All Galaxies > Andromeda > Andromeda 54

60 minute ticks
Duration 3 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 625
Players 31 / 45
Open Spots 14 / 45 Join
Start Date Wednesday, February 2, 2022
3 years ago
End Date Monday, February 28, 2022
3 years ago
Size 80x80
System Count 430
Planet Count 2150

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Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #7752: This is the way. [67,16] 8,942,414 634 4,536,894
2 #7746: Name that Gadget [44,28] 8,137,533 262 31,299,060
3 #7751: Get Rated [62,52] 5,277,684 478 2,909,472
4 #7753: flipmode, all alone [22,51] 4,451,646 184 1,626,760
5 #7750: ~Arrogance Of Semper Fidelis~ [23,11] 2,781,884 128 1,147,680
6 #7747: Read between the lines [1,74] 2,340,898 111 1,646,611
7 #7748: Pasta [4,35] 2,290,333 135 1,170,829
8 #7754: Sitting ducks [61,74] 1,576,409 87 7,679,330
9 #7749: Monkeying Around [40,67] 1,545,673 109 949,920
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #7752: This is the way. [67,16] 634 8,942,414 4,536,894
2 #7751: Get Rated [62,52] 478 5,277,684 2,909,472
3 #7746: Name that Gadget [44,28] 262 8,137,533 31,299,060
4 #7753: flipmode, all alone [22,51] 184 4,451,646 1,626,760
5 #7748: Pasta [4,35] 135 2,290,333 1,170,829
6 #7750: ~Arrogance Of Semper Fidelis~ [23,11] 128 2,781,884 1,147,680
7 #7747: Read between the lines [1,74] 111 2,340,898 1,646,611
8 #7749: Monkeying Around [40,67] 109 1,545,673 949,920
9 #7754: Sitting ducks [61,74] 87 1,576,409 7,679,330
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #7746: Name that Gadget [44,28] 31,299,060 8,137,533 262
2 #7754: Sitting ducks [61,74] 7,679,330 1,576,409 87
3 #7752: This is the way. [67,16] 4,536,894 8,942,414 634
4 #7751: Get Rated [62,52] 2,909,472 5,277,684 478
5 #7747: Read between the lines [1,74] 1,646,611 2,340,898 111
6 #7753: flipmode, all alone [22,51] 1,626,760 4,451,646 184
7 #7748: Pasta [4,35] 1,170,829 2,290,333 135
8 #7750: ~Arrogance Of Semper Fidelis~ [23,11] 1,147,680 2,781,884 128
9 #7749: Monkeying Around [40,67] 949,920 1,545,673 109
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 Iamlegend Camaar 4,424,799 46 275,167
2 Marshall Partaxian 4,372,535 180 1,587,240
3 Yoda Camaar 3,197,652 71 465,193
4 Explorers NoThanks 2,289,083 134 1,160,829
5 RatedRotten Rawten 2,153,561 258 1,713,658
6 RatedE Camaar 1,918,286 115 410,744
7 Spawn Black Rose 1,819,165 59 521,200
8 Chewbacca Big fella1 1,703,418 52 417,326
9 Han_Solo Partaxian 1,570,683 145 806,429
10 Thingamajig Partaxian 1,457,382 29 27,385,527
11 Mando Revalons 1,366,383 199 1,482,430
12 RatedM Rateyou 1,202,366 104 775,070
13 Jabba of Nal Hutta 1,104,278 167 1,365,516
14 Fudg3 Partaxian 962,719 69 626,480
15 Whatchamacallit Whatchamacallits 892,501 71 621,418
16 Snail Partaxian 864,015 22 7,112,330
17 Index Didgit 759,557 38 1,035,700
18 Sextans ReZZinLiKeIt'sHOt 749,948 90 727,188
19 Macaque Tree swing 699,150 34 293,680
20 Middle Camaar 638,450 18 139,520
