Duration | 3 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 649 |
Players | 36 / 40 |
Open Spots | 4 / 40 Join |
Start Date | Saturday, April 3, 2021 |
3 years ago | |
End Date | Friday, April 30, 2021 |
3 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 513 |
Planet Count | 3088 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | 1617631200 |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #7600: BORG: Hala, flip, Blue, Ordos [64,90] | 16,052,897 | 911 | 6,790,134 |
2 | #7596: sCriv, Jugerz, Rathmar, Drones [93,9] | 8,914,885 | 369 | 3,184,066 |
3 | #7597: Funeral, Quant, Jannos, Helix [36,72] | 7,649,471 | 305 | 2,338,641 |
4 | #7602: Spike Pickle Soul Wardrum Swag [12,44] | 5,894,701 | 347 | 2,933,095 |
5 | #7601: The Night - WFD|Rob|Vic|Fool [70,31] | 4,734,955 | 311 | 3,236,820 |
6 | #7603: School of Rock [19,96] | 4,708,048 | 231 | 2,011,568 |
7 | #7598: Just Ra no square pants [40,23] | 3,515,883 | 143 | 13,616,420 |
8 | #7599: The Anti-life Equation [84,59] | 2,795,556 | 246 | 2,563,593 |
9 | #7604: [54,53] | 2,594,298 | 187 | 1,588,129 |
10 | #7605: TBO,Goddess,Suv,Ret Sorta [6,73] | 304,561 | 33 | 215,072 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #7600: BORG: Hala, flip, Blue, Ordos [64,90] | 911 | 16,052,897 | 6,790,134 |
2 | #7596: sCriv, Jugerz, Rathmar, Drones [93,9] | 369 | 8,914,885 | 3,184,066 |
3 | #7602: Spike Pickle Soul Wardrum Swag [12,44] | 347 | 5,894,701 | 2,933,095 |
4 | #7601: The Night - WFD|Rob|Vic|Fool [70,31] | 311 | 4,734,955 | 3,236,820 |
5 | #7597: Funeral, Quant, Jannos, Helix [36,72] | 305 | 7,649,471 | 2,338,641 |
6 | #7599: The Anti-life Equation [84,59] | 246 | 2,795,556 | 2,563,593 |
7 | #7603: School of Rock [19,96] | 231 | 4,708,048 | 2,011,568 |
8 | #7604: [54,53] | 187 | 2,594,298 | 1,588,129 |
9 | #7598: Just Ra no square pants [40,23] | 143 | 3,515,883 | 13,616,420 |
10 | #7605: TBO,Goddess,Suv,Ret Sorta [6,73] | 33 | 304,561 | 215,072 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #7598: Just Ra no square pants [40,23] | 13,616,420 | 3,515,883 | 143 |
2 | #7600: BORG: Hala, flip, Blue, Ordos [64,90] | 6,790,134 | 16,052,897 | 911 |
3 | #7601: The Night - WFD|Rob|Vic|Fool [70,31] | 3,236,820 | 4,734,955 | 311 |
4 | #7596: sCriv, Jugerz, Rathmar, Drones [93,9] | 3,184,066 | 8,914,885 | 369 |
5 | #7602: Spike Pickle Soul Wardrum Swag [12,44] | 2,933,095 | 5,894,701 | 347 |
6 | #7599: The Anti-life Equation [84,59] | 2,563,593 | 2,795,556 | 246 |
7 | #7597: Funeral, Quant, Jannos, Helix [36,72] | 2,338,641 | 7,649,471 | 305 |
8 | #7603: School of Rock [19,96] | 2,011,568 | 4,708,048 | 231 |
9 | #7604: [54,53] | 1,588,129 | 2,594,298 | 187 |
10 | #7605: TBO,Goddess,Suv,Ret Sorta [6,73] | 215,072 | 304,561 | 33 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Borg_Smorg | Camaar | 8,828,704 | 221 | 926,115 |
2 | Quanflict | Camaar | 5,288,116 | 34 | 272,937 |
