Duration | 4 Weeks |
Tick Interval | Every 60 minutes |
Current Tick | 673 |
Players | 35 / 36 |
Open Spots | 1 / 36 Join |
Start Date | Monday, September 21, 2020 |
4 years ago | |
End Date | Monday, October 19, 2020 |
4 years ago | |
Size | 80x80 |
System Count | 322 |
Planet Count | 2262 |
Setting | Value |
Map Size | |
Starting Family Distribution | |
Max Defense Stations | |
Market | |
Family Aid | |
Anonymous Play | |
Unofficial Alliances | |
Offensive Actions Delay | |
Market Opening Delay (if Market is enabled) | |
Science Funding Delay | |
Starting Resources Multiplier |
Rank | Family | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | #7351: We are in weird places [41,72] | 34,885,388 | 1,167 | 98,777,073 |
2 | #7349: hello [1,65] | 16,407,543 | 602 | 5,275,120 |
3 | #7352: CATastrophic [2,22] | 6,295,876 | 332 | 2,842,957 |
4 | #7350: The Addams Family [43,31] | 1,257,618 | 160 | 1,393,040 |
Rank | Family | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | #7351: We are in weird places [41,72] | 1,167 | 34,885,388 | 98,777,073 |
2 | #7349: hello [1,65] | 602 | 16,407,543 | 5,275,120 |
3 | #7352: CATastrophic [2,22] | 332 | 6,295,876 | 2,842,957 |
4 | #7350: The Addams Family [43,31] | 160 | 1,257,618 | 1,393,040 |
Rank | Family | Population | Networth | Size |
1 | #7351: We are in weird places [41,72] | 98,777,073 | 34,885,388 | 1,167 |
2 | #7349: hello [1,65] | 5,275,120 | 16,407,543 | 602 |
3 | #7352: CATastrophic [2,22] | 2,842,957 | 6,295,876 | 332 |
4 | #7350: The Addams Family [43,31] | 1,393,040 | 1,257,618 | 160 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Networth | Planets | Population |
1 | Mianus_Connecticut | Camaar | 23,202,697 | 3 | 32,640 |
2 | Bear | Camaar | 12,460,212 | 11 | 101,600 |
3 | RainbowCat | Partaxian | 3,789,750 | 92 | 759,637 |
4 | BigBeaverLick_Kentuc | Revalons | 3,615,142 | 133 | 90,250,861 |
5 | Manos_New_Hampshire | The Ancient ones | 2,231,460 | 156 | 1,332,538 |
6 | Turritopsis_Dohrnii | Ironside | 1,842,553 | 247 | 2,165,280 |
7 | Uneedus_Louisiana | Wardancers | 1,495,972 | 160 | 1,425,149 |
8 | NoName_Colorado | Revalons | 1,483,913 | 280 | 1,990,018 |
9 | ZigZag_Oregon | Revalons | 1,161,405 | 154 | 1,345,520 |
10 | DingDong_Texas | Partaxian | 981,837 | 127 | 1,099,200 |
11 | HairballCat | Wardancers | 978,530 | 60 | 523,800 |
12 | TheStag | Quantam | 835,896 | 105 | 892,720 |
13 | TheWolf | Revalons | 679,570 | 107 | 917,400 |
14 | OverCat | Revalons | 534,199 | 44 | 382,200 |
15 | Smackover_Arkansas | Camaar | 489,014 | 89 | 710,907 |
16 | Kingcat | Litter box | 415,094 | 42 | 380,320 |
17 | Peculiar_Missouri | Quantam | 223,948 | 65 | 590,240 |
18 | P4NTH3R | Camaar | 223,161 | 21 | 212,560 |
19 | Uncle_Fester | Raamac | 221,646 | 15 | 134,480 |
20 | Fox | Try Agian | 213,948 | 39 | 352,360 |
21 | Lurch | KrakenRumV420 | 194,335 | 20 | 169,160 |
22 | Cousin_itt | Quantam | 171,140 | 20 | 161,120 |
23 | TightYoungCat | Handjeswassen | 171,132 | 16 | 132,080 |
24 | Gomez | Camaar | 168,048 | 12 | 110,120 |
25 | SaggyOldCat | Shshdksba | 167,537 | 43 | 356,720 |
26 | Wednesday | Revalons | 149,004 | 27 | 238,040 |
27 | Spider | Wardancers | 144,519 | 71 | 623,200 |
28 | Thing | EvenBigger | 122,586 | 23 | 192,560 |
29 | Morticia | Cara Mia | 121,409 | 25 | 230,480 |
30 | RorieCAT | Quantam | 109,481 | 22 | 183,400 |
31 | Pugsley | Partaxian | 108,200 | 17 | 147,080 |
32 | SnowCat | Ax3man | 74,980 | 9 | 86,240 |
33 | Gradmama | Camaar | 55,173 | 4 | 38,560 |
34 | Goblegoble | Partaxian | 7,684 | 1 | 10,000 |
35 | INFINITUM | Quantam | 1,250 | 1 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Planets | Networth | Population |
1 | NoName_Colorado | Revalons | 280 | 1,483,913 | 1,990,018 |
2 | Turritopsis_Dohrnii | Ironside | 247 | 1,842,553 | 2,165,280 |
