Duration | 4 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 673 |
Players | 42 / 42 |
Open Spots | 0 / 42 Join |
Start Date | Sunday, October 6, 2019 |
5 years ago | |
End Date | Sunday, November 3, 2019 |
5 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 345 |
Planet Count | 3450 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | 1570978800 |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #7118: Hocus Pocus [43,65] | 20,684,925 | 721 | 5,673,472 |
2 | #7115: Horde [63,41] | 20,442,349 | 611 | 4,372,598 |
3 | #7113: Bringers [51,35] | 20,174,811 | 539 | 4,656,020 |
4 | #7117: Our cause is just [66,57] | 13,699,208 | 529 | 4,266,787 |
5 | #7114: Royal ARMY [39,41] | 11,310,234 | 563 | 4,627,232 |
6 | #7116: Southpole Paradise congrats kr [36,57] | 7,100,924 | 282 | 2,474,960 |
7 | #7119: To drop in Ranking [58,65] | 1,253,612 | 193 | 1,682,460 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #7118: Hocus Pocus [43,65] | 721 | 20,684,925 | 5,673,472 |
2 | #7115: Horde [63,41] | 611 | 20,442,349 | 4,372,598 |
3 | #7114: Royal ARMY [39,41] | 563 | 11,310,234 | 4,627,232 |
4 | #7113: Bringers [51,35] | 539 | 20,174,811 | 4,656,020 |
5 | #7117: Our cause is just [66,57] | 529 | 13,699,208 | 4,266,787 |
6 | #7116: Southpole Paradise congrats kr [36,57] | 282 | 7,100,924 | 2,474,960 |
7 | #7119: To drop in Ranking [58,65] | 193 | 1,253,612 | 1,682,460 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #7118: Hocus Pocus [43,65] | 5,673,472 | 20,684,925 | 721 |
2 | #7113: Bringers [51,35] | 4,656,020 | 20,174,811 | 539 |
3 | #7114: Royal ARMY [39,41] | 4,627,232 | 11,310,234 | 563 |
4 | #7115: Horde [63,41] | 4,372,598 | 20,442,349 | 611 |
5 | #7117: Our cause is just [66,57] | 4,266,787 | 13,699,208 | 529 |
6 | #7116: Southpole Paradise congrats kr [36,57] | 2,474,960 | 7,100,924 | 282 |
7 | #7119: To drop in Ranking [58,65] | 1,682,460 | 1,253,612 | 193 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Mary | Thunderhead | 13,189,059 | 74 | 444,107 |
2 | Darrk | â„¢Bringers v45.8Hlz | 10,945,967 | 211 | 1,786,800 |
3 | Tolui_Khan | KhanDynasty | 9,352,112 | 99 | 329,119 |
4 | Zaptoss | Camaar | 9,094,217 | 66 | 329,889 |
5 | exceed | Camaar | 5,629,638 | 87 | 427,234 |
6 | Vedoria | The Vedorians | 5,363,952 | 118 | 1,004,720 |
7 | Jochi_Khan | Camaar | 3,260,352 | 60 | 222,462 |
8 | Playboy | CW_Dukey | 3,075,383 | 63 | 542,160 |
9 | Genghis_Khan | CashHoppin | 2,689,203 | 222 | 1,911,080 |
10 | Failtoss | Revalons | 2,407,914 | 269 | 2,325,720 |
11 | Sartaq_Khan | Partaxian | 2,152,715 | 144 | 1,309,640 |
12 | Berke_Khan | Wardancers | 2,143,875 | 37 | 283,444 |
13 | Titanius_anglesmith | Cornwood | 2,099,603 | 165 | 1,789,350 |
14 | Binx | Partaxian | 2,048,050 | 200 | 1,384,997 |
15 | BIlly | Revalons | 1,721,959 | 157 | 1,392,280 |
16 | Death | Wardancers | 1,514,733 | 17 | 139,760 |
17 | Maxim | Centerfold Jets | 1,493,211 | 75 | 620,760 |
18 | Royal | RBH | 1,395,573 | 131 | 1,187,640 |