3 | Vivaldi | Camaar | 3,066,452 | 31 | 239,093 |
4 | Orochi | Iceberg OG | 2,828,281 | 73 | 566,089 |
5 | Uranus | 1+3=13 | 2,750,647 | 50 | 357,698 |
6 | Borg_Cube | Partaxian | 2,664,312 | 226 | 2,004,080 |
7 | Borg_Noobster | Camaar | 2,588,197 | 259 | 2,029,299 |
8 | BOB | BOBS BOB | 2,505,450 | 99 | 911,600 |
9 | Bach | Revalons | 2,325,333 | 125 | 1,088,720 |
10 | Omnicron | Partaxian | 2,223,898 | 65 | 547,280 |
11 | Debussy | Partaxian | 2,018,352 | 115 | 1,012,200 |
12 | Shugoki | Partaxian | 1,993,947 | 177 | 1,505,395 |
13 | Grimey | Gutters | 1,993,586 | 75 | 665,640 |
14 | Borg_Drone | Revalons | 1,971,684 | 205 | 1,830,640 |
15 | ThePresence | IamThePrescence | 1,951,168 | 145 | 1,671,748 |
16 | Handel | You rang | 1,504,748 | 98 | 844,053 |
17 | Jannons | Revalons | 1,401,123 | 129 | 811,264 |
18 | Dokie | Revalons | 1,217,481 | 88 | 775,000 |
19 | Hillbillies | Wardancers | 1,149,819 | 64 | 567,048 |
20 | Kensei | Revalons | 1,072,473 | 97 | 861,611 |
21 | NoThanks | Wardancers | 1,010,433 | 44 | 12,704,820 |
22 | Wizbit | Partaxian | 1,005,691 | 119 | 1,400,042 |
23 | DiamondHands | Partaxian | 734,153 | 86 | 759,480 |
24 | The_Moon | Revalons | 685,686 | 97 | 1,089,000 |
25 | Dreadus | Species 187 | 521,089 | 76 | 679,085 |
26 | YouCantSeeMe | Emerald City Guard | 341,556 | 52 | 410,009 |
27 | Space_Cabbie | Cloud9 | 303,002 | 20 | 167,160 |
28 | Stars | Camaar | 292,931 | 45 | 390,080 |
29 | Helixion | Genna | 226,079 | 56 | 494,960 |
30 | Blue_Ranger | Partaxian | 221,559 | 23 | 134,312 |
31 | Simpletons | Wardancers | 164,428 | 44 | 380,000 |
32 | Grande | Camaar | 116,850 | 14 | 122,240 |
33 | zsxwqa | dfx | 94,728 | 16 | 132,480 |
34 | Rainbow_Ranger | Quantam | 62,612 | 4 | 35,720 |
35 | Pink_Ranger | ERMAGERD | 20,390 | 6 | 45,040 |
36 | TriedandTested | Camaar | 20,297 | 5 | 45,600 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | Borg_Noobster | Camaar | 259 | 2,588,197 | 2,029,299 |
2 | Borg_Cube | Partaxian | 226 | 2,664,312 | 2,004,080 |
3 | Borg_Smorg | Camaar | 221 | 8,828,704 | 926,115 |
4 | Borg_Drone | Revalons | 205 | 1,971,684 | 1,830,640 |
5 | Shugoki | Partaxian | 177 | 1,993,947 | 1,505,395 |
6 | ThePresence | IamThePrescence | 145 | 1,951,168 | 1,671,748 |
7 | Jannons | Revalons | 129 | 1,401,123 | 811,264 |
8 | Bach | Revalons | 125 | 2,325,333 | 1,088,720 |
9 | Wizbit | Partaxian | 119 | 1,005,691 | 1,400,042 |
10 | Debussy | Partaxian | 115 | 2,018,352 | 1,012,200 |
11 | BOB | BOBS BOB | 99 | 2,505,450 | 911,600 |
12 | Handel | You rang | 98 | 1,504,748 | 844,053 |
13 | Kensei | Revalons | 97 | 1,072,473 | 861,611 |
14 | The_Moon | Revalons | 97 | 685,686 | 1,089,000 |
15 | Dokie | Revalons | 88 | 1,217,481 | 775,000 |
16 | DiamondHands | Partaxian | 86 | 734,153 | 759,480 |
17 | Dreadus | Species 187 | 76 | 521,089 | 679,085 |
18 | Grimey | Gutters | 75 | 1,993,586 | 665,640 |
19 | Orochi | Iceberg OG | 73 | 2,828,281 | 566,089 |
