Duration | 3 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 625 |
Players | 31 / 45 |
Open Spots | 14 / 45 Join |
Start Date | Wednesday, February 2, 2022 |
3 years ago | |
End Date | Monday, February 28, 2022 |
3 years ago | |
Size | 80x80 |
System Count | 430 |
Planet Count | 2150 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #7752: This is the way. [67,16] | 8,942,414 | 634 | 4,536,894 |
2 | #7746: Name that Gadget [44,28] | 8,137,533 | 262 | 31,299,060 |
3 | #7751: Get Rated [62,52] | 5,277,684 | 478 | 2,909,472 |
4 | #7753: flipmode, all alone [22,51] | 4,451,646 | 184 | 1,626,760 |
5 | #7750: ~Arrogance Of Semper Fidelis~ [23,11] | 2,781,884 | 128 | 1,147,680 |
6 | #7747: Read between the lines [1,74] | 2,340,898 | 111 | 1,646,611 |
7 | #7748: Pasta [4,35] | 2,290,333 | 135 | 1,170,829 |
8 | #7754: Sitting ducks [61,74] | 1,576,409 | 87 | 7,679,330 |
9 | #7749: Monkeying Around [40,67] | 1,545,673 | 109 | 949,920 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #7752: This is the way. [67,16] | 634 | 8,942,414 | 4,536,894 |
2 | #7751: Get Rated [62,52] | 478 | 5,277,684 | 2,909,472 |
3 | #7746: Name that Gadget [44,28] | 262 | 8,137,533 | 31,299,060 |
4 | #7753: flipmode, all alone [22,51] | 184 | 4,451,646 | 1,626,760 |
5 | #7748: Pasta [4,35] | 135 | 2,290,333 | 1,170,829 |
6 | #7750: ~Arrogance Of Semper Fidelis~ [23,11] | 128 | 2,781,884 | 1,147,680 |
7 | #7747: Read between the lines [1,74] | 111 | 2,340,898 | 1,646,611 |
8 | #7749: Monkeying Around [40,67] | 109 | 1,545,673 | 949,920 |
9 | #7754: Sitting ducks [61,74] | 87 | 1,576,409 | 7,679,330 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #7746: Name that Gadget [44,28] | 31,299,060 | 8,137,533 | 262 |
2 | #7754: Sitting ducks [61,74] | 7,679,330 | 1,576,409 | 87 |
3 | #7752: This is the way. [67,16] | 4,536,894 | 8,942,414 | 634 |
4 | #7751: Get Rated [62,52] | 2,909,472 | 5,277,684 | 478 |
5 | #7747: Read between the lines [1,74] | 1,646,611 | 2,340,898 | 111 |
6 | #7753: flipmode, all alone [22,51] | 1,626,760 | 4,451,646 | 184 |
7 | #7748: Pasta [4,35] | 1,170,829 | 2,290,333 | 135 |
8 | #7750: ~Arrogance Of Semper Fidelis~ [23,11] | 1,147,680 | 2,781,884 | 128 |
9 | #7749: Monkeying Around [40,67] | 949,920 | 1,545,673 | 109 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Iamlegend | Camaar | 4,424,799 | 46 | 275,167 |
2 | Marshall | Partaxian | 4,372,535 | 180 | 1,587,240 |
3 | Yoda | Camaar | 3,197,652 | 71 | 465,193 |
4 | Explorers | NoThanks | 2,289,083 | 134 | 1,160,829 |
5 | RatedRotten | Rawten | 2,153,561 | 258 | 1,713,658 |
6 | RatedE | Camaar | 1,918,286 | 115 | 410,744 |
7 | Spawn | Black Rose | 1,819,165 | 59 | 521,200 |
8 | Chewbacca | Big fella1 | 1,703,418 | 52 | 417,326 |
9 | Han_Solo | Partaxian | 1,570,683 | 145 | 806,429 |
10 | Thingamajig | Partaxian | 1,457,382 | 29 | 27,385,527 |
11 | Mando | Revalons | 1,366,383 | 199 | 1,482,430 |
12 | RatedM | Rateyou | 1,202,366 | 104 | 775,070 |
13 | Jabba | of Nal Hutta | 1,104,278 | 167 | 1,365,516 |
14 | Fudg3 | Partaxian | 962,719 | 69 | 626,480 |
15 | Whatchamacallit | Whatchamacallits | 892,501 | 71 | 621,418 |
16 | Snail | Partaxian | 864,015 | 22 | 7,112,330 |
17 | Index | Didgit | 759,557 | 38 | 1,035,700 |
18 | Sextans | ReZZinLiKeIt'sHOt | 749,948 | 90 | 727,188 |
19 | Macaque | Tree swing | 699,150 | 34 | 293,680 |
20 | Middle | Camaar | 638,450 | 18 | 139,520 |
21 | Poppins | Partaxian | 612,903 | 26 | 2,289,760 |
22 | Baboon | Revalons | 603,079 | 40 | 350,000 |
23 | Pinky | Camaar | 566,502 | 33 | 277,911 |
24 | Sejani | Revalons | 419,627 | 39 | 351,880 |
25 | Ring | Partaxian | 376,389 | 22 | 193,480 |
