All Galaxies > Black Eye > Black Eye 3

60 minute ticks
Duration 4 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 288
Players 31 / 40
Open Spots 9 / 40 Join
Start Date Friday, September 4, 2020
3 years ago
End Date Friday, October 2, 2020
3 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 300
Planet Count 3020

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Family Count and Size
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #7340: The Destroyer of Cells [23,81] 5,199,179 1,497 10,474,292
2 #7339: Christmas ended early this yr [79,18] 748,825 309 1,911,925
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #7340: The Destroyer of Cells [23,81] 1,497 5,199,179 10,474,292
2 #7339: Christmas ended early this yr [79,18] 309 748,825 1,911,925
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #7340: The Destroyer of Cells [23,81] 10,474,292 5,199,179 1,497
2 #7339: Christmas ended early this yr [79,18] 1,911,925 748,825 309
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Mindless Revalons 630,885 245 951,165
2 Orbdos Camaar 527,589 68 402,263
3 Flip HCNobody 481,295 99 631,321
4 Witless Zingarino 460,141 122 692,443
5 Hala Partaxian 348,102 96 575,427
6 kratom Revalons 340,054 105 2,050,852
7 Hell Revalons 324,154 84 598,636
8 HalfBaked KingRayPenguin 302,258 75 537,995
9 WhoFlungDung Quantam 280,601 100 474,737
10 Santa Wardancers 254,541 102 349,071
11 simpleminded withSausage 252,857 69 592,000
12 Drones Starter pack 219,018 63 502,751
13 Witt Wardancers 197,877 63 368,387
14 PICKLEARMY Camaar 161,174 63 443,732
15 WW Partaxian 156,165 61 282,924
16 Blue Camaar 140,475 46 265,476
17 Wuiten Camaar 121,003 40 322,998
18 Royal RBH 104,303 44 404,738
19 Ayo Fickerss 103,892 40 98,379
20 Meaningless Revalons 102,648 31 281,200
21 Blitzen Revalons 81,075 26 174,564
22 Spirit Revalons 59,683 17 155,320
23 Moronic Camaar 48,580 23 95,247
24 Scrooge_McDuck Quantam 44,785 20 177,440
25 Christmas_Funeral Beastmode 42,747 15 132,151
26 Frosty EvenBigger 37,558 14 123,120
27 Elf Death Run 35,694 17 155,000
28 RobotSanta Camaar 34,115 21 203,000
29 Christmas_cookies Shadow Bank 27,092 15 126,960
30 MaReTaK RoundOver 20,240 18 175,480
31 MERRY_BOECKXSTAENS Partaxian 7,403 4 41,440
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Mindless Revalons 245 630,885 951,165
2 Witless Zingarino 122 460,141 692,443
3 kratom Revalons 105 340,054 2,050,852
4 Santa Wardancers 102 254,541 349,071
5 WhoFlungDung Quantam 100 280,601 474,737
6 Flip HCNobody 99 481,295 631,321
7 Hala Partaxian 96 348,102 575,427
8 Hell Revalons 84 324,154 598,636
9 HalfBaked KingRayPenguin 75 302,258 537,995
10 simpleminded withSausage 69 252,857 592,000
11 Orbdos Camaar 68 527,589 402,263
12 Drones Starter pack 63 219,018 502,751
13 Witt Wardancers 63 197,877 368,387
14 PICKLEARMY Camaar 63 161,174 443,732
15 WW Partaxian 61 156,165 282,924
16 Blue Camaar 46 140,475 265,476
17 Royal RBH 44 104,303 404,738
18 Wuiten Camaar 40 121,003 322,998
19 Ayo Fickerss 40 103,892 98,379
20 Meaningless Revalons 31 102,648 281,200
21 Blitzen Revalons 26 81,075 174,564
22 Moronic Camaar 23 48,580 95,247
23 RobotSanta Camaar 21 34,115 203,000
24 Scrooge_McDuck Quantam 20 44,785 177,440
25 MaReTaK RoundOver 18 20,240 175,480
26 Spirit Revalons 17 59,683 155,320
27 Elf Death Run 17 35,694 155,000
28 Christmas_Funeral Beastmode 15 42,747 132,151
29 Christmas_cookies Shadow Bank 15 27,092 126,960
30 Frosty EvenBigger 14 37,558 123,120
31 MERRY_BOECKXSTAENS Partaxian 4 7,403 41,440
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 kratom Revalons 2,050,852 340,054 105
2 Mindless Revalons 951,165 630,885 245
3 Witless Zingarino 692,443 460,141 122
4 Flip HCNobody 631,321 481,295 99
5 Hell Revalons 598,636 324,154 84
6 simpleminded withSausage 592,000 252,857 69
7 Hala Partaxian 575,427 348,102 96
8 HalfBaked KingRayPenguin 537,995 302,258 75
9 Drones Starter pack 502,751 219,018 63
10 WhoFlungDung Quantam 474,737 280,601 100
11 PICKLEARMY Camaar 443,732 161,174 63
12 Royal RBH 404,738 104,303 44
13 Orbdos Camaar 402,263 527,589 68
14 Witt Wardancers 368,387 197,877 63
15 Santa Wardancers 349,071 254,541 102
16 Wuiten Camaar 322,998 121,003 40
17 WW Partaxian 282,924 156,165 61
18 Meaningless Revalons 281,200 102,648 31
19 Blue Camaar 265,476 140,475 46
20 RobotSanta Camaar 203,000 34,115 21
21 Scrooge_McDuck Quantam 177,440 44,785 20
22 MaReTaK RoundOver 175,480 20,240 18
23 Blitzen Revalons 174,564 81,075 26
24 Spirit Revalons 155,320 59,683 17
25 Elf Death Run 155,000 35,694 17
26 Christmas_Funeral Beastmode 132,151 42,747 15
27 Christmas_cookies Shadow Bank 126,960 27,092 15
28 Frosty EvenBigger 123,120 37,558 14
29 Ayo Fickerss 98,379 103,892 40
30 Moronic Camaar 95,247 48,580 23
31 MERRY_BOECKXSTAENS Partaxian 41,440 7,403 4