3 | Uneedus_Louisiana | Wardancers | 160 | 1,495,972 | 1,425,149 |
4 | Manos_New_Hampshire | The Ancient ones | 156 | 2,231,460 | 1,332,538 |
5 | ZigZag_Oregon | Revalons | 154 | 1,161,405 | 1,345,520 |
6 | BigBeaverLick_Kentuc | Revalons | 133 | 3,615,142 | 90,250,861 |
7 | DingDong_Texas | Partaxian | 127 | 981,837 | 1,099,200 |
8 | TheWolf | Revalons | 107 | 679,570 | 917,400 |
9 | TheStag | Quantam | 105 | 835,896 | 892,720 |
10 | RainbowCat | Partaxian | 92 | 3,789,750 | 759,637 |
11 | Smackover_Arkansas | Camaar | 89 | 489,014 | 710,907 |
12 | Spider | Wardancers | 71 | 144,519 | 623,200 |
13 | Peculiar_Missouri | Quantam | 65 | 223,948 | 590,240 |
14 | HairballCat | Wardancers | 60 | 978,530 | 523,800 |
15 | OverCat | Revalons | 44 | 534,199 | 382,200 |
16 | SaggyOldCat | Shshdksba | 43 | 167,537 | 356,720 |
17 | Kingcat | Litter box | 42 | 415,094 | 380,320 |
18 | Fox | Try Agian | 39 | 213,948 | 352,360 |
19 | Wednesday | Revalons | 27 | 149,004 | 238,040 |
20 | Morticia | Cara Mia | 25 | 121,409 | 230,480 |
21 | Thing | EvenBigger | 23 | 122,586 | 192,560 |
22 | RorieCAT | Quantam | 22 | 109,481 | 183,400 |
23 | P4NTH3R | Camaar | 21 | 223,161 | 212,560 |
24 | Lurch | KrakenRumV420 | 20 | 194,335 | 169,160 |
25 | Cousin_itt | Quantam | 20 | 171,140 | 161,120 |
26 | Pugsley | Partaxian | 17 | 108,200 | 147,080 |
27 | TightYoungCat | Handjeswassen | 16 | 171,132 | 132,080 |
28 | Uncle_Fester | Raamac | 15 | 221,646 | 134,480 |
29 | Gomez | Camaar | 12 | 168,048 | 110,120 |
30 | Bear | Camaar | 11 | 12,460,212 | 101,600 |
31 | SnowCat | Ax3man | 9 | 74,980 | 86,240 |
32 | Gradmama | Camaar | 4 | 55,173 | 38,560 |
33 | Mianus_Connecticut | Camaar | 3 | 23,202,697 | 32,640 |
34 | Goblegoble | Partaxian | 1 | 7,684 | 10,000 |
35 | INFINITUM | Quantam | 1 | 1,250 | 10,000 |
Rank | Empire | Race | Population | Networth | Planets |
1 | BigBeaverLick_Kentuc | Revalons | 90,250,861 | 3,615,142 | 133 |
2 | Turritopsis_Dohrnii | Ironside | 2,165,280 | 1,842,553 | 247 |
3 | NoName_Colorado | Revalons | 1,990,018 | 1,483,913 | 280 |
4 | Uneedus_Louisiana | Wardancers | 1,425,149 | 1,495,972 | 160 |
5 | ZigZag_Oregon | Revalons | 1,345,520 | 1,161,405 | 154 |
6 | Manos_New_Hampshire | The Ancient ones | 1,332,538 | 2,231,460 | 156 |
7 | DingDong_Texas | Partaxian | 1,099,200 | 981,837 | 127 |
8 | TheWolf | Revalons | 917,400 | 679,570 | 107 |
9 | TheStag | Quantam | 892,720 | 835,896 | 105 |
10 | RainbowCat | Partaxian | 759,637 | 3,789,750 | 92 |
11 | Smackover_Arkansas | Camaar | 710,907 | 489,014 | 89 |
12 | Spider | Wardancers | 623,200 | 144,519 | 71 |
13 | Peculiar_Missouri | Quantam | 590,240 | 223,948 | 65 |
14 | HairballCat | Wardancers | 523,800 | 978,530 | 60 |
15 | OverCat | Revalons | 382,200 | 534,199 | 44 |
16 | Kingcat | Litter box | 380,320 | 415,094 | 42 |
17 | SaggyOldCat | Shshdksba | 356,720 | 167,537 | 43 |
18 | Fox | Try Agian | 352,360 | 213,948 | 39 |
19 | Wednesday | Revalons | 238,040 | 149,004 | 27 |
20 | Morticia | Cara Mia | 230,480 | 121,409 | 25 |
21 | P4NTH3R | Camaar | 212,560 | 223,161 | 21 |
22 | Thing | EvenBigger | 192,560 | 122,586 | 23 |
23 | RorieCAT | Quantam | 183,400 | 109,481 | 22 |
24 | Lurch | KrakenRumV420 | 169,160 | 194,335 | 20 |
25 | Cousin_itt | Quantam | 161,120 | 171,140 | 20 |
26 | Pugsley | Partaxian | 147,080 | 108,200 | 17 |
27 | Uncle_Fester | Raamac | 134,480 | 221,646 | 15 |
28 | TightYoungCat | Handjeswassen | 132,080 | 171,132 | 16 |
29 | Gomez | Camaar | 110,120 | 168,048 | 12 |
30 | Bear | Camaar | 101,600 | 12,460,212 | 11 |
31 | SnowCat | Ax3man | 86,240 | 74,980 | 9 |
32 | Gradmama | Camaar | 38,560 | 55,173 | 4 |
33 | Mianus_Connecticut | Camaar | 32,640 | 23,202,697 | 3 |
34 | Goblegoble | Partaxian | 10,000 | 7,684 | 1 |
35 | INFINITUM | Quantam | 10,000 | 1,250 | 1 |