19 | Winifred | Revalons | 1,389,093 | 181 | 1,536,470 |
20 | Tishxo | Tishyyy | 1,332,874 | 105 | 934,960 |
21 | Max | Partaxian | 1,249,007 | 70 | 625,200 |
22 | Ringtoss | R0gue Leader | 1,142,006 | 107 | 896,021 |
23 | WhoFlungDung | Your Lover | 1,124,239 | 137 | 1,017,351 |
24 | Dani | Camaar | 1,087,757 | 39 | 290,418 |
25 | Sunstorm | Quantam | 1,015,392 | 87 | 771,960 |
26 | Cells | lshy | 949,701 | 38 | 150,817 |
27 | Ogedei_Khan | Partaxian | 844,092 | 49 | 316,853 |
28 | Goddess | A_Gift | 831,047 | 44 | 398,280 |
29 | Emperor | Great_Auk | 739,058 | 45 | 405,680 |
30 | Penguin | Pet | 722,945 | 9 | 79,320 |
31 | Noobtoss | Power overwhelming.. | 573,534 | 70 | 583,157 |
32 | Red_Hot_Willy_Pepper | Bankautomaten 5000 | 458,278 | 67 | 582,320 |
33 | Imbatoss | Wardancers | 445,977 | 15 | 112,440 |
34 | Yardlong | Vitamine D | 362,246 | 73 | 647,480 |
35 | YouFool | [ANZAC] Lives | 239,280 | 46 | 428,760 |
36 | Carrot | Wardancers | 192,672 | 12 | 91,440 |
37 | Garlic | Camaar | 143,637 | 27 | 240,000 |
38 | Quackers | Partaxian | 111,480 | 5 | 54,840 |
39 | Borecole | Camaar | 93,202 | 13 | 110,920 |
40 | Zergtoss | Partaxian | 35,560 | 2 | 19,560 |
41 | SCORPION | Partaxian | 3,577 | 1 | 10,300 |
42 | dewman | Partaxian | 1,893 | 1 | 17,820 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Failtoss | Revalons | 269 | 2,407,914 | 2,325,720 |
2 | Genghis_Khan | CashHoppin | 222 | 2,689,203 | 1,911,080 |
3 | Darrk | â„¢Bringers v45.8Hlz | 211 | 10,945,967 | 1,786,800 |
4 | Binx | Partaxian | 200 | 2,048,050 | 1,384,997 |
5 | Winifred | Revalons | 181 | 1,389,093 | 1,536,470 |
6 | Titanius_anglesmith | Cornwood | 165 | 2,099,603 | 1,789,350 |
7 | BIlly | Revalons | 157 | 1,721,959 | 1,392,280 |
8 | Sartaq_Khan | Partaxian | 144 | 2,152,715 | 1,309,640 |
9 | WhoFlungDung | Your Lover | 137 | 1,124,239 | 1,017,351 |
10 | Royal | RBH | 131 | 1,395,573 | 1,187,640 |
11 | Vedoria | The Vedorians | 118 | 5,363,952 | 1,004,720 |
12 | Ringtoss | R0gue Leader | 107 | 1,142,006 | 896,021 |
13 | Tishxo | Tishyyy | 105 | 1,332,874 | 934,960 |
14 | Tolui_Khan | KhanDynasty | 99 | 9,352,112 | 329,119 |
15 | exceed | Camaar | 87 | 5,629,638 | 427,234 |
16 | Sunstorm | Quantam | 87 | 1,015,392 | 771,960 |
17 | Maxim | Centerfold Jets | 75 | 1,493,211 | 620,760 |
18 | Mary | Thunderhead | 74 | 13,189,059 | 444,107 |
19 | Yardlong | Vitamine D | 73 | 362,246 | 647,480 |
20 | Max | Partaxian | 70 | 1,249,007 | 625,200 |
21 | Noobtoss | Power overwhelming.. | 70 | 573,534 | 583,157 |
22 | Red_Hot_Willy_Pepper | Bankautomaten 5000 | 67 | 458,278 | 582,320 |
23 | Zaptoss | Camaar | 66 | 9,094,217 | 329,889 |
24 | Playboy | CW_Dukey | 63 | 3,075,383 | 542,160 |
25 | Jochi_Khan | Camaar | 60 | 3,260,352 | 222,462 |
26 | Ogedei_Khan | Partaxian | 49 | 844,092 | 316,853 |
27 | YouFool | [ANZAC] Lives | 46 | 239,280 | 428,760 |
28 | Emperor | Great_Auk | 45 | 739,058 | 405,680 |
29 | Goddess | A_Gift | 44 | 831,047 | 398,280 |
30 | Dani | Camaar | 39 | 1,087,757 | 290,418 |
31 | Cells | lshy | 38 | 949,701 | 150,817 |
32 | Berke_Khan | Wardancers | 37 | 2,143,875 | 283,444 |
33 | Garlic | Camaar | 27 | 143,637 | 240,000 |
34 | Death | Wardancers | 17 | 1,514,733 | 139,760 |
35 | Imbatoss | Wardancers | 15 | 445,977 | 112,440 |
36 | Borecole | Camaar | 13 | 93,202 | 110,920 |
37 | Carrot | Wardancers | 12 | 192,672 | 91,440 |
38 | Penguin | Pet | 9 | 722,945 | 79,320 |
39 | Quackers | Partaxian | 5 | 111,480 | 54,840 |
40 | Zergtoss | Partaxian | 2 | 35,560 | 19,560 |
41 | SCORPION | Partaxian | 1 | 3,577 | 10,300 |
42 | dewman | Partaxian | 1 | 1,893 | 17,820 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Failtoss | Revalons | 2,325,720 | 2,407,914 | 269 |
2 | Genghis_Khan | CashHoppin | 1,911,080 | 2,689,203 | 222 |
3 | Titanius_anglesmith | Cornwood | 1,789,350 | 2,099,603 | 165 |
4 | Darrk | â„¢Bringers v45.8Hlz | 1,786,800 | 10,945,967 | 211 |
5 | Winifred | Revalons | 1,536,470 | 1,389,093 | 181 |
6 | BIlly | Revalons | 1,392,280 | 1,721,959 | 157 |
7 | Binx | Partaxian | 1,384,997 | 2,048,050 | 200 |
8 | Sartaq_Khan | Partaxian | 1,309,640 | 2,152,715 | 144 |
9 | Royal | RBH | 1,187,640 | 1,395,573 | 131 |
10 | WhoFlungDung | Your Lover | 1,017,351 | 1,124,239 | 137 |
11 | Vedoria | The Vedorians | 1,004,720 | 5,363,952 | 118 |
12 | Tishxo | Tishyyy | 934,960 | 1,332,874 | 105 |
13 | Ringtoss | R0gue Leader | 896,021 | 1,142,006 | 107 |
14 | Sunstorm | Quantam | 771,960 | 1,015,392 | 87 |
15 | Yardlong | Vitamine D | 647,480 | 362,246 | 73 |
16 | Max | Partaxian | 625,200 | 1,249,007 | 70 |
17 | Maxim | Centerfold Jets | 620,760 | 1,493,211 | 75 |
18 | Noobtoss | Power overwhelming.. | 583,157 | 573,534 | 70 |
19 | Red_Hot_Willy_Pepper | Bankautomaten 5000 | 582,320 | 458,278 | 67 |
20 | Playboy | CW_Dukey | 542,160 | 3,075,383 | 63 |
21 | Mary | Thunderhead | 444,107 | 13,189,059 | 74 |
22 | YouFool | [ANZAC] Lives | 428,760 | 239,280 | 46 |
23 | exceed | Camaar | 427,234 | 5,629,638 | 87 |
24 | Emperor | Great_Auk | 405,680 | 739,058 | 45 |
25 | Goddess | A_Gift | 398,280 | 831,047 | 44 |
26 | Zaptoss | Camaar | 329,889 | 9,094,217 | 66 |
27 | Tolui_Khan | KhanDynasty | 329,119 | 9,352,112 | 99 |
28 | Ogedei_Khan | Partaxian | 316,853 | 844,092 | 49 |
29 | Dani | Camaar | 290,418 | 1,087,757 | 39 |
30 | Berke_Khan | Wardancers | 283,444 | 2,143,875 | 37 |
31 | Garlic | Camaar | 240,000 | 143,637 | 27 |
32 | Jochi_Khan | Camaar | 222,462 | 3,260,352 | 60 |
33 | Cells | lshy | 150,817 | 949,701 | 38 |
34 | Death | Wardancers | 139,760 | 1,514,733 | 17 |
35 | Imbatoss | Wardancers | 112,440 | 445,977 | 15 |
36 | Borecole | Camaar | 110,920 | 93,202 | 13 |
37 | Carrot | Wardancers | 91,440 | 192,672 | 12 |
38 | Penguin | Pet | 79,320 | 722,945 | 9 |
39 | Quackers | Partaxian | 54,840 | 111,480 | 5 |
40 | Zergtoss | Partaxian | 19,560 | 35,560 | 2 |
41 | dewman | Partaxian | 17,820 | 1,893 | 1 |
42 | SCORPION | Partaxian | 10,300 | 3,577 | 1 |