Duration | 6 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 1009 |
Players | 46 / 49 |
Open Spots | 3 / 49 Join |
Start Date | Thursday, August 15, 2019 |
5 years ago | |
End Date | Thursday, September 26, 2019 |
5 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 488 |
Planet Count | 4399 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #7095: Immortals [72,51] | 66,966,052 | 1,205 | 44,289,390 |
2 | #7091: X-CLAN: N3CRONOM1CON [50,19] | 29,260,258 | 595 | 53,411,856 |
3 | #7093: Animal house [65,32] | 26,598,138 | 653 | 4,550,510 |
4 | #7092: Veggies last day: VEGGIES [35,32] | 26,387,172 | 926 | 3,770,265 |
5 | #7096: Fight For The Horde [41,64] | 11,526,768 | 412 | 3,604,914 |
6 | #7097: Thats all Folks! [59,64] | 11,455,111 | 362 | 2,839,241 |
7 | #7094: - The Simpsons - [28,51] | 9,729,419 | 242 | 2,090,440 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #7095: Immortals [72,51] | 1,205 | 66,966,052 | 44,289,390 |
2 | #7092: Veggies last day: VEGGIES [35,32] | 926 | 26,387,172 | 3,770,265 |
3 | #7093: Animal house [65,32] | 653 | 26,598,138 | 4,550,510 |
4 | #7091: X-CLAN: N3CRONOM1CON [50,19] | 595 | 29,260,258 | 53,411,856 |
5 | #7096: Fight For The Horde [41,64] | 412 | 11,526,768 | 3,604,914 |
6 | #7097: Thats all Folks! [59,64] | 362 | 11,455,111 | 2,839,241 |
7 | #7094: - The Simpsons - [28,51] | 242 | 9,729,419 | 2,090,440 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #7091: X-CLAN: N3CRONOM1CON [50,19] | 53,411,856 | 29,260,258 | 595 |
2 | #7095: Immortals [72,51] | 44,289,390 | 66,966,052 | 1,205 |
3 | #7093: Animal house [65,32] | 4,550,510 | 26,598,138 | 653 |
4 | #7092: Veggies last day: VEGGIES [35,32] | 3,770,265 | 26,387,172 | 926 |
5 | #7096: Fight For The Horde [41,64] | 3,604,914 | 11,526,768 | 412 |
6 | #7097: Thats all Folks! [59,64] | 2,839,241 | 11,455,111 | 362 |
7 | #7094: - The Simpsons - [28,51] | 2,090,440 | 9,729,419 | 242 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Player1 | Camaar | 29,033,947 | 67 | 237,080 |
2 | Protoss | Wardancers | 15,514,088 | 47 | 403,532 |
3 | Tomatoes | paradajz tomà quet p | 12,722,086 | 515 | 433,545 |
4 | SSSwagga | SH1NOB1N87R XXX | 12,367,235 | 103 | 639,894 |
5 | MagicalSafetyDragon | Camaar | 11,343,982 | 64 | 307,061 |
6 | Dr_Nick | Quantam | 8,266,812 | 47 | 414,560 |
7 | Genesis | Camaar | 6,808,410 | 90 | 762,065 |
8 | Taz | Wardancers | 5,900,765 | 121 | 836,642 |
9 | flipmode | Wardancers | 5,796,222 | 117 | 669,723 |
10 | Zeratel | Norra | 5,270,920 | 231 | 1,929,219 |
11 | Masse | Mank 1.0 | 5,011,532 | 442 | 3,112,942 |
12 | Kohlrabi | KartoffelSahneZeug | 4,789,649 | 93 | 461,937 |
13 | Velocirabbit | Midway | 4,721,080 | 108 | 881,349 |
14 | Undeath | Partaxian | 4,675,243 | 63 | 48,855,191 |
15 | Sylvana | Horde_Start | 3,543,473 | 236 | 2,040,229 |
16 | Rivan | Revalons | 3,425,035 | 175 | 36,967,280 |
17 | Durotan | Wardancers | 3,190,236 | 42 | 380,120 |
18 | Carrot | Partaxian | 2,764,975 | 80 | 488,456 |
19 | Pitbull | Camaar | 2,349,544 | 44 | 409,560 |
20 | TrashPanda | Omnivore | 2,345,206 | 165 | 1,113,615 |
21 | DangerZebra | Wardancers | 2,332,175 | 57 | 244,202 |
22 | Guldan | Wardancers | 2,139,079 | 32 | 273,600 |
23 | Toothy_McNudits | LlamaWoop | 2,098,655 | 119 | 863,046 |