21 Poppins Partaxian 612,903 26 2,289,760
22 Baboon Revalons 603,079 40 350,000
23 Pinky Camaar 566,502 33 277,911
24 Sejani Revalons 419,627 39 351,880
25 Ring Partaxian 376,389 22 193,480
26 Masskilling Nerd 292,767 26 215,120
27 Marmoset Arctic 159,205 9 63,720
28 Monkey Revalons 84,239 26 242,520
29 Chase Camaar 79,111 4 39,520
30 Myth Partaxian 3,471 1 10,000
31 Fortnite32 Partaxian 1,250 1 10,000
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 RatedRotten Rawten 258 2,153,561 1,713,658
2 Mando Revalons 199 1,366,383 1,482,430
3 Marshall Partaxian 180 4,372,535 1,587,240
4 Jabba of Nal Hutta 167 1,104,278 1,365,516
5 Han_Solo Partaxian 145 1,570,683 806,429
6 Explorers NoThanks 134 2,289,083 1,160,829
7 RatedE Camaar 115 1,918,286 410,744
8 RatedM Rateyou 104 1,202,366 775,070
9 Sextans ReZZinLiKeIt'sHOt 90 749,948 727,188
10 Yoda Camaar 71 3,197,652 465,193
11 Whatchamacallit Whatchamacallits 71 892,501 621,418
12 Fudg3 Partaxian 69 962,719 626,480
13 Spawn Black Rose 59 1,819,165 521,200
14 Chewbacca Big fella1 52 1,703,418 417,326
15 Iamlegend Camaar 46 4,424,799 275,167
16 Baboon Revalons 40 603,079 350,000
17 Sejani Revalons 39 419,627 351,880
18 Index Didgit 38 759,557 1,035,700
19 Macaque Tree swing 34 699,150 293,680
20 Pinky Camaar 33 566,502 277,911
21 Thingamajig Partaxian 29 1,457,382 27,385,527
22 Poppins Partaxian 26 612,903 2,289,760
23 Masskilling Nerd 26 292,767 215,120
24 Monkey Revalons 26 84,239 242,520
25 Snail Partaxian 22 864,015 7,112,330
26 Ring Partaxian 22 376,389 193,480
27 Middle Camaar 18 638,450 139,520
28 Marmoset Arctic 9 159,205 63,720
29 Chase Camaar 4 79,111 39,520
30 Myth Partaxian 1 3,471 10,000
31 Fortnite32 Partaxian 1 1,250 10,000
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Thingamajig Partaxian 27,385,527 1,457,382 29
2 Snail Partaxian 7,112,330 864,015 22
3 Poppins Partaxian 2,289,760 612,903 26
4 RatedRotten Rawten 1,713,658 2,153,561 258
5 Marshall Partaxian 1,587,240 4,372,535 180
6 Mando Revalons 1,482,430 1,366,383 199
7 Jabba of Nal Hutta 1,365,516 1,104,278 167
8 Explorers NoThanks 1,160,829 2,289,083 134
9 Index Didgit 1,035,700 759,557 38
10 Han_Solo Partaxian 806,429 1,570,683 145
11 RatedM Rateyou 775,070 1,202,366 104
12 Sextans ReZZinLiKeIt'sHOt 727,188 749,948 90
13 Fudg3 Partaxian 626,480 962,719 69
14 Whatchamacallit Whatchamacallits 621,418 892,501 71
15 Spawn Black Rose 521,200 1,819,165 59
16 Yoda Camaar 465,193 3,197,652 71
17 Chewbacca Big fella1 417,326 1,703,418 52
18 RatedE Camaar 410,744 1,918,286 115
19 Sejani Revalons 351,880 419,627 39
20 Baboon Revalons 350,000 603,079 40
21 Macaque Tree swing 293,680 699,150 34
22 Pinky Camaar 277,911 566,502 33
23 Iamlegend Camaar 275,167 4,424,799 46
24 Monkey Revalons 242,520 84,239 26
25 Masskilling Nerd 215,120 292,767 26
26 Ring Partaxian 193,480 376,389 22
27 Middle Camaar 139,520 638,450 18
28 Marmoset Arctic 63,720 159,205 9
29 Chase Camaar 39,520 79,111 4
30 Myth Partaxian 10,000 3,471 1
31 Fortnite32 Partaxian 10,000 1,250 1