All Galaxies > Andromeda > Andromeda 47

60 minute ticks
Duration 3 Weeks
Tick Interval Every 60 minutes
Current Tick 625
Players 28 / 32
Open Spots 4 / 32 Join
Start Date Wednesday, June 2, 2021
3 years ago
End Date Monday, June 28, 2021
3 years ago
Size 100x100
System Count 528
Planet Count 3168

Other Settings

Setting Value
Map Size
Starting Family Distribution
Max Defense Stations
Family Aid
Anonymous Play
Unofficial Alliances
Offensive Actions Delay
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled)
Science Funding Delay 1622815200
Starting Resources Multiplier


Rank Family Networth Planets Population
1 #7636: King, Cells, MTG, Gimmix [14,85] 11,374,662 571 5,445,647
2 #7639: Jets,OZ,Zenny,Macca [65,85] 9,781,511 345 2,359,586
3 #7634: Evil galactic Empire [13,16] 8,202,639 473 4,304,249
4 #7632: Funeral, HFO, TDKrz, soul [89,65] 6,156,190 389 3,330,990
5 #7635: Noobs of IC [41,66] 4,774,496 373 3,076,656
6 #7638: TheGreatApe, Cxris, Demon [64,46] 4,165,783 376 3,575,727
7 #7637: No Themes Just Memes [14,48] 3,905,879 248 2,505,300
8 #7633: ICECLIQUE: Kaedan, Swagga [63,16] 3,714,480 388 3,016,607
Rank Family Planets Networth Population
1 #7636: King, Cells, MTG, Gimmix [14,85] 571 11,374,662 5,445,647
2 #7634: Evil galactic Empire [13,16] 473 8,202,639 4,304,249
3 #7632: Funeral, HFO, TDKrz, soul [89,65] 389 6,156,190 3,330,990
4 #7633: ICECLIQUE: Kaedan, Swagga [63,16] 388 3,714,480 3,016,607
5 #7638: TheGreatApe, Cxris, Demon [64,46] 376 4,165,783 3,575,727
6 #7635: Noobs of IC [41,66] 373 4,774,496 3,076,656
7 #7639: Jets,OZ,Zenny,Macca [65,85] 345 9,781,511 2,359,586
8 #7637: No Themes Just Memes [14,48] 248 3,905,879 2,505,300
Rank Family Population Networth Size
1 #7636: King, Cells, MTG, Gimmix [14,85] 5,445,647 11,374,662 571
2 #7634: Evil galactic Empire [13,16] 4,304,249 8,202,639 473
3 #7638: TheGreatApe, Cxris, Demon [64,46] 3,575,727 4,165,783 376
4 #7632: Funeral, HFO, TDKrz, soul [89,65] 3,330,990 6,156,190 389
5 #7635: Noobs of IC [41,66] 3,076,656 4,774,496 373
6 #7633: ICECLIQUE: Kaedan, Swagga [63,16] 3,016,607 3,714,480 388
7 #7637: No Themes Just Memes [14,48] 2,505,300 3,905,879 248
8 #7639: Jets,OZ,Zenny,Macca [65,85] 2,359,586 9,781,511 345
Rank Empire Race Networth Planets Population
1 SputnikV Vector 6,890,534 98 706,451
2 BrianMay Camaar 5,330,678 62 458,314
3 Palpatine Darth_Sidious 2,957,282 106 895,597
4 Smoke Camaar 2,432,729 39 347,742
5 NotOrbit Camaar 2,375,893 41 346,880
6 SwaggaPimpOG (((@)))DR34DNOUGH7 2,159,713 159 1,206,986
7 Darth_Tyranus Partaxian 2,132,810 182 1,714,912
8 Grimey_Apes Wardancers 2,065,144 160 1,361,019
9 Vigil Quantam 2,025,651 129 1,122,640
10 Darth_Maul Quantam 2,013,004 143 1,354,460
11 Moderna Revalons 2,012,653 230 2,875,215
12 Noobfails BOBS BOB 1,758,625 106 924,200
13 freddy Quantam 1,662,102 84 731,160
14 Sunshine Partaxian 1,554,767 229 1,809,621
15 Ruhoh Partaxian 1,484,609 128 1,109,520
16 John Revalons 1,467,991 107 553,972
17 QuickFlash LetUsEditRaces 1,438,844 131 1,080,040
18 Demon_Apes Kick You When You Do 1,438,306 120 1,421,349