24 | Artichoke | Wardancers | 2,023,393 | 36 | 322,720 |
25 | NopeRope | Partaxian | 1,957,841 | 58 | 507,760 |
26 | RedOxis | Partaxian | 1,902,120 | 153 | 877,272 |
27 | Cucumber | Wardancers | 1,882,247 | 81 | 560,492 |
28 | Fart_Squirrel | DuckSeazon_2.0 | 1,799,199 | 82 | 633,477 |
29 | RedPepper | Partaxian | 1,672,550 | 100 | 729,815 |
30 | ICDisLAME | $$$$$$$$$$ | 1,671,305 | 108 | 964,920 |
31 | Orgrim | HydroPsbodyguard | 1,603,450 | 47 | 439,045 |
32 | Death | ClanWarz | 1,395,140 | 99 | 937,350 |
33 | Bugs_Bunny | Partaxian | 1,304,861 | 40 | 370,640 |
34 | Pepe_Le_Pew | Your Lover | 1,304,589 | 55 | 450,400 |
35 | Daffy_Duck | DuckSeason | 1,273,554 | 42 | 347,915 |
36 | Cells | Jtf6 | 1,252,106 | 32 | 192,899 |
37 | You_Fool | [ANZAC] Lives | 1,005,569 | 61 | 935,218 |
38 | Thrall | En_Thralled | 671,324 | 40 | 333,760 |
39 | Manioc | Partaxian | 532,272 | 21 | 773,300 |
40 | Barney | Revalons | 528,625 | 113 | 970,360 |
41 | RoadRunner | Revalons | 419,236 | 72 | 640,745 |
42 | Loramus | Partaxian | 379,206 | 15 | 138,160 |
43 | Marge | Wardancers | 269,866 | 17 | 137,120 |
44 | Willie | Partaxian | 244,956 | 17 | 145,120 |
45 | Ned_Flanders | Revalons | 217,856 | 4 | 31,840 |
46 | Apu | 129.2 | 201,304 | 44 | 391,440 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Tomatoes | paradajz tomà quet p | 515 | 12,722,086 | 433,545 |
2 | Masse | Mank 1.0 | 442 | 5,011,532 | 3,112,942 |
3 | Sylvana | Horde_Start | 236 | 3,543,473 | 2,040,229 |
4 | Zeratel | Norra | 231 | 5,270,920 | 1,929,219 |
5 | Rivan | Revalons | 175 | 3,425,035 | 36,967,280 |
6 | TrashPanda | Omnivore | 165 | 2,345,206 | 1,113,615 |
7 | RedOxis | Partaxian | 153 | 1,902,120 | 877,272 |
8 | Taz | Wardancers | 121 | 5,900,765 | 836,642 |
9 | Toothy_McNudits | LlamaWoop | 119 | 2,098,655 | 863,046 |
10 | flipmode | Wardancers | 117 | 5,796,222 | 669,723 |
11 | Barney | Revalons | 113 | 528,625 | 970,360 |
12 | Velocirabbit | Midway | 108 | 4,721,080 | 881,349 |
13 | ICDisLAME | $$$$$$$$$$ | 108 | 1,671,305 | 964,920 |
14 | SSSwagga | SH1NOB1N87R XXX | 103 | 12,367,235 | 639,894 |
15 | RedPepper | Partaxian | 100 | 1,672,550 | 729,815 |
16 | Death | ClanWarz | 99 | 1,395,140 | 937,350 |
17 | Kohlrabi | KartoffelSahneZeug | 93 | 4,789,649 | 461,937 |
18 | Genesis | Camaar | 90 | 6,808,410 | 762,065 |
19 | Fart_Squirrel | DuckSeazon_2.0 | 82 | 1,799,199 | 633,477 |
20 | Cucumber | Wardancers | 81 | 1,882,247 | 560,492 |
21 | Carrot | Partaxian | 80 | 2,764,975 | 488,456 |
22 | RoadRunner | Revalons | 72 | 419,236 | 640,745 |
23 | Player1 | Camaar | 67 | 29,033,947 | 237,080 |
24 | MagicalSafetyDragon | Camaar | 64 | 11,343,982 | 307,061 |
25 | Undeath | Partaxian | 63 | 4,675,243 | 48,855,191 |
26 | You_Fool | [ANZAC] Lives | 61 | 1,005,569 | 935,218 |
27 | NopeRope | Partaxian | 58 | 1,957,841 | 507,760 |
28 | DangerZebra | Wardancers | 57 | 2,332,175 | 244,202 |
29 | Pepe_Le_Pew | Your Lover | 55 | 1,304,589 | 450,400 |
30 | Protoss | Wardancers | 47 | 15,514,088 | 403,532 |
31 | Dr_Nick | Quantam | 47 | 8,266,812 | 414,560 |
32 | Orgrim | HydroPsbodyguard | 47 | 1,603,450 | 439,045 |
33 | Pitbull | Camaar | 44 | 2,349,544 | 409,560 |
34 | Apu | 129.2 | 44 | 201,304 | 391,440 |
