1,332,874 105
13 Ringtoss R0gue Leader 896,021 1,142,006 107
14 Sunstorm Quantam 771,960 1,015,392 87
15 Yardlong Vitamine D 647,480 362,246 73
16 Max Partaxian 625,200 1,249,007 70
17 Maxim Centerfold Jets 620,760 1,493,211 75
18 Noobtoss Power overwhelming.. 583,157 573,534 70
19 Red_Hot_Willy_Pepper Bankautomaten 5000 582,320 458,278 67
20 Playboy CW_Dukey 542,160 3,075,383 63
21 Mary Thunderhead 444,107 13,189,059 74
22 YouFool [ANZAC] Lives 428,760 239,280 46
23 exceed Camaar 427,234 5,629,638 87
24 Emperor Great_Auk 405,680 739,058 45
25 Goddess A_Gift 398,280 831,047 44
26 Zaptoss Camaar 329,889 9,094,217 66
27 Tolui_Khan KhanDynasty 329,119 9,352,112 99
28 Ogedei_Khan Partaxian 316,853 844,092 49
29 Dani Camaar 290,418 1,087,757 39
30 Berke_Khan Wardancers 283,444 2,143,875 37
31 Garlic Camaar 240,000 143,637 27
32 Jochi_Khan Camaar 222,462 3,260,352 60
33 Cells lshy 150,817 949,701 38
34 Death Wardancers 139,760 1,514,733 17
35 Imbatoss Wardancers 112,440 445,977 15
36 Borecole Camaar 110,920 93,202 13
37 Carrot Wardancers 91,440 192,672 12
38 Penguin Pet 79,320 722,945 9
39 Quackers Partaxian 54,840 111,480 5
40 Zergtoss Partaxian 19,560 35,560 2
41 dewman Partaxian 17,820 1,893 1
42 SCORPION Partaxian 10,300 3,577 1