20 | Omnicron | Partaxian | 65 | 2,223,898 | 547,280 |
21 | Hillbillies | Wardancers | 64 | 1,149,819 | 567,048 |
22 | Helixion | Genna | 56 | 226,079 | 494,960 |
23 | YouCantSeeMe | Emerald City Guard | 52 | 341,556 | 410,009 |
24 | Uranus | 1+3=13 | 50 | 2,750,647 | 357,698 |
25 | Stars | Camaar | 45 | 292,931 | 390,080 |
26 | NoThanks | Wardancers | 44 | 1,010,433 | 12,704,820 |
27 | Simpletons | Wardancers | 44 | 164,428 | 380,000 |
28 | Quanflict | Camaar | 34 | 5,288,116 | 272,937 |
29 | Vivaldi | Camaar | 31 | 3,066,452 | 239,093 |
30 | Blue_Ranger | Partaxian | 23 | 221,559 | 134,312 |
31 | Space_Cabbie | Cloud9 | 20 | 303,002 | 167,160 |
32 | zsxwqa | dfx | 16 | 94,728 | 132,480 |
33 | Grande | Camaar | 14 | 116,850 | 122,240 |
34 | Pink_Ranger | ERMAGERD | 6 | 20,390 | 45,040 |
35 | TriedandTested | Camaar | 5 | 20,297 | 45,600 |
36 | Rainbow_Ranger | Quantam | 4 | 62,612 | 35,720 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | NoThanks | Wardancers | 12,704,820 | 1,010,433 | 44 |
2 | Borg_Noobster | Camaar | 2,029,299 | 2,588,197 | 259 |
3 | Borg_Cube | Partaxian | 2,004,080 | 2,664,312 | 226 |
4 | Borg_Drone | Revalons | 1,830,640 | 1,971,684 | 205 |
5 | ThePresence | IamThePrescence | 1,671,748 | 1,951,168 | 145 |
6 | Shugoki | Partaxian | 1,505,395 | 1,993,947 | 177 |
7 | Wizbit | Partaxian | 1,400,042 | 1,005,691 | 119 |
8 | The_Moon | Revalons | 1,089,000 | 685,686 | 97 |
9 | Bach | Revalons | 1,088,720 | 2,325,333 | 125 |
10 | Debussy | Partaxian | 1,012,200 | 2,018,352 | 115 |
11 | Borg_Smorg | Camaar | 926,115 | 8,828,704 | 221 |
12 | BOB | BOBS BOB | 911,600 | 2,505,450 | 99 |
13 | Kensei | Revalons | 861,611 | 1,072,473 | 97 |
14 | Handel | You rang | 844,053 | 1,504,748 | 98 |
15 | Jannons | Revalons | 811,264 | 1,401,123 | 129 |
16 | Dokie | Revalons | 775,000 | 1,217,481 | 88 |
17 | DiamondHands | Partaxian | 759,480 | 734,153 | 86 |
18 | Dreadus | Species 187 | 679,085 | 521,089 | 76 |
19 | Grimey | Gutters | 665,640 | 1,993,586 | 75 |
20 | Hillbillies | Wardancers | 567,048 | 1,149,819 | 64 |
21 | Orochi | Iceberg OG | 566,089 | 2,828,281 | 73 |
22 | Omnicron | Partaxian | 547,280 | 2,223,898 | 65 |
23 | Helixion | Genna | 494,960 | 226,079 | 56 |
24 | YouCantSeeMe | Emerald City Guard | 410,009 | 341,556 | 52 |
25 | Stars | Camaar | 390,080 | 292,931 | 45 |
26 | Simpletons | Wardancers | 380,000 | 164,428 | 44 |
27 | Uranus | 1+3=13 | 357,698 | 2,750,647 | 50 |
28 | Quanflict | Camaar | 272,937 | 5,288,116 | 34 |
29 | Vivaldi | Camaar | 239,093 | 3,066,452 | 31 |
30 | Space_Cabbie | Cloud9 | 167,160 | 303,002 | 20 |
31 | Blue_Ranger | Partaxian | 134,312 | 221,559 | 23 |
32 | zsxwqa | dfx | 132,480 | 94,728 | 16 |
33 | Grande | Camaar | 122,240 | 116,850 | 14 |
34 | TriedandTested | Camaar | 45,600 | 20,297 | 5 |
35 | Pink_Ranger | ERMAGERD | 45,040 | 20,390 | 6 |
36 | Rainbow_Ranger | Quantam | 35,720 | 62,612 | 4 |