19 Pfizer Partaxian 1,361,528 137 1,063,153
20 Roger Revalons 1,320,740 92 616,140
21 Dawgs Pleasepleaseplease 1,274,922 128 973,816
22 Johnson Johnson&Johnson 1,109,947 106 800,828
23 Darth_Vader Camaar 1,099,543 42 339,280
24 ash Shvedovian 800,008 91 793,688
25 Cxris Partaxian 758,515 96 849,360
26 Great_Apes Shottas 662,333 96 793,359
27 Ordos pleaseletthisrounden 365,166 108 906,600
28 Destruction fuzzy-tigers 121,603 13 458,460
Rank Empire Race Planets Networth Population
1 Moderna Revalons 230 2,012,653 2,875,215
2 Sunshine Partaxian 229 1,554,767 1,809,621
3 Darth_Tyranus Partaxian 182 2,132,810 1,714,912
4 Grimey_Apes Wardancers 160 2,065,144 1,361,019
5 SwaggaPimpOG (((@)))DR34DNOUGH7 159 2,159,713 1,206,986
6 Darth_Maul Quantam 143 2,013,004 1,354,460
7 Pfizer Partaxian 137 1,361,528 1,063,153
8 QuickFlash LetUsEditRaces 131 1,438,844 1,080,040
9 Vigil Quantam 129 2,025,651 1,122,640
10 Ruhoh Partaxian 128 1,484,609 1,109,520
11 Dawgs Pleasepleaseplease 128 1,274,922 973,816
12 Demon_Apes Kick You When You Do 120 1,438,306 1,421,349
13 Ordos pleaseletthisrounden 108 365,166 906,600
14 John Revalons 107 1,467,991 553,972
15 Palpatine Darth_Sidious 106 2,957,282 895,597
16 Noobfails BOBS BOB 106 1,758,625 924,200
17 Johnson Johnson&Johnson 106 1,109,947 800,828
18 SputnikV Vector 98 6,890,534 706,451
19 Cxris Partaxian 96 758,515 849,360
20 Great_Apes Shottas 96 662,333 793,359
21 Roger Revalons 92 1,320,740 616,140
22 ash Shvedovian 91 800,008 793,688
23 freddy Quantam 84 1,662,102 731,160
24 BrianMay Camaar 62 5,330,678 458,314
25 Darth_Vader Camaar 42 1,099,543 339,280
26 NotOrbit Camaar 41 2,375,893 346,880
27 Smoke Camaar 39 2,432,729 347,742
28 Destruction fuzzy-tigers 13 121,603 458,460
Rank Empire Race Population Networth Planets
1 Moderna Revalons 2,875,215 2,012,653 230
2 Sunshine Partaxian 1,809,621 1,554,767 229
3 Darth_Tyranus Partaxian 1,714,912 2,132,810 182
4 Demon_Apes Kick You When You Do 1,421,349 1,438,306 120
5 Grimey_Apes Wardancers 1,361,019 2,065,144 160
6 Darth_Maul Quantam 1,354,460 2,013,004 143
7 SwaggaPimpOG (((@)))DR34DNOUGH7 1,206,986 2,159,713 159
8 Vigil Quantam 1,122,640 2,025,651 129
9 Ruhoh Partaxian 1,109,520 1,484,609 128
10 QuickFlash LetUsEditRaces 1,080,040 1,438,844 131
11 Pfizer Partaxian 1,063,153 1,361,528 137
12 Dawgs Pleasepleaseplease 973,816 1,274,922 128
13 Noobfails BOBS BOB 924,200 1,758,625 106
14 Ordos pleaseletthisrounden 906,600 365,166 108
15 Palpatine Darth_Sidious 895,597 2,957,282 106
16 Cxris Partaxian 849,360 758,515 96
17 Johnson Johnson&Johnson 800,828 1,109,947 106
18 ash Shvedovian 793,688 800,008 91
19 Great_Apes Shottas 793,359 662,333 96
20 freddy Quantam 731,160 1,662,102 84
21 SputnikV Vector 706,451 6,890,534 98
22 Roger Revalons 616,140 1,320,740 92
23 John Revalons 553,972 1,467,991 107
24 Destruction fuzzy-tigers 458,460 121,603 13
25 BrianMay Camaar 458,314 5,330,678 62
26 Smoke Camaar 347,742 2,432,729 39
27 NotOrbit Camaar 346,880 2,375,893 41
28 Darth_Vader Camaar 339,280 1,099,543 42