35 | Durotan | Wardancers | 42 | 3,190,236 | 380,120 |
36 | Daffy_Duck | DuckSeason | 42 | 1,273,554 | 347,915 |
37 | Bugs_Bunny | Partaxian | 40 | 1,304,861 | 370,640 |
38 | Thrall | En_Thralled | 40 | 671,324 | 333,760 |
39 | Artichoke | Wardancers | 36 | 2,023,393 | 322,720 |
40 | Guldan | Wardancers | 32 | 2,139,079 | 273,600 |
41 | Cells | Jtf6 | 32 | 1,252,106 | 192,899 |
42 | Manioc | Partaxian | 21 | 532,272 | 773,300 |
43 | Marge | Wardancers | 17 | 269,866 | 137,120 |
44 | Willie | Partaxian | 17 | 244,956 | 145,120 |
45 | Loramus | Partaxian | 15 | 379,206 | 138,160 |
46 | Ned_Flanders | Revalons | 4 | 217,856 | 31,840 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Undeath | Partaxian | 48,855,191 | 4,675,243 | 63 |
2 | Rivan | Revalons | 36,967,280 | 3,425,035 | 175 |
3 | Masse | Mank 1.0 | 3,112,942 | 5,011,532 | 442 |
4 | Sylvana | Horde_Start | 2,040,229 | 3,543,473 | 236 |
5 | Zeratel | Norra | 1,929,219 | 5,270,920 | 231 |
6 | TrashPanda | Omnivore | 1,113,615 | 2,345,206 | 165 |
7 | Barney | Revalons | 970,360 | 528,625 | 113 |
8 | ICDisLAME | $$$$$$$$$$ | 964,920 | 1,671,305 | 108 |
9 | Death | ClanWarz | 937,350 | 1,395,140 | 99 |
10 | You_Fool | [ANZAC] Lives | 935,218 | 1,005,569 | 61 |
11 | Velocirabbit | Midway | 881,349 | 4,721,080 | 108 |
12 | RedOxis | Partaxian | 877,272 | 1,902,120 | 153 |
13 | Toothy_McNudits | LlamaWoop | 863,046 | 2,098,655 | 119 |
14 | Taz | Wardancers | 836,642 | 5,900,765 | 121 |
15 | Manioc | Partaxian | 773,300 | 532,272 | 21 |
16 | Genesis | Camaar | 762,065 | 6,808,410 | 90 |
17 | RedPepper | Partaxian | 729,815 | 1,672,550 | 100 |
18 | flipmode | Wardancers | 669,723 | 5,796,222 | 117 |
19 | RoadRunner | Revalons | 640,745 | 419,236 | 72 |
20 | SSSwagga | SH1NOB1N87R XXX | 639,894 | 12,367,235 | 103 |
21 | Fart_Squirrel | DuckSeazon_2.0 | 633,477 | 1,799,199 | 82 |
22 | Cucumber | Wardancers | 560,492 | 1,882,247 | 81 |
23 | NopeRope | Partaxian | 507,760 | 1,957,841 | 58 |
24 | Carrot | Partaxian | 488,456 | 2,764,975 | 80 |
25 | Kohlrabi | KartoffelSahneZeug | 461,937 | 4,789,649 | 93 |
26 | Pepe_Le_Pew | Your Lover | 450,400 | 1,304,589 | 55 |
27 | Orgrim | HydroPsbodyguard | 439,045 | 1,603,450 | 47 |
28 | Tomatoes | paradajz tomà quet p | 433,545 | 12,722,086 | 515 |
29 | Dr_Nick | Quantam | 414,560 | 8,266,812 | 47 |
30 | Pitbull | Camaar | 409,560 | 2,349,544 | 44 |
31 | Protoss | Wardancers | 403,532 | 15,514,088 | 47 |
32 | Apu | 129.2 | 391,440 | 201,304 | 44 |
33 | Durotan | Wardancers | 380,120 | 3,190,236 | 42 |
34 | Bugs_Bunny | Partaxian | 370,640 | 1,304,861 | 40 |
35 | Daffy_Duck | DuckSeason | 347,915 | 1,273,554 | 42 |
36 | Thrall | En_Thralled | 333,760 | 671,324 | 40 |
37 | Artichoke | Wardancers | 322,720 | 2,023,393 | 36 |
38 | MagicalSafetyDragon | Camaar | 307,061 | 11,343,982 | 64 |
39 | Guldan | Wardancers | 273,600 | 2,139,079 | 32 |
40 | DangerZebra | Wardancers | 244,202 | 2,332,175 | 57 |
41 | Player1 | Camaar | 237,080 | 29,033,947 | 67 |
42 | Cells | Jtf6 | 192,899 | 1,252,106 | 32 |
43 | Willie | Partaxian | 145,120 | 244,956 | 17 |
44 | Loramus | Partaxian | 138,160 | 379,206 | 15 |
45 | Marge | Wardancers | 137,120 | 269,866 | 17 |
46 | Ned_Flanders | Revalons | 31,840 | 217,856 | 4 |