Duration | 3 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 625 |
Players | 28 / 32 |
Open Spots | 4 / 32 Join |
Start Date | Wednesday, June 2, 2021 |
3 years ago | |
End Date | Monday, June 28, 2021 |
3 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 528 |
Planet Count | 3168 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | 1622815200 |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #7636: King, Cells, MTG, Gimmix [14,85] | 11,374,662 | 571 | 5,445,647 |
2 | #7639: Jets,OZ,Zenny,Macca [65,85] | 9,781,511 | 345 | 2,359,586 |
3 | #7634: Evil galactic Empire [13,16] | 8,202,639 | 473 | 4,304,249 |
4 | #7632: Funeral, HFO, TDKrz, soul [89,65] | 6,156,190 | 389 | 3,330,990 |
5 | #7635: Noobs of IC [41,66] | 4,774,496 | 373 | 3,076,656 |
6 | #7638: TheGreatApe, Cxris, Demon [64,46] | 4,165,783 | 376 | 3,575,727 |
7 | #7637: No Themes Just Memes [14,48] | 3,905,879 | 248 | 2,505,300 |
8 | #7633: ICECLIQUE: Kaedan, Swagga [63,16] | 3,714,480 | 388 | 3,016,607 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #7636: King, Cells, MTG, Gimmix [14,85] | 571 | 11,374,662 | 5,445,647 |
2 | #7634: Evil galactic Empire [13,16] | 473 | 8,202,639 | 4,304,249 |
3 | #7632: Funeral, HFO, TDKrz, soul [89,65] | 389 | 6,156,190 | 3,330,990 |
4 | #7633: ICECLIQUE: Kaedan, Swagga [63,16] | 388 | 3,714,480 | 3,016,607 |
5 | #7638: TheGreatApe, Cxris, Demon [64,46] | 376 | 4,165,783 | 3,575,727 |
6 | #7635: Noobs of IC [41,66] | 373 | 4,774,496 | 3,076,656 |
7 | #7639: Jets,OZ,Zenny,Macca [65,85] | 345 | 9,781,511 | 2,359,586 |
8 | #7637: No Themes Just Memes [14,48] | 248 | 3,905,879 | 2,505,300 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #7636: King, Cells, MTG, Gimmix [14,85] | 5,445,647 | 11,374,662 | 571 |
2 | #7634: Evil galactic Empire [13,16] | 4,304,249 | 8,202,639 | 473 |
3 | #7638: TheGreatApe, Cxris, Demon [64,46] | 3,575,727 | 4,165,783 | 376 |
4 | #7632: Funeral, HFO, TDKrz, soul [89,65] | 3,330,990 | 6,156,190 | 389 |
5 | #7635: Noobs of IC [41,66] | 3,076,656 | 4,774,496 | 373 |
6 | #7633: ICECLIQUE: Kaedan, Swagga [63,16] | 3,016,607 | 3,714,480 | 388 |
7 | #7637: No Themes Just Memes [14,48] | 2,505,300 | 3,905,879 | 248 |
8 | #7639: Jets,OZ,Zenny,Macca [65,85] | 2,359,586 | 9,781,511 | 345 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | SputnikV | Vector | 6,890,534 | 98 | 706,451 |
2 | BrianMay | Camaar | 5,330,678 | 62 | 458,314 |
3 | Palpatine | Darth_Sidious | 2,957,282 | 106 | 895,597 |
4 | Smoke | Camaar | 2,432,729 | 39 | 347,742 |
5 | NotOrbit | Camaar | 2,375,893 | 41 | 346,880 |
6 | SwaggaPimpOG | (((@)))DR34DNOUGH7 | 2,159,713 | 159 | 1,206,986 |
7 | Darth_Tyranus | Partaxian | 2,132,810 | 182 | 1,714,912 |
8 | Grimey_Apes | Wardancers | 2,065,144 | 160 | 1,361,019 |
9 | Vigil | Quantam | 2,025,651 | 129 | 1,122,640 |
10 | Darth_Maul | Quantam | 2,013,004 | 143 | 1,354,460 |
11 | Moderna | Revalons | 2,012,653 | 230 | 2,875,215 |
12 | Noobfails | BOBS BOB | 1,758,625 | 106 | 924,200 |
13 | freddy | Quantam | 1,662,102 | 84 | 731,160 |
14 | Sunshine | Partaxian | 1,554,767 | 229 | 1,809,621 |
15 | Ruhoh | Partaxian | 1,484,609 | 128 | 1,109,520 |
16 | John | Revalons | 1,467,991 | 107 | 553,972 |
17 | QuickFlash | LetUsEditRaces | 1,438,844 | 131 | 1,080,040 |
18 | Demon_Apes | Kick You When You Do | 1,438,306 | 120 | 1,421,349 |
19 | Pfizer | Partaxian | 1,361,528 | 137 | 1,063,153 |
20 | Roger | Revalons | 1,320,740 | 92 | 616,140 |
21 | Dawgs | Pleasepleaseplease | 1,274,922 | 128 | 973,816 |
22 | Johnson | Johnson&Johnson | 1,109,947 | 106 | 800,828 |
23 | Darth_Vader | Camaar | 1,099,543 | 42 | 339,280 |
24 | ash | Shvedovian | 800,008 | 91 | 793,688 |
25 | Cxris | Partaxian | 758,515 | 96 | 849,360 |
26 | Great_Apes | Shottas | 662,333 | 96 | 793,359 |
27 | Ordos | pleaseletthisrounden | 365,166 | 108 | 906,600 |
28 | Destruction | fuzzy-tigers | 121,603 | 13 | 458,460 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Moderna | Revalons | 230 | 2,012,653 | 2,875,215 |
2 | Sunshine | Partaxian | 229 | 1,554,767 | 1,809,621 |
3 | Darth_Tyranus | Partaxian | 182 | 2,132,810 | 1,714,912 |
4 | Grimey_Apes | Wardancers | 160 | 2,065,144 | 1,361,019 |
5 | SwaggaPimpOG | (((@)))DR34DNOUGH7 | 159 | 2,159,713 | 1,206,986 |
6 | Darth_Maul | Quantam | 143 | 2,013,004 | 1,354,460 |
7 | Pfizer | Partaxian | 137 | 1,361,528 | 1,063,153 |
8 | QuickFlash | LetUsEditRaces | 131 | 1,438,844 | 1,080,040 |
9 | Vigil | Quantam | 129 | 2,025,651 | 1,122,640 |
10 | Ruhoh | Partaxian | 128 | 1,484,609 | 1,109,520 |
11 | Dawgs | Pleasepleaseplease | 128 | 1,274,922 | 973,816 |
12 | Demon_Apes | Kick You When You Do | 120 | 1,438,306 | 1,421,349 |
13 | Ordos | pleaseletthisrounden | 108 | 365,166 | 906,600 |
14 | John | Revalons | 107 | 1,467,991 | 553,972 |
15 | Palpatine | Darth_Sidious | 106 | 2,957,282 | 895,597 |
16 | Noobfails | BOBS BOB | 106 | 1,758,625 | 924,200 |
17 | Johnson | Johnson&Johnson | 106 | 1,109,947 | 800,828 |
18 | SputnikV | Vector | 98 | 6,890,534 | 706,451 |
19 | Cxris | Partaxian | 96 | 758,515 | 849,360 |
20 | Great_Apes | Shottas | 96 | 662,333 | 793,359 |
21 | Roger | Revalons | 92 | 1,320,740 | 616,140 |
22 | ash | Shvedovian | 91 | 800,008 | 793,688 |
23 | freddy | Quantam | 84 | 1,662,102 | 731,160 |
24 | BrianMay | Camaar | 62 | 5,330,678 | 458,314 |
25 | Darth_Vader | Camaar | 42 | 1,099,543 | 339,280 |
26 | NotOrbit | Camaar | 41 | 2,375,893 | 346,880 |
27 | Smoke | Camaar | 39 | 2,432,729 | 347,742 |
28 | Destruction | fuzzy-tigers | 13 | 121,603 | 458,460 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | Moderna | Revalons | 2,875,215 | 2,012,653 | 230 |
2 | Sunshine | Partaxian | 1,809,621 | 1,554,767 | 229 |
3 | Darth_Tyranus | Partaxian | 1,714,912 | 2,132,810 | 182 |
4 | Demon_Apes | Kick You When You Do | 1,421,349 | 1,438,306 | 120 |
5 | Grimey_Apes | Wardancers | 1,361,019 | 2,065,144 | 160 |
6 | Darth_Maul | Quantam | 1,354,460 | 2,013,004 | 143 |
7 | SwaggaPimpOG | (((@)))DR34DNOUGH7 | 1,206,986 | 2,159,713 | 159 |
8 | Vigil | Quantam | 1,122,640 | 2,025,651 | 129 |
9 | Ruhoh | Partaxian | 1,109,520 | 1,484,609 | 128 |
10 | QuickFlash | LetUsEditRaces | 1,080,040 | 1,438,844 | 131 |
11 | Pfizer | Partaxian | 1,063,153 | 1,361,528 | 137 |
12 | Dawgs | Pleasepleaseplease | 973,816 | 1,274,922 | 128 |
13 | Noobfails | BOBS BOB | 924,200 | 1,758,625 | 106 |
14 | Ordos | pleaseletthisrounden | 906,600 | 365,166 | 108 |
15 | Palpatine | Darth_Sidious | 895,597 | 2,957,282 | 106 |
16 | Cxris | Partaxian | 849,360 | 758,515 | 96 |
17 | Johnson | Johnson&Johnson | 800,828 | 1,109,947 | 106 |
18 | ash | Shvedovian | 793,688 | 800,008 | 91 |
19 | Great_Apes | Shottas | 793,359 | 662,333 | 96 |
20 | freddy | Quantam | 731,160 | 1,662,102 | 84 |
21 | SputnikV | Vector | 706,451 | 6,890,534 | 98 |
22 | Roger | Revalons | 616,140 | 1,320,740 | 92 |
23 | John | Revalons | 553,972 | 1,467,991 | 107 |
24 | Destruction | fuzzy-tigers | 458,460 | 121,603 | 13 |
25 | BrianMay | Camaar | 458,314 | 5,330,678 | 62 |
26 | Smoke | Camaar | 347,742 | 2,432,729 | 39 |
27 | NotOrbit | Camaar | 346,880 | 2,375,893 | 41 |
28 | Darth_Vader | Camaar | 339,280 | 1,099,543 | 42 |