26 | Masskilling | Nerd | 292,767 | 26 | 215,120 |
27 | Marmoset | Arctic | 159,205 | 9 | 63,720 |
28 | Monkey | Revalons | 84,239 | 26 | 242,520 |
29 | Chase | Camaar | 79,111 | 4 | 39,520 |
30 | Myth | Partaxian | 3,471 | 1 | 10,000 |
31 | Fortnite32 | Partaxian | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | RatedRotten | Rawten | 258 | 2,153,561 | 1,713,658 |
2 | Mando | Revalons | 199 | 1,366,383 | 1,482,430 |
3 | Marshall | Partaxian | 180 | 4,372,535 | 1,587,240 |
4 | Jabba | of Nal Hutta | 167 | 1,104,278 | 1,365,516 |
5 | Han_Solo | Partaxian | 145 | 1,570,683 | 806,429 |
6 | Explorers | NoThanks | 134 | 2,289,083 | 1,160,829 |
7 | RatedE | Camaar | 115 | 1,918,286 | 410,744 |
8 | RatedM | Rateyou | 104 | 1,202,366 | 775,070 |
9 | Sextans | ReZZinLiKeIt'sHOt | 90 | 749,948 | 727,188 |
10 | Yoda | Camaar | 71 | 3,197,652 | 465,193 |
11 | Whatchamacallit | Whatchamacallits | 71 | 892,501 | 621,418 |
12 | Fudg3 | Partaxian | 69 | 962,719 | 626,480 |
13 | Spawn | Black Rose | 59 | 1,819,165 | 521,200 |
14 | Chewbacca | Big fella1 | 52 | 1,703,418 | 417,326 |
15 | Iamlegend | Camaar | 46 | 4,424,799 | 275,167 |
16 | Baboon | Revalons | 40 | 603,079 | 350,000 |
17 | Sejani | Revalons | 39 | 419,627 | 351,880 |
18 | Index | Didgit | 38 | 759,557 | 1,035,700 |
19 | Macaque | Tree swing | 34 | 699,150 | 293,680 |
20 | Pinky | Camaar | 33 | 566,502 | 277,911 |
21 | Thingamajig | Partaxian | 29 | 1,457,382 | 27,385,527 |
22 | Poppins | Partaxian | 26 | 612,903 | 2,289,760 |
23 | Masskilling | Nerd | 26 | 292,767 | 215,120 |
24 | Monkey | Revalons | 26 | 84,239 | 242,520 |
25 | Snail | Partaxian | 22 | 864,015 | 7,112,330 |
26 | Ring | Partaxian | 22 | 376,389 | 193,480 |
27 | Middle | Camaar | 18 | 638,450 | 139,520 |
28 | Marmoset | Arctic | 9 | 159,205 | 63,720 |
29 | Chase | Camaar | 4 | 79,111 | 39,520 |
30 | Myth | Partaxian | 1 | 3,471 | 10,000 |
31 | Fortnite32 | Partaxian | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Thingamajig | Partaxian | 27,385,527 | 1,457,382 | 29 |
2 | Snail | Partaxian | 7,112,330 | 864,015 | 22 |
3 | Poppins | Partaxian | 2,289,760 | 612,903 | 26 |
4 | RatedRotten | Rawten | 1,713,658 | 2,153,561 | 258 |
5 | Marshall | Partaxian | 1,587,240 | 4,372,535 | 180 |
6 | Mando | Revalons | 1,482,430 | 1,366,383 | 199 |
7 | Jabba | of Nal Hutta | 1,365,516 | 1,104,278 | 167 |
8 | Explorers | NoThanks | 1,160,829 | 2,289,083 | 134 |
9 | Index | Didgit | 1,035,700 | 759,557 | 38 |
10 | Han_Solo | Partaxian | 806,429 | 1,570,683 | 145 |
11 | RatedM | Rateyou | 775,070 | 1,202,366 | 104 |
12 | Sextans | ReZZinLiKeIt'sHOt | 727,188 | 749,948 | 90 |
13 | Fudg3 | Partaxian | 626,480 | 962,719 | 69 |
14 | Whatchamacallit | Whatchamacallits | 621,418 | 892,501 | 71 |
15 | Spawn | Black Rose | 521,200 | 1,819,165 | 59 |
16 | Yoda | Camaar | 465,193 | 3,197,652 | 71 |
17 | Chewbacca | Big fella1 | 417,326 | 1,703,418 | 52 |
18 | RatedE | Camaar | 410,744 | 1,918,286 | 115 |
19 | Sejani | Revalons | 351,880 | 419,627 | 39 |
20 | Baboon | Revalons | 350,000 | 603,079 | 40 |
21 | Macaque | Tree swing | 293,680 | 699,150 | 34 |
22 | Pinky | Camaar | 277,911 | 566,502 | 33 |
23 | Iamlegend | Camaar | 275,167 | 4,424,799 | 46 |
24 | Monkey | Revalons | 242,520 | 84,239 | 26 |
25 | Masskilling | Nerd | 215,120 | 292,767 | 26 |
26 | Ring | Partaxian | 193,480 | 376,389 | 22 |
27 | Middle | Camaar | 139,520 | 638,450 | 18 |
28 | Marmoset | Arctic | 63,720 | 159,205 | 9 |
29 | Chase | Camaar | 39,520 | 79,111 | 4 |
30 | Myth | Partaxian | 10,000 | 3,471 | 1 |
31 | Fortnite32 | Partaxian | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |