Duration | 6 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 1009 |
Players | 37 / 40 |
Open Spots | 3 / 40 Join |
Start Date | Monday, November 23, 2020 |
4 years ago | |
End Date | Monday, January 4, 2021 |
4 years ago | |
Size | 100x100 |
System Count | 521 |
Planet Count | 3142 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #7566: Flip Schnoip AOTE Amin TR [30,63] | 45,020,428 | 943 | 6,983,269 |
2 | #7564: Jets,blue, drones, ordos, soul [64,71] | 22,368,408 | 516 | 2,981,599 |
3 | #7560: Surviving [1,48] | 11,088,165 | 403 | 17,232,703 |
4 | #7561: Dead last [51,42] | 10,424,509 | 226 | 45,859,922 |
5 | #7559: Galactic Parcel Service [81,96] | 8,640,335 | 449 | 10,047,865 |
6 | #7562: Bounty Hunter for sale [31,93] | 4,377,982 | 331 | 15,653,649 |
7 | #7563: Swagga\'s 2021 Shoguns!!! [11,17] | 4,180,245 | 147 | 14,149,063 |
8 | #7565: The Annunaki [80,28] | 1,537,114 | 124 | 14,438,440 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #7566: Flip Schnoip AOTE Amin TR [30,63] | 943 | 45,020,428 | 6,983,269 |
2 | #7564: Jets,blue, drones, ordos, soul [64,71] | 516 | 22,368,408 | 2,981,599 |
3 | #7559: Galactic Parcel Service [81,96] | 449 | 8,640,335 | 10,047,865 |
4 | #7560: Surviving [1,48] | 403 | 11,088,165 | 17,232,703 |
5 | #7562: Bounty Hunter for sale [31,93] | 331 | 4,377,982 | 15,653,649 |
6 | #7561: Dead last [51,42] | 226 | 10,424,509 | 45,859,922 |
7 | #7563: Swagga\'s 2021 Shoguns!!! [11,17] | 147 | 4,180,245 | 14,149,063 |
8 | #7565: The Annunaki [80,28] | 124 | 1,537,114 | 14,438,440 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #7561: Dead last [51,42] | 45,859,922 | 10,424,509 | 226 |
2 | #7560: Surviving [1,48] | 17,232,703 | 11,088,165 | 403 |
3 | #7562: Bounty Hunter for sale [31,93] | 15,653,649 | 4,377,982 | 331 |
4 | #7565: The Annunaki [80,28] | 14,438,440 | 1,537,114 | 124 |
5 | #7563: Swagga\'s 2021 Shoguns!!! [11,17] | 14,149,063 | 4,180,245 | 147 |
6 | #7559: Galactic Parcel Service [81,96] | 10,047,865 | 8,640,335 | 449 |
7 | #7566: Flip Schnoip AOTE Amin TR [30,63] | 6,983,269 | 45,020,428 | 943 |
8 | #7564: Jets,blue, drones, ordos, soul [64,71] | 2,981,599 | 22,368,408 | 516 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Schnoip | ThgiIIexanhcs | 32,939,773 | 78 | 688,200 |
2 | Look_at_me | Family | 16,278,385 | 413 | 2,055,199 |
3 | Leveling | Camaar | 6,237,290 | 18 | 153,240 |
4 | Felix | Partaxian | 5,810,632 | 72 | 641,280 |
5 | DU | Key | 4,825,697 | 150 | 1,259,560 |
6 | AOTE | Partaxian | 3,838,166 | 430 | 2,604,095 |
7 | flipmode | Camaar | 3,095,327 | 9 | 11,793 |
8 | Hell | Revalons | 3,053,202 | 171 | 14,822,950 |
9 | RA | RA's One | 2,883,287 | 216 | 1,734,785 |
10 | Amin | APD | 2,847,639 | 251 | 2,187,840 |
11 | thirdrock | Chaos&Drama | 2,299,523 | 175 | 1,491,341 |
12 | BlueMoon | Partaxian | 2,207,695 | 85 | 43,722,631 |
13 | Thebarrier | noobie attacker | 2,039,221 | 40 | 361,560 |
14 | D3MON | BL4CK ANG3LZ | 1,983,818 | 52 | 426,967 |
15 | BobExion | Revalons | 1,793,700 | 77 | 13,223,577 |
16 | RogueLeader | Partaxian | 1,571,435 | 183 | 9,763,440 |
17 | J | Revalons | 1,555,855 | 4 | 32,960 |
18 | Yoshisters | Born_Dead_Last | 1,502,942 | 87 | 1,657,611 |
19 | rtyuiop | dfx | 1,448,866 | 108 | 14,279,160 |
20 | Blue | Camaar | 1,445,688 | 28 | 257,280 |
21 | Feeble | SareFecht | 1,231,919 | 14 | 135,760 |
22 | Diplomaster | Partaxian | 1,049,259 | 31 | 274,600 |
23 | BlueCat | Wardancers | 997,134 | 69 | 613,240 |
24 | RedArmy | Partaxian | 910,137 | 73 | 770,210 |
25 | Soccer09 | Cajero II | 642,275 | 49 | 411,513 |
26 | HA | Partaxian | 619,194 | 60 | 6,848,480 |
27 | Galacta | Camaar | 584,922 | 42 | 743,720 |
28 | Dredus | Species 187 | 513,623 | 32 | 4,747,799 |
29 | Zenon | Camaar | 476,582 | 36 | 326,440 |
30 | Saugerknaut | Quantam | 402,727 | 18 | 498,519 |
31 | ZA | Camaar | 206,247 | 17 | 153,160 |
32 | MadPeppa | Camaar | 150,868 | 29 | 236,440 |
33 | AE | Camaar | 105,910 | 6 | 51,880 |
34 | Stars | Camaar | 61,670 | 9 | 83,400 |
35 | legy | ressieR | 12,834 | 1 | 10,000 |
36 | Jealous | Testie | 12,494 | 5 | 55,880 |
37 | alha | Wardancers | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | AOTE | Partaxian | 430 | 3,838,166 | 2,604,095 |
2 | Look_at_me | Family | 413 | 16,278,385 | 2,055,199 |
3 | Amin | APD | 251 | 2,847,639 | 2,187,840 |
4 | RA | RA's One | 216 | 2,883,287 | 1,734,785 |
5 | RogueLeader | Partaxian | 183 | 1,571,435 | 9,763,440 |
6 | thirdrock | Chaos&Drama | 175 | 2,299,523 | 1,491,341 |
7 | Hell | Revalons | 171 | 3,053,202 | 14,822,950 |
8 | DU | Key | 150 | 4,825,697 | 1,259,560 |
9 | rtyuiop | dfx | 108 | 1,448,866 | 14,279,160 |
10 | Yoshisters | Born_Dead_Last | 87 | 1,502,942 | 1,657,611 |
11 | BlueMoon | Partaxian | 85 | 2,207,695 | 43,722,631 |
12 | Schnoip | ThgiIIexanhcs | 78 | 32,939,773 | 688,200 |
13 | BobExion | Revalons | 77 | 1,793,700 | 13,223,577 |
14 | RedArmy | Partaxian | 73 | 910,137 | 770,210 |
15 | Felix | Partaxian | 72 | 5,810,632 | 641,280 |
16 | BlueCat | Wardancers | 69 | 997,134 | 613,240 |
17 | HA | Partaxian | 60 | 619,194 | 6,848,480 |
18 | D3MON | BL4CK ANG3LZ | 52 | 1,983,818 | 426,967 |
19 | Soccer09 | Cajero II | 49 | 642,275 | 411,513 |
20 | Galacta | Camaar | 42 | 584,922 | 743,720 |
21 | Thebarrier | noobie attacker | 40 | 2,039,221 | 361,560 |
22 | Zenon | Camaar | 36 | 476,582 | 326,440 |
23 | Dredus | Species 187 | 32 | 513,623 | 4,747,799 |
24 | Diplomaster | Partaxian | 31 | 1,049,259 | 274,600 |
25 | MadPeppa | Camaar | 29 | 150,868 | 236,440 |
26 | Blue | Camaar | 28 | 1,445,688 | 257,280 |
27 | Leveling | Camaar | 18 | 6,237,290 | 153,240 |
28 | Saugerknaut | Quantam | 18 | 402,727 | 498,519 |
29 | ZA | Camaar | 17 | 206,247 | 153,160 |
30 | Feeble | SareFecht | 14 | 1,231,919 | 135,760 |
31 | flipmode | Camaar | 9 | 3,095,327 | 11,793 |
32 | Stars | Camaar | 9 | 61,670 | 83,400 |
33 | AE | Camaar | 6 | 105,910 | 51,880 |
34 | Jealous | Testie | 5 | 12,494 | 55,880 |
35 | J | Revalons | 4 | 1,555,855 | 32,960 |
36 | legy | ressieR | 1 | 12,834 | 10,000 |
37 | alha | Wardancers | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | BlueMoon | Partaxian | 43,722,631 | 2,207,695 | 85 |
2 | Hell | Revalons | 14,822,950 | 3,053,202 | 171 |
3 | rtyuiop | dfx | 14,279,160 | 1,448,866 | 108 |
4 | BobExion | Revalons | 13,223,577 | 1,793,700 | 77 |
5 | RogueLeader | Partaxian | 9,763,440 | 1,571,435 | 183 |
6 | HA | Partaxian | 6,848,480 | 619,194 | 60 |
7 | Dredus | Species 187 | 4,747,799 | 513,623 | 32 |
8 | AOTE | Partaxian | 2,604,095 | 3,838,166 | 430 |
9 | Amin | APD | 2,187,840 | 2,847,639 | 251 |
10 | Look_at_me | Family | 2,055,199 | 16,278,385 | 413 |
11 | RA | RA's One | 1,734,785 | 2,883,287 | 216 |
12 | Yoshisters | Born_Dead_Last | 1,657,611 | 1,502,942 | 87 |
13 | thirdrock | Chaos&Drama | 1,491,341 | 2,299,523 | 175 |
14 | DU | Key | 1,259,560 | 4,825,697 | 150 |
15 | RedArmy | Partaxian | 770,210 | 910,137 | 73 |
16 | Galacta | Camaar | 743,720 | 584,922 | 42 |
17 | Schnoip | ThgiIIexanhcs | 688,200 | 32,939,773 | 78 |
18 | Felix | Partaxian | 641,280 | 5,810,632 | 72 |
19 | BlueCat | Wardancers | 613,240 | 997,134 | 69 |
20 | Saugerknaut | Quantam | 498,519 | 402,727 | 18 |
21 | D3MON | BL4CK ANG3LZ | 426,967 | 1,983,818 | 52 |
22 | Soccer09 | Cajero II | 411,513 | 642,275 | 49 |
23 | Thebarrier | noobie attacker | 361,560 | 2,039,221 | 40 |
24 | Zenon | Camaar | 326,440 | 476,582 | 36 |
25 | Diplomaster | Partaxian | 274,600 | 1,049,259 | 31 |
26 | Blue | Camaar | 257,280 | 1,445,688 | 28 |
27 | MadPeppa | Camaar | 236,440 | 150,868 | 29 |
28 | Leveling | Camaar | 153,240 | 6,237,290 | 18 |
29 | ZA | Camaar | 153,160 | 206,247 | 17 |
30 | Feeble | SareFecht | 135,760 | 1,231,919 | 14 |
31 | Stars | Camaar | 83,400 | 61,670 | 9 |
32 | Jealous | Testie | 55,880 | 12,494 | 5 |
33 | AE | Camaar | 51,880 | 105,910 | 6 |
34 | J | Revalons | 32,960 | 1,555,855 | 4 |
35 | flipmode | Camaar | 11,793 | 3,095,327 | 9 |
36 | legy | ressieR | 10,000 | 12,834 | 1 |
37 | alha | Wardancers | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |